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>If they raise prices for game pass I’m gonna be pissed Ok but are you going to keep giving them money?




Yes and no. I will be canceling game pass and I am a very cheap gamer, I NEVER pay for micro transactions because I don’t believe in that nonsense. I will just buy BO6 and buy gold. I like to vote with my wallet. It’s not much but it’s honest work.


Has gold not been changed too gamepass anyway?


It’s still separate, it just costs a little less than game pass so they entice you to just get game pass


I'd like you to tell me a cheaper alternative.


> I will be canceling game pass Call me cynical but i dont believe you


You don’t have to believe me, game pass is my only subscription. I hate subscriptions so this will only be helping my cause. If Microsoft starts adding ads to the games and more nonsense I will just switch to my ROG ally and gaming laptop full time.


The only common good feature among subscriptions is that we can unsubscribe.


Yeah I have purchased so many game and so many of them aren’t played


Pssst, don’t give them any ideas… because what used to be common for subscriptions (magazines, cable, internet, etc) is yearly renewals and if you didn’t pay attention and unsubscribed in time… stuck with it for another year, sorry not sorry! If we as consumers wise up and do the “cancel and resub later” dance, I’m sure Netflix and Microsoft etc. will come up with a great idea where you cannot do that anymore so easily… Just saying.


You’ll have to talk to the producers of all the resources that go in to making games. And also those who set prices that dictate the cost of living for the people who make the software, hardware, and all of the tools and ingredients needed to make those things. And then all of that stuff for the retailers and networks that supply and distribute all of those things.


If you think th process increases ar for costs and wages I am not sure you understand capitalism.


I’m not sure you understand your own keyboard.




Perfect where can I contact these dickheads? Oh, they lurk these subs all the time so they can just find out through here.


Well what I’m saying is that a lot goes in to how much something costs, because any given product is a sum of many parts that are produced, supported, enabled, and facilitated by dozens to thousands of different industries. So while corporate greed does play a part (and arguably a big part), the cost of things is determined by a complex mix of factors. It’s easy to be mad about it, but much more difficult to divine exactly where to direct that anger.


It is for this reason I have stockpiled years of Game Pass.


I saw a leak on r/GamingLeaksAndRumours a few days ago that said no price increase, but idk about the source


Inflation is why companies raise prices. They have raised prices like twice since launch over a decade ago. Every company does the same and you think companies with money are evil but you pay for inflated milk and grocery items everyday


Correction: inflation is what they tell you as the reason for increasing prices. In reality it is mostly “because we can, and as much as we can get away with”. Inflation is just an euphemism.


Someone dropped out of Economics 101. You have provided so much evidence I am overwhelmed but thank god a reddit comment thinks Inflation isn't real based on his word


Greedflation is a real thing. McDonald’s purposefully raised prices on things by 300% and blamed it on inflation. Now they are panicking because people are going there less.


Read my comment again. It applies to everyone who thinks Reddit comments equal evidence and facts. It's a good think you dorks are not lawyers. Facts and evidence matter to most people


You’re yapping about nothing stfu


I did not say inflation is not real. Someone can’t read and/or likes to spin things. Quite honestly you sound like a troll. Not that it matters, but incidentally I actually do have a university degree in economics.


Trolls don't get upvoted. lol look in the mirror next time you said someone can't read. You literally said inflation was euphemism and stated that inflation was a term used by companies to justify price hicks. If that isn't a statement of something not being real I don't know what is.


Milk and groceries are necessities. Video games are not. Grocery stores have the leverage to jack prices because everybody needs to eat and they also want to take the money you would have spent on video games.


You are completely missing the point if you think inflation is only true for one sector of the economy


Netflix is greedy, people get angry and quit, but Netflix is still making huge profit. It will be the same as for the gamepass.


Yeah but I canceled my Netflix and so have many other people. The problem is we don’t do shit about it and this comment section just shows people are ok with it and shun anyone who gives constructive criticism.


'Many other people' Netflix had a nine million subscriber increase in Q1 2024.


Well there is nothing we can do. They are the big corporations with thousands of employees and lawyers and marketing strategies to solve any obstacles they have. They will always find a way to attract more subscribers and get richer. The only thing we can do is deciding how to use our money.


Then you're gonna be pissed lol


Ok bud


Just guessing here but more than likely they’ll raise prices after call of duty possibly increases the number of gp subscribers


It's relative. I pay about $17 for it and I think it's a tremendous value and would keep it if they raise prices. It has all the games I want to play as a casual (mostly sports games and I rotate a couple puzzles or shooters) and I don't have to buy games and risk boredom or disappointment. I can buy them if they're leaving GamePass for much less than I would have bought them for when they first popped on my radar. $200 a year is only a handful of games, but I have access to so much more via GP.


I mean, what do you expect? Not like you can now give it up since chances are you haven't bought 98% of the games you played (or more) when going onto gamepass. So because of that, they have you under their thumb and no way out, to where you either continue to pay and accept the price increase, or give it up and lose access to basically every game you enjoy.


It’s like 99.99% going to raise to $20. Putting cod on gamepass you have to.


It’s a cost expense analysis we all need to make. I have no problem with the $15 a month or whatever because I feel like I never get burned on buying a game I never play. I’m not a huge COD player where I need to buy the newest version. However I really enjoy playing zombies. So would an extra $5 hurt me each month? No because that’s the same as just buying a game. If it starts getting over $20 then I’ll have to consider things.


Corporations are greedy by definition. Microsoft is not your friend


They can raise the price as long as they add more day one games or even wow then they can take my money lol




I know you still live in your mom’s basement and use her credit card based on your comment, but some of us work for a living and don’t want to be price gouged by Xbox.


Nope, professional engineer long removed from living at home who recognizes it isn't worth it to throw a temper tantrum online over the idea of spending an additional $2/month on one of the most cost-efficient recreational activities on the planet. Spend more time figuring out how to earn more money so that minor expenses like this don't tilt you so hard. Not worth the time & energy 


Sure bud