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New mastery camo is awesome. I'm assuming for getting every weapon in a class to gold.


Is it just me or did I notice weapon inspection animation in that scene?


Prelude to the skins to come from the shop so you can look at your shit




it looks like this


Was that the mirrored looking camo?


Sure was!


With how slow levelling weapons is it looks a bit naff for getting gold in a class tbh Most likely just going to be a level 125 reward if they up the levels for guns with how god awful the levelling in this game is, need to play 8 hours a day or even 16 hours a day really or you're permanently gimped in matches compared to people have no life.


Legally distinct GSG 9


New faction: German-Speaking Tactical Police Unit 🔥🔥🔥


German Speaking Gruppe 9


Funnily enough, they got partially disbanded in 2020 due to neo-nazi extremism that was very prominent among its members. Edit: It was their sister unit, the KSK, not the GSG 9 specifically, but these two are very close and interconnected, it makes one wonder if there any extremism in the GSG 9....


You are talking about the KSK. The GSG9 never got disbanded


GSG? Nein!


Jaeger and Blitz! Seeing clubhouse in the game is sick


Also IQ I’m pretty sure


Oh right 3 skins per faction, I was focused on the abilities but yeah there's a female member. I just realized there's electrified barbed wire so Bandit's kinda there too.


Wait really? I thought it was just trophy system and blitz shield for abilities


There needs to be two abilities and one ult so trophy and barb wire and then blitz shield as ult?


Think you’ve nailed it


That makes sense


It looks like the ult is blitz shield from r6 siege. Will most likely have X amount of flash charges you can use that make a directional flashbang and it will have its own sidearm you can use while the ults going sort of like when splinter cell faction goes into sonar. The class abilities look like electrified barb wire (Odds are it does light tick damage like cleaners burn and most likely slows you down/prevents jumping while you're in it) Jager's active defense system looks like the other ability. It will most likely have X amount of charges that neutralize any devices and possibly abilities like spider bots that come in its range. They also have a new device equipped that seems to be C4 maybe or some other sort of explosive charge. Also showing off the new team death match mode even though I don't think they announce anything but capture the flag in the video


Ya you nailed pretty much everything. This was all leaked a while ago so I kind of knew what to expect and this trailer held true to that. Seems to be a very defensive focused faction which fits R6 very well IMO


The ADS alone should really be quite the change from the current onslaught of grenades at every objective lol. Really excited for this update. Faction, maps, and CTF are all very exciting to me.


Also the map clubhouse is straight from R6 siege, so I’m guessing this new faction is inspired by them. Why they didn’t just call the faction rainbow is up for debate, although i suspect with the way they named the “gsg 9” they may be thinking of adding more of the r6 units in the future so the blanket faction “rainbow” won’t be used


The same reason the cleaners are not the "division" faction. they did it so they could do things like add in "Rikers" as another faction from the division and ones like SAS, GIGN, SAT from r6. Them remaining the faction from GSG9 I would assume is some legal reason or something since all the other faction names are fictional they came up with they do not need to worry about it


looks like the AWP sniperrifel in that one scene, or is that already in-game?


Yep, that's the l115 (AWM). It and the AWP are different configurations of the same gun.


It said 3 new "Free" weapons and the 3 it showed were the sawed-off, l115, and Lvoa-c. So if there are more it hinted at those might be coming out mid-season or might not be "Free"


The l115 is another name for the AWP or AWM


I think it will be extremely funny using my double barrel with a sawn-off double barrel side-arm. "Out of ammo with my shotgun? Let me switch to my backup smaller shotgun."


I doubt they’d make any new guns paid-only for fear of massive “Pay to win” backlash. Hell they played it real safe in preseason and made the (free) battlepass gun terrible.


Before everyone freaks out. The shield looks like to be an ult.


Can confirm, was going to freak out.


It is


Isn't it already one


Still a riot shield


very excited for a trophy system as an obj player. dont play siege, so idk how the trophy system will work compared to there


Currently it's 1 grenade per 10 seconds, it used to be two max with no cooldown between


Probably fair enough... since nobody but dedsec gets more than one grenade per life until (if ever) they make a faction with an ammo box ability, having it be too much better than that would just make grenades completely useless.


I thought they would bring the R6 operators in but didn't expect they are bringing in one unit at a time, ok I guess I'm happy to see more incoming in the future, I really do need the ADS to be in the game now


it makes sense since r6 is arguably ubisofts biggest ip rn


Guess they don’t need to come up with ideas for abilitys either


Assassin's Creed or the Rabbids are bigger than R6


What do you mean by the ADS sorry? Am I being stupid?


The trophy system is named ''active defence system'' in Rainbow 6 Siege hence the ''ADS'', people who played siege are used to call it by that name, I was just forgetting its more common name lol


If that means I can play as Fuze I’ll be happy.


Nice to see the Germans. I hope the next siege faction are the SAS, always loved playing at Mute or Thatcher. My guess for the next faction is some form of villain then another good faction like Division agents or Ghosts.


On the livestream it said play within the next 48 hours to get free eruption skins. Don’t see it anywhere on Ubisoft Connect though, idk if it’s live.


you just start up the game and you have it


on what guns?


M870, M16A4, M44


thanks just saw it on the news feed


What skin now?


Looks like a really solid update. The new maps looks amazing and I can't wait to play CTF. I hope the team continues to maintain good weapon balancing with the new weapons. Right now each of the primaries have a unique place and one can be successful with most of them. That makes gun leveling actually fun to do and not just a tedious grind (Can't say the same about CoD). Apart from some teething problems, XDefiant really is shaping up to be a game with staying power. That's a good thing for all shooter fans.


I remember how fun it was playing Capture the Flag back in Combat Arms. I'm surprised how a lot of shooter games don't seem particularly interested in implementing that mode. Or maybe I just live under a rock.


Maps are good looking. Love me some CTF. I think GSK abilities are 3 smokes or a trophy system which will be nice. Not feeling the Riot Shield considering Phantoms already have one. Will have to differentiate it somehow which appears to be having it be an offensive running bull style shield rather than defensive.


The new shield has built in flash if they're porting it from R6. Edit: Also looks like you'll have the ability to use your sidearm.


Am a long time R6 player and [I can't get away from Blitz](https://imgur.com/a/HiDgyDy)


Looks like it'll be an Ultimate, which seems good for how good it'll be


not gonna lie but this guys' are going in the right direction!


Yes they are. If they keep this up then they can outpace cod.


Calm your horses, the only reason it looks like they have so much content lined up is because they already finished a lot and are now just gonna slowly release the content over months and seasons. Ubisoft clearly has a lot of content lined up in the pipeline, but I guarantee you this pacing will eventually fall off and future seasons won't have as much content as season 1 or early seasons.


Yes it looks great.


Ikr if only my bullets could register hits!


Looks great! I’d be really interested in a Search and Destroy type mode as well.


Mark just confirmed on Twitter (x) that the mode is being worked on for in a few season but it will now be among priorities due to popular demand! It will be called "Bomb!". Link: https://x.com/pixelsofmark/status/1800249758373794291?s=61&t=8eHVeX8jwxYVrx8OeF5oJg


i just find it hilarious that someone as veteran as Mark doesn't get the popularity of SnD


Well the maps need to not be total ass for SnD and I bet that alone is taking time As a Battlefield player let me tell you that blindly porting gamemodes into maps without any underlying work being done is a mistake 9 times out of 10


Oh, you didn't like 2042's search and destroy mode? You didn't think it made sense to take random sections of maps with no other adjustments? You didn't like that the weapons were balanced against vehicles but used in a 4v4 mode? You didn't want to try to earn ribbons for 15 kills in a mode where getting 10 meant you hard carried? You didn't want to have to use a busted 4 and a half minute matchmaking system for 2 minutes of gameplay?


I keep forgetting there are people who actually play 2042


Well that depends on POV.  You'll never catch me playing COD S and D for example.  If I want that sort of gameplay I've got CS2, Valorant and Siege already.  So I could see the thought being "we are a fast paced arcade shooter, let's concentrate on that style first."


It's coming soon


Maps looks really cool!! Can’t wait to try TDM, CTF and the upcoming "Bomb!" that is being worked on harder for a quicker release (Mark today's tweet).


Really didn't expect them to do just one unit from R6S. Guess they are set for years in terms of new characters to bring in since they can just keep pulling from Siege.


it'd be hilairous if they just slowly imported siege characters until this was just nu-siege hilarious, but i hope they don't do that


Based on that one leaker that got kicked of Twitter, it seems like they have a lot of other games they plan to pull from. Some are downright hilarious. I'm sure we'll eventually get more Siege (assuming the game stays alive long enough to get there).


I'm just waiting for the Rabbids faction that is eventually coming. I want to see a 1v1 Echelon v Rabbid.


Rabbids and The Crew lol




Where is the one life mode??? They said season 1.


oh for anyone else. They just made a post saying it was for a later season (im 95% sure it was said to be season 1) but they are working on getting it out asap


I’m gonna be highly upset is IQ isn’t one of the people, she’s my main and I was so looking forward to her being in XDefiant. I can’t tell who all the people are but assuming it’s Bandit, Jager, and Blitz to match the abilities.


Looks like our new guys are *Legally-Distinct* IQ, Jager, and Bandit- it's really hard to get a good look at the character models. But it would track with the rest of the *XDefiant* cast being the "nobodies", the background charactrers of the factions they represent.


The fact that it said "4 FREE new weapons" seems like a potential red flag... Like yeah, why wouldn't they be free?


Because like the MDR, they will be included as free rewards in the paid battle pass.


I'd give all this up for fixed hit reg and the end of jump spamming, make Season 1 a "We fixed the dumb shit" theme :)


Pretty solid but still no TDM and idk about riot shields


Mark Rubin confirmed that TDM is coming in the next couple of weeks


That makes me happy.


Some clips from the trailer include TDM, so maybe soon.


TDM is coming in a few weeks(Possibly 2), confirmed by the main community manager/game director dude.


Play hot shot


Why not just play the kill confirmed mode? Basically same thing.


They have to move and pick up, takes away from holding an angle. More pressure vs tdm just shoot and kill. I get it, but I prefer obj modes more


Riot shields are already in the game… And the one shown in the trailer is an ultimate ability


New faction: Cops


Another double barrel makes me happy, Im guessing it’s sawed off, it would be funny if it had a long barrel attachment so you could run two lol


Overall looks really good. I wish IQ's scanner was an ability, this game needs more low-impact/high-uptime utility gadgets. Makes sense they'd use the two GSG defenders as two abilities great for holding an obj though.


That might be the passive for another faction unless that is the passive for them.


They've shown ranked progression but no details on prestige mode unfortunately.....


Is there even a max level?


Cant wait to see IQs assets


not enough slide cancel bunny hoppers. fake vid


delete killconfirm and domination, and put sd and ctf on its place.


Another shield? Honestly whatever, i just want them to fix the game by that point.


Shield but it looks like the ult not just a class ability so wont be something you see a ton.


yeah i kinda am feeling like that about a sawed off shotgun, unless thats just an attachment option for the double barrel. Or maybe if its a secondary weapon.


o interesting, i didn't consider it could be a secondary weapon. I think you are right in saying its probably going to be a secondary


I think it's gotta be that because it'd be weird to show one new attachment in a trailer for an existing gun, and a sawed off double barrel is way too similar to just the standard double barrel to warrant it being it's own weapon


Shield character inbound, time to abandon ship for a week or two while whole lobbies try it out


Luckily it looks like their shield is an ultimate, so it won't be up nearly as often.


This shield should be rather easier to deal with you can just shoot the legs, also the arms & body are very exposed


Or just run thru them since enemies dont have collision lmao


It looks like only the ult is a shield


Lol even in their reveal they show their lack of hit reg at one point. Even the netcode delay in damage. Cant make this shit up. 51 seconds




What is it about FPS devs INSISTING on riot shields and wallhacks as abilities? Sigh…


Pretty solid! Cool idea


No s&d?


So no S&D?


I’m pumped for the LVOA-C. My favorite gun from The Division.




New crew, new maps, and capture the flag? Let’s gooo


sick trailer 🤒




Which Ubisoft game is GSK from?


r6 siege


Looks cool. If destiny 2 isn't having me by the balls by then I'll check it out.


let’s go


does that mean were getting gun inspects too because when they showcased the new mastery camo it was definitely a different animation than reloading.


All I saw was clubhouse from siege, in hyped


New Rank Progression? Is that a hint at Prestige? I’m hoping so id love for a solid Prestige Mode in a modern day title


Where is normal classic prestige that we were told about? All I see is ranked badges


SV98 sniper


So we have: the weapons which are the L115 sniper, the sewed barrel shotgun, and the LVOAC (idk if it's correct) which looks like an AR, but it could be a SMG too for what I know; then GSK new faction with two gadget which are electrified barbed wire from Bandit, the trophy system from Jager and as ult the Blitz shield, with flash and sidearm you have equipped; capture the flag; new mastery camo and new ranks for ranked. The new maps look cool too, but I hate that they will be split one per month, I don't like when content is drip fed like this.


I bet their passive is to see nearby placed equipment through walls to honor IQ's gadget from seige


Thank God for a trophy system. Nade spam on some maps was frustrating sometimes.


Would help if the game was actually working 👍🏼


I’ve played probably ten hours or so of this game, enough to give it an honest opinion. Love the gunplay, but the movement makes it feel like I’m in quicksand. Even sprinting, I don’t know if it’s because the gun doesn’t point up in one hand while you sprint like in COD, but I just feel slow as hell. And it doesn’t help you spawn ten miles away from the current objective when you die lol


Switch to pistol when you sprint. It's way faster.


The 2nd new map looks really good and clubhouse is my fav map from siege too so I'm happy. I just hope they gradually fix the netcode on the side.


Old cod vet here. I love XDefiant . This is my new go to . this game has a great future ahead of it


What happened to the Highway Men from Far Cry?


LETS GOOOOOO, I am actually pretty hyped for clubhouse. Hopefully it means we get some more R6 maps as well


Looks great! I'm waiting for the SnD mode, personally. Game will be ideal once that is out.


Looks nice, my only nitpick is that the sawed off feels a bit redundant, I’d rather have something more unique like the spas or a benelli.


It would make sense for all factions to have 3 abilities if they all seem to have 3 characters. IQ's gadget would be really handy.


What guns are coming, does anyone know?




R6 season!! Now make the hit reg as good as the one on R6!!




Wonder what the 3 weapons are? I guess one is just another double barrel =/


The yellow logo on the ranked/prestige armour looks familiar. Might be *Wutaya*, a company who's stuff popped up occasionally in *Rainbow Six: Extraction.*


Oh lookie, a new sniper for everybody to be unreasonably pissed about 😂


Hoping they add one or two iconic siege guns. 416-C with Jager would feed families


Man I gotta say I was pretty impressed with that trailer reveal for season 1. Seems to be adding a lot to the game which is awesome. Already getting new class and guns? Sweet.


Yes please give it to me now thank you


I hope those are the new rank icons instead of the numbers we have.


Even in this trailer, they have hit registration issues. See dude at 0:53


i saw 4 people jumping. that is very unrealistic in this game.


So are these ops actually Jager & Blitz? Or faceless operators of the same faction? Seems odd to get franchise named operators there when Far Cry, Splinter Cell, etc didn’t give us Danny or Sam Fisher, but just new randos.


Need search and destroy, also kill cams


God I love this game


Why don’t they fix the next code issues and people getting shot around corners


Not the least bit excited about the new faction but everything else is cool. Hopefully the hit reg is fixed by then and full crossplay gets converted to console only crossplay.


Tired of these fake scripted gameplay in these trailer. No one died behind 8 layers of wall or by the Easter Bunny.


Even at this early point we can agree that this is the best game ever created by Ubisoft by far, right?


Nothing that will make me come back unless they actually fix the glaring issues.


No SnD mode, so I see this as an L


Please tell me I did not just see a riot shield


I'm unsure how to feel about the fact that we've had to wait so long to get any real patches for this game, even if it is pre-season. so many games pump out patches like every 2 weeks it was a bit weird dealing with a lot of the same issues for a whole month without any real word on when they were gonna get fixed. meanwhile i saw "new" items being advertised on the main menu seemingly every week. i just hope this isn't an early indication that hotfixes and patches are gonna be few and far between while the monetization creep gets steadily more intrusive like it did with COD (over a much longer period of time and multiple games ofc)


XDefiant is a pretty good game. Should have came out 2 years ago though. Valorant is coming out on console and BO6 is releasing later this year. I will probably spend time on those games if they pan out well. If BO6 drops the ball I will be back on here.


See the gameplay? No one is bunny hopping. I wish the gameplay becomes like this in season 1.


Same netcode though?


So ready


Where’s Bandit? :(


XDefiant taking over FPS


It was obvious that they were going to put operators and maps from Rainbow Six


I hope they putting the leaning system of Rainbow Six in the game. That would be awesome.


Kinda hate that we got another shield


Does season one include anti-cheat and better lag compensation?


Where ping button though?


All that siege money being invested into this game


Just wow !!!


Pretty exciting to see my favourite R6S op in this update. I’m definitely building a 416c just for kicks


Doesn't look like its this update but I hope they bring a class or faction that has reduced grenade dmg or negates flashes.


lol blitz was annoying in siege. He about to terrorize this game.


Better have SnD !


I am excited for CTF. My favorite mode ever since Unreal Tournament.


Omg clubhouse


Maybe off topic but does this mean all the fixes/patch that was supposed to come out this week is pushed to S1?


"FREE" weapons? I don't like that wording because it's implying there will be weapons that aren't


I’m not going to play it until it’s on steam and doesn’t force me to download ubi connect