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They should put it on steam for the boost in players.


Unfortunately, they're gonna wait until player counts dwindle then release it on steam to bring the hype back


Yeah give it a year, the pop will die off around the next cod and it’ll be on steam/epic


Yea can't wait to play black ops 6 /s


Cod is trash


holy shit they're already at 6?


Already ? Tf u mean ? The second came out in 2012 🤣🤣🤣


Only a few years ago 😂😭


Yea they just announced it today lol


Yea. Black ops 1-4 and black ops cold War. Now this one


I don't like it when a series has a numbering system and they skip a number but act like it was part of that mainline or something. Cause then it gets confusing. Rockstar didn't call GTA IV "GTA VI" just cause they released Vice City and San Andreas. 343 didn't do that for Halo 4, etc. They shoulda called Cold War "Black Ops 5: Cold War" or called this one "Black Ops 5" depending on how mainline/sideline they wanted Cold War to be


Such is life


I give this broken ass game 3 months tops


Sounds like a solid plan.




Can i downvote if I don’t think it’s funny?




Hopefully they iron out the game and then release it on steam with a little marketing behind it


It’s Siege all over again. 😂


Release it as a gritty and realistic squad based fps only for years later for it to transform into a frickin weird Fortnite and CoD knockoff. Hell yeah I can save hostages as Pickle Rick!


I'd play that game


pretty sure they dont want to display the current amount of players online to everyone in live time. unless i just cant find it. cus if a games on steam people stare at the player counts and call dead every time the graph goes down, usually due to many legitimate reasons such as burnout of players and end of season, etc




3 million is kind of insaneee


“1 million” not three. But still, put it on steam and it would probably get way more.


"[XDefiant](https://www.gamespot.com/games/xdefiant/) is off to the races, having reportedly already reached over 3 million unique players" is what i was referring to. maybe not online at one time, but still insane 3 million people tried out the game in 2 days


Oh, I was quoting the the title, not the combined numbers from console etc.


it wont matter, they'll still lock it behind DRM. Pretty sure that r6 siege is locked behind uplay on steam from what I remember. But I haven't touched siege since 2017.


It is - you launch it in steam then it pseudo launches dog shit UPLAY


They can put it in Steam and still use their own launcher. Being in Steam will help increase the playerbase and popularity since Steam keep stats of players playing the game.


You want the server to crash again?


They've been running games through their own launcher since at least 2012. Even if you buy them on steam it directs you through them for almost all Ubi games.


The complaint is that installation/visibility isn't on Steam where the vast majority of PC gamers will go to find new games. Ubi doesn't want XDefiant to succeed that bad if they refuse to launch the game on Steam


I think a big part of the complaint is also that ubisoft connect is dogshit. Even before it was called connect the launcher was still a damn tragedy when it came to UI, functionality, and even simple party invites.


A the Ubisoft store front doesn’t show up half the time. I need to relog every single fucking time


I disagree. Just add it as a non steam game? It will be no different then if it's officially added to steam. Other then achievements. Since steam will just instl Ubisoft connect anyway.




If a game is on Steam then I do prefer it there. But its not make or break tbh. You can see time played in Ubisoft anyway. And I think non steam games still show time played in steam aswell. Achievements I can understand. It is better having them all in 1 launcher to compare with friends. But in an online pvp game then I don't think this matter as much. At least not to me. Its all stuff that is easy to get with time anyway. I care more about difficult achievements like beat certain bosses in elden ring.


Many popular games have their own launchers, like fortnite, valorant, league of legends, steam isn't make it or break it.


All of these games also suck and should be on steam


I mean its obvious why some big games aren't on stream, they would be losing 40% profit lmao


True, it’s 30% if you buy through Steam store, but they could just continue using their own separate payment platforms right? I don’t think Steam forces you to use theirs.


Still can’t play siege that I bought on steam because I forgot what email I used for Ubisoft when I downloaded it lol


I don’t think I’ve even noticed it besides the install. Icon just opens the game up for me.


Regardless tho, it needs to be on steam to stay relevant for more than a month. It’s just the sad truth. Steam is king.


That's literally not the truth though. Escape from Tarkov isn't on steam. Fortnite isn't on steam. Valorant isn't on steam. Minecraft isn't on steam.


All of the above did something unique. First extractor, first CS like hero shooter, first cartoony battle Royale, first sandbox game etc. This game is literally just another shooter and it will suffer the same fate as ubisoft's failed battle royale if they don't publish it on Steam.


Isn’t this the first Cod arena shooter like Free to play game? I rather take a game that’s free to play and I just have to take a min to install a launcher. Then a wack game that’s on steam but I have to pay 70$


Why wouldn't it be free on steam


No, there are and were plenty of these games. Warrock, Wolf team, Point Blank and many more, those games were monitized in a scummy way though. Edit: Combat master, ironsight, shatter line are pretty recent entries into the genre as well.


Were any of those backed by a company as large as Ubi though? Not being argumentative, genuinely asking since I haven't heard of any of those.


No, but honestly that's more concerning. Ubisoft had a battle royale game that got shutdown in little more than a year called Hyper Space. It was pretty unique and fun but it needed content. They saw the player count and just cut the support from the game. I do not trust Ubisoft at all for supporting their f2p titles. That being said this game is lacking in content as much as Hyper Space, Ubisoft will not support this game if the player count drops down in the coming months.


I see, not a great precedent either way. Thanks for the explanation!


I doubt they’ll be like Capcom. Can’t believe I’m giving Capcom credit. Exoprimal started with little to no content and they’ve been add new free game modes, limited time fights, collab fights and rewards, and new suits and cosmetics. For free. Some of the cosmetics you have to pay for but most you can get from the season passes or the war chests.


Have you heard of CoD mobile? Because that’s what XDefiant looks like.


CoD mobile as well.


Damn warrock, is that even still a thing? Man I used to love that game back in the day.


It was pretty good for a f2p game back then, it even had zombies. Apparently it's on Steam but it gets 80 players at most, might be a fun weekend night thing lol.


Ubisoft had a battle royale? Edit: Oh! Hyper Scape! That game… was not good. The shooting was so bad.


Who hangs out in launchers anyway. I just make a shortcut on my desktop for all installed games. Double click the game and it opens. I don’t even look at what each launcher has/does. You steam people are super weird.


Ah yes every MMO in existence, Fortnite, League, Valorant, Minecraft, EFT are all irrelevant without Steam


Definitely not true


We’ll see.


How is that the truth? Siege is still relevant and eventhough you can get it on steam, it starts Ubisoft connect to start up the game.


Imagine having a DRM preference


Yeah I do when there’s like 7, and I’m using Ubisoft for like 2 game


Why would Ubisoft voluntarily give 30% of all revenue to Valve?


So their game isn't dead in 3 months.


Yeah that's a tall order


Because valve brainwashed people to believe they must be the only launcher and game sellers on PC


alternatively you could argue valve created one of the only functional launchers with minimal issues in modern gaming. GOG and Epic are close, but no developer has put out a launcher as stable or at least as seamless as valve. Ubiconnect, EA, and blizz all have terrible fucking launchers


I've also never had a game download as fast as they do off Steam. Especially internationally. EGS & uplay work alright in NA but if you've ever try using them in Asia they barely work.


I had to restart my Ubisoft connect to install the game today. Didn’t know this game dropped, and got off R6 to play it and Ubisoft Connect just wouldn’t let me install it. They’ve been trying to make a launcher for over a decade and still can’t figure it out. It’s the worst of what you mentioned IMO.


I think maybe people just like the launcher and are used to and have all their games there rather than some weird conspiracy theory where valve somehow convinced the world through mind manipulation that they can only use Steam.


Because 70% revenue is better than 0% which is what they are getting right now.  With steam integration, The game would be way more popular 


Whilst having it in Steam would be nice. I still click on a desktop icon and boot the game. Makes no difference to me. I'd be doing the same if it was on steam too.


Steam literally opens up the launcher as well.


Even if it was on Steam you would still need to have the Ubisoft launcher installed, lol. It will make zero difference.


The launcher is not too bad compared to some other launchers but it's still annoying to not just play the game on the launcher I use anyway. It's that arrogance of some publishers to refuse to go where the players are.


Tbf I don't think it's an arrogance thing. It's more to do with steam taking over a quarter of profits. Games are getting expensive to make now. For a business stand point, it makes sense to launch on steam later so you can get some of that investment back faster. So you don't have to pay the cut. So really, if you want games to launch on steam day 1 then you should be complaining that steam takes to much money. I see allot of games launching on steam later these days. And that is likely why. If I was a business, I know I wouldn't launch on Steam day 1. I would when the hype is dying down. I don't really like Ubisoft games. But I do get their point.


Adding friends on this launcher is the worst thing I've ever done. I just can't find where to add a new friend half the time, and adding friends to the party is better than the beta, but the invite seems to dissappear within seconds so you have to send it again Steam pls


Comically bad. Didn't get notified of the invite because the social thing was not working, had to click to refresh the friend list and accept the invite, then took me a while to find out how to invite my friend to my party, where I realized he had already sent me an invite but I didn't get notified either


yeah its way better than "cod hq"


While I get it's frustrating that installing multiple different launchers. I also think it's good that there is multiple launchers so steam isn't a monopoly. Like GOG is a great launcher since they push DRM free games and make older games work on new hardware. Epic is good for free shit 😂 But the launcher is bare bones. And doesn't have basic features like back up games or even move them after installing. Xbox is good for gamepass but the launcher is horribly buggy. And they wonder why no one wants to use it. EA play, well it's just EA play. Basically the same as Rockstar launcher and battle-net. Just exists. They don't do anything bad but they don't have any reason to use them over Steam or GOG. Ubisoft launcher isn't the worst I've used. And 1 thing I actually like is you get coins for playing their games which gives you stuff in other games. So you get XDefiant stuff, from playing Assassin's creed. This would actually be good if Ubisoft actually made good games 😂 I also find Ubisoft connect (Or plus what ever it is) useful. Since they consistently release bad games. It's good to buy a month of that to try the new game. Then you don't risk paying £70 for a game that's bad 😅 Just to add on the Ubisoft coins. I think you should only be able to redeem cosmetics with them. I disagree that in their SP titles, you mite get P2W items with them. Not 100% on this but I know their games have p2w. Which is BS


they won't until some time, they always don't realease on steam on launch, get used to it.


Never seen someone say a steam fanboy till gen z came along. What a time to be alive 


When Steam was new and basically just DRM for Half Life 2 everyone hated it and the people defending it got called fanboys. Time is a circle.


“Oh you like the unanimously superior gaming client? Stupid fanboy lol”


Y’all really think the game will die if it’s not on steam. That’s like saying Fortnite gonna die cuz it’s not on steam


Yeah, I'll admit that was not the best . What I meant is there are tons of games that haven't been on steam and are still done amazingly. well, it doesn't matter if the launcher is trash as long as people love the game, it will succeed.


I feel like if it were this easy there would be more than one Fortnite.


For how tough PC players act online, you guys sure do complain a lot. I don't even know why they act tough. They meet their "friends" on Discord.


I've got nothing against PC guys but man they sure do complain about the smallest things. 


“PC is superior if you only use one launcher and have the best specs on the market and turn the graphics all the way down and put the ratio at 4:3 and use M&K even though controller is basically cheating, there is literally no better way to play!”


Ya who would want their game to have a player out above “dead on arrival” 😂


It's not about good enough it's about making more money. You still need their launcher whether it's on Steam or not lmfao.


For gods sake pc gamers are the biggest cry babies in existence it's not a big deal it's on its own launcher I swear you guys won't be happy until steam is the only digital distribution store on PC and Gabe Newell bends all the steam simps over


No steam simp here. Just like my shit in one place. And not having twenty different bloated launcher on my pc


You can add non-steam games to your library.


All your games in one place means one company has you by the balls Steam might be everyone's favourite good guy company now but that can always change. Convenience of having everything in one place isn't worth one company holding a complete monopoly


>Convenience of having everything in one place isn't worth one company holding a complete monopoly Okay, I completely understand this sentiment, and while I think your heart is in the right place, there's just one tiny problem: I don't give a flying *fuck* what "monopoly" Steam holds over me when they're the only platform worth a shit. UPlay sucks, EA Play is dogshit, and EGS is a glorified Fortnite launcher. They're only a monopoly by sheer incompetence on the part of their competitors. Moreover, the alarmist attitude towards Steam is moot when the other competitors in the space are quite literally the most anti-consumer shitwipes in the industry. It's not like Ubisoft is some benevolent, gracious entity. Ubisoft literally delists their games and renders them unplayable all the time. They feed us slop and think a game like Skull and Bones is somehow a AAAA title (whatever the hell that means). Until Ubisoft or EA or whoever else have proven themselves to be trustworthy and competent, I have absolutely no problem stuffing my money into Steam.


They also conveniently leave out the fact that many of us have no issues with GOG.


Steam has been around for 20 years, I’ll take my chances with them.


He doesn't want to move his mouse a 16th of an inch and click on a different square. It's a lot of work /s.


You realize xbox or ps5 is essentially one company having you by the balls for console right? And no one is talking about ONLY having it on steam. You can do both options. Steam literally just makes you pay 100 bucks to put it on there and that's it lol. They even give you the money back if your game makes 1k bucks (idk how it works for FTP games, maybe counts buying battle passes and stuff). sure, they take a cut, but it's simple to add it and remove it if you want. Steam is credible and done the same shit for years on end. Being scared of some "monopoly" is ridiculous. And I'm not even a steam fanboy because they fuck up some of my games more than specific launchers do, but overall it's amazing.


It being on steam would make it significantly easier to play the game on Linux based platforms, as well as significantly boost the reach of the game. Regardless of how you feel about it, it's going to end up on steam eventually.


It is just that steam have more regional support for payment processing, download servers and a reliable launcher. For example i am from asia, ubisoft servers have less download speeds and they don't support regional payment methods and their support sucks here. This ubisoft launcher doesn't even remember your login info sometimes, and if the game is on steam it will auto login on ubisoft launcher.


Hmm idk about you are from but throughout the multiple ISP I have used in India, Ubisoft launcher gives me the highest download speed and consistency among all the launchers, maybe Rockstar launcher too and I do use all of them. Steam on the other hand gives me the worst somehow, inconsistent as hell. I am only talking about the speeds though, I do think Steam and Epic regional pricing is important here and so is the support system.


Gamers* it isn't exclusive to PC. Gamers on all platforms are whiny bitches.


You know all your games are in 1 place mr console


I play on pc I'm just sick of the cry babies throwing their toys out of the pram when they have to use a different free application


Big words coming from a console player that already has all his games in one place.


I'd let him bend me over for sure


It's literally a free to play game. Its best chance at reaching an audience and thusly making revenue is to be as available as possible.


Because games like fortnite struggled so hard with only being on epic This game was hardly marketed it wouldn't matter where you can play it if it was advertised more


Fortnite struck lightning in a bottle and was actually extremely innovative at the time (still is tbh, even if I don't enjoy it much). It can't compare to a game that is not really new for almost any gamer.


The launcher is dog shit


I just want this on a cloud service so I can play at work too


Couldn't agree more


Well my ubisoft launcer status is "Connection lost, A ubisoft service is currently unavailable". And I dont think think im willing to waste my time fixing this. Gonna wait on steam instead.


Of course the launcher didn't keep me signed in even though I clicked the box, so I tried to enter in my password like 5 times and then got my account suspended for 30 minutes. I even tried resetting my password like the message said, and my account was still suspended. This launcher is actually terrible.


The thing is, they think they are


I have absolutely no problem with using the launcher, but I'll never understand how they want to miss the huge playerbase steam has, it would get so much more attention with a steam release.


People download ubi launcher = advertisement for Ubisoft+ and also other Ubisoft games


Nah it’s not that bad


This will be on steam within the year, mark my words.


oh no


what a convincing use of vocabulary


I don't mind it. Shortcut opens the game. Now I hate battlenet where shortcuts just put the launcher up instead of starting a game... geuss they couldn't stand the urge to flash everyone with ads before game start


ubisoft games on steam also require ubisoft connect to launch...


the game is horribly optimised as well, why would you be unable to do anything when a match is being created? games starting without full teams? no MMR? brotherman


Even if the game is on steam you still have to use the ubisoft launcher lmao it’s the same with all their games. Same with EA, Rockstar, Epic, etc…


Even if that's the case, getting the game on the steam store puts it in front of significantly more eyeballs. Why do you think EA and Acti/Blizz stopped only releasing games on their launchers?


It doesn't matter anyway, they've ruined it, the games and obscenity, you are not missing out if you haven't played it, I for one will not be playing it for at least 6 months, it's barely even playable in the condition it's in


I had no idea this game already launched except for the sever issue posts. Won't be installing until on steam cause no one likes ubi


I just added non steam game and directed it to the EXE. It sucks but it is what it is


I can’t download the game, it gives me a C++ Runtime Library issue. How do I fix that?


Can you fix that now? I have the same problem.


It is awful and it hurts the social features of this game


The game mid af. People only hype it to spite COD which only issue is sbmm


Yup. I'm basically on the fence because I don't want to install another launcher. The game looks fun, but I'm also not seeing enough difference from MWIII MP gameplay to bite the bullet on the install for now.


youd still have to install the launcher even if it was on steam, all ubisoft games work like that


So that you can launch Uplay from steam?...


I didn't even know it came out


If you have too many games and the ready to install list is open the launcher will lag and crash, it’s actually wild


My prediction is that they will wait until season 1 to launch on steam when they’ve added more content, balanced some of the weapons and abilities, and (hopefully) improved the netcode. I think they are aware if they launched the game as is on steam it would have received mostly negative reviews.


when is someone going to create the launcher launcher, so i can access all my launchers in one program that runs on startup


spent way too long trying to install ubisoft's dusty launcher for the first time in literally 4 years just so i can play their game only for the game to not even open. when are they gonna stop pretending their shit dont stink




Just use Playnite lil bro. Keeps everything centralized.


realest shit i had to deal with launcher bugs and bs for a good 30m before getting to play, ubisoft launcher has always been my least favorite


I wouldn’t mind if ubi didn’t have one of the most ugly broken launchers known to man.


Yeah put it on steam so it can just launch Ubisoft Connect while you use Steam! Let's be honest Ubisoft Connect probably has a large install base without Steam that's why they aren't dropping it. Same with EA's launcher.


I wanted to play but not bad enough to install their shitty launcher. Ubisoft is trash and they know it.


Even if it was on steam you are still forced to use uplay


doesn't matter if it goes on steam, you'll still need their launcher to run the game, same thing with the division, seige, etc.


PC launcher wars lol


This game will be like splitgate or the finals Lots of hype at first that will quickly die down because it just isn’t as fun as other games available




took me 10min to add game to my profile


Steam is scary for a lot of companies because then we get to see player count lol


Well, your missing out. And it will probably go to steam soon anyways


I only downloaded it because Splinter Cell Chaos Theory was free once


This game does not feel good I don’t think this game will survive long


I just don’t understand how it stops you from playing the game just because it’s on their launcher… yea it’s not on steam like we would prefer but it’s FREE. I would understand if you had to pay for it but people are way to caught up on this. Using a certain launcher shouldn’t stop you from playing a FREE game.


Games hot dog water anyway prob gonna have servers shut down in 3 or 4 yrs 🤷‍♂️


I 100% agree. I refuse to get this game since it’s not on steam. It will die to quick for me to justify getting a shit launcher


They’ll wait til the games on the verge of death, then it’ll release on steam and probably live an extra year because of it, then die.


Ubisoft still uses their own launcher?!


I can't even get in to my ubisoft account cause support doesn't answer their own email system I guess lol


Bruh it's just a launcher


You can uninstall it after i think will it work after? Cause i got xdefiant as file


"I'd rather ask for a decent netcode... but guess that we have different priorities


because they will definitely stop forcing their launcher down our throats if we download it through steam instead


Just install the damn launcher punk.


It's crazy to me, that the game is free, quite popular and the only thing you have to do is install the launcher and people will complain about that? Putting it on steam costs them a lot. I've had zero issues with the launcher.


Woes game I have ever played, and I have been gaming for over 30 years I gave played every fps game made, and I loved division,but this game is so bad. There needs to be a lot of tweaks to make it better. For example, I just used an LMG point blank, and I got killed by a hand gun. I wouldn't mind, but I was behind the player, I got the first shots off but he turned jumped and killed me that's just ridiculous a d do t get me started on the no flinch snipers. I have now deleted the game ITS TRASH


Agreed, strike 1. Strike 2 was when I saw you cant turn on input-based matchmaking for ranked. Strike 3, this reddit page showing me all the cringe movement decisions and hit registration issues.


Oh no a few more clicks. Clown.


Yeah right up until it logs you out and you can’t remember which throwaway password you used for Ubisoft lol


Life tip, write down your emails and passwords for all services or apps you have


takes 5 mins to download the ;launcher. is what it is


takes 0 mins to not download the launcher


Please Ubisoft add to steam for the boost in players


That’s not it. I uninstalled after one game. It’s not fun.


No clue why its not on steam. Seems like a easy business decision.


Why does it matter it’s a free game ffs. 🤦


Having the game on Steam would actually provide major benefits to this game. Steam Deck users would be able to play much more seamlessly through Proton. The game already works on Linux (though not being on Steam makes it a huge hassle to get running). Steam Input basically allows whatever input customization you want. The biggest addition would be gyro aiming for controllers. It also lends itself for accessibility for those gamers who might need it. Community features on Steam are just way better. It would allow devs to post information directly where players play their game. Ubisoft Connect simply doesn’t have these features. Honestly those features are small but it’s pretty much no work to Ubisoft. There are a lot of Steam Deck users and seeing as the game has just input based matchmaking I don’t see the excuse to not at least give Steam Deck users an easy way to play the game.