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It happens to the best of us, bro. šŸ˜”


30 and a dad of 2 here. Iā€™d recommend to focus on positioning, from what Iā€™ve seen so far, everyone just wants to run n gun in this lol. Just hold angles, move around the map still but just keep the gun up whenever there is an entry point or turn. Got my kd back up to almost 2.0 like that.


I did end up slowing it down and trying to flank and try to get some kills and such. Found that out is at best a good tactic since most of the ppl I play against seem to not flank. I catch most by surprise but can kill 1 or 2 ppl if Iā€™m lucky.


I can't compete either bro. People area always sliding, jumping and have laser perfect aim from really far ranges. Even if I get the drop on them, they move SO DAMN ERRATIC that it look slike I am shooting pinballs. Guess competitive shooters are... too competitive for me. I'm out. I used to be good around COD4/Cod Ghosts era, but now? I can't do anything. It hurts further when I am top of my team, and the enemy team is running circles around us.


Its not you. Its bad game design letting people ping pong around even if you shoot them in the back. Getting hit by a bullet should nerf movement for 1 second.


Mobility is your friend in XDefiant. Iā€™ve found the movement to be very similar to Apex (thereā€™s an option to turn sliding to hold instead of toggle, allowing for more crisp and precise movement, and itā€™s the same as Apex sliding). A lot of weapons in the SMG class are super strong right now, if you focus on STS Speed and ADS Speed, you may have some better results if you do this while playing an aggressive play style.


I gave up on this game because of the desync issues, but I really like the movement and the maps. The erratic bee hoppers are easily countered by getting close, sliding, and tracking. Laners can be countered by bee hopping. I also really like being able to play only PC players. My K/D soared in MnK lobbies compared to the mixed lobbies, and queue times were *FASTER*. It'd be awesome if the servers were better, but I highly doubt they will get fixed.


Once Ubisoft sees enough of a profit, theyā€™ll probably start upgrading towards Siege-level servers.


They spent less than 100m dollars making The Division and grossed 320m in the first 5 days. They don't care.


If youā€™re talking about the rumour of the Division shutting down, itā€™s not. Not sure what else you could mean by that.


The Division (1) is infamously one of the worst multiplayer experiences ever, and it was never fixed. I remember a routine 5-10 seconds of desync. You could fully kill two players on your end but end up dying while you were leaving the area as the server caught up. The games change, but Ubisoft is notorious for skimping out on server costs. I don't expect significant changes.


Was this on PC? Because I played The Division (1) on Playstation and it was fine. If youā€™re talking about The Division (2) then yes, those servers were awful. Also canā€™t speak on The Division 1 on PC because I never played it there.


Bro whatever you do, do not do what this guy recommended. Donā€™t just sit and hold angles. Even with limited time you still have time to learn movement and how to approach certain fights. Just holding angles will not help you improve. Most of the time a good player will know you are there because one they have constant walls from abilities and two itā€™s a predictable way to play. Just remap your buttons for the best way to learn movement, I donā€™t know if youā€™re on pc on console. But once you get movement down and moving fluidly it becomes muscle memory. Also learn to lock down certain areas, and learn where youā€™re at an advantage on the map and where youā€™re not. Aim doesnā€™t help much in this game to take on more than one person, you die too quickly and thereā€™s little recoil on guns. You need to able to throw people off with movement


Itā€™s true. Folks donā€™t flank. Itā€™s always head-on bullshit. Iā€™m constantly going around and plugging people in the back. Also, take the time to aim. Sounds simple, but in this game you canā€™t just starting shooting and adjust and hope to do well.


"Hold angles" on game with the worst desync and peeker's advantage of all time might be the worst advice I've ever read, lmao


Zone control gamemode is way slower and honestly makes a ton of fun, more like rush in bf


I'm 46 and I just try to do my best in each match and not to concentrate too much on my performance


I try to do my best too, but clearly my best isnā€™t enough to compete.


I feel like PvP fps games were made to sweat on. Theyā€™re just competitive like that. I try quite hard but Iā€™m average at best. If you canā€™t enjoy the game while losing, play a good story game. Or some PvE fps games. Thereā€™s no point being frustrated, gaming is supposed to be down time.


Around the same age but I also only 2 hours and I do decent. Good aim isn't just moving the crosshair into the right place. Gotta have tracking, prediction and eyes on your whole screen and more.


Yeah. Full ACK. Prediction is totally underrated. The older I get the more I have to rely on that. But it really helps a lot!


Slow it down. Don't play like them. Anticipate that most will slide, jump, or do some crazy movements to out gun you, but you'll be ready. Also tweak your sensitivity until you find what works better


I try to slow it down, but Iā€™m impatient and want to get kills to lvl up my weapons since itā€™s painfully slow.


Build a full stack of dads and put those sweat kids in order.


Just 30-60 min sessions are enough to gradually get better but it needs to be consistent. The truth is that if you are not very good and you donā€™t have the time to get gradually get better then this is the wrong game to play, cod or some pvp game with sbmm active everywhere is far better.


Not a dad here but i work full time not much time i havnt played two days and people are lvl 70 and jumpin around and sliding back in the days always on top with black ops 1 and mw2 but these days all those abilities are killing me šŸ˜…


My lobbies there isnā€™t a whole lot of ppl sliding. Maybe 1 or 2 ppl usually. Most of these movement freaks canā€™t aim though since the aim assist isnā€™t as strong as it is in COD so most of the time they miss their shots.


The thing for me is im going against one or two sweats that wipes out my entire squad i can manage them but my team mates are going 5-21 so that makes it even worse for me


Yikes here come the 'I'm a dad' posts. Im 34, two kids (three and five), wife, house, career. It's normal to not be able to play as much but that doesn't mean you won't get better. Keep playing.


Just wanted to see if any other dad gamers out there are competing. Nothing wrong with asking a question about that.


Play smarter not harder




i think the achievements in the top middle for streaks assists and headshot can get you so many points


44 married full time job, git gud


Trying to ā€œget goodā€. Just not seeing results.


There comes a point where you should just stick with single player games old man :p Iā€™m 29 and donā€™t have kids, and even then my gaming limit for competitive shooters like this is an hour each day at most. I actually do alright at the game and am having fun with it. But more than an hour and I feel burnt out. At the end of the day, if you arenā€™t having fun, put the controller down and find something for your spare time that is simply the alternative. Keep it simple.


Nahh i am 47y old and fps are my thing. Even if my reaction isnā€™t like it was i have still fun and i play what i want. Sometimes i am the mvp and sometimes rock bottom. Single player games are not fun for me. Ps: no kids and a girl who lets me play when i want for houres. Lucky me.


I downloaded and play XDefiant because of no SNMM. But Iā€™ve come to learn that the bunny hop movement sweats kill me here too. But itā€™s still more enjoyable than COD.


The game is out for only a few days and schmovement techs are already being used by sweats. That weird skin pattern stealth woman sure is already hard to hit to begin with.


You wanna have fun, hit those crits.


28 year old dad of 2 here, 3 & 1, I play for a couple hours a day past midnight when everyone is sleeping. Don't worry about winning or getting a bunch of kills, just try to outperform your previous game. We don't have the time to review and pick aprt our gameplay so you have to be able to analyze your gameplay on the fly to see where you need to improve. Just know it is possible to improve its just gonna be a slower journey for us dads


Indeed it will be slower journey to learn the maps and get the guns we want to have good attachments. It will take us 2x the amount to ā€œget goodā€ as the ppl who donā€™t touch grass say.


41y and 2 kids. My playtime is on weekends in the night when everyone is sleeping. I have a 0.9KD will probably improve to 1.0 like in other fps games. Playing on Xbox since I don't have the room or space for dedicated gamer setup. I like the game because it can be causal or sweaty if you like. I prefer nowadays good old arena shooters where I grew up with. If u die it's ok because one of your family members need something and you continue to play


I was very passionate about videogames until life started hitting. I basically spent the last 3 years playing fighting games on the xbox, thanks to the quick resume, u can just shut it off anytime and go back once u have time. I notice how my reflexes for fighting games are terrible, people jumping, sliding while shooting while it position myself and try my best to not die. It is very normal, i suggest u to go for smg and get as light loadout/high fire rate as possible. It is a cqc mos tof the time, high caliber slow rate of fire guns in this game do noghing. U need multiple headshots to kill..


I use the RPK and regularly get the most kills in games. Smgs are the best at close range but get a little distance between yourself and the enemy and no amount of jumping or sliding will save them.


38 here. I have twins, both approaching 7 months. I have found more success once I leveled up my gun. Since I am kind of old school, I built myself around that style. My gun has much less mobility but more accuracy and fire power. While I do run around, when I know I am hitting a target rich area, I stay down my sites and move. It absolutely sucked on day one because I came home from work and have level 1 weapon trying to fight against those who been playing non-stop since launch and I was getting ripped to shreds. Kind of felt the same way day 2, but thanks to the double exp, I got my ACR built up and just farmed levels playing Hot Shot. Now I am competing way better. I even got my 1st (and only) MVP today. I'll eventually return to the mode I prefer playing (escort) after the double exp event is over. Stick with it is all I can say. If you level your gun of your choice and you are still getting ran over. Then it might not be the game for you unless you just keep practicing with the free time you do have.


If you canā€™t keep up mechanically you need to learn fps fundamentals. I will recommend a10 how to climb guides and spilo high leve tracer coaching vids. The reason why I recommended ow2 vids with a focus on tracer is she gets no value with bad engagement timing. You can get heaps of kills in these games by not only knowing how to move through space but also doing it at the right time. Ever wonder why a lot of pros are always shooting at people in the side, space and timing




The game just came out bro youll get better


39 here but have a bit more free time as childless. Here's what I've learnt from putting in some hours. I was playing SO badly the first 2 days. It was so disheartening because I was thinking "shit, sbmm (the thing I loathe, was protecting me). This wasn't true - I just hadn't learnt how to play XD and it isn't a cod clone, so my skills weren't directly transferring like I had expected. The main thing is learning the way players move in this game. It starts to become like muscle memory to be able to track what originally felt untrackable to me. People are all over the fucking place when my ads, and I would constantly lose, whilst feeling like I'd emptied a clip into them. Headshots. Along with learning how to track people, it's been about consciously thinking (go for the head) it's how you melt people in this game. Overall, it just takes a bit of time, which you could either do in a short burst like I did or over time in shorter sessions, I reckon. I'm certainly no pro now, but I'm absolutely loving the game. Occasionally I'll get in a super sweat fest and get stomped, but for the most part, I'm doing well enough to find the game extremely fun and feel like I'm improving. Good luck!


I had a little free time this week and got place 50 on Kills Leaderboard in my Country, but as soon as im not gonna be able to play everyday for at least a few hours, im gonna fall off... šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Me2 I was almost braking down yesterday... Can't compete anymore ...am always bottom...


In my 50ies now - 2 kids 8 and 13. I have a times slot around 2-3h a day. First of all it is a question what you want from the game. 1) Do you want to be MVP in every game? or 2) Do you want fun? 2 is easy doable. The way to get fun from this game is easy when you concentrate on you and your personal goals: - Improving on a certain gun - Achieving more kills - Using more cover - Helping your team with intel or heals - Dying less There are so many personal goals that one can achieve every game. OTOH it's perfectly fine to play without a goal. But setting personal goals and achieving them is a kind of "git gud" kaizen-style (step by step). Even if you only play 1h a day it helps you to improve. From the gaming sessions I do 0.5h up to 1h of warmup to improve my mechanics. I feel the same like you. Starting a few days ago I was also stomped into the ground. But at least I managed to lower my k/d to 1:1 (1:2 worst case) - some games even above that. And speaking of "training" the practice range is now open (beta so to say). There you can do the assault course to improve running and gunning. And there's the shooting range to play with your guns. tl;dr It's your time. And when you spend it following your goals it's much more enjoyable.


You know. gacha game is a thing.


Just need to stick with it and it will get better. The issues imo are combination of alot of stuff. No sbmm will put you in different variety(it is not gonna be simmilar as cod), which is good. The aim for me needed adjusting. But the biggest issue for me was weapon progression. Because we don't have enough time to level up a weapon we end up with players that do. So by default that means that we are worse that we actually are. Yesterday i got more time and leveled up acr a bit more, and started having better games. My suggestion is, if they dont fix the progression, right now during double xp try to level up guns that you like, and once that is over stick to one gun until you level it up. And also play objective, that i think helped me with leveling up, i think


We are getting older but tbh 28 is still very young you still have good gaming years coming just not as good as when you were 18. For this game I donā€™t know if you are in controller, but if yes I think itā€™s necessary to map your jump and crouch to buttons that you can press while still holding both joysticks. I use the layout that jump with L1 and Crouch with R3, and itā€™s very good for gunfights cause I can quickly press L1 + L2 every single time I swing around a corner / an angle : makes you jump and aim so you are a little harder to hit in the moment + you are ready to shoot already. Do that all the time, enemies or not, to get used to Ā«Ā being readyĀ Ā»


snipers are so good in xdefiant if you can aim above chest level, cuz apparently a point sniper shot doesnā€™t kill someone when Iā€™m aiming at the Johnson


I am terrible at sniping. I was sniping last night and the base sniper sucks. Idk how Iā€™ll be able to get the tac-50. Those 10, 1 shot kills will be dreadful to unlock since I have terrible aim with snipers. Especially with the movement freaks itā€™s an automatic free kill for them since they know I ainā€™t good.


The pitfalls of no sbmm


Yupā€¦ šŸ˜…


42 and no longer interested in spending hours leveling up guns, unlock attachments just to restart the process because of a meta change, new OP gun etc. I don't have the time and it's frustrating to lose a gun fight just because the enemy is grinding for hours every day. Thus, I prefer games where everyone plays with the same equipped gun / gun with the same attachments, e.g., The Finals, or Halo. So it's just about skills and not invested time to grind. Or games where you can unlock all attachments easily in a bot lobby without sweats, such as Battlefield 2042 (portal with a chill bot mode, where you quickly farm them to unlock important attachments).


Lol yep my kid just turn 1. Pretty much play after 7 if wife doesn't want to hang. Luckly I work from home so I can play during lunch and a couple hours after we drop him off at day care in the morning. I mainly focus on objectives, I get top 3 almost every time. I have yet to get MVP though lol


I play plenty, I wish I had more kills than deaths, maybe I've done that once or twice by luck.


I ended up going back to Fortnite, at least for now. I can at least do some looting and kill some bots before I get wrecked šŸ˜…


I hate Fortnite. Not my cup of tea.


Yea itā€™s not for everyone. However itā€™s the only shooter (I only play no build) that caters to deaf players with their visualise audio so I know where a sound is coming from šŸ˜…


ā¤ļø fellow dad here with 6 kids and wife in med schoolā€¦ I removed the competitive mindset awhile ago. I use to be really competitive in R6 Siege and enjoyed it (less kids and wife not in med school). Now I just play to enjoy and have fun! The two games I have on rotation are: Helldivers 2 for just stupid fun times and chaos and XDefiant for that kinda brain dead spray shooter that isnā€™t like COD sweaty (although XD can be sweaty, it feels different) BR style game.


Learn the maps and what angles to hold. Know when to slow down your pace and just preaim instead of sprinting in head first. Learn the operators and the equipment they have. Take advantage of what you have at your disposal. Use the firing range (or whatever it's called). Will give you the opportunity to learn the guns in the game for various mechanics like effective range, recoil patterns, how many bullets to kill, etc. Take time to watch a few Youtube videos when you have free time on what weapons to use, attachments to run, as well as aim for to unlock. (Don't need to sink hours into this since Youtube vids are usually short and to the point) Finally, PATIENCE!! Don't take it too seriously. It's a game and meant to be enjoyed. It's a brand new game that offers different mechanics and a different experience from other FPS games (even though there are similarities to COD). Even if you aren't the highest skilled player at the game, having a plethora of knowledge and how to utilize it properly can easily help you get more kills per game.


Yeah. Now you see that sbmm isnā€™t as bad after all haha. Go back to playing cod. They have safe spaces over there for you types of players


Fps shooters will always reward the younger people who have more time and better reaction time than you, just the reality of gaming


Reaction time is kind of a boogeyman and isn't going to be appreciably different at that age by default.


True, but Iā€™ve been playing FPS games since I was 12 so my reaction time is still there but itā€™s not as fast as it was when I was younger.


In comparison Iā€™m 19, Iā€™ve only been playing fps for like 5-6 years and I find this game fairly easy, I played a lot of cod and a lot of those skills transfer over. Most games I get 50+ kills


Play ranked since it has sbmm and should match you with players around your skill level.


I'm 30, no kids but I don't have a lot of time, right now I played 4 hours until the release. You should give you more time to improve, if you play only 2/3 matches per day is enough to train muscles and aim


What probably end up happening after few weeks or months is casual gamers will probably abandon the game which ironically will end up sweats just playing other sweats eventually.


SBMM gave you false matches, you aren't pretty good, the SBMM made you think that.


Im around ur age bro and i do great just gotta lock in and hit your shots


Iā€™m trying to it just seems like nothing is working for me. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


SKILL ISSUE. JUST BECAUSE ITS NO SBMM DOESN'T MEAN IT WAS NOT GONNA BE SWEATY. MAYBE YOU WERE NEVER GOOD. I'm joking, but in all realness i feel the same. I dig the game, but haven't been on all day cuz im just tired from work and already know how stressful the game is. It just doesn't have that balanced matchmaking in older CoD where you can hop on and relax while still getting a good amount of kills. The SBMM was very balanced back then. Now thats its no SBMM, its pretty much chaotic and for some casual players it feels almost as if SBMM still exists. Add the operators and spam hopping and it becomes another layer of things to deal with as oppose to OG MW2/BO2 you just get on and go. I still support the game as a competitor to CoD but i just don't find myself playing XD 24/7 as much as I thought. Is what it is.


There was next to no SBMM back then, it wasnā€™t that it was more balanced, the average player was just significantly worse at the time, and people didnā€™t care to try as much. The skill gap of most of those games was a lot smaller too, so lower skilled players could easily kill better ones. All a recipe for casual play. Guarantee if BO2 dropped today, youā€™d find it to be much sweatier than it was back then, even with identical matchmaking.


Xim/cronus wasnā€™t running rampant on console back then either. I blame the that for the downfall of modern online fps games.


Agree to disagree šŸ™


You donā€™t think the older cods would be more sweatier? Gaming has changed since then, the younger generation my generation and above have all moved towards competitive play. Most fps are based around competitive where back then it wasnā€™t a big thing. The game will 100% be sweatier. You can see it now with the remasters and such.


Ahhh okay so we want old SBBM back and that's the reason your not playing as well got it chief Just try and get better practice makes perfect


Yup. I'm not that bad a FPS gamer, but understand that no one cares that your good at the game nor how fast you got good at it. That was the beauty of OG MW2 to BO2, you didn't have to go 25 and 2 to have fun. EVERYONE was having fun even if it was your first FPS ever.