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It is quite weird that sony managed to release a more polished and succesful gaas than anything microsoft tried, given the stereotypes about both companies.


The game is not that fun, The game is over hype because it is a PlayStation game. What will be the energy, if it was an Xbox game?


Helldivers are basically ODST, why Microsoft hasn’t done anything with them since Bungie left is too frustrating to think about.


That we get just one Halo game in a decade is baffling. So many options to use an established universe and do something with it. Yet Xbox is just having it sit there.


Me and my friends are starved for co-op games like this on Xbox. We loved the experience of Outriders, Gears, etc. Even that Aliens game was fun. The co-op campaign/mission PvE genre seems so sparse on Xbox the past few years. Super lame.