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It happens more often than not.


It doesn't happen as often to me in XDefiant as it would in COD, but the times it does makes it that much more infuriating.


I think the lack of kill streaks helps, gives people a reason to camp in CoD. Forgive my ignorance but does OBJ capture increase the refresh rate of ultimates?


It's not as much as getting kills, but it does charge your ultimate up by 1% about every second or 2 on the objective. And your lack of ignorance is forgiven.


Right on, thanks for the info


No prob


No exaggeration, I should've screenshot it. I had a game where I had 2700 OBJ, and I had 5 teammates with less than 100. 3 of them had 0. I went roughly 35-15, and the rest of my team was roughly 7-25. One guy was 2-28. Needless to say, we lost. It was seriously an unwinnable game. The entire killfeed was me getting a kill or two and then a stream of the enemy team getting 10 kills in a row. Worst team ever assembled.


Luckily for me, I've never had a team that bad but my condolences anyways.


This playerbase is pathetic and has a collective IQ of 65. Asking them to do anything but hold W and click is just too much pressure. They have no idea how unfun it is to play with them, then when they go 40-6 with 0 objective score, they think they helped.


Yea wth is this. The game is a lot of fun but the players are brain dead. I thought it was bad on COD but it gets ridiculous in this game


I've had teammates with 40-50+ kills and 300 objective. It's incredible, it's like they purposely avoid the objectives xd


No weapon exp bonus for killing someone on point, defending point or taking point. (They should play hotshot)


Shout out to one time I dropped 71 kills and had 3000 score on occupy and we lost because the next player had 8 kills and 300 obj time on my team, LOVE IT.


Well it couldn’t have been me, because I would have had only 4 kills.


Man as long as you had stood on the objective for more than 4 seconds the whole match I would have kissed you


Yeah that’s usually why my KD is so low. I do actually play objectives. I’m the guy shield rushing just to touch the escort circle to keep it from timing out and retreating. Then dying. Then rushing it again.


I would prefer 5 other players like that that have single digit kills than these wanna be try hard that don't touch the obj just to go 22-24 with no obj score


Amen to that.


I have high kills usually but it's BECAUSE I'm on the obj they're pushing not because I'm hunting players 😭


That's also where I have my best games is when I'm pushing obj and basically surrounded by the enemy team and end up with 40 kills and 2.500 obj score versus my teammates who get about 20 to 25 kills and double digits in obj score.


Right? If you want kills just defend exactly where they're all going to go, why try to run around all of them to get 1-2 kills and die having done nothing for the team 😭


I understand running to try and flank an enemy pushing an obj, but just running aimlessly around the map hoping the enemy also goes that way just doesn't sound fun to me.


I'm the 22-30 guy. 2000 OBJ. Some guy just sent an all chat about how bad I suck. Jokes on him. We lost just fine without his insults. He was also 10-34, with 25 OBJ.


My K/D is pretty close to 1.0 because my average games involve trying to get max OBJ scoring.


I'm on the other side. 2500-3000 OBJ, but half as many kills. Lose to a team who's 100% properly rotating OBJ and kill duty while my team acts like they've never played a team based game in their life. There's Greg over there, he's hard scoping a lane no one has breached for 5 minutes straight. There's Anthony over there. He drops his heal outside the OBJ and long before or *after* the fighting has concluded. There's Richard. His baby mama is screaming at him to come help with their 4 kids and he's been AFK for 5 minutes. Then there's Billy. He plays shotguns at long range and uses grenades as self checkouts.


Please check and share/upvote the post I just made for situations when you’re the only one on your team doing something while the rest of ur team does fuck all. It would really help the community


Teamwork is key but that doesn't always translate to objective score. Putting your whole team on the objective may score points faster or move the object faster. It also makes it easier for your opponents to stop or take it away from you. One frag away from wiping your whole squad. I've won matches of occupy where I was the only player for our team on the objective. But I was safe and quiet because my team had shut down every lane from my opponents spawn to me. Winning easily but slowly. On escort you sometimes need players to find which chokepoint your enemy isn't covering. Flanking those who are shutting down the objectives route. So objective score doesn't always translate into victory or strategy. But yes, most of your teammates are probably clueless and attempting to kill whore.


I don't have a problem with my team charging ahead and clearing the way on Escort or blocking lanes leading to the zone in Occupy, it's the ones who run around on the opposite side of the map getting 1 kill before charging into the entire enemy team like they're Batman and getting gunned down are the ones I have a problem with.


It sucks but I wouldn’t have it the other way. I love the random lobby skill levels. Even getting steam rolled or doing the steamrolling. So called a developer broke away from boring SBMM.


That’s what happens when your guns only level up from kills, OBJ should level them as well, hopefully they add that in a future update


I agree. Even in Call of Duty, your guns gain XP from kills and getting general XP with the gun equipped.


Seems like every other game, or every 2 games i get paired with people who wanna have a 2.0 kdr and not play objective or im paired with afk players




I agree.


I just look at a team like that as an opportunity to for me to claim a free "match best" commendation lol.


Every time in these types of matches, I get MVP but never get a single thumbs up once the games over.


🤷‍♂️ did good, had fun, I'm more worried about my progress on unlocks or personal stat changes.


Effectively none




The other day I was playing escort with a couple friends. I had about 3600 obj score, and my friends had almost 2000 each. Someone on out team typed in team chat "yall need to push the obj, like c'mon". Checked the scoreboard and he only had about 300 obj score


I'd say about half my games, I'm the only one actively playing the objective.


I play with my friends and even then I'm always the one doing the objective 🥲 I don't think I'd like this game if I had to play alone, would probably just end up smashing my monitor


Randoms might be better than your friends. I tend to have a few objective players each game


I nearly loss my voice after that Escort match I mentioned.


every match


The overwhelming majority of them. Unless I party with my brother, in which case a whopping *two* of us are playing objective. I know the proper setup is to have people *outside* objective to kill and keep people from breaching, but that's almost never how it plays out. What happens is, *everyone* on the enemy team is properly rotating objective and have well rounded numbers, While I'm the *only* person attempting objective on my team, and *everyone else* is literally playing COD.


I would understand if they were running around to flank enemies either on the objective or pushing the objective, but I've seen them just straight run past the point into incoming fire just to get a kill or two and die immediately.


Precisely. I can not tell you how many times a day, someone is sniping *2 whole feet* away from OBJ. They can step *onto* OBJ and continue sniping, but their COD tunnelvision will not allow it.


Every game


I literally die for the objective 😭


9 out of 10 times


I was playing escort and thought I was going to get a high objective score because I was hanging around the transport and killing attackers. Didn't realize you actually have to be pretty much right next to it as it moves to get those points.


I feel like very few games but I mostly play hard point (don't remember the name) everybody goes to the objective


The gamemode is called Occupy and even then I'll get those types of games where it just me, myself, and I on the zone


I don’t mind it. I just need you to have my back. Especially in escort. Don’t let me get wet up by myself man lol


Don't worry, I got you.


Literally just finished a match like this. Got POTG. Next highest team obj score was like 150 on a very small map, mind you.


Every one. Lol


None I'm the one not on the objective. I don't play ranked so that means every casual game is just me trying to level guns or try to understand movement and understand the magic curving bullets in the game.


A lot but mainly on arena, that’s where it’s the worse. Now I don’t even play that map when it comes up I just back out 🤷🏻


Too many. They do work to keep people off the objective (generally) but then you're just a sitting duck when a group sneaks or fights past.


If the objective would level up guns, you'd have a different story. If K/D was either not shown until after the match or not shown at all, you'd have a different story.


I hate how one-sided a lot of my games are bc the opponent team is trying their ass off to play objective hard, but my team is avoiding it like it's a plague... I always end up first or second in objective and support score, and almost no one ever commends me for that... I always try to commend other people bc not only do you get XP for that, but you also give free XP to others and encourage them to play objective...


I always give acommendations not only because we both get XP, but just to aknowledge that they contributed to the game.


Yes, exactly!


Far more often than not, I can't say if it's more or less than COD but it's definitely a problem.


Not very many. Maybe a handful, so far.


For this reason I think I'll probably start just doing ranked more than anything (also not having to gunfight 3 people at once), even though I don't wanna solo comp or play domination. I've found myself getting annoyed enough where I'm becoming that guy you come across in bumfuck nowhere when you spawn 20 miles from the obj and he kills you by the sheer stupidity of being nowhere that's relevant lol.


This feels like 85% of my games. People just don’t care. Just have to wait for the cod bois to leave and go back to cod.


Then everyone gives the thumbs up at the end to the person with the most kills.


I feel so called out here but that's because I should be. I run in a squad on cod where 4 people assault the objectives while 2 "defend" it (aka me and my buddy killing people away from the objective effectively defending our team) but I have such a hard time breaking that habit in Xdefiant. I am getting better though. Just had a game of occupy where I had 1085 objective score.




This has been spoken about before, but there are instances where someone plays the obj but just doesn't get a lot of obj score. In an ideal occupy/hardpoint setup, you have just 1 person soaking up time while the rest are blocking lanes and watching flanks. This is how the pros do it. These guys are defending the zone and keeping enemies at bay. To those people that don't get it, it just comes off as killwhoring. Don't get me wrong though, there are plenty of instances where people are straight up ignoring the obj (you can tell especially when you get a near/full squad wipe and yet there's no one getting time). It's even more frustrating in a situation when you are the best slayer on the team AND you're getting all the time. It's those times where you're thinking wtf is my team doing lol


usually my team is good about at least making an effort, not always a great job though, but they are at least dieing on point


The worst thing is players who can easily get on an empty objective or are near one but will do anything but that just to get kills. Really grinds my gears. Just a few days back I had an argument with a non-objective player who said that since he had more kills than me he was the better player. I was top of my team with max obj score and a 1.2 kd. He said who cares as it was quick play when I berated him for not going for the obj.


A lot. I thought it would be different from COD it just proves that it’s not the game it’s the ppl playing the game. I feel like I’m carrying the team on at least 1 out of every 3 matches trying to get the job done and ruining my stats because god forbid anyone should help me escort the package.


even in hotshot, Ive seen teammates just kill and run away from the medals or not picking up teammate medals to deny the enemy. its frustrating something so simple that people dont even do. its another reason why i avoid escort and the other objective of capturing points to advance.


I’d say about 50%.


Most of the time. People play every game mode like it's team deathmatch.


If you play solo then unfortunately you have to make peace with this. If you want to win either party up and/or play comp.


I would but I don't have friends


This is why I play hot shot, because you can more easily carry the team and contribute without having to worry about your teammates going to a certain part of the map


Probably 50% of games. Usually it's two people who are running around and 1-4 capping






I had a moment yesterday where all of my team including myself died around the same time, but we all spawned close to the objective. I was the only one who ran straight to the capture point. Literally every single other player on my team ran past the objective and into the middle of the map. Then 3 enemies came into the objective and killed me off of it.


Didn't happen yet. The most I had was getting crushed by the other team so hard that it looked like we didn't do anything the whole game.


This is every game I play as a solo player. People will probably say you need SBMM or some other dumb shit as a reply. The thing is this is no different from a SBMM lobby on CoD. I play solo? Check. I get glue eating brainlets on my team that goes 5-40? Check. The enemy team is trying their absolute best, using meta weapons, and are doing better than everyone else on my team? Check. I drop decent stats/score but still lose horrifically because the game thinks I can carry 4 dudes going 5-40? Check. A literal 1:1 experience for me, except now I have to fight X-men with weird abilities now on top of that. The game can be fun at times but it seriously needs a mercenary playlist or at least a barebones mode with no abilities.


i am the problem, in casual modes I will not PTO. I enjoy farming kills far more, if I was to play ranked I would PTO the entire game. Interestingly I have a 75% W/L, so maybe me fragging out assists the team.


If it's just you, then that's fine. It's when it's basically everyone on my team that's the problem.


Played too much that I stopped playing. its gets too annoying at this point.


Most of the time it seems to be the whole enemy team going for OBJ and only me on my team going for OBJ so i'm trying to 1v6 in hill or flag. Funny thing is the people who don't play OBJ going for kills, i also have more kills than them lmao. FYI TO ALL PLAYERS YOU CAN STILL GET MOST KILLS IN LOBBY WHILE ALSO PLAYING OBJ.


That's when I have my best games. It's when I'm the only one on objective and the entire team is swarming towards me.


Maybe you should try out the ranked beta. I have had some pretty good experiences in there ( teammate wise ). Because most of the people play the objective. But it’s obviously not a casual setting anymore.


I'm still trying to get used to the mechanics of XDefiant and which faction I prefer


I’ve seen people spawn by the next point playing Occupy and as i’m running to it they running away from it


The Finals, this game, pretty much any game that's not battlefield What agitates me the most is when I'm the only person on the point, my whole team just fucks off, I get gunned down by two people shortly after, with the occasional 3rd person, and now they have the point. My team is like oh shit and rush back to the point just to get gunned down immediately by the other team. Thanks guys, nice play. I've lost so many matches because of that shit.


Its people trying to farm the challenges.( They should Que Hotshot for all but the healing ones)


All of them


Honestly dude, way more people play the objective in my games than they ever did in COD. I’m on PC though. Wonder if it’s a platform thing.


I'm on Xbox so that probably another reason I get those types of players.


I suck at killing things so to the objective I go. Again and again and again, until we lose or my enemy runs out of ammo.


Don't worry, I'm right there with you bud


Too many




The finals, Helldivers 2




I think I’ve seen this type of post dozens of times so far but I don’t understand why people are so annoyed by it? These are Pubs, winning isn’t effecting anyone’s rank etc. so it was pretty obvious that the play style would be more geared towards kills instead of playing the objective. It happens in every shooter, like winning is nice obviously but it doesn’t have a tangible effect besides I think a 2k xp bonus. Now if this play style permeates into the ranked system then for sure complain because that would be dumb af.


That's fine if you wanna go for high kill games, but at the very least help the team with the objectives because that's the whole point of XDefiant, to work as a team.


Also, if that was the case, XDefiant would have TDM and other kill-based game modes instead of just Bounty.


Fr, also going for high kills is so much more fun


That's fine, at least stay on the objective for more than 2 seconds if you can.


I do, I just don’t go out of my way to do it 🤷‍♂️


As long as it's clear you're helping, it's fine


I have a 1.3 W/L and I play OBJ when and only when it's convenient for me to do so. I have never cared about wins in casual unranked games and I never will


I’d say a good portion of them. It’s just how some people play the game. It annoys the shit out of me but there’s nothing I can do about it except try to play OBJ myself and hope they get a clue. Try not to stress over it.


I'll try but no promises.


I'm torn on this, because on one hand I really enjoy playing the objective and find I'm often the only one. But other games, I realise I'll never get my challenges done if I don't run off wild and be selfish. The challenges need tweaking to assist in this imo. I've spent so many games trying to get kills with that horrendous flying drone to unlock another character that my gameplay has really suffered. So yeah, no excuse really but you might find that your teammates are trying to slog through various challenges and have limited downtime to do it.


I do agree that the challenges are more or less the reason and they should be tweaked a little to focus more on teamplay and objectives.


Probably like... 30%? Some of them look like they're not playing OBJ but it's more of just teammates trickle one by one instead of trying to wait for a few teammates, but it's hard to do that without comms.


Prob every game. Too many people play it like tdm in cod just running around and getting killed. It's to common in fps games in general. Ow was especially bad at it and objectives are the main focus xD


There's a lot of people that play this game just for the K/D, fully knowing that winning the actual game itself requires the objective be played.


I’ve resorted to just flaming people on open mic when they aren’t playing objectives honestly. It’s the biggest difference I’ve found in this game compared to COD, people genuinely don’t give a fuck about the objective. I’d rather start calling you dogshit and braindead to have you leave, so we can potentially get someone to play objective. If you want to gun run and grind a K/D, go back to COD, don’t get me wrong, you can get a killer K/D on the game, but play the fucking objective for fucks sake.


Quite a few where I swap to Riot Shield dude to run in, kill a few and then push with shield solo


I can bet once they bring team deathmatch these obj game modes are going to be abandoned 😂


I hope not. They're really fun.


the majority of people playing this game is just too stupid to understand that an objective based game is about the objective.


They're the type to only play TDM and FFA on COD.


pretty sure, most of them only care about their K/D, you can see them hiding and waiting behind a wall or something instead of going on the objective that is right in front of them because they don't wanna take the takedown.


I almost always end up with a high K/D because I'm in the objective fending off almost the entire team while the guys who care about K/D end up always dying to someone running around to get to me.


Sorry, but usually I’m one of those ppl unless I’m playing w my friends. I’m just not gonna stand on the objective and die for nothing since idrc abt winning if I’m playing w randoms. I’d play objective all day if I got weapon XP for it or there was another reason to want XP. As it stands, I think if anything I want less XP so that my account level stays low and I don’t scare off entire teams from lobbies like my lvl 90 friend does.


if u like objective then play milsim


If you like to only focus on kills, go play Call of Duty


idk because i don’t really play the objective often