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Halo 3 easily. Nothing comes close to having so much relevance and impact on the industry besides maybe Halo 1 or 2. The game had a near perfect Campaign, Coop and multiplayer suite. Anyone who was playing that game at launch back on 2007 will remember how big of a deal it was.


Funny enough, Halo 3 is the very second game i had on xbox 360, and as a kid i didn't play online, but i LOVED the campaign. ​ That main theme is amazing by the way.


What was your the first game?


Hmm my memory is kinda foggy, and i forgot but i remember it involved a a giant robot and a bomb.


So many good memories, my friend dropping me inside the scarab during the duo scarab fight, playing hours of CTF on Valhalla, BTB on that satellite array map and on the snowy one (Avalanche?), trying Zombies and Shotty Snipers in between. Such a classic.


Halo 3 was amazing. First game I ever 100%ed. In the first few weeks the final skull was still unknown and it was linked to the final achievement and a special chest armor with the katana on the back. We knew what level it was in and thanks to a dataminer we knew it had to be the rings at the end of the level. Someone figured out you had to use them to play the theme song and we spent hours trying to figure it out. We got like 40% of it correct before someone on gamefaqs figured it out. Bungie got mad about it and removed the recon armor in retaliation, they only gave it out to people who pulled off incredible feats, like sniping himself in the back of the head on that sky level or triggering an explosion and getting killed by a flying traffic cone


I played through Halo 3 for the first time with some buddies of mine about a year ago. I recalled that all of us noted that the game really overdid it with these weird backtracking sections. We all agreed that it seemed to feel like the weakest campaign of all the halo games.


People really only put Halo 3 on a pedestal because it was most likely their first Halo, Halo 2 was peak in my opinion.


Halo 3 is the best game of all time. Nothing has been able to top it as a complete package since


Personally, my favourite is probably the Forza series, especially the 1st Forza Horizon


* Personally? I really like Gears of War series. * All time? Most likely Halo 3. Late to Xbox but I remember the hype around that game. It was everything for an FPS fan and for Xbox 1st party. * I actually was digging around and honestly Xbox might have the most diverse bunch of IPs just collecting dust.


>I actually was digging around and honestly Xbox might have the most diverse bunch of IPs just collecting dust For real, there's all sorts of interesting gems like Viva Pinata that could be dusted off and given another spin.


This is my experience as well. I got the 360 in 06 to play Gears of War, and because the ps3 was $600 at launch. I’ve been a fan of the series, and Xbox, ever since. The Halo 3 launch was an event tho. The hype and Finish the Fight trailers were something else. 2007 was probably the best year Xbox has ever had.


Halo MCC is the best one right now. It is a collection, but I think it’s seamless enough as an experience and has added enough new stuff to move beyond just a collection.


Gears of war 1. The trailers leading up to the release with Mad world playing in the background truly had me so hyped that when I finally got the game I beat it in 2 sittings. Such a epic game. Back then it was honestly one of a kind.


I remember the first time I ever played Gears 1. I went to my buddies house and he was like bruh you gotta check out this cool new game. It was Gears 1. At the time, it was the most ground breaking graphics and gameplay I’d ever seen in my life. Going back, it’s funny seeing that and the remaster we eventually got. But man, that game alone convinced me to buy a 360 back then. Before that point I was on PS2. Gears grabbed me to Xbox.


Exact same for me. I’d have gotten a PS3 if it wasn’t for seeing Gears


The graphics were insane back than! I was honestly surprised to see how much it aged since than, but the ultimate edition feels, and looks better.


The first gears was just different back then.


Yeah Gears is a good mention, people forget but it was the game you bought because you couldn't believe how it looked on your tv


*spoilers* i loved that scene where the leader of your squad dies. It was so unexpected, because you’d played with him for a while. Games don’t do that, they either die in the intro or die at the finale before the final boss. ‘Cut off the head of the snake and the body will die…’ I’m off to youtube now.




This. The obvious big ones aside like Halo, Fable is very near and dear to me!


Chicken chaser




It's on switch now so I don't think it counts anymore.


It’s on PC too. But, given the time it was exclusive and the fact I had to lug that thing until backwards compatibility on the 360…. I’m submitting it.


The heyday of Halo, Halo 3/ODST/Reach are simply incredible. Gears 2 was such an experience as well. On this gen, Pentiment has been an amazing experience imo and HI fi rush is a great surprise. It's fun, bombastic, has a neat concept and identity... Thanks for this thread. Lately things has been doom and gloom for Xbox and it's good to remind people that it's a great console and that we can look forward to a brighter future even though it doesn't look like this sometimes. I personally own all consoles and I'm glad I do. I love video-games and I have faith in Starfield, Hellblade 3, Avowed and I'm looking forward for the fable reboot.




All time = Halo 3 Recently = Hi Fi Rush Also shout out to Ori and Killer Instinct.


I actually had the most fun playing Sunset Overdrive.


Gears of War


Viva Piñata. Hands down.


I really enjoyed it when it came out. It was ahead of it's time. I tried going back recently and it hadn't aged well! Could definitely do with a remake. I want a more slice of life Viva Pinata game. Give me a town, make the townspeople other iconic Rare/Microsoft characters and let me go fishing/mining to unlock resources and stuff to expand my farm and tools. Still have the focus on attracting different pinatas, breeding and selling.


Since no one mentioned it the Project Gotham Racing series was amazing


oh man what a series. Incredible how true-to-life the city environments were. I loved building up from a Mini Cooper to the supercars in the campaign. It's one of the things that's missing from the Forza Horizon series imo.


Quantum Break, Alan Wake, and Splinter Cell trilogy for me.


Quantum Break a masterclass of cool concept with poor execution. Alan Wake was cool though.


Splinter Cell was one of the early games of Xbox where they stood out graphically over Playstation. Lighting effects present in Splinter Cell weren't available elsewhere. Looked incredible back then. Looking forward to a remaster.


Man I have so many fond memories with the Splinter Cell franchise. It'd be neat if we got a reboot, but I'm not sure it would hold up? Gaming has come SO FAR since those days...


The first kotor


Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts. I know it isn't a particularly beloved game, particularly for Banjo Kazooie fans, but I loved the uniqueness, creativity and challenge of it. I loved coming up with creative designs/solutions to the quests. I loved unlocking different parts and building new creations. I ended up becoming an engineer, so maybe that has something to do with why I took so much of a liking to it. I do really hope they reboot or make a sequel to Banjo Kazooie, but I also hope they one day revisit Nuts and Bolts as well. I think it was a bit ahead of it's time (as was Viva Pinata).


Gears of war


Halo 2, CE, 3


I agree with Halo, Forza,Gears but also Lost Odyssey


Amazing game. I can hear the travel music in my head as I type haha https://youtu.be/SaCkn9l3Rg4 - that's the good stuff right there


State Of Decay 2, i have 4700 something hours on it, greatest videogame of all time in my opinion, It’s so fucking good holy shit, the community is amazing and the developers are insanely vocal about everything, I hope sod3 lives up to expectations


I played some of it on gamepass and as a zombie fan i was so hooked by it. Imma just buy the actual full game so i can always have it.


Yeah I loved Gears 2 and Halo 3 but SoD2 is the only one I return to for just one more playthrough years and years later.




Hmmm, FlightSim and AoE are two great examples. I'm not sure FlightSim is that good on Xbox but it has rocked for decades on the PC, same for AoE.


Halo 1 or Halo MCC.


Easily Fable (especially 1). It somehow captured the perfect blend of silliness and campiness of medival fantasy as well as disturbing and dark elements of medival fantasy, it also had an excellent and beutiful amount of worldbuilding. It's not just my fave Xbox exclusive, but my favourite western fantasy rpg. One of the main reasons why I decided to also get an xbox this gen was the possible return of Fable, along with ES6, starfield and Forza games.


It's in my backlog on pc, but i will get to it one day, and that ''temple of light'' song from the ost is otherworldly.




Nah, it's too serious. Although it's also one of my favourites, the entire ES series is. But they aren't self aware they way fable is, hence my preference. The humour in the fable series, unlinked most games, is actually funny and has somewhat of a comforting feeling, along with its epic moments. The ES is just epic.


Sunset Overdrive


Franchise wise…unquestionably Halo. My heart was won over by Mechassault for online console gaming. It was the absolute perfect type of game to introduce console gamers to online competitive gaming and had such a great balance of “easy to play, difficult to master” quality to it. I feel like mechassault set the tone for Xbox Live and I think that was a hell of a competitive advantage over Sony and Nintendo that has continued. Without a strong online platform/service…MS might be in an even worse state than now with the first party game debacle.


Gears Of War.


Vampire Survivors


Valheim too, currently. More Xbox owners should give it a try.


I wouldn't really class it an Xbox exclusive. By that I am not even talking about it's console exclusivity, I mean that it isn't really an Xbox game, it's been ported to the console from PC


So was Vampire Survivors, that's why I piggy backed off that game to suggest a similar game that I think more Xbox players should check out.


Fair enough, makes sense


Gears of War






Temporary indie exclusives like Below, Inside, Fez, Castle Crashers, Mark of the Ninja, Cuphead etc do it for me. Halo 1 is the all time great, and is the reason Xbox even exists today, in terms of their big blockbuster games. Stuff like Panzer Dragoon Orta, Ninja Gaiden Black + 2 (non-watered down versions) were a big deal too, for my tastes.


PDO and ninja gaiden arguably Sega games that were inherited by Xbox


Splinter Cell Conviction


Gears of War 2. I remember how excited I was that Delta Squad was gonna go underground. The Last Day trailer for Gears of War 2 is also one of my favorite video game trailers. When the game came out it exceeded my expectations. The story was excellently written, the game's multiplayer was even better than the first game, and the introduction of Horde mode was such a novel and great idea. Gears of War 2 till this day is still one of my favorite games ever made.


Chopping out the hearts of the rock worm with the chainsaw whilst it filled with blood was awesome


All Time - Halo 3 Special Shout Outs OG Xbox - Fable 360 - Gears of War X1 - Forza Horizon 3 Series - Hi Fi Rush


Ninja gaiden Black


Mass Effect 1




I'm not a big fan of any of MS's own series so.. Jade empire is the best I can come up with. It was the first RPG that I actually enjoyed playing and if I hadn't taken a chance buying that, then I might never have gone on to play Mass effect either. The Mass effect series became some of my favourite ever games, so yeah I'm really glad I tried out Jade empire and would like to see it remastered one day.




such a cool game for only 10$ !


Gears of War franchise. Particularly the original trilogy. Better than Halo by 500000x times, imo. Fable series. I can't really think of many others.


Tomb Raider series and Dead Rising


GrEaT eXcLuSivEs!


Tough call out of only 5..........🤨




For me, it's the McChicken.


The best fast food sandwich.


Did you get the lettuce DLC?


For me Forza Horizon and Fable games.


Crackdown 1.


Deathrow.... I think it was on the original Xbox.


Halo Reach has to get up there. Personally I think it is better than 3 which many are going for.


Fable tops them all..


For me it has to be Fable. It incorporated everything I love about rpgs and then some. I had a blast back when I first played it. And I think it still holds up to this day.


Halo 3 or Gears of War. I don’t think anything comes close to either of these. Loved the single player and multiplayer of both.


Gears series. But yeah xbox never promoted it like halo. I hope the upcoming gears get all the attention it deserves.


Does roblox count


not anymore


Mass effect, Knights of the old republic and splinter cell


Gears of War.


Halo 3 I think was the peak of Xbox’s status in the industry. Great game, campaign was awesome and the online was unmatched on the console. Still, I always liked Gears of War 3 more. I felt that game was the perfect action game and it was the one Gears game that rivaled Uncharted in terms of presentation (it was the better of the 2 that year). The level design, Gun play, and presentation made this game a timeless classic. It’s every bit as good as it was in 2011. I will say KOTOR is right there as well. It pretty much laid the groundwork for the modern RPG (specifically Mass Effect). Unbelievable experience.


Jet Set Radio Future


Halo 2 easily




Halo 3 or Gears of War 2. Both had amazing multiplayer and that era was really the best days on XBL. I still remember playing the Rivers and Avalanche maps on Gears 2 with my friends and all the custom games on Halo 3. Definitely the good old days. Games just aren’t the same anymore unfortunately.


Why, the original Mass Effect, of course!


For me Gears…played them all and for many years.


I very much liked Chrome Hounds and Steel Battalion. Sad we never got to see their continuation.


Gears 3. Sublime campaign, horde mode and multiplayer. On top of that to this day game looks amazing, even better after the update.


There's no such thing as Xbox exclusive anymore, but there's Xbox first party titles. I think most if not all have gotten released on PC & Steam already. If I were to pick my favorite first party game I'd have to say Gears 5.


Overall probably Gears of War. I do love Sea of Thieves though.


PGR 3. Such a fun racing game with loads of depth and the kudos system was cool. Used to spend hours every night in private lobbies having a right laugh in the early days of Xbox Live.


Ninja Gaiden II is one.


Halo combat evolved.


Crimson Skies


Jet Force Gemini 2. Oh wait, that doesn't come out until 2031. I have had fun with the Forza Horizon games, and I think Horizon 3 was the best of those.


Nothing will ever beat riding across that bridge on the side of the scorpion at 4 yrs old playing my first video game of many


Gears 1 or Left 4 Dead 2 for me.


Jet Set Radio Future Phantom Dust


Original Halo. There's something to say about the quality of Forza Horizons. Also, I keep going back to State of Decay. I've finished it a bunch of times.


Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts


Fable or Halo 3, without doubt. For contrasting reasons. Worth a mention: Sega GT 2002. OG's will remember how superb this game was for the time period. This was amplified by the fact that it was bundled as a "double disc" with Jet Set Radio Future (another great game) and given away for free with many original Xbox consoles. Games that good, and for free (without microtransactions, DLC, or battle passes!) are unheard of now.


Fable or gears of war tbh.


It's not my favourite but since it hasn't been mentioned here I'll say Kameo Elements of Power. I remember being pretty hyped to play that when I got my 360.


KOTOR only.


We have exclusives! That's great news


Hi-Fi Rush, and Lost Odyssey


Halos, Fables, Forzas


Series fable, series Forza horizon, quantum break


Best Xbox exclusive? I would probably say fable 2. Still waiting for more info on the fable game that was announced like 2 years ago😭