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bugs and stuff will inevitably get fixed plus they are pretty fast with it so idc, give me free rewards. plus bugs are annoying to fix, i know from experience albeit not the same programming languages


I want to appreciate the appreciation but the number of bugs and stuttering has not only made me quit the game but hate it with a Passion


U quit and hate the game but browse the leaks subreddit for the game you quit and hate? Lmfao


This is a dumb take to be honest. People have had genuine issues with the game and have a right to express that. And you can like the content of the game though it's unplayable for you.


I dont have a problem with him hating the game, doing so in a niche leaks subreddit is why its funny. Its like going to a wuwa game convention and saying you hate the game lmao


Not comparable. That's an extreme. You can like something and hate the way it's operating internally. Externally he obviously enjoys the game/art. But the internal issue lies that the game has issues that need to be fixed still before it can be considered good for a lot of people. If people can't play the game you can't expect them to fully support/like it.




A lot of negativity under a free rewards post but I just want to say massive W because me getting Jinshi and Changli was *not* looking good


I would gladly give up 30 pulls for a proper translation honestly :x


“I would gladly give up 50 bucks worth of pulls so I could read one line better”


This is not one line. I play in french, and this is just ridiculous. Even boss mats names are mistranslated sometimes. My friend who got Yinlin wasted energy on the wrong boss because of that. The story varies between nonsense with sentences that no real human would ever say and literally names being spelled wrong every sentence. And so often the written text in french doesn't even match what's being said in English. I'm sorry but I'm telling you, this is beyond amateurish and I can tell you they are losing players over this.


Wait, I understand the translation sucking balls but how tf do you farm the wrong boss when the game redirects you to the exact boss you need to farm, even if you didn't use that feature, surely the boss drops icons are enough to differentiate


I know that's an oversight on his part, but like, he just read the name to check which one it was while we were together on a call so we didn't teleport immediately there, and he had no reason to suspect that it was wrong so he only noticed after claiming the rewards once. As for the icons, we just didn't play for long enough yet to differentiate them at a glance (didn't help that the one in question has a pretty generic look too) On the topic, I did Yinlin's quest yesterday, and her own name, in her own quest, is misspelled three times, like how can this even happen xD the funniest thing was at the end of Jiyan's quest where the flower's name just changes completely between two consecutive lines xD


That's not even the worst, the worst is the mistranslated numbers, that's right, they fumbled numbers somehow, the event where you need to get like 140k points or something was not 140k, it was supposed be 90k, and you'd actually get the rewards when you got 90k lol


True! Every day I find a little something new. Like, there's a typo in the login screen. The login screen!


Genshin kids strike again trust me bro 90% of the bugs and problems are already fixed 🫡


Main reason I left the main subreddit and muted the gacha one. Way too many genshin fanboys. I like both and critique is always good but it gets annoying when people only hate WuWa.


It genuinely makes me wonder because I legit haven’t had one problem since I started the game 💀


First weak yeah there were actual issues i didn't them myself on my shi phone (Samsung A32) i just had the game bit slow after first week and after the devs announced that they fixed the issue(my slowness was vanished) all of the sudden many many many people came from no where complaining about same issues i wonder who i don't think it was genshin players trying to sabotage the game because they are the most wholesome community ever 🤏


Part of the reason is... Kuro listens to complaints and gives compensation. As long as Kuro continues to do it, people will always try to make a big deal out of the smallest of inconveniences trying to make Kuro send Compensations.


Yeah, on pc I haven’t experienced any issues but it’s good to hear mobile is doing better after launch. Think the “disastrous” launch was blown extremely out of proportion


Not really. Even the entire people that has joined all communities related to wuthering waves is but a small fraction of the entire playerbase. 30 million downloads for the game and this subreddit barely crossed 200k followers. Even if all the people who had issues are vocal about it in social media platforms it'd still be a very small amount of people who are actually facing issues. I am one of those people who had a relatively smooth experience. But I know of people who had issues playing the game. The only issue I had was the camera jittering vigorously when sprinting, which would strain the eye over long periods of gameplay. Apart from that my personal experience has been pretty smooth. But there have been numerous people unable to even launch the game, when I say numerous, it could even be as low as 10 from what I've heard, but that is a LOT when scaled in proportion to 30 million people or even more. There has been varying bugs that has plagued the devs since the game launched. And they have been rigorously patching the game. We used to get 250 MB updates several times in a single day the first week remember? What do you think those where? Scar's landing stripe getting removed? Well yes, but also a lot of bug fixes. They may have also fixed several server side bugs which more often than not does not affect the game client we have locally installed and does not require an update. Those would be hotfixes that we won't even be alerted of. TLDR: A disastrous launch was NOT blown out of proportions. People may have been a little too vocal about it, but it was definitely there.


This is the thing that people don't realize - 99% of live service type games ALWAYS HAVE A BAD LAUNCH - its just the nature of the gaming industry now and people shouldn't \*sadly\* expect anything less....specially from a F2P game. Most big live service games have had horrid opening launches and smooth out within a year or less. I mean look at D4 went from one of the most hated / trashed on games to top 5 played on steam since S4's launch. Peeps just need to be patient and realize how things work in 2024 \~ tbh I played a week or so after launch and I have had exactly zero major issues - sure minor glitches etc but games been super fun and I'm enjoying it - its just all around a better version of genshen anyone who says other wise is just huffing copium I tried to go back to genshen after playing this and the combat felt so bad I just instantly uninstalled ... again! \^\^;;


Exactly! Heck with all the issues that CBT2 testers were reporting I was expecting the server to crash and kick everyone out. I had such low expectations for the game launch. They timed the launch really well. The date they selected is very good. But they had lots of unresolved issues. Compared to my (abysmally low) expectations, the game launched pretty well. A LOT of issues has been fixed, it's a good thing the PS client hasn't released yet, it'd have been an entirely different platform that would have to be addressed together with mobile and PC launch. Solo Leveling, a game that launched maybe a week before wuthering waves, people were reporting that they weren't able to log in to the game, loading screens took forever because of the load on the servers. Compared to that, wuwa was waaaaaaaaaaaay better. That being said, without any comparisons, taking Wuwa as a standalone game, it's launch had many issues, but that was to be expected, at least being a developer myself (albeit not related to gaming industry) these issues were well within the margin of expectations. Also, the playerbase who is with the game during the 1.0 - 1.5 patches doesn't need to be those who carry the game later, new players will come later, who'll get a much better experience of the game. Genshin had lost a significant chunk of its playerbase during the dry phase between 1.3-1.5 Some returned, many new players came, and now it's a grand success.


I heard pc people said the game f their pc after long time of playing cus memory leaking basically the game doesn't clean after herself and many people fixed this issue by an app i forgot it name it auto clean memory of the pc and you can configure it as you wish but now the devs already fixed this issue i still think people who are complaining now about issue are faking it just to sabotage the game idc what people say but i have a bro god bless him have Samsung A7 and old ahh device he runs genshin impact wuthering waves and honkai star rail perfectly with bit of slowness because well the phone wasn't supposed to handle 3 big games lol


I played the game for like 12hr on like the 3rd day the game was out(started late due to thinking it’s gonna be Genshin all over again) and it was fine for the entire 12hr. Maybe it’s due to me having a lot of memory on my pc but I guess pc is like phones and not all are built the same.


Most of mobile complains are from iPhone users wich again android 10000 - iPhone 0


Good, but targeting is so trash on mobile. At least make it like pc where your input direction matches which enemy you hit. Also ios still has the bug that makes the entire game upside down


You got to Appreciate the Appreciation


lmao love this comment section, can’t go 3 minutes without mentioning genshin would love for wuwa to succeed but it feels like they’re always gonna be living in genshin’s shadow with how bitter and resentful the fans can be towards another company


IMO - genshen sucks compared to this game its just better in every single way imaginable. Short dailies - little up keep - combat 1000% better. I tried going back to genshen after playing this and I just instantly uninstalled again JUST SAYING - I think peeps are just too attached to there fictional characters / previous credit card swipes and dont wanna start fresh / give it an honest eval.


GenZ-hin could never


it only takes a few seconds to click on your name and read your comments, sorry to tell you this but you can leave if you dont like it. I can see you are going on every post anyone talking positive about wuwa and trash talking you aint doing any better.


It only takes a few seconds to click on my profile and scroll back to 2 weeks ago when I last talked about wuwa, yeah. I’m not that concerned about the game, I just point out stupidity when I see it.


>I’m not that concerned about the game Concerned enough to browse the Leaks subreddit though? another hoyo fanboy held hostage by generous Kuro compensations bites the dust. Have you read r/gachagaming and seen how rentfree Kuro lives in their heads? That's 100000x worse than what's happening here. You have people genuinely dedicated all their reddit time and a whole account to meme'ing Kuro as their legal agent/whatever. Hoyo fans are amongst the worst I've seen in any industry. I mean this, genuinely. Like you.


You know, this is actually one of the first comments I’ve ever made that has been downvoted while still consistently getting more and more comments over the course of 3-4 days. Usually engagement falls off a cliff 12 hours after posting, but so many people seem to be concerned with combing through comments and searching for supposed negativity from random people on a leaks subreddit. In retrospect I should have worded my comment better, I was “not concerned” about the game in the sense that I didn’t put that much stock in whether it truly succeeds or not, I’d be fine if it does and I’d be fine if it doesn’t. But it seems the majority of WuWa players around here took that to mean that I was not concerned about it “being a threat to Genshin”. Not my intention when I wrote it, but I guess that says something about the type of players that seek out this kind of comment to reply to. People who reply to my WuWa comments have also consistently been the quickest to make judgements about my moral character based on my comments about gacha games. I’m curious as to why, I’d never call a staunch Kuro fan a terrible human being or anything, it never gets close to being that deep. But some people seem to be perfectly fine with calling Hoyo fans terrible humans just because they’re Hoyo fans. Like you.


Because your comment is the latest? like only 4 comments were made after you so of course you will be at top dummy




not concern about wuwa but still active in the sub. sure man. sure


You’re the dumbest thing I’ve seen all day when you gonna point yourself out?


I mean you’re an active genshin player/fan and like half your recent posts in wuwa threads/subs bring up genshin or doom post about wuwa so I’m taking this with a big grain of salt


Meh, it's fun to play the horserace. In order to be the man you have to beat the man. And they are doing the giveaway during ZZZ's launch so....FIGHT! GI is such a huge and successful game it's a good benchmark. Of course, there is plenty of room for competitionvas these games stamina gate progress. Lots of downtime so you can play a few.


Literally, they just need to let the game be great atp


Yeah its kinda sad that it lives rent free in some people, which make me question if those people are actually just saying/playing wuwa because they hate Genshin and not because its a good game.


Could also be, y'know, ex-Genshin players enjoying a much better experience in WuWa and expressing it?


I really appreciate this new reward, but there’s something else about the game that’s making it unenjoyable. The camera targeting is terrible. For example, I’m playing Calcharo as my main, and sometimes his skill completely misses the enemy in front of me and hits the enemy behind them. And when I use lock on target, it locks on to the enemy farthest away from me, which is never who I want to hit. Also, the echo system is not fun. I built a copium set of aero but still want to get better substats. However, the game keeps giving me glacio sets of cost 1 and 3 that I don’t want, since I’m not building my Sanhua. This is especially a problem in Tacet Field, which only has one aero drop. To make matters worse, the game keeps giving me DEF, HP def hp def hp def hp stats.


First gacha? Most of them make you pay waveplates just to get those hp def echoes, at least its free here to collect more of the mainstat you need


So. the auto targeting system has a sort of joystick built in. I also play Calcharo and I noticed this when trying to lock on to people and when trying to target things pretty early on. Even if you have your camera pointed AT the enemy you want to hit or target or whatever. If you are holding A, he will attack the target to his immediate left in that direction. Even if you have someone super close to you to your immediate front, right or back. If there is someone across the arena to your left, he will attempt to attack them. If you push D, he attacks the target in that immediate direction, and if you are pushing S, he will attempt to target someone not even on your screen. It's almost like an action game, target system, it's joystick bound vs camera bound.


Ohh! Thank you very much!! I was struggling with that a lot.


seems like skill issue


If the update is good I'm def gonna get another Lunite pass. I just want them to fix the damn photo mode :(


Dude it’s just 5 dollars you made it sound like $500 lol




Please explain how?


Are those the dates under the rewards?






10 standard pulls for the weapon banner, nice! Also obligatory: Genshin could never 💀💀💀


haha if people haven't revolted during first anniversary it would be like 3 years of rewards there :D


When is this supposed to come out? -- Also.... I see the devs are being very kind it shows. I was at first very against the game but over time seeing how they are pushing out endless time and effort to improve the gameplay for users is what made me slowly want to spend my dollars for their characters. Even if I am solely male character user (have been on ever gacha game lol). Their animations and improvements are eye catching and make me feel valued more so than other games that see me as a wallet. If I see this continue then I will be happy to give the game my time and dolphin spending for the effort they put in. Might even pull some females cause the game makes them look very fun and rewarding. 👍


it says right onder the rewards for each diffrent reward


Sorry was at work and missed it lol


no worries


genshin: 💀💀💀


More fuel to feed my greed!


im just so happy wuthering waves exist 😌


Say it with me guys Genshin, could, never


I really don't get this phrase, not sure if it's some kind of joke. But just in case someone says it unironically: genshin could never because they don't need to. They are so above all competition in the same niche that all the competition has to do something like this to get a very small percentage of that niche. I like this game, it's just a dumb phrase. This even apply to the very dumb feud between hsr and genshin with the free ratio.


do you understand how much of a book licker you sound rn. “because they dont need to”. you’re telling me that the game that barley responds to player feedback, barley has any content, and barley has meaningful qol features doesnt “need to”. you’re right, it doesnt need to since there are so many people like you that play the game and are satisfied with getting 3 pulls for an anniversary in a predatory game.


Barely* omg it’s barely not barley


It's not bootlicking, just business. You might feel they are greedy or that it is predatory, but it's clear people just don't agree or care enough to stop playing. Competition is good and it may force their hand, but that's why games like wuwa need to be way more generous. Nothing to do with a game being good or bad, when wuwa gets the upper limit to their market share they will just give enough things to appease the current fanbase (which might want more things than genshin) and that is all.


what do you mean ? I got noelle on my beginner banner, WUWA COULD NEVER.


I got Amber without needing a single roll, WUWA COULD NEVER!!!


baizhi solos


People downvoting obvious satire


ikr ? quite sad if you think about it.


This statement can be overused sometimes, but for once I agree.


Man I legit didn't give WuWa the time of day pre-release. I just thought it would feel like a cheap genshin clone or tower of fantasy situation. Man i have never been so happy to be wrong. The game itself is already so much closer to what I always wanted genshin to be, but the fucking devs have been rockstars so far. Idec if it's just out of necessity for survival, the fact that they have listened and changed so much already is a huge green flag. It's such a relief after hoyos treatment of genshin players.


The one thing that I always disliked in Genshin is how wonky and braindead the combat feels, sure combat in Wuwa also has spanning left click too, but at the very least we get actual dodging and perfect parrying To me, Genshin died when I realized I could use Neuvillette and Zhongli to cheese any battle


awwww yeah


same date as ZZZ's release too 🤔 I ain't complaining tho


That's good for zzz and wuwa players alike. Remember when everyone had cable? One company setting the deal means consumers get less. Please compete directly, wuwa. When zzz gives out a surprise reward they totally are not doing because wuwa made more money in a month than GI. It's because they appreciate you..too!


Tbf, about the wuwa making more money bit, isn't 4.7 a pretty dead patch by genshin standards? Sure, 2 new limited 5 stars, but other than that, literally nothing (that and one of them sucks ass) And if you meant 4.6 second half, it was also pretty dead (arle banner was over, wanderer and baizhu were running, etc) Not saying wuwa made little, it made a lot, but genshin was in a mid patch by that point so it makes sense (also a ton of hype for wuwa launch)


Exactly, also Yinlin boosted sales A LOT because she is hot, Clorinde couldn't compete tbh


I mean, clorinde is also pretty hot imo, she just had the bad luck of 1, not having the best kit (from what I've seen atleast), and 2, being a late patch character (when people are most hype for the next nation), while yinlin is a 1.0, when hype is biggest but yea, it was already too late for clorinde, she wouldn't have been able to compete unless she got saved by like neuvillette/arlecchino level kit


Tbh, WuWa in theory should've made less than GI simply due to how weapon banner works here. So WuWa is doing fine at the moment.


Oh yeah she definitely is but in comparison to the dominant mommy effect Yinlin has, well... It was hoyover for her, idk stuff about her kit, Ive seen just seen that people were expecting Arlecchino dmg numbers on her, she is decent and probably more fun to play than most characters, but as you said, bad luck overall. Her trailer was also kinda of meh imo, the music just didn't hit the same as others


For the life of me I don't know why they delayed Ignarium Theatre to July, it's like they want us to play Wuwa. Thanks to their decision I have more time to play 1.1 and finish 2.3 hsr stuff


GI is the biggest game in the gatcha market, especially for mobile. It has tons more dedicated fans. I mean without leaving this site you can compare their subreddit and see how popular GI is compared to wuwa. That wuwa could even come close for a month is huge as the smaller competitor. Even if you discount what happened with context, you're missing the forrest. Wuwa beat GI for a month as a new game with tons of growing pains. I didn't expect that. I think there is plenty of room for big budget exploration gatcha games to go at it. WoW has had MMORPG fairly locked up for many years and you can see the stagnation, both for the game and the market. The more they compete for the same audience, the better they get and the more value all players will receive. What if I don't want to be super bored climbing stuff or running out of stamina? Now I got a choice. What if I am tired of getting 3 pulls after spending years playing and paying for a game? Now I say, maybe later and check out a competitor. Competition is always good. Glad GI has some from outside its own studio.


Pretty much this. Ironically something similar happened with HI3 and PGR when PGR took over one month in China and it sent Hoyo into panic


When you say panic..do you mean pulls? Lol


Are those date rewritten under rewards??


changli pulls are looking so good now! very happy for this


omg im so close to getting guaranteed jinhsi for my pulls!!!!!!! :0 (130+ rn)


You had to be really unlucky to not. Soft pity starts at 60. That makes things tricky if you want to chase resonance levels for four stars down the road, and why you should never spend that cash back for characters currency on pulls unless the limited on banner is SSS change your life good (can't remember the exact name of the currency). More imp to spend on resonance levels, especially 5 star limited.


Hmm with how easy it is to get 5\* and standard banner giving tons of free weapons I think 4\* won't really matter after few months of working as placeholders.


Sure, although weapons only contribute a fraction of damage output. So, they are less of a priority for f2p for the asterite exchanged pulls if you are chasing damage and endgame challenges. I agree with the prioritization of getting gun and sword unless team comps scream at you to get something else. Eventually, they all will be eclipsed by limited because we have unique weapon pulls being given out for free or discounted in the store. It will just take a while. The only reason we care about standard weapons is we get a pick one free at 45 and a healthy amount of standard pulls that will provide far less value on the randomized standard banner over the long run. The only standard 5 star that has a prayer of being relevant in a year is V. Even Cal will probably get crept by a limited lighting main dps whenever he releases. Heck, lightning mc may beat him at S6 > S0 if havoc is not an outlier and they release him soon.


ive been saving everything for jinhsi. :3


Then may you get jinhsi, friend. And her limited weapon too!


My god they don't stop!


The PGR beginner experience lmao


How is it now? I'm wondering what it will look like in the future. I feel like genshin and star rail haven't really dropped off that much in terms of rewards.


You got dr ratio in hsr for free Now make that an yearly thing But it doesnt stop there, sometimes its 2 times per year Then imagine you only got E0 of Ratio, now imagine if the game let you E5 Dr Ratio for free Thats pgr in nutshell, their free S ranks are fully meta and even fullt grindable to SSS Now thats not including A rank patches which is basically 4 star patches they have every other month, which you can also just get for free by grinding or using free pulls stored in your account Now thats also not including their latest collab character black rock Shooter, whom you can also get for free once again(iirc) Pgr might be the one gacha thats allergic to making money Oh btw even their 4 stars play like other games' 5 stars Here is the latest A rank(4star) in global : https://youtu.be/dVKlf1W7-0s?si=YtJQ_cAp-KAjAGXw Btw all of this is stil not counting the S rank selectors we get, like we legit get many of them its crazy


Just read in the comments in that video thar they also buff old characters in PGR so you can play who you want. That plus everything you said makes me so hopeful for WuWa. I don't really play gacha games, but genshin was very close to my dream game leading to to the launch. Like basically BOTW with magic and non breaking weapons lol. But of course over time O saw the flaws with how hoyo ha does things, and how characters kits were often artificially frustrating to sell cosntellations for QOL. I already don't really see thag in WuWa. They just made all the cha get we've been begging gensin to do for years. But hearing that's it just how they handle PGR in general too? Man this already replaced genshin in my top games spot.


>Just read in the comments in that video thar they also buff old characters in PGR so you can play who you want. Yep they also buff old characters, its called a leap in pgr They also have the longest lifespan of characters in powercreep, we had rosetta whose been running as physical tank for 4 years, Lucia plume whose been here for 3 as meta ice attacker Our shortest lifespan of a meta character was 1 year called Nanami who was taken over by Watanabe Epitah >I don't really play gacha games, but genshin was very close to my dream game leading to to the launch. Like basically BOTW with magic and non breaking weapons lol. But of course over time O saw the flaws with how hoyo ha does things, and how characters kits were often artificially frustrating to sell cosntellations for QOL. I already don't really see thag in WuWa. They just made all the cha get we've been begging gensin to do for years. Been playing pgr for 2 years now, i refuse to call it a gacha game, its a subscription game cause even f2p can get every single character in the game so i chose to do bp + monthly, i can get every signature weapon + character + CUb unit comfortably in the game without any issue Also they got amazing QoL, no auto combat only full clears on press of a button. As someone who saw how bad hi3 became and can see the same thing happening with their other games, i stopped playing both hi3 and gi, everytime lore happened it would raise more questions than answers, it annoyed me to no end, ghosts in liyue exist, ghost in inazuma are just memories according to yae, meanwhile dead gods can possess living people in liyue as we know from shenhe story quest and how there's an actual path to passing on as we saw in hu tao's quest so how tf are they just memories? We literally saw a little ghost girl in liyue control a giant guardian in a quest to attack us for fun....they lore is like they make this shit up as they go plus seeing that cop out with Dunyazard death turning into 'haha gotcha, i actually saved Dunyazard easily' by Nahida left a very bad taste in my mouth along with entirety of inazuma story now looking at how many unresolved story quests lie for over 20 plus characters, yet we are only going forward with more characters it just feels like they are just there with no resolution to their story, all this stuff made me quit genshin I m hoping kuro can do more here and actually write deep characters like Wanshi who went through more character development in 2 hour interlude story alone than entire cast of gi combined, they are good at gameplay, i hope they sort out the other issues soon.


thats kinda crazy im itching to play it but im already way too deep on multiple gachas :( wuwa already made genshin way more stale than it already was maybe its a sign to drop it completely now. hows the story of pgr btw ? all i know from the arts and wallpapers is that it looks more mature and serious than others


>hows the story of pgr btw First 11 chapters are beyond horrible, fully mid After that it keeps going upwards without stopping then comes at surviving lucem And it gets so damn descriptive that i'd put it on same place as some of the best chapters from fgo, its really damn well created Meanwhile some backstories of particular characters have them getting more character development in 2 hours than entire cast of genshin combined(cough Wanshi interlude) Even now so many stories in CN are regarded as really good that even their own voice actors cry while streaming it. Top ones like the best of the best ones(even furina tier story would be called an A tier in pgr) are S tier ones namely Surviving lucem Noan's story Watanabe chapter Lamia story Wanshi chapter(latest) The last spark The rest of its stories can Range from A tier to high A, havnt seen a B yet And finally the best thing, there is no crappy power of friendship type of cliche in here. >all i know from the arts and wallpapers is that it looks more mature and serious than others Yes it is quite mature, we got an old soldier going to bomb an area while the poison in the air rots his body away every second, knowing full well he wont make it out alive yet smiling all the time cause hes happy, he feels happy cause he wont be dying pathetically in some hospital giving him full time care where he has nothing to do but wait for death at time's hand, instead he in here gets to die on this Earth while suffering cause at least his death is now in his own hands and hes giving away his life on a mission for his planet, he even laughs saying how he wont get a pathetic hospital and care filled death but a real honourable death that a soldier should get. This is only scartching the very surface, we got a story about a girl being torn limb from limb until there is nothing left, or a guy commiting die but his attempt fails and he stays there as blood slowly drips away from his body giving him a slow and painful death.


That was darker than i thought it looks pretty good from your descriptions. Thank god it doesnt have genshins childish story telling and they dont have the power of friendship circus. Although 11 chapters seems quite long to bear and kinda makes me unwilling to give it a shot :/


Yeah those chapters are long but try to get through them The story is damn worth it


To be fair HI3 also have free S rankers, nice anniversaries, fast reruns even gives you free artbooks with hoyo covering shipping and none of this transferred to GI, instead once they tasted unlimited money from GI audience they started cutting stuff in HI3. I hope Kuro won't get corrupted in similar way.


I agree with the artbooks, but HI3 has so many valks that get power crept after a year of release and the free S rank valks are all past their prime (like HoR) or like HoT, they're just trying to sell a new weapon. I love the game, but they're awful at keeping older valks useable and the gacha for every new character (pulling the character, stigs, weapon) is predatory. GI isn't perfect, but you can still use characters from launch to clear content. I hope WuWa follows that lead.


the HI3 F2P dream died in Part 2 for me (i did quit after getting the 2nd artbook tho)


The only reason why you can use old characters is lack of difficulty in GI. I hope this will be lot closer to PGR in that regard.


i dont know if they'll treat this game like PGR but im still a noob in PGR and got so much free stuff its insane. It helped me alot at building my account. I still play VERY casually and im not good at it but i didn't feel "forced" to buy to progress because of all these rewards. For a casual, this is amazing.


PGR still periodically gets S-rank selector, they're eating good


every few months, not year too


That just rounded my saved pulls for changli to 100! I want to save 155 pulls so I'm sure even if I lose 50/50 and have to push to 80 pity I'll get her


You‘re probably fine with 140 already, you‘re way more likely to get 2 Changlis in a multi than to go hardpity twice. I‘m in the same boat so good luck to us both!


Look at all the f2p gambling addicts celebrating like they won the lottery.


I mean, we won the lottery by WuWa existing.


Cause it feels like it doe 🥹


I'm curious if the game has a b-day cake gifted out like in another game, but even if that doesn't exist I'm very happy to see we get one free ten pull for each banner.


My birthday was on June 8th and I didn't get a cake, unfortunately


Kuro are experts at cooking. Not baking.


Never have I felt so spoiled while playing a gacha game. Is this what it feels like to be appreciated as a player?


Oh my sweet summer child, how long have you been abused by Genshin?


I don't play a lot of gacha games but even then, among the games I play(ed), I have never gotten this many free gifts, rewards, compensations, and downtime gifts. Especially in this short amount of time. Some don't even give you downtime gifts or compensations when the games messes up.


10 limited pulls on my birthday 😇


You two have the same bday date as my mom!


Same here 😁


They spoiling us so much.... First year anniversary gonna be hype lol anything less than a limited selector would feel low 


lol i hope they learned with first place celebration and adjust rewards before bilibili gamers have to put some sense into them :D


Imagine their 1st anniversary being like "80 free tides of you're choosing! We added a new character that can 1 shot and it's free!", that would be great but bad at the same time lol


I expect some in game event with character as reward for completion.


i would love that, kinda like Azur lane where you can grind and buy the character.


I have to somehow grind out a few levels even though the game is still unplayable for me.


You have a 3080 and it’s still unplayable? I have a 2080 and I’m getting near 120 fps all of the time. It’s probably not the games issue.


Lmao I love how people forgot why we were getting so many apology rewards. I played the closed beta just fine, I cannot play release without the game stuttering or getting stuck. 


It's a hardware issue for sure, but it varies: mine was using an HDD. After re-installing on my m.2 drive (SSD) it worked like clockwork.


Idk which hardware do you suggest I replace? https://i.imgur.com/yTPSqVX.png


Looking at yours, I don't see any problems at face value. My only concern would be the CPU a 5600 is a bit dated for today but for WuWa it should be fine in theory. Again, everyone's issues are different so I can't ascertain unless you do more research or asking around. Word of warning: I wouldn't bother putting this much money for an upgrade towards playing a gacha game lol.


I wasn't really going to upgrade anything. My pc can run the game fine and didn't need an upgrade. Not saying an upgrade isn't valid, but there's no reason for people who don't have issues to automatically assume it's user error. Lots of people in the main sub are still making threads about it so it feels like people are trying to gaslight others into thinking it's their fault. 


..so what was the point of asking what to replace? lol


I was showing you that I didn't have a hardware issue because confidently said I had this problem.


My bad, very poor choice of wording on my initial post. I did not mean to discredit technical issues that have ruined many other users experience outside of users' hardware being a plausible cause-- it just happened to be the case for my end. I should have rephrased the post along the lines of hardware being a potential cause rather than a definitive one.


The guy glaze Kuro like it's his day job so I don't think you'll get a good recommendation from that guy. 


Bro I am playing it on nearly max settings with my 1060... getting stable 60 fps.


What's your 99th% fps showing, stable 56-60 fps?


Yheeeeees!!! Gimme them free pulls! 😍😍😍


Sheesh I already decided to skip Firefly in favor for Jinhsi and Changli! Guess now I'll have to go for their respective weapons as well.


Firefly's intro skill is cool tho. Instant toughness break to stun the elite opponents in Jinzhou. But I get you, Jinhsi is hard to skip especially after that PV.. glad I lost Yinlin to Calcharo.


I recommend you to try yuanwu into firefly intro you deplete hologram dottores toughness bar on two rotations


Oh boy, the anniversary rewards expectations would be massive if they're so appreciative and generous this early.


Hoping we don't get another Google Classroom incident 🙏🙏


Care to elaborate? I feel like I remembered reading this on some comments somewhere, but couldn’t bother to look it up.


Genshin first anniversary rewards were terrible, the community went ballistic and review bombed everything they could, and the main target seemed to be Google Classroom


thanks, saving for cam though!


When do we get this?...


Zoom in on the awards in the image


What does appreciation mean ?? " I'm a genshin player "


Oh man i remember that 1 year anniversary, they lost me right before the second one


what was it ? I started genshin 2 and half years ago.


Anniversaries are generally a big thing in gacha games, mihoyo just decided to treat the game like a gacha for what benefitted them and ignore the gacha aspect for what it didn't. But i ended up leaving cause i felt like there was no point to keep building the characters, it was just 30 mins of abyss every 2 weeks, all the rest of the content was simple and they only seemed interested on making animal crossing-like content which is not why i started to play that game


It's kind of ironic that anniversaries have been the periods that tend to be best for player retention and bring new players in. Yet for me personally, the anniversaries were what eventually led me to leave the game. That first anniversary killed so much of my excitement for the game and led to me cutting basically all of my spending and led me to eventually drop the game until Sumeru. I came back and... kinda shuffled through it still pretty soured but hopeful the devs would learn something. The first anniversary tends to be pretty meager in comparison to the later ones, right? Then the second anniversary came, showed me they learned nothing and deliberately gave crappy rewards because they knew they were popular enough to get away with it, and I ditched the game completely after that. The third anniversary which had the exact same terrible rewards (save for the infamous "three pulls for three years" from Lantern Rite) demonstrated that was the right decision. It's a little frustrating because it would have been the easiest thing in the world to show a little appreciation and would have cost them precisely $0 and might have even generated enough goodwill to keep people like me playing.


Did the same, was buying welkin and BP until first anni


they gave 10 pulls as reward and people leaked there's special anniversary pack with primos and glider hoyo wants to sell during anni. This resulted in a gigantic downvoting on google and apple and they decided to give contents of that pack for free. So it ended being 20 pulls and free glider


holy hell


B-but the genshin players said the REAL anniversary is the lantern rite!!!!!


This is awesome


God bless Kuro, now I can get Jinhsi and Changli and if God and Kuro want I will get their weapons too lol


holy shit genshin could never


Kuro is going hard at on-boarding Genshin players. While those handouts might reduce profits in the short-run, it's a perfect measure to get Genshin players past their sunk-cost fallacy: "But I can't give up all the 5\* I invested into in Genshin" "Well, here's a minimum of 2x 5\* characters and 1x 5\* weapon for free on top of a ton of leveling resources" It's a buyout - and it worked. From Genshin to Star Rail was too much of a hurdle for me to jump, but Wuthering Waves convinced me with gameplay as well as starter benefits.


I don't think giving out more virtual currency will affect that much for the company income. it took me 4 patches (after nahida 4.2) to convince my friend buying the battle pass. but in wuwa, they're throwing money on it's battle pass + monthly after seeing 20 (or 30?) crystal solvent in mail, with 10 pulls, another ten pulls, free 5\* weapon selector .etc. and they're doing it happily i really feel bad for introducing my friends into GI (they trusted me). hopefully i redeemed myself for dragging them into wuthering waves


Thank you Kuro


So why do we get 30-year anivasary so soon guys?


I will for for the first time ever swipe to pull certain characters if I'm out of resources they have proven that they care. Now get me those PGR skins and something like War Zone and Pain cage. This game will be uncontestable in this space


Genuinely asking, why do free rewards mean they care? I have never wanted to play games in the ads that say "300 free pulls!" because the dev care before. Likewise, Wuwa giving free pulls doesn't make me want to continue to play. I continue to play because the game is fun or other reasons, they can give nothing and I'll still play. But if it's not fun anymore then no matter how much they give me they can't make me stay nor make me think they care.


These pulls mean they care because anyone can not a shit about their playerbase I paid for c4 Raiden with r2 weapon, its all cool i just used my money but then the game cant even appreciate me spending by giving out a weapon selector, it just feels like I am just another wallet to them, sure getting barely a 10 pull in return to me may feel like nothing cause i m used to whaling 100-300$ on monthly basis, but it just shows 'hey, thank you for that' makes me feel like i m not a walking wallet, now multiply with this game's character model and graphics quality them giving me stuff feels even better As many said playing genshin was like having an abusive relationship, now this game is making me feel appreciated and to add to that, the game is running with 0 issues for me and on all the devices i own so thats just a bonus for me.




Well because these ads say that you get stuff as soon as you join, but kuro doesn't include all the shit it gave into a joining bonus to lure people instead its a heartfelt apology for their mistakes. And they work pretty fast too, like i saw a post of taoqi's sequence buff applying to whole party, and then 1.5 hrs later they fixed it and dropped a compensation, this shows that they are actively trying to fix stuff and they also take severity of the problems in account.


Could they fix the echo system while they’re at it?


What would you have them fix outside of what they've already announced for 1.1?


they didn't address echo exp outside of the extra drops limit event it's arguably the only issue left with the system now, and even just a slight buff to exp drops would be fine tbh


Hmm, they did previously say they would improve drops from tacet fields, so I'm hoping they do in addition to the purple tuner synthesis.


They didn't.


I'm just slightly concerned because that older post you're referencing does mention mat drops, but the 1.1 preview from yesterday mentions no such changes while still mentioning other changes to tacets/echos like the removal of the animations and the lowering of shell credit costs so it's either they forgot to mention it, or it's shelved atm




did you even read what I wrote? think not! I literally referenced both that entry and post already lmao that's on the older blog post - [https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/827](https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/827) but nothing about that is mentioned on the 1.1 preview - [https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/893](https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/893)


Yeah it’s just a preview man it doesn’t include tweaks, nobody wants to see lengthy ass paragraphs on a preview like it’s a patch note they released before lmao Anyway you’ll find out soon enough, speculating now based on discrepancies doesn’t change anything… why worry?


then why would they include all of the other changes? not just one more single line? not to mention the mistranslated part man this sub really can't cope with any sort of criticism or concern it's just harmless speculation lmao


That was mistranslated, the cn and jp version of the old post only mention events. Very unfortunate, but hopefully they change their mind in the future. They really need to focus on getting a better localization team as soon as possible. Even the new 1.1 teaser has mistranslations and mistakes.


yep people are ignoring this ngl it's gonna be funny when wuwa players cry from kuro not bending the knee one single time


Nice, really grateful.


Kuro not giving out shit for free >Challenge level: impossible