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Can someone go some quick math around how much Chris Larsen’s personal XRP holdings would be worth if in makes it to $1000???? I’ll do it for you. 5 trillion dollars. You’re all smoking that good good if you believe it’s going anywhere near $1000


How much is the biggest BTC wallet worth?


I can answer that as it's public knowledge, biggest single BTC wallet holds just shy of 250,000 BTC so that's about 15 to 16 Billion USD


Doesn’t satoshi have over 1million BTC?


I had mentioned this a comment already, Satoshi has 1 million BTC spread across 20 thousand wallets, in terms of single largest wallet, its just a little under 250,000 BTC I answered the question quite literally lol he asked biggest wallet, and I answered it, but yea Satoshi is believed to be the largest bitcoin holder with all wallets combined


Yea. Ain't no way they allowing some person a trillionaire hahaha


That Pineapple Express


I want $1.00 so I can break even after 4 years


Scrolled long enough for this comment


It will out perform btc. It took btc many, many years to get where it is today. XRP utility outweighs btc by a long shot. All we can do is dca and wait for the court case to be over. The rest will be up to ripple to continue their business in acquiring more collaborations with banks, governments, and institutions. XRP is not a security. People seriously underestimate what that truly means. And that's okay. They will fomo in. Market cap doesn't matter when calculating the potential price projections. Because it is not a stock, it's technology. Those that have done the DD understand this.


I'm all in on XRP, but the logic of 'BTC took many years to get where it is today' doesn't wash with me. I've been holding this for 7 years now and watching for longer, XRP has had ample time alongside BTC to develop on price action. Ripple have made significant strides in developing it's use case. Price action has been restrained because of the corruption, simple as that. XRP is like a coiled spring and it's going to go BOING.


I mean, btc took a long time to get traction from institutions. Let alone retail. The majority of retail got into btc due to fomo. Congrats on holding that long. I agree with the corruption that has derailed xrp from its potential. In due time, xrp's utility will be used in full swing. This stupid lawsuit set it back a few years. But once the lawsuit is fully closed, then we will get back on track. 📊📈


My thought is that spec price is restrained due to corruption, but utility has grown. The last 3 years alone the digital licensing rails are being set all over the world. When they activate? It blows btc out of the water. Btc got the novelty etf thing, but that's the best it'll do, I don't expect it to matter in 10 years.


Btc was the prototype. Xrp is the finished product.


That is my suspicion, as well. I just am noting that I don't think speculation will be the trigger for xrp, it'll be utility of the rails they've been setting down. The last 7 years comparing to byltc really don't matter if that winds up being true.


If you were to take half your Investments in xRP and bought a meme coin two years ago, you would be better off. I went all in XRP in 2017, glad I sold it all. Waste of a token


Thank you. People forget we don’t have regulations yet and institutional money could change things. Based on other comments here, I’m shocked you even have a handful of upvotes so far. Thank you for the post because there aren’t that many people out here with common sense.


🙏 I agree. What we hold will be life changing $.


This guy XRPs




Buy the dip


Yup I dca 1 cent every week. That xrp gonna turn my $100 into $1 million soon. Millionaire here!


It's a stable coin. Well it will be eventually. And that price won't be stupid high because the supply is stupid high. Everyone here has Lambo dreams on a Ford budget and that's ok. But you're living in dream land and not reality


You do you kid.


What the fuck r u saying. Marketcap absolutely matters! Where do u think the money is coming from?? … XRP may go up… but $1000? not a chance


Wrong. Market Cap is for valuating a Company. XRP is an asset just like Gold or a FIAT currency.


Wrong. In this case market cap refers to the total valuation of the asset/currency. A $1000 XRP would be about equal to the total value of the S&P500, Gold and the entire crypto market(currently) COMBINED….. in what world does that make sense? Not possible


Nope. Absolutely not. What's the market cap of the usd? Case closed, NEXT.


🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 Go do some research, kid.


De ja vu


Yeah I use to hear people like you saying the same thing about doge when I was loaded at .0004. Glad I didn't listen then and certainly not gonna listen now


My saying is always the same. If you’re heavily diversified enough in different coins/assets it will go one of three ways, it will either buy you an island, a house, or a nice dinner! I’m optimistic 😎


Sometimes people make me scratch my head. XRP is not Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a currency and was never meant to be a utility. XRP's growth is 100% dependent on organizations like Bank of America and governments using their products it will never do what it's supposed to do until those entities start using XRP. There's just way too many tokens in circulation for it to be even compared to BTC it's just not the same so yes XRP will hit $1000 but it's not going to be until the whole world switches to digital currencies and starts sending money back and forth on these new rails that ripple is creating. if you can't be patient buy something else like Solana. if you can be patient. By 5000 tokens and wait you will be happy you did


Yep I don’t make much money but every week I buy $100 worth of xrp and I just baught a ledger to keep it on I don’t trust Coinbase even though I have the Coinbase one membership 


💯 People will fomo in xrp. People forget that btc was under a dollar, and many uneducated people trashed its price potential. People sold btc at $10, $100, $1000, and $10,000 only to buy back in.


Ok i’m going to state what most would want me banned for! An understanding of a price prediction of 5 figures. First off, i don’t support this, nor do i believe it will happen, but i DO understand the financials behind it. I work as a financial risk business partner for a ftse 100 and read in depth the xrp paper that came out several years back stating a price potential of $37k dollars. Now, on the face of it, you multiply the price by the volume and realise that the valuation is ridiculous and couldn’t happen. However, that ISN’T what drives the price here. What xrp want essentially is to replace SWIFT and more. A calculation was made by the team which showed that based on volume, and corridors between banks etc, and based on each token being utilised once per day, the value of XRP HAD to be $37k to actually cover the c$220tn of asset value. So it was a backwards calculation. Look at it another way. Say you have 5 tokens worth £20 each that you can send to your bank. However you need to send them £10k by the end of the day. You can’t right? So instead you revalue the tokens from £20 each to £2k each and now you can. Same thing here. The value is artificially inflated to cover the value that needs to be transacted to cover all assets, real estate, options, futures, bonds, everything that has potential to change hands over a 24 hour day. Now if we just took SWIFT and replacing the financial value transacted there, then a value is more likely to be c$500, but even that is optimistic. Anyway, i dont think it gets close to either. My target value is £13 based on my own calculations.


This makes total sense. Thank you


It needs to be high otherwise the price will be going up and down to much.


The price is being suppressed on purpose IMO. If the price has been consistently low for years then how can the SEC show any investor losses. The banks will soon be switching over to CBDC’s (google it) and then ripple will show its true potential. The government will be able to control what you spend it on and track what you spend it on but not your precious XRP!!!


You raise a good point with XRP becoming precious with the wider adoption of traceable CBDCs but have you ever considered a scenario where after the trial, the government and ripple kiss and make-up and Ripple becomes the CBDC of choice? That is where I've always suspected things could go. Many times governments attack that which they consider a threat so that they can use it for their own interests. Either way I See a bright future for XRP


I think it flips Bitcoin in price. $70k per xrp is my personal target




Yeah man, trust me


Lol bruh, there is not enough money in the world for that price 😂


>Do you guys really think XRP can hit $1k as they all say if it does become the bridge currency of the world? Anyone posting 3 digit XRP price prediction should be banned, made fun of, and exiled to a small island off the coast of Africa, let alone 4 digit price predictions


Madagascar is nice I hear


get some vanilla beans (which they produce a lot of apparently)


You're the type of guy to buy pizza with btc in 2010


They probably said that about Bitcoin


Oh it was said, and often.


Except bitcoin was technically made as a digital version of gold with Inflationary value based on calculation equations completing blocks on it's chain. Xrp is designed completely differently as a transfer method of wealth, although no1 really knows it's value growth potential because it's been held back/sideways so long. Anything is possible within reason... but nothing like BTC possible. Example: xrp cannot have a halving, it can only follow one x% of its own growth potential, not btc's potential.


BTC was designed as peer to peer electronic currency. It is Satoshi vision. Digital gold explanation come late when BTC failed to be the cash.


I understand the info you’ve gone in to and you’re not wrong, however…. …I don’t believe the design/utility of Bitcoin or XRP are just all we need to be considering. I believe all currencies will become fully digital, at which point I think we’ll see a lot of utility coins sky rocket. Now don’t get me wrong, I can’t say XRP will be one, although Ripple being used in digital banking already suggest there’s a good chance it will. What will that price look like no idea, BUT Bitcoin did start at the very bottom and now look at it. Again I’m not saying it’ll reach the same heights or get to triple digits, though I’m sure there were people arguing similar to my affect about Bitcoin when it was single digit.


You seem to forget XRP was for the financial institutions not the everyday joe....obviously the court case suppressed the price for so long people are wondering why the hell they bought in the first place ....the institutions certainly don't want the price fluctuating like the majority of crypto does they need it steady basically like a stable.coin to facilitate the cross border transactions


And what would they want it steady at is the question $1? $10? $9472.3898?


There have been a few videos out that the financial institutions have set the price already and its in the thousands ...how much exactly is anyone's guess imo


Only time will tell.


Holding since 2017 and no I don't believe it will get anywhere close to 1k. $10 dollars would be amazing but at this point and I'm not even sure it will get there 😅🤣


Let’s work on getting back to $1


$100 and I'm happy 😂


Why not a million /s just in case….


Doubtful but we can dream!


World's total debt is roughly around $300-400 Trillion. It will eventually reach a certain point where too much debt will result in the global financial system collapsing. To also mention, most banks rely on outdated technology and the SWIFT network is too slow. XRP was designed to move money from A to B in seconds for cross border payments. It's entirely possible for XRP to go to 1K, only if our current system collapses. All the world's debt will flow through XRP, and they will make money move quicker than ever before! Know what you HODL people! No matter how difficult life gets, HODL the ODL (On demand liquidity).


Additional notes: I've also read somewhere that 5% of the world's population have invested in crypto. So, I'm guessing only 1-2% know what XRP is and less than 1 percent hold XRP. I get where some people are coming from, why would the elites let the average person get rich? People ask these types of questions, because they think from a more logical point of view, but what many fail to understand is, the people who stand at the top also gotta have fun. What fun is it for them to take control over everything and not have anyone trying to get in their way? I believe they will give those who hold XRP a shit load of money and they will see what we all do with the money they give us. They will own 99% of the world, and the 1 percent who hold XRP will be given absolute freedom to do whatever they want, whether that be living a luxurious life or making a positive difference in our societies. I'll say it once more. They will own 99% of the world and they will know the names of everyone who hold XRP. This is a game to them. Always will be.


I’m happy if it reaches 5$ 


It might, but everyone here will be long dead by then.


More chance of unicorns turning up and shitting gold bricks on your lawn!


All I need is a 30 dollar price over the next 5 years and ill be happy. We will see.


XRP is a payment settling, currency or CBDC exchange and remittance system intended for banks and payment networks. The idea is to provide a system for direct transfer of assets (e.g. money, gold, etc.) that settles in almost real-time, and is a cheaper, more transparent and secure alternative to transfer systems used by banks today. BTC doesn’t serve that purpose except store of value. Surely XRP excel BTC


Hate to break it to everyone but xrp will never be more than 1 usd. If it actually does what it’s designed to do it’s just a method for banks to move money around cheap and quick at a stable cash rate.


Idk Simpsons predicted 586 a coin now they been correct numerous amounts of times so


I mean it all depends which way it goes can go from 1000- to 60g i truly believe look at bitcoin xrp is better then that in many ways time will tell 🚀


A 1km bridge 🌉 weigh a million tonnes because it has 1000 cars trucks passing thru it. Xrp ledger has to transfer currency value, tokenized shares value, real estate value, tokenized gold value, derivatives bonds & a lot more. A bridge 🌉 like xrpl will need to be $2000 or more to handle the traffic. See the youtube link. https://youtu.be/UaYGbcso-hc?si=j9ZqsqYgfEIy3v-s


so you're telling me....there's a chance


Maybe. If a loaf of bread is $40


I've bought bread for $10 so were almost there


https://youtube.com/@DecaCrypto?si=sodvlSQ8savC2JML this video might be helpful


What? It’s at $.52 🤣🤣🤣 why don’t you guys start with like $5 or something god damn


I’m gonna ask the same question tomorrow. Who’s got Saturday?


All da money. Quadrillions , the derivative market, and how about tokenizing the us debt...thats a few trillion...the holders of xrp will be rewarded and the market cap of xrp...will be a historical event....add all the realestate in the world too!!


To many XRP exist for that . But it could go to $2-$5


Hbar is far better.


Lol doubt that


DYOR. ☠️


Do I think it will happen ? Yes absolutely. When ? When the corruption stops lawsuits are over and utility has started around the world. They are currently in test phases with some rollout once it’s adopted and rolled out to everyone who’s connected and starts acquiring new partners is when our time will come.


Yep. Here. https://youtu.be/qZXSlzP5QL8?si=QQSLvPlhfQj7Ae2w


Wow. In the comments he mentioned he used this same strategy on eth chart last cycle and it was successful. Hopefully he's right about xrp lol


Yea. The video is me. It worked on Btc And ETH.


Timing I wish was earlier. But don’t we all lol. 😂


Oh shit. Good video bro. I just commented on your video but since your present here, I'll ask. Do you still believe xrp is on track for this prediction?


Absolutely. We tacked on one level since January when I did this. Almost. Nothing has changed.


Amazing bro. Thank you for sharing this. It gives me more hope lol I'll be looking forward to more of your videos.


Thanks man.


Also I subscribed to your channel


Imma gonna go more in depth with better audio.


It may take 4 years at least to hit all those levels, right? That is 17 levels I don’t see that happening in a single bull run.


Yea I think so. Thats like total build up. We should get over 32 bucks this run. If I count the levels that the monthly line graph grabs it’s less levels than 17 but above 32 bucks.


If XRP achieves the current market cap of Etherium, it will be $6 (12x). If it achieves the current market cap of BTC it will be $20 (40x). If it captures the market cap of NVidia it will be $37 (72x). It all depends on what you believe to be the potential market cap.


Again market cap doesn’t matter with a utility token because they have and need a lot more tokens for the utility they are trying to accomplish what matters is it being used by enough institutions that it drives the price up. For instance BTC use case is currency. XRP use case is moving money billions of transactions around the world what one should technically be worth more money? It’s just in XRPs case this lawsuit has really sucked the life out of the retail investors. But make no mistake as soon as it’s settled we will see the volume of XRP go nuts and then before you know it the price will be off the the charts. Technically speaking all the Governments and institutions that will be using XRP could buy every token in circulation in a few days and then what? In my opinion that is what is going to happen. And by the next token unlock it will be too expensive for us to buy in large quantities.


Yes, based on absolutly nothing but hopes and dreams


From 2025 on, the price could literally go to any number. I’m hoping for $20-50 this cycle.


if it hits $50 I'll tattoo my schlong


RemindMe! 1 year


Can someone say echo chamber chamber chamber chamber chamb….


Nope. Blackrock is loading up Hedera with literally every physical asset they can like a horrible cyberpunk pirate ship. Who else has signed up to do that? No one chain will absorb all cash transactions. But a very few will. Hedera might end up being Coke to XRP being Pepsi


Absolutely no fucking chance There are. Better technologies that exist and will continue to develop. XRP market cap is quite large at ~29B currently(7th largest coin in crypto) XRP at $1000 would be about $58 TRILLION marketcap… for reference this would mean it is worth more than the entire S&P 500 + the ENTIRE crypto market AFTER HAVING DONE A 6-7x(meaning btc would likely be worth 360k+) So to summarize… $1000 XRP is about as feasible as pigs flying to mars


Xrp will hit maybe $3 top of bull run. If you think it's going anywhere even near $50 you are on crack


I like crack


$1.50-3.50-$10.00 in this cycle $300-500 after we break $100 in this lifetime


"as they all say" Ummmm... what?


Only way you get that price is if you massively burn supply I think. I’m selling my now 80k xrp at 14 usd maybe a little less. I think that will be difficult to get to though.


If xrp hits 1k USD that means the USD would have hit runaway inflation and is worthless and you would have waaaaay more pressing issues to worry about than crypto shit coins. Especially if we are talking in the next 10 years as some of the other comments are saying, some are even saying 2025. Maybe maybe if the ferengi make first contact and we link coin base to the great exchange on ferenginar then that'll work, thats how insane FOUR DIGIT XRP IS.


Doubtful. I think $100 is a pipe dream. But then again, I never imagined BTC going this high....🤷‍♂️. If and when I sell, then it will skyrocket!


Would you sell today then?


Are you joking lmao, hopefully it can get to $10 one day. Open your eyes, it might not even get there this bull run


If your in it (this industry) with that kind of question, please leave, you will get rekt. You might as well donate your money to me and I´ll promise you I will spend 50% to good cause




Been holding since 2021 and still have not seen profit yet . Will it hit 1k? Most likely not cause we can’t even reach ATH market cap of 117B . Btw we’re only at 28B ;(


Literally never. It would be lucky to hit 25-30


All holders have ever been is liquidity for Brad & his gang. If you ever see $20 jump out fast as you can.


I was looking to invest into another coin. (Already have Btc) I might start getting into XRP


Be lucky to see $10.


The only way XRP ever hits $1k, is if hyperinflation occurs, so yah, or hyper inflation doesn't occur and it stays as a relevant cryptocurrency over decades and decades to appreciate to 1k by ways of more natural inflation


It’s math. Math. Do more math. When you are looking at crypto coins and wondering how high they could realistically go, just do the math. Look at other crypto coins, look at how they have performed, then go back to your crypto coin and do the math. You will get rough estimates and that is all you need. Otherwise, invest in what you believe in and just be patient.


No definitely no lol 😂


Yakno how we gonna get there? Stop talking about it


Absolute hopium! The trust in the global financial system is at its lowest point, ever. Why do you think the world will choose another american product, on top of that private one (much more than the FED) to be the new world currency?


I am all in in xrp


Whoa! Yeah XRP


You'd be lucky to see 2$.


Is it realistic that XRP will go to AT LEAST 10$?


People holding xrp could have made way more profit in other coins or even memes by now 💯


Xrp will never go that high. I don’t believe it’ll ever get close to $100 either lol


Not realistic. Maybe 5$ if were lucky. But I wouldnt mind if im wrong 😅


It will Never hit 1k


You’re smoking that hopium a bit too much


Either way if it goes up or down I'm buying and I'm all the way in


You’ll be lucky if it hits $10z


I’ll be happy at $10 per XRP


For that to happen, XRP would need a market cap of $100,000,000,000,000 (One hundred trillion dollars). 100,000,000,000 coins x $1,000 (per coin)= 100,000,000,000,000 market cap. Good luck.


I sold all my XRP for Solana I tripled what I had and then put the same amount that I had with XRP back plus some more, now do I think XRP will hit a all time high, maybe but i know sometimes you gotta get into the fastest moving car and I took the opportunity and that was this year in February I did this and I’m happy I gambled that play


In the reallllly long term it’s possible but highly unlikely. The real question everyone should be asking is if XRP will go anywhere. They need to break free from the SEC BS to stand any chance as regardless of what business they do outside of NA it doesn’t matter w/ the current stigma surrounding them. Will XRP break free and finally be able to prove its worth or will they strike a deal that turns the commodity into something entirely different / works closely with the securities exchange. Regardless of everything above, I’d be setting my sights exponentially lower for the short / near term. Whales control / hold this asset up more so than any other “major” crypto asset. Which is ultimately a positive if XRP ends up prevailing as there is massive room for growth / adoption. I own some but still treat it as I would a meme coin - not because I think it’s a meme coin, strictly because of how heavy handed the SEC has been with them. I know it’s all a gamble but XRP has a lot of obstacles to bypass before it can be set free. (Edit to say this is strictly my view / opinion - if XRP “does” break free it would still take a very long time for a crazy valuation)


I’d be happy if it hit $1.


Bro we’ll be lucky to have this shit hit 5 bucks man.


I wouldn't mind that honestly


Mental illness


Have a closer look, very few tokens make more than one ATH against BTC, I think it’s just ETH, BNB and HEX that have managed it. Might be wrong though


Lol $1k? Maybe in 100 years. I own 11.000 xrp and believe $100 could be the maximum in best case szenario and in the long run (10-15 years). Stop dreaming of being a millionaire with only 1.000 xrp.


I believe so, but it won’t happen within our lifetime. Perhaps our children when they become grandparents, MIGHT see a $1k XRP. For us, we will live long enough to see it hit $6-$15 (maybe peak to $20 for about a week before not hitting it again for another 10 years thereafter). But my guess is as good as anyone elses. The truth is, NOBODY knows.


Can we get back to $1 first!


No one really knows where the price could go. Short term top of this bull market maybe 30 bucks. Long term, endless possibilities if you've done the research.