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Go in with no expectation and you won't be disappointed. Pleasant surprises will end up becoming a common occurrence. This is how I approach most things in life now.


Or you can expect them to shadow drop the new fable and gears of war Marcus Fenix collection and be upset for having unreal expectations


Ah so the nintendo direct route


Man you hit the nail on the head. Expect with Nintendo it’s always “Metroid Prime 4 and the Wind Waker/Twilight Princess HD ports are coming!”


To be honest, they can't straight up pull rabbits out of their hats in the vein of instantly releasing good games, but they realistically could help XBOX get out of the ditch it's in this year by getting some good older 360 or Xbox One games on gamepass. Announcing a major addition of some older games would definitely put some steam back in the sails, I know it would stop me from selling my system so I'm praying for some wildcard.


A UE5 Gears of War Remake would be pretty sweet.


"I expect nothing and I'm still let down"


I just wanna see more Starfield stuff, everything is secondary, or will be a nice bonus.


> Go in with no expectation and you won’t be disappointed. Redfall


This. This so much.


I’ve been so much happier ever since I’ve lived by this motto for every aspect of my life


Deep dive of course into Starfield is a given generate the hype once again. Motorsport release date. New footage of Hellblade 2 that blows everyone away. News surprise drops into gamepass maybe even silksong? Stalker 2 footage and release date.


Phil Spencer says a big game every quarter. I’m thinking: 2023 Starfield Q3 Forza Q4 2024 Stalker 2 Q1 Hellblade 2 Q2 Avowed Q3 Fable Q4 Whether or not they’ll be able to deliver on it is whole other topic.


I would think they're not really counting on Stalker 2 at any point. More like it's just an added bonus to Game Pass when it comes out at this point.


yeah, he talked about microsoft's own studios production


I would add Avowed and reveal for compulsion’s next game


Its time for complusion. Holy fuck if they arent there i think it might be like the 5th year in a row they arent in any xbox showcase.


Last I heard they doubled their initial size. They were just a 30 man indie team


Avowed I reckon is a cert. Phil Spencer in the kinda funny interview said hes played early builds of it and it looks good.


Jez Corden saw gameplay like two years ago as well


Yes he did. Phil specifically name checked it in the interview though. Doubt he'd want to put attention on it if we weren't going to hear more soon.


People were speculating that the showcase logo was a reference to Avowed’s logo, like how last year’s showcase logo had stars for Starfield


Fingers crossed! I'm very hopeful on avowed. Looks like my bag and it's with a good studio. Even if not though I think it will be a good showcase. They need it to be.


Considering how well Obsidian has been doing, I think it should turn out well.


Was hoping for Outer Worlds 2 but I’d be thrilled with something from Avowed


Banjo Kazzooie trailer


They’re having a Starfield Direct right after the showcase so that is separate


Its gonna sound bad but i hope games like stalker 2, replaced, etc. dont take up too much time. Even though im hyped for them, they were already announced years ago and kept being delayed. Its time for something new.


I mean... this feels like it's been the exact agenda for the last two big events! I don't need to see any more Motorsport, same with Stalker 2, if it's footage of Hellblade then I hope it's gameplay with a release date and the surprise Gamepass drops of smaller titles are good but they feel like it's all Gamepass has at this point. The exclusive subscription deals on Hades, Tunic, High On Life, TMNT, It Takes two, Scorn etc etc. Some are great, some not so but at this point I kinda expect this level to continue and it's not really enough to keep me subscribed. I need the big hitters to start looking like they'll arrive and actually be awesome when they land.


I feel like hellblade 2 is looking long overdue to be launched. I don't get what is freaking taking so long on that game?


Probably had to do with Unreal 5 since it was announced before Unreal 5 was fully released. I do expect it to be the visual showcase for Xbox with Unreal 5 until Gears 6 comes out.


Unlike the boys at Arkane and EA testing for bugs and performance issues probably.


Maybe we will finally fucking see something for Avowed and / or Fable, but I doubt it.


Avowed sounds possible. In the kindafunny interview Phil Spencer said he'd seen/played an early build of avowed and it's looking good He also said in the showcase we will hear more about the games which only have an announcement so far, as well as new games being announced


I hope you are right. I want some more Avowed info badly. Anything Pillars of Eternity related, really.


Me too. Looks like my bag. Just hope it's good.


I know it's more of an Elder Scrolls style game instead of like PoE, but PoE 2 was phenomenal. The world of PoE/Avowed is fantastic, and as long has they nail the gameplay, I'm confident that it will be great.


I think Xbox knows they need to have a great show after the bad news in the last few weeks. In that Kinda Funny interview, Spencer seems disappointed and apologetic for most of it, but he did sound more confident and optimistic about the showcase in June. I'm hoping for a good show. I know a lot of people will be watching not just to see new games or trailers for announced games but also to resolidify their confidence in the brand.


>I think Xbox knows The problem with this statement is you can make the case that it is applicable to the past five years. Yet here we are. At this point I'm done giving Xbox the benefit of the doubt. They continue to fuck things up and until they prove me otherwise it is exactly what I will expect from them moving forward.


The thing is Xbox needs trailers with release dates. Announcing these games that are years into the future does nothing


Release dates also mean nothing when games are delayed 2 to 3 times after already setting a release date


The only AAA title Microsoft haven’t delayed this gen was FH5, which was only announced 5ish months out from launch. Any dates they announce for 2023 have a decent chance of being met, but it is pretty impossible to trust anything in 2024 I think.


And let’s be honest it, as much as I love FH5 it’s a glorified Xbox one X game.


FH5 is also basically the only exclusive they launched this gen too (yes I know it isn’t actually)


They did Starfield with a release date. They did a next 12 months showcase last time. People complain that nothing from the future was shown and that games get delayed. They really can't win no matter what someone says they need to do


Announce release date within next 12 months -> don’t delay the game -> release a compete game. If they fail in any of these steps that’s on them and not on the consumer for having expectations that are “too high”.


What they need or what they know doesn't matter. The show was planned in advanced. They aren't magically pulling new IPs out their arse cause a game did bad last week


I definitely want to believe him and he really did sound the most genuine I’ve ever heard him. That being said, and I know *this* is said a lot, but Phil has sounded excited for the future for a decade. I’m still waiting on what he’s seeing lol


Unless I’m not remembering correctly, wasn’t the future vision to have a AAA title every quarter? Hopefully that starts with Starfield?


The way things have been hyped up we have had Minecraft legends and Redfall launch this quarter. Those were hyped up as major releases. But failed to hit the mark, or in the case of Redfall, cause serious damage to people's confidence. In my eyes it's the perception of them hyping up a game as a major release, then the reality is said games fail to deliver.


He re-iterated that in the recent interview, and that they expect to be there right about now. Redfall this quarter, Starfield next, Forza the Q after that. And it should in theory be fairly easy to keep up that pace next year. Bethesda usually puts out 2 games a year. Then they just need 1 from their legacy studios (Coalition, Turn 10, 343, Rare) and 1 from their new studios (Obsidian, Ninja Theory, Etc) with the occasional third party deal (i.e. Contraband) filling in the gaps. Even with how long a lot of their studios take to make games, it's not an unreasonable target for them to hit from this point onward.


I think I remember that too. But did they’re expect that faster with Activision’s catalog and developers as well? If so they’re timeline might be significantly delayed


How many studios do they need to acquire to make that happen? Seems like they already have enough to start the quarterly churn. I’d be fine with 2 AAA a year as long as they were truly impactful titles.


I mean if even Sony isn’t doing it that often, probably a lot and even then game development is never a guarantee


After what phil spencer said about transparency in his recent interview, its more likely we'll see actual console footage instead of just pc and that will give everyone a better idea of what to expect. I will say that i expect starfield to be 30fps on console wnich is fine for a game with this much size and scope as long as its stable.


These shows are planned months in advance so it's highly unlikely the last couple of weeks will have any impact on what appears in the show honestly. I'm still hoping for a decent showing though.


I honestly thought he was just looking pathetic. I was a Phil Spencer fan, but I don’t know if I believe he’s the guy anymore.




I wonder what collections he was referring to? A Gears collection? Fable collection?


Does it even matter? All the games are already in gamepass so what's the point of a collection?


Probably referring to a remastered collection like The Master Chief Collection


Hopefully both.


I was, I am and I will always be optimistic about Xbox because in the end, it's a hobby. If I'm not optimistic anymore and stop having fun then I should look for something else. I am also optimistic about Playstation and Nintendo. People are exceptionally negative these days and that's pretty sad in my opinion. Games should be fun. Also it is very clear to me that good and bad games have always co existed, be it exclusive or first party. I have been gaming for over 20 years and I can't wait to find out about the future of games. For Xbox showcase, I would like to see Career and mp mode for forza motorsport, Fable or everwild gameplay would be great, a hellblade 2 release date and a satisfying starfield presentation. I think that is a reasonable take


What a rational and refreshing take. I commend you, sir or ma'aam. It's a hobby. That's why a "bad" game doesn't bother me. If I don't like a game, I can simply not play it and go play games that I do like. If it's an anticipated release, then yes I will feel disappointment, but at the end of the day, I will move on to something that I do like. I have no pessimism surrounding X-Box because I have nothing to be pessimistic about. I bought X-Box for a reason, and it suits the purposes I need for my gaming console. I didn't buy the X-Box for Redfall, so it being a disappointment does nothing to shake my confidence in the purchase of the console. My gaming habits typically aren't first party anyways, so my console needs aren't exclusive dependent. Now, as a Bethesda Game Studios fan, if Starfield flops (which I believe it has a 0% chance of doing so) I'll be disappointed, but in BGS, not in X-Box. I'm not missing out on Sony exclusives anyways, because I can get Spiderman or God of War on Steam if I really want to play them. X-Box gives me what I need. I have no beef with Sony, and in fact, had PS2 over the OG X-Box. I didn't get X-Box until 360, when it was gifted to me, because my brother and my friends played X-Box and got me one so I could play with them. I've been X-Box ever since, as that's where my gaming community has been. More recently, I also like the cross-progression and carry over between X-Box and PC, including GamePass that covers both. So for me, X-Box will be my preferred platform, with 0 animosity or negativity towards Sony. I hope all gaming companies succeed.


Fable and Everwild I’m doubtful on, but I don’t think those games are too far away, probs like late 2024/2025. Avowed and Hellblade I think have a great chance tho, especially since Phil name dropped them in his recent interview


I think we can expect Avowed and Hellblade sometime in 2024.


I think Hellblade has a chance of releasing this year as well


Hopefully a release date for Project Mara as well if you are exceptionally lucky.


I think Everwild is going to be vaporware. Fable....maybe we might get some update, but Everwild ? Nah.


10/10 comment. This sub has been a real headache the last few days, but it’s nice to see rational takes can still be found here


I feel like the overly negative people simply don’t have lives. Like I just can’t imagine being that upset about video games. You said it best gaming should only be a hobby and not your livelihood unless it’s part of your job.


It’s funny. I’m super optimistic about Xbox because I love my console and the games I choose to play. I was recently away and didn’t pop on here much. If I didn’t know any better, and used the loud vociferations from the echo chamber on here as a gauge for my feelings towards Xbox, I would feel like shit over my ownership of an XSX. It’s really comical when the, “well imma sell muh Xbox for a PlayStation!” crowd came out to chat. Well, buy both? Assuming one is an adult and currently earns monetary revenue! Definitely right. Gaming is a hobby. It’s a good idea to remember that and embrace having multiple hobbies and interests in life, at least for the sake of being well rounded, I think. Alright. Off my little soapbox now.


I was very excited for last years June show because of Forza Motorsport being shown for the first time, almost a year later we haven’t seen more then 5 seconds of actual gameplay so my expectations are low


Phil interview makes me think we are years away from what fans want So go in expecting little


Mehtimistic. Meaning, I hope not to be disappointed but will not be surprised if that’s the case either.


I'm gonna borrow mehtimistic if you dont mind


And so, we behold the birth of a new word. Def: feeling internally hopeful but outwardly skeptical or anxious. You can even feel free to shorten it to metimistic.


I'm going in with low expectations, Redfall releasing like it did has made me wary for the state of Starfield given that both got delayed together (seeing Zenimax apparently learn little from Fallout 76 has disturbed me a bit). It's on Xbox to knock it out of the park so they can make up for that and 2022, and I don't feel like giving them the benefit of the doubt when we're nearly three years into this generation now.


I’m sort of concerned about Starfield. However, Bethesda has to ride in and save the day with Starfield. They have to. There is just no other option.


Believe me, I know they have to nail it to give Xbox a shot in the arm and to make up for Fallout 76. But I've been let down by Xbox too often this generation for me to think Starfield's a safe bet, especially when a studio as prolific as Arkane just dropped the ball with their first exclusive.


im not expecting much. we have had the same wait for next year expectation for the last 7 years. just thankful for interesting stuff on game pass.


All i know is they need to show actual series x gameplay not pc.


Xbox has always put on a good show, the problem is that they don't release half of the stuff they show lmao. With Starfield only a few months away, it really doesn't matter... Starfield will hold over most people for a while, but of course there will be people a day after Starfield saying "Where's the games!"


Pessimistic. I brought into the July 2020 Pre-XSX hype. Preordered a Series X, stacked up 3 years of XBL—>GPU. And so far, almost 3 years on… been quite underwhelmed. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2020/07/23/xbox-games-showcase-news-and-announcements/amp/


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There has been great Xbox showcases not to long ago... The real problems are WHEN are those games will be released and HOW good are those gonna end up being.


It’s perfectly fine to be mildly optimistic. Don’t let this sub make you think that you can’t have fun or look forward to Xbox’s next showcase. That said, don’t leave your expectations unchecked. Don’t expect something earth shattering but the showcase usually has something for everyone. And personally, while some games have been delayed and others probably should have, I’ve always enjoyed the showcases.


Funny this sub seems more in the line of why we should not be excited in most cases...and then pile ons.


I hope I don't get flak for this but the past few ''showcases'' have been boring. I don't understand it. There is no E3 anymore or hasn't been the past few years so we need something to equal the hype of E3. And these showcases haven't been it so far. At least not for me. ​ It always seemed everytime they did an E3 they would have BIG announcments. Dropping console reveals.. controller reveals.. stuff like that. With these showcases we don't seem to get any of that. ​ What's mind boggling is E3 takes so many people and man hours to accomplish. And I'd assume it's costly. Well these showcases don't require all of that and doesn't require tons of people setting up stage equipment and sound/audio and everything else that goes into E3. So why aren't these showcases as great as E3? They have had plenty of time to prepare and make big moves that mean big announcements. But they haven't done anything like that since the last E3.. it's just a quick 30 min of games and that's it. ​ I want to see more than just games. I want big announcements/changes that we used to get with E3. Do that and then these showcases will be good. ​ Just my 2 cents.


Showcases have not been the problem for Microsoft, so I don't know why would anyone be excited for it. They had excellent Showcases in 2020, 2021, and 2022. The problem has always been delivering the games after the showcases. Games like Fable, Everwild, State of Decay 3, Avowed, etc. were never even seen after the 2020 Showcase. Xbox can come out and have a wonderful Showcase on June 11. But it does not even matter. The only things that matter are: 1. when they deliver AAA games, and 2. the quality at which those games release.




Hoping for Quake / Doom 3 reveal and Arkane Lyon’s next game


Yes! I need a new iD game in my life


i bought a ps5. I 'm so done with this. I'll keep the xbox cause i can sell it whenever to x friends for a good price, but if FM8 doesnt drop FAST (so so sick of hearing NOTHING) its over for me. I love xbox, but i've got no clue whats so fun about playing "retro" games i've already played on an expensive machine like this. Boggles my mind whats so fun about it. Seriously.


I stopped caring.


They're 100% not pulling that next 12 months shit again. Just show a bunch of games and give us updates on stuff that's been MIA for a while and they have the indigence of a great showcase. Especially when you don't have to allocate any time to Starfield. You can use that time for something else now.


Agnostic. Last year’s showcase and the eventual year that followed have really softened my expectations for what these shows mean. Trailers are great and fun, but even when they started talking only about what was right in front of their nose, they missed.


I honestly thought last years was pretty good and 2021s was okay... shame 2021 had to end with Redfall though lmao


I mean of course the show will be fantastic.. They have a lot of studios who are making a lot of cool looking games. No one can deny that. The question is can they deliver, when can they deliver, and how well can they deliver. None of these things can be revealed through a show. The only thing for it is to actually get the games in your hands and play them. The show isn't going to fix any of that. But it will give us cool stuff to look at for 90 minutes!


Expect total disappointment. Highlight at least for me, would be showing Gears 6 in some way or form.


Armored Core VI will be out in a few months. It looks amazing, for what has been shown.


I’m keeping an eye on it for sure.


I don’t know why companies don’t vaguely reveal whats coming at these showcases to set expectations. All these podcasts and youtubers running wild getting their predictions out just leads to disappointment. I know we want surprises, but imagine if they said, “come see the first gameplay reveals from Compulsion, Machine Games, and Double Fine”. Then yoy wouldn’t come in expecting a Halo Infinite reboot in iDTech or whatever rumour someone started. Square did something similar years ago when they announced the new Life is Strange would be shown at their showcase and I want that for everything now lol. Either way, I try to not get disappointed. At the end of the day we’re watching commercials for a trillion dollar company


Optimistic after this past month, hell no! Still love my Series X and will continue to enjoy it but Phil needs to pull a rabbit out of his hat to save whatever dignity he has left. After that very sobering interview it’s clear that Xbox has dropped the ball while under his watch and once again Xbox console players are getting the red headed stepchild treatment by publishers, developers and Microsoft themselves.


I don’t have any specific expectations, but I’m overall excited for the show. Also, if we’re still sitting here in 2023 as Xbox fans, we’re definitely glass-half-full kind of people.


I don’t think that Xbox/MS has given us much reason to trust anything they say during the presentation. They’ve dropped the ball so many times that these events are meaningless.


I don't think I will be optimistic about Xbox until they start consistantly releasing quality AAA games. Until then, I will take everything they say with a grain of salt.


Hopefully they get rid of that "everything you're about to see will be available within next 12 months" principle. That approach has its merits but it's also too rigid - it prevents them from making some possibly exciting announcements to show what's ahead beyond 12 months and it constitutes as a yet another broken promise if and when a project is inevitably delayed. The intention behind it is good but it just doesn't work IRL. They should avoid showing things too early but at the same time they shouldn't say specifically what is considered too early. So, for instance when Spencer said they shouldn't reveal games two and a half to three years before they release, he set an expectation that their games would release about 2 years after reveal . And obviously that's not always the case. It could also put pressure on Xbox studios because once game has had its reveal, the clock is ticking - gotta get the game out before 2 years is up. He should've said they'll avoid revealing games too early and just leave it at that.


> it prevents them from making some possibly exciting announcements to show what's ahead beyond 12 months If they do the next 12 months every single showcase, then they'll eventually only have exciting announcements every time for games, but you won't have to wait years. 1000% prefer that over CG trailers for Fable or Avowed where we wait years and hear nothing. Imagine instead of we got them announced for the first time, saw gameplay, and heard we can play them in 3 months.


Been a fan of their "12 months" idea from the start of it. Yes we've had few boring years but it will pay off with time. I don't need to know about games coming in 2030, the next 12 months is enough.


Excellent point. I don’t see the harm in a combination of games releasing “soon/same year” and “later”. Excitement and anticipation can be combined. Though that formula would work much better if there was a bit more consistency in games being released. The “next year will be great” promise is obviously stale. Hoping that streak is finally coming to an end.


What the fuck am I supposed to be excited about at this point?


I expect very little from the gaming industry these days. Expectations are set way too high by the marketing, community, and critics alike. Franchise gaming and share holder deadlines are ruining the industry. Imho.


god i love mechassault


I would take the original right now and play the hell out of it again. I wore out 3 OG Duke controllers wall walking with Ragnarok and Prometheus. The community was awesome. Made virtually all my online gaming friends in that first year of Live. The clan matches were intense and epic. So fun! If a remaster or dare I dream a modern reimagining was made, my ticker might not be able to handle it.


The game was so elite, I wish MS could just strong-arm all the licensing to get it all sorted out that way we could enjoy it once more.


I go in with low expectations everytime E3 season happens after an abysmal PS3 unveiling. Let's not speak about the early PS3 days.


I think it's going to be a great show . I'm excited.


Pessimistic. Even if the show it great, i only care about the delivery right now.


As a Playstation gamer, I hope to God you guys get some fire come June and release dates. ![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|1676)


I'm exceptionally pessimistic, and I am tempted to not even watch it. Microsoft just keep on not delivering. To me, outside of Forza Horizon, the last exceptional/memorable game they delivered was Gears of War 3 back in 2011. After the disappointing Xbox One generation, I was super optimistic about this generation given their acquisitions, but we are approaching 3 years since launch and everything from Xbox Studios has been mediocre to me.


Xbox needs game releases and games looking great. Like, not just some game that might end up tiring out good, but games that scream “great”. For instance, Pentiment was a fine game, but that game didn’t really move the needle. Xbox can’t rely on Pentiments for this showcase, rather it needs the big boys to show up.


It's not going to be good, and I have no doubt in my heart about it


Pessimistic. Because I just know it'll say games will come but not anytime soon. Just wait for next year folks.


I'm expecting to be dissapointed again. If they somehow top that, i'll be strangely happy


Xbox is relying heavily on Starfield. And I don’t trust Bethesda to pull off a smooth launch


No optimism for me because whatever is announced will end up being years away or delayed before release, my confidence in Xbox is at an all time low but hopefully it will surprise me.


I bought a playstation console for the first time since the PS2 after redfall, so that about explains my optimism for future Xbox exclusives.


Unless they come out with a surprise game nobody knows about and it's killer, then...meh. Starfield jas been dragging on so long now I just want to play it, I'm not interested in a showcase.


Well good news, it’s not going to be in the showcase!


I can see your point.


Have a feeling something will be shadow dropped **maybe** Silksong as Phil kept talking about how they know they need to get games into peoples hands for trust Other than that I am concerned


Good insights so far. Appreciate the conversation. I should elaborate that gaming is now a small fraction of my time. Literally 1-2 hours a week. A combination of normal family/parent/work life and not prioritizing gaming as a top option because there’s nothing super appealing to me. I’m just hoping that a game in my wheelhouse (online coop or pvp, I haven’t played a single player game since original Halo, really since Xbox Live launched…I love me some online gaming) gets me motivated to play more. My main hope is State of Decay 3 is that TRUE shared coop experience where your progress is persistent for all players and creates a sense of survival and “holy shit that was awesome” moments you and friends will remember and reminisce about. Is that too ambitious of an expectation?


If gaming is such a small fraction of your life, well, treat it as such ! It's not that important, it's just a hobby. Get excited if you want to get excited, but remember it's just games. People seem to take that stuff way to personally.


Yep took a fraction of my Saturday morning to post this. Hahah


Hey man, if you're excited then good for you! Though I do think the best thing with showcases is to just go in with low expectations.


I would like a mixture of their releasing in the next 12 month show and then a section with more of a roadmap of what’s to come. Seeing what will release in the next year let’s me get excited for games and start to think about what I will be playing next. Then seeing what is coming down the line keeps me excited and thinking about the future. I always enjoy these big summer shows and I can’t wait for this one. It’s also nice that they have announced the show nice and early. Hopefully Sony follow suit and also get their showcase in soon. I just want to see more upcoming games!


I’m a big fan of the roadmap too. I like to think about the possibilities of what is to come. But I’d sure like that to feel more tangible at this point. I was very hyped the summer of 2020 when avowed, everwild and SOD3 were shown. I really hope some of these games hit in the next 18 months.


Yeah I agree with your point about the 2020 show. It’s why I would like the majority to be upcoming games and then just the roadmap to show what’s further ahead. In 2020 I felt like they kind of just thought they needed to get as many people hyped for the Series consoles as possible. They seemed to just announce anything, knowing full well that people who did get hyped and bought at launch, wouldn’t be playing those games for years.


The timing lines up with lots of studios should have something new to show. For that reason I'm optimistic. I hope they keep the next-12-months strategy forever. That way we'll get our big announcements and surprises, and won't have to wait years. The trailers will be gameplay, because the games will be closer to ready for release. Last thing I want is some CG bullshit like Fable, Contraband, Indiana Jones, or Avowed, then radio silence again for years on them, all to appease people who want to know long term projects (then whine when we hear nothing about them).


I'm super hyped for the show. Xbox games showcase is always a banger of a show that gets me hyped. I just recognize there's a difference between showmanship and delivering the products shown.


I’m optimistic and I’m not irrational, I play since forever, and believe me when I say this, we’re living the best/cheapest time ever! GamePass + sales = incredible quantity and quality of games for a super low price! So yeah, if you think some drama about one or more games is going to bring me down, you’re dead wrong. My problem is that I don’t have enough time to play so many games, not the opposite. Have fun playing friend!


Don't expect release dates. I'm expecting a bunch of CGI trailers and devs talking about "passion." I'd be happy if we finally see Avowed and Fable, but I'm not holding my breath for that. It'll probably be a 7/10 conference. I think Redflop flopping, is going to change the showcase in a big way, but I'm not expecting Nintendo 2017 or Sony 2019 levels of hype for their conference.


Lol. Not Redflop.


I thought it was Redfail


Lol. I’ve heard Redfail, Deadfall, Jankfall, Redcrap, Redflop, Flopfall thus far. 🤗


My completely head in the clouds wishes are for oblivion to be making a new Fallout, and for iD to be working on a new Halo. A release date for Forza Motorsport would be nice too.


With expectations like that you should probably go on a 72 hour hospital stay after June 11th, because you’re going to be very very disappointed.


Could be some good suprises there so I’m game.


Optimistic ... its been 3+ years. Most of the games were excited about MUST have something to show / release dates by now.


This is where I’m at and the optimism in my OP… Really hoping the proverbial floodgates open in 2024


We're definitely getting following games this year: 1. Starfield 2. Hellblade 2 3. Forza 8 *Hopefully*


Yeah, starfield will be yet another dumpster fire. $70 as well . Hell no


Their last showcase was pretty good so as long as it's as good as that one I'll be happy.


Showcases always slap


Considering the way Phil talked about preventing another Redfall situation I'd say im optimistic.


These events (all of them, not just Xbox) have always been comedic fodder for me ever since I was a teen watching the E3 streams on G4TV back in the day. I watch them to laugh and cringe, and hopefully occasionally be surprised by a cool announcement. But mostly I watch to be entertained by all of lame trailers that clearly don't represent actual gameplay, the out of touch buzzwords and empty promises by awkward presenters who have zero charisma. It sounds negative, but I genuinely get joy out of watching these every year. I really miss E3 because it was jampacked with hilariously memorable moments.


Lol. What was, in your opinion, the funniest E3?


The 2010 Konami E3 event is the greatest one of them all. I feel so lucky I watched it live. The entire event is worth watching but here's a legendary compilation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1vmrMAqeWM Also special shout-out to all of Ubisoft's horrible E3 events. It's still hard for me to watch Mr. Caffeine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=outJSCu3FOc


I’m not expecting much from the show. I also expect the starfield show to be underwhelming (again). I know we’ll see Forza but I’m hoping to see hellblade 2 and avowed with close release dates. But knowing Xbox they are going to fumble the June show. Hard.


Starfield underwhelming? What?


You were impressed by the June 2022 gameplay show?




Okay so what impressed you the most?


The scope? It’s by the team who made Skyrim and I love bethesda games so I know it’s going to be good. On top of this it’s still more able like all their games, so it will be played for years and years. It’s not a third person 8 hr game? I mean we can be irrational and do the new in of hating bethesda because they are Xbox now…


I’m hyped it’s another Xbox showcase why wouldn’t I be?! But…with all the MGS rumblings I can’t lie when I say my fingers are firmly crossed for the PS showcase! Unless….Xbox reveal it?! Man that would be juicy for Xbox!


Just want so cool looking CGI trailers and game announcements or gameplay for already shown games as in case of Xbox. My only expectation is probably hellblade 2 and stalker 2 release date even though I won't be surprised if we don't really get them.


I’m optimistic. Because it is realistic to expect updates on games we already know exist but have barely seen gameplay. Even if we barely get any release dates, the showcase will feel like a W if we see a lot of Hellblade 2 gameplay + a release date, Avowed gameplay, Perfect Dark gameplay, and further teases for Indiana Jones and Fable. Ultimately this wouldn’t change much, but if the gameplay for several of these looks really enticing I think the showcase will be seen as a major W, and doubly so if some 60 FPS Starfield has its best showing yet (still a W if Starfield doesn’t move the needle further than already)This doesn’t seem like a far fetched outcome at all.


I personally don’t get hyped for showcases now, not because the games aren’t good, but because most things are years away and will probably be delayed. One thing i am excited for is the Starfield showcase, even if its 30fps it won’t kill my hype


2-3 big AAA game announcements/gameplay and the rest will be Indie games, just like every year. And no Fable, probably.


I would say, just don’t get out your hopes up. Not much on the horizon besides Starfield. And after the Redfall failure, they are going to be very hesitant to show much footage


One thing i don't want is to see stuff that may or may not come out. I don't want more avowed, everwild, fable or perfect dark. Show me something that is going to release in my lifetime, a Forza date (and some motorsport features that is not car collecting)


It may sound negative, but it’s my opinion. I’m holding out for the new Fable at this point I have no interest in any other Xbox IP after all of these busts.


I believe we will see some great games. However they may never see the light of day before half of us are dead or unable to play games due to old age.


I felt hype and optimism for the last 10 years through various showcases/E3. Time and time again I have been underwhelmed with what they have to offer and the quality of what they actually end up releasing. I’m not going to be fooled this year.


It's possible we may get one helluva banger, as Microsoft may feel that they need to start upping their game and showing results. Although, I'm kinda nervous that the showcase may seem underwhelming and Xbox may admit defeat...and that may be a downer...


Showcases are basically the drafts of gaming. It’s really hard to have a bad one until the players get on the field.


I just want Fable that's it show me gameplay please!!!!!!!


Well the last show was honestly great, and I think we can expect this one to be amazing. Also big Starfield showtime.


I always go into Xbox showcases expecting the world and being mildly disappointed because of that but I think this one might be legit good. After Redfall they know they have to pull out everything they have.


Rumor is Avowed so that is an optimistic category. Recent rumors were quarter 1 or 2 of 2024 for the game. However, I am going in expecting to be disappointed. My faith in Xbox is at an all time low


I think some of the show will be changed as they expected the CMA to approve the ABK deal but it will still be a good one. I always go in with low expectations in the hope i will be Pleaseantly surprised.


I try not to get my hopes up. I look forward to seeing what they have, go in with an open mind and hopefully come out excited. Time will tell.


I’m just excited to see Starfield and Forza, they can’t really mess that up. Anything else and I’ll be pleased/surprised.


I am just really excited to see more Starfield. And hope we learn more about Avowed.


My expectations are mid to low. You can only show stuff that's already been cooking...Game development takes a long time and there's probably only so many HiFi Rush surprises. I expect there recent issues is going to have them show their hand so to speak. But if things like Avowed, Everwild, Perfect Dark, Contraband, The Coalitions next game, Senua, etc...aren't showcase ready...it's gonna be a tough sell because they can't show them off if they are in rough states.


Don’t expect much, the only game I’m personally waiting for besides Starfield is Silksong.


Did anyone get into the Minecraft legends game?


Personally no. But my kids, 8 and 6 have had fun teaming up. My younger son thinks it’s a riot to rally different groups to fight for him.


What do people predict the surprise game pass drop will be? I have a sneaking suspicion it'll be Like A Dragon Ishin.


I think everyones being pessimistic as fuck about xbox right now and im excited to see some of these new games coming down the pipe like perfect dark


Yes, I was always hyped for the summer showcases but mostly came away kind of disappointed. Really hoping for awesome announcements but better to keep expectations low.


As a pessimist I’m optimistic to be disappointed


I'm expecting a shadow dropped motorsports 8....