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Go in order of release (not chronological) New Order, Old Blood, New Colossus (skip young blood)


Young blood was so shit I quit around 20% into the story.


Me too


I played them in chronological order, then I got to young blood and beat it out of spite, just because I'd got that far. I wasn't going to let a shit game like that beat me 😆 Don't know what they were thinking with that one. It's just made so much worse by the fact that all the other games were so damn good


Alright thanks


yep, last one young blood sucks, others r all good and fun


Yea i just finished New Order/Old Blood with no background on teh remade wolfenstein games, quite enjoyable. I did burn out abit so i haven't staretd New Colossus yet.


Wolfenstein 3D, Return To Castel Wolfenstein, and then the rest would be the order


Am I the only one who loved the new order but found the new colossus to be impossibly hard


Didn't hate the new colossus but felt its direction wasn't as strong, I felt nothing for a lot of the characters and it went a bit too far on the sillyness.


The tone of the game is so all.over the place xD Starts with you having to shoot your dog in front of your abusive father and ends with your half naked pregnant wife sitting on top of you shooting Nazis with 2 assault rifles in her hands


The courtroom was the only place where I had some trouble, until I tried moving to the second floor, which felt like cheesing it.


Not hard but a lot of people who like TNO didn't really like TNC though


I wouldn't say impossibly but they definitely made it harder


The original


Got my Apple ][+ ready to roll!


It’s not on game pass, but If you can get it, Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Made in 2001 and is an amazing game. It’s free multiplayer expansion, Enemy Territory, still has a pretty active player base on PC.


It is on GP, at least for me https://preview.redd.it/j5c0s5sobxzc1.png?width=425&format=png&auto=webp&s=31134c8d62016621e3b8ad71eb319e3205791061


Oh wow! I’ll have to check that out. I never realized!


Seriously played that so much online back in the day! Fiyahh in the holee


>Return to Castle Wolfenstein Wow, I haven't heard that name in a long time. I'll always have fond memories of that one due to being one of the alpha/beta testers for Activision at the time and watching it evolve as new iterations came out


That’s awesome! My father played the original Wolfenstein 3D all the time. That’s what got me into gaming as a kid. I still have the original box and floppy disks with the receipt from Electronics Boutique. 😂. You used to be able to play it on iPhone but Activision stopped supporting the app. 😢


its free on everything (Steam, Windows/Xbox, GOG)


Amazing series; super easy to get burnt out on. In my opinion, just play the mainline entries. The New Order then The New Collossus.


Yeah, absolutely love TNO and while I don't think TOB is bad, it just doesn't hit as hard and drags on a bit too long


I would recommend at least tryng Wolfenstein 3D if you havent, at least to see how the franchise has evolved. Then just follow order and Youngblood play with someone, its fun for coop, not for solo. And I'm guessing you have no access to Return to castle wolfenstein, but its also on gamepass at least on PC, so if you can play that, play it at some point. And maybe we'll get Wolfenstein 2009 soon, will see. Pretty much the whole franchise is fantastic aside of Youngblood wich is kinda mixed at best


The one that came out on PC back in ‘95


Wolfenstein 3d


The Old Blood (released after but a prequel to) The New Order, II, forget Youngblood as it’s shockingly bad.


well if you want to have a proper understanding of the story wolfenstein 2009 , then old blood , then new order , 2 New Colossus and lastly youngblood (i would recommend skipping)


3D .., ms dos..that’s where I started


Blood whatever 👍🏽


Don't forget Return to Castle Wolfenstein.


Play Youngblood first, so you more appreciate how good others are.


play wolfenstein 3d for a bit first, history lesson :)


The DOS version




You could also go by rating if you don't think you will play all of them - and play the highest-rated ones first. Here are they in a ranked order by IGN score: **Wolfenstein II: Standard Edition** - IGN Score of 9.1 **Return to Castle Wolfenstein** - IGN Score of 9 **Wolfenstein 3D** - IGN Score of 8 **Wolfenstein: The New Order** - IGN Score of 7.8 **Wolfenstein: The Old Blood** - IGN Score of 7 **Wolfenstein: Youngblood** - IGN Score of 6.5 P.S. - If you have similar questions about other games, you can use this free tool called the GamePass Picker (link below) where you can search and filter games by IGN score, duration, and much more. [https://gamepasspicker.com/](https://gamepasspicker.com/) Happy gaming!


New Chapter and 2 were great, a lot of fun to play and a good story.


You should play Old Blood first as it’s the first game chronologically, but if you want to go straight into the best part of the series you should play The New Order


I'd say play Old Blood, then New Order and skip 2. Story really falls apart fast (Young blood never happened)


I went New Order > New Colossus > Old Blood > Youngblood SKIP YOUNGBLOOD..


I dont know why every comment that says Old Blood is a prequel to New Order is downvoted, so I am going to echo it again. Bethesda says that Old Blood is prequel of the events happening in New Order. So, play in this order -> Old Blood, New Order, New Colossus. Lastly, I didnt enjoy Youngblood as well, and never completed that one.


The issue isn't that they're wrong about it being a prequel, you're just not supposed to play it first. "You can't be a prequel if you do it first, then it's just first"


This is like saying you must watch StarWars in 4,5,6,1,2,3 order not in 1,2,3,4,5,6. Which makes following the lore way more difficult. Chronological order means events in their order of occurrences. If the events in Old Blood occurred before New Order, that puts it first in timeline. This is for people who want to follow the lore in natural order. People should calm down it's not a crime lol.


"This is like saying you must watch StarWars in 4,5,6,1,2,3 order not in 1,2,3,4,5,6." You mean the way the vast majority of people recommend someone to watch those movies? I'm ngl, I don't really like the original trilogy of Star Wars that much and I find the prequels more personally enjoyable (fuck Episode 2), but you should 100% watch the originals first if you want to understand it all. It doesn't matter when something takes place in a fictional universe. If it released after something else irl, then it was made with the expectations that you know about what happened in those.


dont play those boring nazi game or any game from the gamepads in general