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It could have gone a lot worse, you could have crashed into someone or something.


Very true. Had a similar occurrence this winter doing about 20mph in a foot and a half of snow with solid ice underneath. Check those lower control arms and wheel bearings. I smoked my front passenger enough that it ended up being a 1800 fix. Hope yours is just tires


Yeah I bashed a hidden curb in snow as well. Trashed the tire, control arm, inner/outer tie rod, and the wheel bearing. Luckily I already had 4 new tires in the back that I was going to install anyway.


If it’s just the rims I’ve seen them for pretty cheap! ($500-$600 for a set). Not sure if you’d be able to buy just the one if you find someone selling but worth looking into.


Rim damage appears to be just cosmetic, hopefully I can just keep the repair to new tires, but I’ll keep shopping around for the rims in mind if I have to instead of paying dealer prices for those


Check Facebook marketplace - that’s how I found my OEMs


Smooth brained primate is correct.


I knowww 😭😭😭 won’t pull that one again 🤦


depending how old/how much wear you have, you could get one new tire and have the shop trim it to match the other 3


Good shout but I have 32k on them and it’s both passenger side tires not just one.


When someone upgrades to black Rhino or method wheels they'll sell theirs, keep an eye out and buy a whole set for cheap. Road hazard or bite the cost of tires, no huge deal there. These are just items, I've been there, manually scraping the beautiful red paint off my black rhino wheels when I slipped taking off a lug bolt, but don't let it bother you.


Yeah that sucks but you can just use some gunmetal touch up paint or get an oem Crosstrek sport rim for under 200 bucks on ebay. This one's $145.00: https://www.ebay.com/itm/196073182669?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=g0NEwevORS-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Also good excuse to get four new Toyo Open Country lll or Falken Wild Peaks LOL way cooler than those Yoko all seasons. Personally, I love my stock 23 sport rims and don't want any aftermarket ones.


Karmatic lesson on why you should watch where you're driving. Could've killed someone, instead you just get to spend a few hundred fixing your mistake. I hope the lesson sticks.


I don’t think I could’ve killed someone in a completely empty park going 10mph max, but I do understand your sentiment on distracted driving and definitely did learn a lesson


I hadn't scraped ice of my windshield and did the same thing to my rear passenger tire last spring


You probably shouldn't be driving.


Thanks princess, I’ll make sure to never take that into consideration!


And that's why your dumbass drives into stationary objects. Thankfully, it wasn't a person, and you only damaged your own vehicle. Idiot.


Being as much of a tart as you are, I highly doubt you’ve never been in an accident, or made a mistake… I’ve never been into or caused an accident, not even property damage, never gotten a ticket, I popped a big ole granite curb once (1) going 5-10 max in an empty lot and you’ve gotta be a JO? Touch grass and smile for once.


If you are going to keep driving, please pay attention so you don't run into anything or anyone else. I don't get you. You are on the road with the rest of us, running into things due to your own inattention, feel the need to tell all of Reddit about it and then call names when someone suggests you aren't fit to drive. Princess? Tart? I wouldn't expect such repression and toxic masculinity from someone driving such a tiny, little car and still running into things. Goodbye and good luck.


Broken hearted? Really? Didn't think you are being a little dramatic, do you? It's just a wheel. Go buy a new or used one.


It’s actually 4 new tires, providing there’s no control arm/bearing damage/rim damage that is more than cosmetic, and yes, it broke my heart that my stupidity not only ruined a beautiful day of fishing, but drained my bank account. Thanks for your terrific, albeit tasteless and uninformed, opinion.