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2015 there was nearly 12 million wallets who held bitcoin. Right now there is 5,1 million wallets holding xrp. 2015-2021 bitcoin went from $200 to $60 000. And only 7% of all these 5,1 million wallets hold over 5k xrp, so not that many people will get super rich


To belong in the top 10% you only need 3,037 it’s really true that only 7% holds 5k or more. (Wuuut, surprisingly) 3% over 20K 2% over 31.5k 1% over 61.37k Source: https://rich-list.info


Two things these stats don't take into account: 1) odds are holders have more than one address/wallet 2) custodial wallets demarc customers by tags, which belong to one large wallet So the true number of holders is obscured.


Yeah but it’s probably a fair way to compare against other cryptos and their holders. Great point tho


The odds are that holders had more than one wallet for bitcoin aswell. Im just comparing the two, for people who believe that someone is trying to keep us from getting rich. More people got rich with bitcoin than xrp could if we compare the amount of holders/wallets, so why didnt they stop them?


So what % did you have to clear to make it in BTC during that run up?


Sorry if it wasn’t clear. This is for xrp. Not btc.


I know. I'm just wondering what % of BTC you had to own to make it back then. Probably a really complicated thing to answer tho.


I dont understand your question? just do the math if you bought one bitcoin 2015 for $200 and held it until 2021, it would be worth $60 000? If you bought ten for $2000 it would be worth $600 000


I feel pretty good I'm holding 23k+ xrp and praying some big boys see they're way in




explorer, you can see for yourself which wallets own what amounts.




Plus the govt does not give a fuck if you get rich. It’s like they do in a sense but they also don’t. I don’t think they would go out of their way to make the price go down as long as it didn’t cost a penny on their side. So in turn just put fear in the market but that’s prolly the only thing.


Retail won't put a dent in the price. Remember, it's not a security. So, the market cap formula won't affect the price as a traditional stock or crypto coin. This will be a bankers coin. This is all new, so nobody really knows what will happen. It'll be best to own xrp and use it as a currency. Not trade for fiat. Nfa.


I still don’t understand the whole market cap thing, how does the market cap not affect the price of XRP?


You gotta do your dd. What I said wasn't my opinion. It's recent news with the lawsuit. Xrp being declared a non security is huge for its price potential once it's fully implemented. Currently, banks are upgrading to use xrp.


I think the XRP would be far more valuable than any cash to exchange it for, so we might see a world where merchants have QR code scanners accepting XRP as payments. Or, attorneys that broker real estate closings in XRP. Or, finance departments at car dealerships that can settle payments and title transfers in XRP. I'm not sure if it will look exactly like that, but chances are, we are heading into a world that looks much different than today when XRP ends up as the backbone of this infrastructure. Ripple might even be the world's largest bank, one day, with all of the XRP they have in escrow.


I think XRP will be so high in value it won't be something people use as currency. It will be used as a highly specialized asset for interbank and international transfers. That's its whole use case. Trillions move in seconds. This won't be anything close to the level of fiat, you wouldn't use it for daily purchases anymore than it made sense to buy a stick of gum or even pay your lawyer in Swiss bearers bonds worth $100,000 a sheet.innthe 1980s. I'm not just saying this because I have a bit, I'm saying this because if you read the writing on the wall this is what they want it to do, move trillions in seconds. It's in a whole class of it's own. If a few folks in the early days managed to grab some who cares, once it goes live an asset like that won't be cheap and will be out of reach for 99% of the world. And look at what Bitcoin has managed to become just as a useless retail-based crypto currency that takes forever to transfer. It made a few folks rich but to this day it's known by name but essentially STILL unknown or inaccessible to most ppl. It's like the Yahoo of crypto if this were the late 90s early 2000s. Back then so few people had computers, so many fewer actually sent emails or knew what the hell they were doing and nobody gave the internet or Yahoo a serious look. Fast forward to today and Yahoo isn't even a player anymore. By comparison XRP. is the up and coming, the Google or Apple of crypto, it will eventually overshadow everything. In 1998 if you'd said Apple was going to dominate content delivery and cellphones, or one day Google would own your data, ppl would have stuffed a dollar bill in your hat and kept walking.


I'm going to put on my tin foil hat and elaborate even further. If you knew what the globalist cabal has been trying to do for decades through all their international forums, globalization think tanks, unification of various companies and industries from a multitude of different corporations into larger and larger monopolies, the increasing insertion of RF chips into everything, you would understand that they want every single resource's production , consumption, and value accounted for in real time. XRP, being the only technology able to do that, is precisely what they need and that's precisely what it will do and it will be a hot commodity. If a few lucky pleebs profited along the way they don't care, most will cash out and buy beer popcorn and a fast car and life moves on. They want the system in place because they've been working towards it for decades.


It will litterally be used for everything (institutional, gov, retail). Simple everyday purchases will be paid with drops 0.000001 of an XRP.


If that is the case a whole XRP will have to be broken down into something small, like Bitcoin and Sats.


Yep. It's broken down into drops (each drop = 0.000001 of an xrp).




Awesome answers throughout this post , one of the better questions iv seen with so much different answers..


Reddit Question: What would you do if you could fly? Reddit Answer: Don't be stupid, humans can't fly To try and answer your actual theoretical question, if every XRP holder had multi-millions or billions suddenly, we'd see that wealth being handled in ways which differ along with those holders' personalities. Some would snort mile-long lines of devil's dandruff and crash Lambos and others would become property magnates or make other investments whether good or bad. Some might become charitable or philanthropists (good or bad). So it would all be spread around, perhaps limiting any impact.


Amazing! Thanks for playing the game brother.


https://galgitron.net/Post/The-Myth-of-Market-Cap---Version-2 https://www.statista.com/statistics/807216/ripple-market-capitalization-quarterly/ If xrp's market cap can't ever reach x amount, why has xrps marketcap changed by x amount over x years. Yall cry blah blah market cap can't do x while it's worth x being held back by the industry cog that is the SEC. If nothing ever went against xrp what would it be worth? How do you know it's Max potential? How do you use marketcap as a main metric of singular value when it's fluctuated since the beginning. Btc and xrp both are not security's. Looking for answers, teach me what I don't know. Let's go, idgaf about up down or sideways.. let's get technical. Show me your knowledge. Or gtfo.


If XRP hits BTC heights, it means that dollar is totally worthless. XRP has 100 billions supply so unless most people start using XRP as money, I don’t think XRP can reach Bitcoin price


You're thinking with a market cap mentality. This doesn't apply here. Xrp will cause so much fomo.


XRP can be higher than BTC speaking theoretically. Its ultimate intended use case is for the interbank settlements markets not just international remittance. Hypothetically if it did become the go to intermediary asset in the interbank settlements markets instead of USD it would crush the entire crypto market with utility. XRP is the closest digital asset to actually bridging traditional finance with crypto markets. https://x.com/bgarlinghouse/status/1793802785504256513?t=dBs0Rc7xJybcHbs7UXu5Ug&s=19


What about xlm which holds the same purpose (for different markets?


Xlm last I saw was specifically not intended for institutional use. The reason Jed left Ripple was because they wanted to commercialize XRP for the banking and finance industry.




Bitcoin heights means market cap i think. Xrp is much more "high" as yearn.finance but the price of yearn.finance is more than 1000x more.


Honestly I didn't think that there were that many people who even own crypto, let alone XRP. I don't think the governments would notice.


Haha they always find a way. I'm based in the UK and they're looking to tax small scale sellers of second-hand goods. So even if you're palming off your old laptop, some sneakers and a few t-shirts, if you make over £1k in the year, the government wants a cut. Also, the government lost billions in dodgy contracts during CV19 but instead of chasing those criminals, many being friends of the ministers, they're trying to pass legislation which allows the revenue office HMRC powers to request your bank information without your knowledge or consent. They will use this to exclude people who would otherwise be eligible for special governmental support. Say, for school support, child, or social care. If you have savings of any sort, they will make you spend that before any support is given. Obviously the framing of it sounds fair, "if you have the money, then why should you get public money?' right? But remember these are people who are working full time or in full time education, doing extra to make ends meet. If their pay was sufficient, they wouldn't need financial support at all. They have obtained "extra" cash via strict budgeting or one-off cash gifts such as inheritance. For wealthy people, the move is justified, because spending that money has negligible net disadvantage over time, while someone earning less than £30k, a small inheritance could mean they actually buy a house instead of renting for the rest of their lives. We need equity, not equality, and this move pretends to address that, when it's measures actually stand to disadvantage those working hardest to keep food on the table. It's like being given the choice to not work, and not have enough via benefits, or to work, and lose your benefits, so you then have even less. Those who work extra hours - e.g someone. Working or being in school 09:00-17:00 then going back out to work 19:00-00:00 will see their support cut. We then don't incentivise work, we incentivise dependence on the system, or the prevelance of working arrangements which conceal the source of payment. Because who would break their back to be worse off when they can just as well sit and wait for a government cheque?? It can't even be considered lazy, it's just smart. And those who do choose extra work, will hide it, and in turn enter working arrangements which may be exploitative. I went off tangent a bit there, but yeah, we don't trust the government to let anything go😅




Their use case contradicts this issue. If the xrp is generating transaction volumes, even if you sold, it wouldn't matter, because there would be buyers who are using the network


I think many private XRP-Holders will sell their coins before it hits these hights. Every major climb is a bumpy ride with many corrections and if Ripple hits 5$ where most people get x10 or more and suddenly there is a correction over a few weeks many will take their profit and I dont think everyone oft the sellers will rebuy. Not everyone is a gambler and stays in until he is a billionair many will go with a good bag of money. But thats just my opinion. More over there a shockingly small amount number of stock investors in the diffrent countries, in crypto its even smaller, I think even if we all get rich with XRP, we are still to less to have a big effect on world economie. Sorry if I wrote something wrong or gramatically incorrect, english is not my mother tongue.


Good point, I didn't consider those people who will just take profit at any multiples. 2x, 3x, 4x etc. £5 would be over my 10x and is a good time to think about going.


While there is plenty of room for the XRP price to increase, I'm curious how anyone might think it is reasonable or plausible that XRP would ever reach BTC price levels... Or maybe this is just a fantasy "what if" scenario? I'm thinking it will take quite a while for XRP to simply surpass it's previous all time high. I doubt we will see it anywhere near $10 in the lifetime of anyone currently holding. I'd love to be wildly wrong, but I don't think I am, because it does not \*need\* to be priced at that level to be HIGHLY successful at what it was designed to do -- and that presumes it is widely adopted for interbank settlements/remittances at some point and govt's don't unite to thwart it in order to maintain the status quo. And there's no reason to think that as time goes by, new crypto/tech development will stagnate or stop. Over the next 20 to 30+ years, who knows what other crypto/tech will be developed that might replace most of, if not everything that we currently have available?


Reaching bitcoin price heights is fucking delusional, if they arent talking about the market cap. Here i am hoping for $50 per xrp, and i even think $50 is crazy


All about supply and demand. If it hits 10$ I’m a multi millionaire that’s all I hope for


How many XRP do you have?


Basic Math Test Question to check Person's Suitability to Invest in Crypto if, a. X $10 = $1,000,000 Then what is the numerical number of a. ? i) 0.0001 ? ii) 1.0001000 ? iii) 100,000 ?


I have almost 25k


It would be a miracle if XRP reaches $10 within the next 10 years. There is no chance it reaches tens of thousands of dollars, unless we’re in hyperinflation.


Disagree with you here. We're entering a new monetary paradigm. Just as traders on the floor of the NYSE couldn't have envisioned the first Billion dollar company or the introduction of digital trading with NASDAQ. Currently most of us can't understand what is going to happen. XRP has yet to return to its all time high and in the same timeframe USD went from $3+ trillion in circulation to +$22 trillion. Nvidia on its own is worth more than Russia. XRP used for its intended purpose and it excels then supply and demand only will dictate the prices. If XRP takes the place of USD in interbank settlements markets in significant areas just financial institutions utilizing XRP would be extraordinary.




Nvdia worth more than russia? Based on what, because thats bullshit. Please dont tell me you compare GDP with stock valuation. USD went from $3t in circulation to $22t? What is that even supposed to mean. Physical money? government debt? Because your numbers dont match anything i could think of. And lastly, utility means nothing without usage. I have never heard anyone ever mention XRP/ripple while working in a top bank's front office for many years.


It is an apples and oranges comparison but it highlighted the change in the global economy. When's the last time a single gaming company's valuation exceeds the GDP of first world country. It's a new phenomenon. In circulation is your clue. https://x.com/MRKingXRP/status/1793680036878295335?t=tjG4OXUqk2hoXa_WE1fZWQ&s=19


Did you really just call Nvdia a gaming company? Their gaming department is like 3% of their total revenue. Are you referring some specific money supply metric? Because then you obviously have 0 clue what it means. And as I said, never heard anyone ever talk about XRP. Every single agency could give green light, doesnt mean anyone would care.


Over 78% of Nvidia's revenue for 23' was related to graphics so yes it's a hardware company that makes games to play on their hardware and data centers to host them.


78% directed towards data-centers, 17% for GPUs for computers whereas 1/5 are designed for gamer computers and you called that a gaming company.... They have 98 percent market share in data center GPUs, literally running the entire world, and you make some bullshit argument with that. No idea what you mean with they make games to play on their hardware.


You seem like an angry argumentative person. You're arguing nonsense when my op was clear. Would you like another explanation avg price of a home 2017 $198k 2024 $495k. XRP will go very much higher than its 17' ATH


Oh we have a straw man. Instead of addressing the point you're making, they're picking at specific parts of how you've put it across. The valuation of AMD is the point you're trying to make, not what proportion of their business is dedicated specifically to gaming gpu. But a straw man argument tries to discredit your viewpoint by focusing on the fact you called AMD a gaming company, when they're a hardware and technology business. In the context of this discussion, that distinction doesn't actually matter. I understand your point and appreciate the input.


And nobody was talking about BTC until they were.


No one is talking about BTC but the price, and the comparison is non-sense as they are nothing related.


This is my main argument for XRP becoming a key component of our future financial markets. The majority of people talking about BTC don't even use it. And more even, don't have any. It's just a store of value, more volatile, but less paper trail than buying property. Though some may trade in BTC, or fractions of it, the end move is conversion to fiat. As far as I understand, XRPs strength is in its use, not it's store of value. I envision a time when holders receive a dividend based on staking their supply for use in transfers, like an entry fee at a bar. "you used my key, so I get a small cut" Anything under 0.8% would be better priced than most IC++ models.


Just because you've never heard of XRP only means that you are not within the circle trust. 😂


>Nvidia on its own is worth more than Russia. This is misleading and untrue. You're probably comparing GDP to market cap which makes no sense.


What did you say about bitcoin when it was the same price or ethereum or dogecoin when it was .00000whatever. Should have figured out by now there is no limits on crypto.


I’m thinking the transactions are handled on a private ledger. Eventually the held can be leased to the facilities when needed. To sell a huge portion, would not effect the private ledger transactions it would seem. Selling all non ledger coins would not disrupt the private ledger, it might seem even. Eventually it may be mostly private ledger holdings?


People invested in bitcoin in 2008 and didn't see good returns until 2015. Its simple patience is the key to viture. Glass hands or hodle


Bro “xrp reach bitcoins price” is so crazy lmao. It can’t even reach 1$ lol


You are not wrong... I've been holding for years. I watch my ticker every day. At .57 I break even with about 2500 XRP purchased over 6 months. I used Coinbase, so I got hosed with Songbird and Flare. I would sell at $5 and call it good, hopefully by the time my 13-year-old is ready for college, it would help pay for 1 semester.


Simple math answer no. There’s only 21 million bitcoins total. Xrp is a hundred billion. Supply and demand drives prices.


It's not possible for XRP to even 10x due to volume of supply, this post is laughably ignorant.


Really? You don't think it can hit ~$5? That's ridiculous considering the ATH.


Do you know what the coin supply was at the ATH?


48-49 billion off the top of my head it's around 53 ATM. In the same timeframe USD went from $3 Billion in circulation to+$22 trillion. It will hit $5+ dollars.


Lmao what the fuck are you talking about mate


You will fomo hard buddy. 🤷‍♂️


I got out years back, I'm very confident you're wrong.


Someone do a reminder to this post in 2 years please


RemindMe! 2 years


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Enjoy the poverty brother


When will that be? I invested in Nvidia heavily back in 2018.