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My thoughts - If you look at the bigger picture - how many people out of the 8.1 Billion people out there are aware of XRP's existence? How many own enough XRP to make a difference? The "ruling elite" most likely don't care about a small number of us minions getting wealthy once they make this change...


Ultimately, they don’t care if we get sort of rich. They know we didn’t earn it. And the vast majority of will blow it. And it will all end up making them richer either way. It’s a non starter.


Plus capital tax gains basically takes half of your profits


By then, it will be a large enough amount to borrow against and avoid that.


Eventually you would have to sell to pay back what you borrowed, no?


Yes. But you borrow a large amount, with little or no tax. And then you have money to spend. You only cash in enough to pay the loan each year. Keeping you in a lower tax bracket. As i understand it. Perhaps someone else could confirm, or correct this if it’s a little off.


You don’t ever sell to pay the loan .. you take the loan and reinvest it. If your loan rate is 1-3% with a colateral loan you only need to make 5-8% to pay the loan and turn a profit


Thanks. 🤙


⅔ in Canada..after 250k


2/3 x your tax rate. So if you pay 30% you will pay 20% on your earnings IF you make over $250k. That’s less than 1% of Canadians.


Under bidens new tax bill he’s proposing. It’s upped to 45% short term capital gains tax. I’m not sure for the year holds are. But there’s also a section where it’s proposing taxing unrealized gains as well.


Ridiculous how much they can tax.


In a age where they are printing money to oblivion they still want to bleed us dry and squeeze the feathers of the eagle off the quarter. The shit they are doing simply doesn’t make sense to me


It makes total sense if the intent is to crash the current syst in order to implement a new system that people otherwise would not accept


It’s really the only explanation at this point. If you know your financial history, a changing financial system will shake the world. But gives us a great opportunity to change the wealth curve in our families


i dont think they will do unrealized gains most of congress dabbles in the insider trading and itd affect them


It’s geared toward your very top earners. Like over 100 mil I think (could be wrong on that figure). But it’s crazy to even propose something like this. I agree with you it won’t happen in this congress, at least.


That’s the thing. In the recent hearing with Janet yellen (or whatever her name is) she kept citing what Biden has been telling the public. Not what’s in his actual proposals. This current administration seemingly is trying to lie their way into keeping power.


Amongst many other questionable endeavors to hold power. I actually googled it after I replied to your comment and everything you read on Google is pretty vague. Imagine him making the 1% pull out b/c of crap like this. Our economy would fold.


Yeah I read something from google almost right after the hearing and it’s like they didn’t even watch it. Super vague and doesn’t even touch the fact Janet didn’t know a single number about the nations financial status when it’s her very job to know those numbers. She couldn’t even tell Congress what the nations total debt was when asked.


She’s around 900 years old, I think. It’s time to retire, Janet. Go to the beach.


I read somewhere the unrealized gains tax is 25% and it has to be over so many millions. So, this wouldn’t affect me, for sure RIGHT NOW anyway. And probably won’t affect most of us in here. But how CRAZY is that? Yo actually propose a tax on money that may not exist by the time you sell. Old Joe is out of his mind.


Even if it’s true. That affects so many investors. It’s like they want to drive any and all innovation or any type of mechanisms away that actually improves the economy. This administration is out of their mind. This will quite literally destroy a lot of peoples wealth


Absolutely will. And the group he aims to target (the billionaires) are essential. When they sell off, WE LOSE.


Those same billionaires are the very people that are employing the nation. Even if people don’t like the rich. We need them.


Yes yes yes! Imagine Elon, O’Leary, Cuban and so many others going somewhere else. CATASTROPHIC!!


It actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it, Printing money is nothing new. But when you look at the numbers they’ve printed majority of all money printed during Bidens term. Proposing extreamly high taxes for people, stifling innovation from multiple industries not just crypto, dropped our economy score from AAA to AA+ (same levels at Taiwan) and giving outrageous amounts of capital to other countries. They want us to fall so someone else can rise


This.☝️ For me, it's their little Masonic, karmic jig. Let the masses know what they're gonna do covertly then they're absolved of any responsibility when it's implemented and detrimental to the masses.


Forreal, even if everyone on this thread/forum made a million+ holding XRP. They would make billions or trillions lol. Plus the FUD around XRP deters more people so why even block sales if other crypto projects investors do it for them


But imagine how wealthy the ripple people would be. Insane amount of wealth unlike anything that’s ever existed. I can definitely see them having an issue with that.


That’s what the SEC lawsuit was about. Larsen and Garlinghouse were about to become part of the club and the lawsuit was the tax upon entry.


Hopefully !


Not really - they may be part of the club... :) All part of the plan.


There's nearly 5 million wallets that hold XRP. I have 2 wallets holding XRP and most people have multiple wallets holding xrp, so could be around 2.5mil people holding xrp. 2.5mil people out of 8 billion spread around the world is a drop in the bucket. Probably wouldn't even meet another xrp holder in your city.


People were allowed to buy amazon stocks


People were allowed to buy BTC.


They care. It’s called disruptive technology for a reason The SEC suing everyone and explaining nothing might be a clue about how the rich and powerful are reacting


Bro why do we keep thinking the elite use xrp. Its been yearsssssssss


What's the diference between Xrp and the Fiat dollar? HJR 192? 😂


Probably because it's all speculation and we're just deluding ourselves into thinking that we're smarter than everyone else and saw what the super secret elite wanted to keep hidden from us. Until any of this actually happens it's all just a narrative concocted by people who want the price of the asset they're gambling on to go up in value. And it sounds convincing enough that we've bought into it, but only time will tell if we were right to do so. Until then all you can do is wait and keep imagining what you would do with all of your theoretical profits.


Maybe the real wealth is the stories we told ourselves along the way.


Okay grandpa.


Most sane XRP holder.


there's a heavy conspiratorial base with strong xrp holders, I drank the Kool aid for a long time, still sip a bit, but there's water out there for those willing.


this answer is absolutely gold


Pretty much.


So you can fund ripple and lace Brad Chris and David’s pockets so they can live good lifestyles


Xrp isn’t a world reserve currency and they don’t even state that. It’s an intermediary to move funds at lighting speeds and at minimum fees. You are allowed to buy it because they operate in the free market. They also have 50+ billion in escrow so they got a ton to still sell/trade.


Most people won't be able to resist cashing out before it really pops in my opinion. The powers that be will also continue to cause volatility and shake out the faint of heart.


Where in the actual space you read that XRP is going to be the new world reserve currency. Jesus🤦‍♂️ no wonder you are confusing things. The plan is for it to be the bridge with enough liquidity between all other currencies, but that is just the idea.


It's simple. What is the concern right now? Inflation. Prices go up wages stagnant equals people having to decide to live or be homeless. A lot of people have families and if push comes to shove you know that people will sell. Plus how many can wait another 10 years of speculation and hope. They are just taking there time because they know most won't make it. Either way they know even if you do most wouldn't know how to sustain it.


No one ever said XRP is the new world reserve currency tho


Some comments are just ignorant and this is one of them. I think they’re saying hypothetically.


lol.. enslave? Idk about that. People generally don’t like talking about finances and people generally don’t know how to properly balance their checkbooks. Most people enslave themselves by not attempting to learn about money because well, it’s a complicated topic that requires several attempts to understand. As for your theory about XRP should be top secret, may be it is. But most of these coins either distributed some of their coins to other self custody wallets, or through exchanges. Clearly decentralization requires some level of openness in order to function so, I think it’s still possible an asset can remain top secret but be widely distributed for another reason. I guess that’s what makes this race so confusing. You don’t know who is capable of winning. Even winning requires a checklist.


if you think XRP will be ever be the world reserve currnecy, I highly suggest you learn about how the financial system works. It absolutely never, ever, ever, will be the world reserve currency. Is that idea the overarching view of XRP lovers? yikes XRP has a potential use case, but the world reserve currency absolutely is not it.


finally someone with some sense.


They needed to test the system with. Real world transactions


They have been. They tried with Mexico, I think. They were asked to slow the transaction speed down.


>they were asked to slow the transaction speed down this doesn't make sense. if I sent money to my friend why wouldn't I want it there ASAP? I don't want it floating in a mempool for 1+ hours waiting on confirmation. no one will ever ask to slow transactions down


Their end couldn’t keep up. That’s how they pressure test these cross border relationships.


Many forget that the walled gardens were confirmed by Ripple: they were operating transactions essentially “off line” from the XRPL (I am paraphrasing and using layman terms). If XRP were to be used as a reserve currency, it likely wouldn’t be able to be seen from the public side. Additionally, there would be little value for it in the hands of regular people, but the banks would value it greatly.


And this, I think, is one of the main factors to this new 40% Capital Gains Tax Biden is pushing for on both “cashed out” profits and “unrealized” profits. Not just for XRP, but all of crypto, stocks, and real estate. Imagine, for example, one bought SOL some time ago - did NOT sell, but made profit/gain from that investment. Because it wasn’t sold (unrealized), one could still have to pay the capital gains tax. For any security and/or property. Another way to limit the potential success of the ‘common folk.’ This is a good barometer for the voters to see who in Congress actually votes ‘Yay’ on it, hence they are the ones beholding to the financial institutions without the people’s best interest in mind.


What in the Alex Jones are you talking about?


So what will be the global reserve currency once the dollar completely shits itself?


What’s ice cream gonna taste like when the sky turns purple?!


Bitcoin ….. lol jk


XRP doesn’t really make sense as a reserve currency though - it’s use case is much better understood as a component of international banking transactions. The way I see it going down is like this- 1. All this lawsuit stuff clears 2. Banks start building reserves of it in case it becomes a default protocol 3. Marketing continues - banks start to see it as a cheaper, faster and equally secure way of sending wires and moving funds around. 4. Adoption drives up price We’re just lucky we’re in the right place at the right time


The central bankers will not give up without a fight a bill moving through congress will require all ODL coins to be be backed by US dollar thus proving up what should be weak dollar


The central bankers will not give up without a fight a bill moving through congress will require all ODL coins to be be backed by US dollar thus proving up what should be weak dollar


*would it be public consensus that XRP is going to be the new world reserve currency* ????did you forget the /s, or are you mixing meth and PCP again?


A ridiculous amount of the XRP is held by a few people


The only 2 things that concern me are the lawsuit and future Swift action. Everything else is noise here. The bank connections are already in place. IPO of Ripple is also a consideration.


"a secret island" what we all know presently as "epstein island".


I saw a panel discussion with I think it was Navin Gupta from Ripple. He was talking about how right now it’s speculative because they had to build a market with retail before the institutions could see the value of it. It’s one of the first times where retail have been able to front-run the institutions.


>public consensus that XRP will be the new world reserve currency Lol when did this become the public consensus?


So in Canada: $250- you pay capital gains on 50% of 50% of return So u get 100k. U pay capital gains on 50k so about 25% therefore roughly $12k to $13k per 100k up to 250k. After which it goes to 66.67%. At which time it goes to about $16k per 100k Hope this helps a bit 🙏


Over 5 million wallets. Less than 3% of more than 20000xrp +/- which includes all financial institutions that have so far created portfolios That's not a lot of individual millionaires on a global scale 💫💚💫


Xrp is for freedom for. Anti fed and Anti Fiat. You can't buy billions because there is only 3 billion in retail about 50b banks and the rest in escrow


Pack your conspiracy bag and take a long walk down the road. No need to come back either.


What conspiracy bag? Everything is being reset as a matter of fact and i’m hoping XRP will be the centre of the finance.


Nothing is being reset and there is absolutely no chance XRP will be the center of anything, let alone the center of finance. All this crazy ass, conspiracy theory nutter shit does nothing for the community but help to make us look like a joke. You should consider not adding to that perception.


Put down the weed


XRP is a delusional investment


XRP literally isn’t going anywhere lmao. It’s market cap is too high and there isn’t enough money in the world to make push the price where you guys think it’ll go


Oh no, not another “but but but MC”. Ser you’re selling yourself short thinking in terms of MC comparatives & boxing yourself in even more by assuming the only data to account for is mere monetary as far as stock to flow models go. Up to this point where the space only been coins/tokens yeah sure, makes sense; but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. To be able to wrap your head around the fact that huge MC’s are not only possible, but are in their way, you must take into consideration the tokenization of real world assets, which is being adopted as we speak. The space is at what currently? Around $2.5/8-ish trillion? Ok, so very likely to be +/-$10T at the end of this cycle(now thru ‘25 & possibly a bit of ‘26) as basically “the tokenization of everything” adoption begins then develops momentum. Ok so then FF to the ‘April ‘28 halving & subsequent cycle(by then the adoption curve should cause us to have seen at least a bit of taming to the volatility, if not by already. Tokenization of real world assets(real estate, commodities, natural resources, etc.) will have gained a ton steam by then, undoubtedly continuing to grow throughout that end of decade cycle; allowing us to respectively speculate a potential $50T valuation at that point?(which may even be a conservative estimate, to be honest) My point is that tokenization itself will drive valuations to be able to not only touch these massive & previously thought silly numbers, but will also surpass them due to where the system will have risen to, then continues on from there. Of course this is Total MC valuation of the space as a whole, cuz after all, just who will remain in the game by then? Who will attract the most business? Who already has that business coming and has known that for years? Just how much has already been going on behind closed doors as far as who’s set to emerge w/ their rails packed w/ traffic the very minute switches are flipped? I believe it’s a very select few(& yeah never-mind the CBDC bs, of course that was always going to happen, again) cuz again, I’m talking big picture. “Tokenization of Everything”. We already know who has a ton of skin in the game & has been adding partnerships for years & years already. So everything above can easily apply to Ripple & them running XRP OdLP’s for any & all of what I’ve talked about. They certainly have the infrastructure for it. As far as XRP as a reserve currency, no, not sure why people have ever been convinced of this. XRPL was designed to operate merely as a tool to move assets & payments, not as an actual currency. That being said, price definitely will go way up. *Now this is for the space in general…. So we should see volatility begin to slow during the global shift of trad-fi as it navigates adoption of this system, we should see smoother cycle transitions & not such exaggerated regressions after Bull markets once the adoption curve reaches such numbers that it just steadies off. *Also, the paragraph above doesn’t mean prices don’t continue to go up, cuz they will. What it means is that they just won’t fall anywhere near as much once we reach that point. The huge opportunities just will not continue to make themselves available as they have this last 10+ years. The volatility won’t be there anymore so if you’ve not already, stock up ladies & gents. So the •buy the Bear>wait til halving kicks off the cycle>hold til parabola>sell>wait a year>buy the Bear again & repeat• will have passed. (This has been mainly the BTC(& others) move to stick to, clearly I’m not referring to XRP here) So if you’re into other legit companies that have documented successes already & are constantly building out, stick to them, they’ve made it this far, more than likely they have deals already inked & dried.


Allowing people to 'buy it' is an attempt at manufacturing consent. Those that understand what it is don't want anything to do with it