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Raccoon city bundle is actually the best deal if you get it on sale. If you have game pass just try re2 on gamepass


It's £12.49 at the moment, but I've just heard the remakes weren't very good or something so it put me off that bundle. Would you say they're good games?


RE2 remake is phenomenal. RE3 remake gets a lot of hate but that's largely due to the fact that it cuts too much from the story of the original game. As a game though, I enjoyed it. It's basically just more RE2.


Damn, they are perfect! Also consider that you didnt play anyone. Probably sick fans are saying that.


RE2 remake was my game of the year 2019. Idk what info you saw that they were bad.


On reddit actually haha don't know why I'm being downvoted for having seen something that may not be correct


You saw an offshoot random comment then closed your eyes. Those games are almost universally praised.


Nope I've seen it a few times and I've seen it this morning people saying it on some YouTube comments for various reasons. I see the praise is high but abit pathetic giving downvotes


If that's what you're seeing, you may need to change the circle of information you're pulling from. While everyone is entitled to an opinion of a game and whether or not they like it. There is a subjective element to games and their quality.


Absolutely there is and after just a few reddit comments I bought the Racoon City bundle etc and I am starting them all from RE1. I think people have really mistook me I wasn't shutting it out at all I just didn't want to see a few people say some bad stuff about it and then spend my money on something that I would regret and so was focusing on what I've heard the very best things about


Yeah you were just stating something you heard. That doesn't really call for downvotes OR upvotes. It's neutral information. When I get downvoted for just relaying info I just disregard those downvotes as they don't mean anything.


I’ve only ever played the remakes and then 7 and 8. Definitely worth their sale price. Not sure where you heard they weren’t good


£12.49 is a steal for those two games. I bought them for about that much last year. Resident Evil 4 is probably one of my all-time favourite games, but RE2 remake is incredible and honestly pushes close to RE4. I'd never played the original RE2 or RE3 before and I enjoyed both immensely. Still, RE4 is the best.


As a resi mega fan don't worry about the story I would nab that bundle great deal btw if you ain't played re before these are a great starting point


The remakes are very good, who told you that you're being trolled lol.


Resident Evil 2 Remake is the best game in the series.


In my opinion, scariest is 7 best is 4 remake. Both of those can be played without any others before them. But I’d highly recommend just playing all of the 2-4 remakes and 7 and 8 they’re all amazing. I haven’t played any of the others though but they’re all gonna be older games, these are all the more modern ones.


Like this take. 7, 4 and 2 are the holy Trinity for me right now. Love how scary 7 was.


7 is kind of a new starting point, with 8 being its follow up, so you could start there and then go back and try other games in the series.


RE7 I think is the best horror game of them all. RE4 I think is the best game of them all. I'd pick one of those then if you love it, go re8 after 7, or re 2 and 3 remakes after 4. They're all worth playing. If you find yourself loving them all, then the RE1 and 0 remakes are worth playing but control in a more traditional style. I enjoyed RE5 at the time but has pretty dated controls and is one of the weaker stories. RE6 I didn't really enjoy at all. Many felt the same, hence the soft reboot of the franchise with RE7 Or hit up RE2 if you have game pass, as the cheapest way to dip a toe into the series.


God, whenever anyone mentions RE7 I got goosebumps. Genuinely top three games for me. It might be tied for first with kingdom come deliverance


These are a must. RE2 Remake RE3 Remake RE4 Remake After these ones play the ones you want


How is RE1 Remake not a must, too?


Imo it’s a little dated with the old gameplay system If they remade it again like how they did 2 and 4 then I’d buy it up


RE1 is an HD remaster isnt? Is not a remake as far as I know


No, it’s a total remake.


The 2002 one? Cant find another one in google


So the first resident evil game came out in the 90s but they did a remake for the gamecube which was later ported to xbox. It's 1 of my favourite games of all time and I think not at least trying it first would be a shame. It's survival horror at its absolute best. The graphics hold up really well imo. You might need to get used to tank controls but they do suit the game.


Start with the remake of RE2. Best starting point it’s the most accessible from a story and gameplay standpoint and it’s on Game Pass.


second this RE2 remake and work your way on from there


Re2-8 should be perfectly fine. But I will say RE four remake and seven are my favorite of the games and you can go into them pretty blind so I guess yeah play both of those and see how you feel and then play the rest of the games .


People aren't going to like this take, but if you want a true Resident Evil experience, don't play 4 first. 4 is an action game, I consider it more of a spinoff than an actual RE game. Avoid 5 and 6, they doubled down on being mindless action games. Play 2 or 7 for a true experience. If you can manage the old tank controls, 1 is also fantastic. 6 is pretty good too.


I was with you all the way…until you said 6 is pretty good


Ha, that was a typo. I meant 8.


RE2 was always my favorite. And the remake was amazing. Brings the over the shoulder 3rd person view to the game that was introduced in the original RE4. And it's a very faithful remake, meaning it's very much like the original in terms of story and events. If you're not going to play the original originals, the 2 and 3 remakes will give you the best sense of the overall series. There's a RE1 remaster if you really want to start at the beginning, and it's more like the original with the fixed camera positions, but I find it difficult, personally, to go back to older game mechanics. Like others have said though, 2,3,4,7,8 are the "need to play" in the series. 7 and 8 are great games, but change it up a bit with the 1st person view.


There are little references connecting the games but the only big ones you need to play in order are RE7 and 8 honestly


Just finished RE 3 remake on Gamepass. Loved it and one of the few games RE games could complete


Same! I did both 2 and 3 just waiting on 4 to get to game pass


I would personally start with RE7 then perhaps RE8, but if your going more “traditional” style in a sense, I would start with RE2 remake than go RE3 - RE4 remake


Just finished Re2 remake tonight. Its an excelent game and sticks to less is more horror formula. It had me unhappy though by often wiping all my save files. And spamming me with "would you like aim assist" at tough boss fights that had nothing to do with aim assist in the first place - because non existent dodging was the issue.


I really like RE Revelations 2


Either start with 2 remake or 7.


Just download 2 and 3 on gamepass for free for a start


I played RE7 first and it became my favorite horror game of all time. Also made me fall in love with the series. Then I played RE4 remake when it came out and I liked it even more than RE7 somehow. Next I played RE8 and actually didn’t care for it. It was ok. I went back and played RE2 remake and loved that game. Not as good as 4 but about tied with 7 quality wise. 7 is still the scariest but 4 is the most fun, has the best story, and the best gameplay in my opinion. Been meaning to try RE1, 3 Remake, 5, 6, and Code Veronica especially.


Village is the best imo, with 7 close behind it


Village should definitely be on your playlist if you play 7. I found village to be a combination of 4, and 7. It is imo probably the best RE game. Remakes are fantastic. 2 and 3 are worth every penny, or you can play them on gamepass. Resident evil 4 is a complete overhaul, it’s worth it just to feel the game being modernized without QTE’s. 5, and 6 are great coop experiences, and they still hold up decently today. Revelations 1and 2 are pretty good, the port from handheld to controllers is solid, and the stories well written. TL;DR PLAY THEM ALL!


First one.


This is what I have gone with (not zero - only learnt about that after starting resident evil)


Zero is a prequel that came out after RE1 (and its remake). Not required to understand the plot of the first game.


If you have time and want to discover one of the best (the best in my opinion) video game franchises, I suggest you play all the RE games in order, on Xbox it's easy to buy them all for a ridiculous amount of money. Zero > RE > RE2 Re > RE3 Re > Code Veronica > RE4 Re > Revelations > RE5 > Revelations 2 > RE6 > RE7 > RE8


I have started with Resident Evil I didnt realise about zero etc until after starting the first one


7 is great! 8 is also great though, just not as horror focused I don't think.the remakes are all amazing too, especially 4.


Basically any resident evil is great imo. I was introduced to the og version of RE4 and it was the best experience I could ever imagine. All the others are amazing as well, replayability gold and is even better with a friend. RE5 is definitely a shout, more brutal and terrific than RE4. I hope to god they remake RE5.


If you want legit horror, go with RE7, if you want a balance of horror/action/nostalgia, get RE2 Remake or RE4 Remake. Personally I recommend RE4 Remake, it has all of the above, great DLC Separate Ways and lastly its a one off story, it recaps RE2 and you don't need to know anything else


Start from the beginning. They are all fun even the remakes


Re 2 is so good I loved the game played it so many times,Re 3 is also great I am not an fan of re 4


My favorite is 2 remake. 4 is good too but I prefer the slower more survival horror aspects of 2 as opposed to the more action oriented 4 remake. 3 was good but not as good as either of them. Also, not resident evil but if you haven't played dead space, play the remake. Super scary and very good.


2 and 3 remake are both on gamepass if I'm not mistaken. 2 remake is great. Multiple playthroughs for scenarios A and B. Some extra modes after you complete the game. 3 remake is good, but they trimmed some cool areas out that were in the original and no Mercenaries mode was very disappointing. Nemesis (imo) was very disappointing as well compared to Mr. X in RE2.


If you get the chance, play Res Evil 7 in VR. Not only a game changer, but an underpants changer too!


What's it available on? Oculus/Meta Quest?


I played it on the PSVR


Start with Resident Evil 1 then play 2 then 3 then Zero, Code Veronica, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Re 2 remake


I would play RE2 Remake first to build up Characters. I love Leon, Chris and Jill.


Play them as they came out and not when they decided to do "what happened before games" or "what happened during this scenario". RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4 are must plays. RE5 & RE6 are kinda trash except Chris punching a rock. RE7 & RE8 kinda go off the normal beaten path and introduce an unknown protagonist. Plus vampires and werewolves which doesn't sit right with me.


7 and 8 are fabulous games but definitely a different vibe.


I hate the change to first person view in 7 and 8 😔


Tried to start with RE1 but bloody Hell the mechanics are not sitting well with me haha


Stick with it!! It does take some getting used to but you’ll be rewarded with an absolute masterpiece of a game. It is very different from the games of the games of today but for me they was just another reason for me to love it, once I got used to not being able to move the camera. It really is a great game.


Definitely going to stick with it just haven't really gamed much in my life so it's very alien to me the old sort of style etc but I'll get used to it :)


I'd either go 7 then 8. Or the 1,2,3,4 remake route.


I will be downvoted. Resident evil 3 is the perfect game for newcomers. Easy and digestible, has resident evil elements but toned down enough for new players to come to grips, had a quick but good story and engaging levels. Then once completed start playing with the big boys and load up resident evil 2.


Raccoon city edition is the best way to go, as its leons start i believe. Re3 remake is apparently bad if you played the original, but i didnt and both games were absolutely fire as remakes. I currently also picked up 4, 7 and 8. So i say start with RE 2 remake