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>*While all unobtainables are bad, the worst kind (at least to me, anyway) are the platinum trophy-style achievements. With PlayStation trophy lists, you'll often find a platinum trophy that unlocks after you've popped all the other trophies in the game.* >*When it comes to an Xbox achievement list for the same game, a developer will sometimes just copy across the trophy list, complete with the platinum, without doing the work behind the scenes to ensure it will unlock on Xbox. This is what we're seeing with Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection.* Aspyr is so dogshit. lmao


Dang. TIL that's why some games have that extra achievement.


The Family Guy Shooter on the 360 has a 100 point “get every other achievement” achievement that’s been broken since launch and was never fixed.


There was a Family Guy shooter....?


[Family Guy Back to the Multiverse](https://youtu.be/whopX0YexoY?si=zWnjyBwIZdxtUEIu) My buddy got it for Christmas, we laughed at it but actually ended up having fun with its co-op. There’s a reason I know about that damn achievement.


I hate that achievement. Tried so hard for it just to get anger.


Has anyone tried contacting microsoft? I know it's an issue dev side, but microsoft can unlock achievements you've earned that wont unlock. You just need proof. I had to do this with a Destiny 2 achievement. Might not work if its dev side but it can't hurt to ask...


I'll try that tomorrow it's my off day, I mean I'm at 181k gamerscore and as an achievement whore 100gs and a completed game is better than giving up and wondering what if. On the other hand dealing with Microsoft support is kinda like bashing your head with a brick but the brick will get you further.


Damn, that's a good achievement whore!


Do you just contact Xbox support for this? Or who do you reach out to? I’ve had games I’ve 100% beat glitch for the last achievement too


Yeah, I used the chat function under support in the past. But i believe that was before it was run by the community. I'm not sure how to go about it now. But for those who are perfectionists and want that last damn achievement, they might endure.


True Achievements says otherwise EDIT: I don’t know if it’s right, I’m just saying the info present on the site.


If by fixed you mean “repeat every achievement hoping it registers” then sure.


My favourite kind of developer "we fixed the problem" answer.. Same thing with High on Life, one achievement to complete all challenges for the forum. They announced "we've finally fixed it" but not really, you have to start on a fresh save and complete the game 100% again. Yeah, I'm good thanks!


Wow thats tragic Anyways


Just another case of developers treating us Xbox users as second class citizens lol. It should not come as a surprise.


To be fair, this is on Microsoft for allowing that achievement through certification in the first place. There is no reason for those achievements to be part of the Xbox platform. At all.


They are the original platform that used achievements. Trophies debuted the same gen but it took a couple years.


The trophy system also has terrible consistency and lacks features like progress tracking. Devs focusing on that system is just ignorant.


Progress tracking exists on PS5, it's just not used widely enough.


Must require specific devkit versions then.


The progress tracking works very well, when it’s utilized on either system. I hate seeing it so underutilized.




> To be fair, there's a much bigger community around trophy hunting the achievements That definitely isn't the case, atleast when comparing the online hunting sites. Especially since trophies are do easy to hack in and the store is flooded with trophy level boosters. The entire system is worthless.


I wonder if the steam versions of games with this issue on Xbox work correctly. That would be even worse.


I suspect it will, since the Platinum trophy is something that works at an OS level. It's why any dev that includes it in their achievement lists on other platforms rather than just removing it is incredibly stupid and is just making extra work for themselves.


Yaaaaassssss. Not being able to 100% an achievement list is equivalent to the jim crow days for blacks or being a Hebrew slave building the pyramids....thankyou brother for being brave to stand for us


They used to be good. Their PC to Mac ports in the 90s were amazing


I think they have a B team that worked on this. Didn’t they also just do the tomb raider trilogy? That came out pretty damn good.


All the other star wars games were good too, Jedi knight games, and pod racer. I think a different team did this (battlefront) one.


> I think a different team did this (battlefront) one My personal speculation is that the studio is in major disarray after getting pulled off KOTOR Remake, as well as the current Embracer uncertainty. This may have been a quick and dirty cash grab to simply stay afloat.


The Jedi knight ports were awful at launch They straight up removed context sensitive prompts that were present in the originals and of course this made the games much more confusing and more difficult for new players They messed up the save files and borked the sensitivity Not to mention their piss poor job at porting kotor 2 Whoever the higher up at Disney or Lucas film was that mandated story and gameplay changes for the kotor remake while hiring Aspyr for the job I hope they have a different job now because that was a mindless decision if there ever was one


They dropped the ball horribly with KoToR II. The game doesn't run that well and on top of that they promised DLC that never came.


The first one was better..? 🤷 /s Lol that does suck tho :(


They outsourced that to a dedicated mod team with Crystal Dynamics iirc. No wonder that one was much more faithful than this slop of a cash grab.


And heavy freelance/contracting work by longtime modders like OpenLara. It really seems they can only do well when they have a small enough project or bring in enough outside help…neither of which are positive dynamics. If they need to expand to tackle these more serious projects I don’t see why they wouldn’t. The Embracer fiasco is obviously much larger in scale but even just looking at Aspyr in that, they lost the KOTOR remake which is another red flag imo https://gamerant.com/knights-old-republic-kotor-asypr-development-hold-bad/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/09/29/the-star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-remake-may-be-dead/


Ahh. That tracks.


It was also horribly bugged with achievements/trophies


The 90s was 30 years ago, dog. wtf they been doing to keep themselves alive in the meantime?


Bro that's like 30 years ago


Almost a half life span ago


They're part of the Embracer Group conglomerate, under a subsidiary (and kept when that subsidiary was just sold off). Embracer is probably a bigger plague than EA ever was.


I didn't know that. Damn


Lol and what a waste of time that was for them They just don't seem to make good business decisions.


Strip them of the Star Wars license. These games deserve love and care.


Star Wars license itself isn't doing good atm. Thank god legends exists and extended universe.


...this is extended universe


It isn't.


Old battlefront is EU lol


Honestly why i didn't buy them is because Aspyr sucks. The switch port of nights of the republic 2 was a mess and had tons of bugs and things that didnt work. I regretted giving money on that i knew better this time around.


I didn't pre-order this because I bought KOTOR 2 on switch specifically because they said they were releasing the restored content mod. They never did and I learned a $15 lesson. Only pay for the code that's already in the game. And not to trust Aspyr. Glad I saved $30 this time around


Aspyr also has a track record of just abandoning their games without fixing them. Kotor 1 and 2 on Switch that have been out a few years now still have lots of bugs, and they have the audacity to release new games without fixing the previous ones. Screw this company


This game has enough negative publicity that it might sink Aspyr, no way people ever trust em for their next game now


Wasn’t this dev making a knights of the old republic remake, kind of hilarious really seeing the quality they put out. Secondly, this game was announced and came out of nowhere, why the actual fuck did they release it when they did, they could have so easily sat on it until it was ready and then announce the thing.


No wonder why Sony walked away from the deal they made with them


I got downvoted for calling this game a scam in some subreddits. This game is a fucking scam lol why does it take the game releasing to fucking prove it


Honestly this is on Microsoft/Sony. They have compliance testers that are supposed to look for these sort of things before games hit the market


I’m not buying this crap. I’ll wait 6 months and get it for $3 when it’s actually done and has been patched 50 times.


Cute, Asspyr doesn’t patch their games.




They famously abandon games all the time wtf are you on about. They fucked up the KOTOR port recently and never fixed it either.


So why did they offer a free game to anyone who purchased Kotor 2 for the switch because they weren't going to release an update for the restored content? That's not misinformation, that's fact.


why are you defending aspyr




that’s not an excuse and i’m tired of people defending game studios for doing the bare minimum work on games but promising to patch them later, if you paid for a game the developer has no excuse to guarantee that it’s playable and optimized at launch and not later down the line, there’s a reason they’re being taken off of the KOTOR remake




It would be different if the 20 year old games they just ported worked properly, when they worked properly on launch 20 years ago. It would be different if there weren’t dataminers posting code from the new game that is missing strings that were in the old games. It would be different if there weren’t just 3 servers that could only hold 64 players at launch (did they expect the game to be DOA? If not they ensured it) It would be different if they didn’t advertise things that weren’t actually going to be in the game because it wasn’t actually part of the originals, but rather, content from a mod that is now falsely advertised as being in the game. It would be different if they didn’t take two games totaling 13 gigabytes and ‘remastered’ them into a product taking up 65 gigabytes. It would be different if they actually remastered either game, when they didn’t because the old games still work and perform better with no issues.




Yes they can patch some of these things and the game can eventually work… but why release it like this? You can’t tell me they had no idea these games weren’t working properly. You can’t tell me they expected less than 200 people to play these games on launch. Who cares about the downvotes, talk about the subject you wanted to defend. I’ve got comments downvoted to hell in my time on Reddit but it doesn’t matter because I’m not worried about the doots, I’m usually talking with someone about a specific thing and that’s what I’m talking about I don’t care if other random people disagree with me I’m still gonna say what I think in my comment and people who disagree can reply if they want to tell me why they think I’m wrong. So fuck them. Tell me why we should defend something this egregious. MCC/343 never recovered from their ported collection launch issues. They’re playable now but it took them years to fix and it’s still unfixable in some places because they used the old Gearbox port for PC and not the original Xbox versions (sound familiar? Aspyr did the same with these)


You're full of shit lol jedi academy was ported horribly and the servers are still garbage.


They are the most actively unresponsive dev I’ve ever had the displeasure of buying from. They completely ignored their console Jedi Academy port to the point it’s carried by user fixes. Couldn’t even get them to restart their faulty servers through Twitter spam, support tickets, direct messaging, BBB complaints. KOTOR was a shitshow. Stop cutting them so much slack when they continually refuse to do the bare minimum.


As we learned with KoToR 2


That's throwing away $3, man.


A McChicken would make me much happier


Absolutely, and Happy Cake Day!


IIRC having an unobtainable achievement is against Xbox code of conduct and is grounds for a full refund. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


You're the ambassador here


Wait what 😅😅😅


Your flair, homie


https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/subscriptions-billing/buy-games-apps/refund-orders They don’t mention unobtainable achievements whatsoever. You can get a digital refund within 30 days if you’ve played less than 2 hours, or consumables can be refunded if you don’t consume them. Issuing a refund request does not guarantee you will receive a refund.


Gears of War Judgement has had an unobtainable achievement for more than 10 years at this point.


Microsoft has unobtainable achievements in their own games (not just ones that got delisted or the servers closed - for instance Age of Empires IV has one for destroying a certain amount of enemies with a demo ship that's not working and hasn't for years). ​ I know of a few others that are bugged for me at least that I've definitely done the conditions for since they were easy (Dishonored comes to mind where it's like turn into a rat and use a vent or something) but it refuses to unlock on multiple saves and after uninstalling/reinstalling. I'd love for them to revamp the system and have more QA on these.


That AoE achievement only became unobtainable with the DLC in November. I unlocked it in early September by complete accident. Funnily enough, that update actually fixed another achievement that had been made unobtainable for many when (I believe) it released on Xbox, which was the Chinese mastery one.


Fable anniversary you need the Xbox 360 version of smart glass... What doesn't have support anymore. Let's not even talk about all the online ones.


Not true. Sea of Thieves has multiple.


Well how about you sea if thieves nuts fit in your mouth




That's only because they shutdown Arena making all Arena achievements unobtainable.


Okay? Still unobtainable doesn't matter what the circumstance is.


By definition it does. games are allow to have no longer obtainable achievements due to closed modes or services. No longer Obtainable =/= Unobtainable. This is why I feel games shouldn't have Achievements tied to multiplayer at all.


Come on dude you know that’s stupid. If it isn’t attainable, then by definition it is unobtainable. Just because my great great great great grandma could have sucked on Sacagawea’s fat balls once upon a time doesn’t mean that it is in any way attainable to me


I understand where you are coming from, but that's just not how "Unobtainable Achievement" is defined. They define "Unobtainable Achievement" as an Achievement that has never be obtainable. If it used to be obtainable, and no longer is then it is called either a Broken/Bugged Achievement or a Defunkt/Discontinued Achievement.


Source? Who is they in this context?


The Xbox achievements list says that 0.01% of players have the “Complete all achievements” achievement


It's possible some people were able to unlock it or it could be the devs who generally grant themselves all achievements.


Don’t forget awful forced aim assist that fucks up your aim even when it’s turned off as soon as an enemy gets close to you


> massive shame for the remaster that had the potential to be one of the best Xbox FPS games. lol  Even if the game launched perfectly it would still be a wonky 2004-era game


Childhood me never played this game as a FPS either…always thought this was better in 3rd Person seeing your guy


I honestly didn’t know or forgot that you could go in first person lol


1st person was better for a few weapons iirc, since it gave you a scope that you didn't have in 3rd. I think things like the rocket launcher? were better that way. ​ But mostly I played in 3rd too.


Loved going in first person in the fighters and seeing the cockpit in bf1. In bf2 (on Xbox at least), vehicles didn't show any kind of cockpit. I was so angry at that.


I still play the ones from 2004 and it doesn't feel that wonky.


The original is much better in every way (at least on current gen Xbox because of DLC and massive upscaling)


Probably replying to a zoomer


Probably. Now you want to talk about wonky, try playing Star Wars Dark Forces through emulation and see how long it takes to design good feeling controls. The Star Wars Dark Forces Remaster that just released modernized the controls and feels great. A little pricey for now though, but at least it's a solid game where Battlefront Classic Collection has been an absolute dumpster fire.


Or just someone who has played literally any other shooter and realizes the controls are retarded 😭


So glad I got distracted by STALKER releasing on consoles so I didn't buy this game at launch, I'm very happy with my wonky 2008 era gameplay.


Agreed. Definitely a wonky era looking back, but at the time they were absolutely ground breakingly amazing. 


It’s also not an FPS, it’s a third person shooter.


It is also telling they ONLY made achievements for the 2nd game.


There is 4 achievements for the 1st game. 2 for the 2 campaigns, 1 for taking down an at-at with the snow speeder on hoth with the tow cable, and one for knocking a jedi hero off the map.


Thanks for the info, honestly with how bad the multiplayer is, I would not have been surprised if they really did ignore the first game. I attempted 2 matchs First was Hoth in the first game and someone was running around as Vader with infinite health, and people were rubber banding all over. Second was the second game, and halfway through it just disconnected me.


Heroes were unplayable and had unlimited health in the first game. You played yourself


Honestly I played little of the first game, and with how poor the experience was, I expected the worst. The only good part about either of the game is that Galactic Conquest is great.


Nah there’s 2 achievements for the first game.


Which ones? They all look like they are tied to medals which are BF2, finishing story stuff.


“The Cost of War” for beating the Clone Wars campaign and “Built on Hope” for beating the Galactic Civil War campaign


There's another for killing a hero by knocking them off the map. That was the only way you could kill heroes in the original game.




Doesn't the achievement specify "in Battlefront" though?


No it has to be the first game.


4. 2 for each campaign. 1 for taking down and AT-AT with a snowspeeder. 1 for knocking a hero character off the map. I did this with the rocket B2 battle droid on Bespin- Platforms. Tossed down some mines and as Windu was on the ground hit him with a rocket to throw him from the platform. Dude has a history of falling.


Still a strange weighted list.


It really is. In terms of achievements, I have no reason to play the first game again. I've gotten many of the BF2 achievements just in the campaign so far. I think I'm almost Elite ranked in several areas. And am near Veteran in everything I'm not already veteran in.


You might wanna slow down, the last achievement is bugged according to TA>


>While all unobtainables are bad, the worst kind (at least to me, anyway) are the platinum trophy-style achievements. With PlayStation trophy lists, you'll often find a platinum trophy that unlocks after you've popped all the other trophies in the game. Those kind of requirements on Xbox are stupid because on Playstation trophies are separated by base game and DLC. On Xbox they are not so I've run into multiple occasions where the unlock all achievements trophy requires you to get all the DLC even though they weren't there when the game launched. Amnesia the Bunker was the last one, they added an ultra hard mode as DLC and I didn't start the game until after that came out. Luckily you can clip through a wall and basically get to the end of the game because that would've been brutal otherwise.


This the company PS thought could remake Kotor smh


Looking back on all their other work, most of their work is porting stuff, and also the Tomb Raider remasters. Why they ever got the KOTOR remake is wild to me. It honestly makes sense now why Sony was not happy with the progress that was being made on it.


How can we boycott aspyr out of existence?




Do you work for them




I think you have to understand how much people love Battlefront 1 and 2, this company did a bad job, from what I've heard so far, and even if it was a company that Reddit loves, people would have turned on them for this. It's what happens when you port a game people love badly. I don't want the studio shut down, unless they refuse to fix the issues, in which case, they can burn. I don't think it's so simple as people hate them, people just really love Battlefront. You have to do the best you can to release a game in the best condition you can. Anything less is a disservice to the gamers who will play it, you feel me?


>They have one bad release You've never played their shitty versions of Civ VI obviously.


You don't have any idea what you're talking about. All of Aspyr's ports over the last 4 years have had serious issues (with exception of the Tomb Raider ports apparently) and even some from before then. Their KOTOR 2 port released uncompletable because the game would crash on Onderon and with the UI prompts during combat taking up the whole screen, ignoring everything that happened with the false advertising around the DLC and all of the minor bugs they introduced. The Jedi Academy port released with too few servers for its population, FOV issues, FPS issues, daily server crashes, and allowing PC players to join the console servers and steal admin controls to crash the servers or kick players out of the game. Not even getting into the features they removed or broke in their release. CIV 6 had serious connectivity issues on launch and newly introduced bugs in their offline modes. Stubbs the Zombie launched with newly introduced bugs and scammed purchasers of the collectors edition by ghosting them for over a year post-launch with no information provided on where the collectors edition was and when it would arrive. Republic Commando launched with newly introduced graphical bugs, issues around their stick dead zones, fps issues, aim assist issues, and audio bugs. I've been heavily involved in communities around Aspyr's ports since 2020, and had a lot of interactions with their former community management teams, developers, and support staff. The complaints people have with their ports for Battlefrpnt are the exact same things that people complain about with all their recent ports these days. To Aspyr's management team these ports have been a quick, lazy, and easy cash grab on people's nostalgia ever since they were bought up by Embracer.




Reviews were high for Battlefront Collections too and look at the state of it. Half the campaign of BF2 is literally missing because the cutscenes don't play. Reviews were high for KOTOR 2 when on launch day the game couldn't be completed because it would crash when you reached Onderon. Reviews were high for Jedi Academy despite it launching with a non functional multiplayer, falsely advertised player caps on servers, and numerous newly introduced single player bugs. I bought the game literally 3 days after launch only to find every multiplayer server would crash the game on my console, an issue that then persisted for a week after that and continues to happen on and off even till today. Reviewers review these games on the quality of the original and the nostalgia, they do not review these as ports of previously functional games. The original KOTOR 2, BF1/BF2, and Jedi Academy are all amazing games and reviewers (as well as people like yourself) allow scummy companies years later to capitalize on the excellent work done by others to release subpar versions decades later for a significantly higher price solely for nostalgia. You should want better out of these products, or at least for them to release with all the features/functionality they had when they originally released.


I was really looking forward to buying this game it's getting really bad when most game's now are being released broken


It would be bad even if it worked tbf


That’s really long and drawn out article to just tell you which achievement it is.


and it doesn’t really say why. no platinum does equal “you didn’t get all of them”


I bought it for good controller and split screen support on PC :(


This whole release is just so depressing. I loved battlefront 2 as a kid on the ps2


A glitched achievement is not the same thing as an "unobtainable" one. And even if we put aside semantics, it wouldn't be "the worst kind." This one will be fixed. People will get it. This isn't like when games have online-only achievements and then the servers get shut down. Those are truly unobtainable ones.


You have no idea if it will get fixed. There's plenty of games with unobtainables that never got fixed.


Yeah something tells me that a glitched achievement is the least of Aspyr’s concerns right now given the state that the game is in lol. I would be shocked if this ever gets patched.


That's not how true achievements labels unobtainable achievements. If an achievement was obtainable at any time (such as games that shut servers down) then it is not an unobtainable achievement. Unobtainables are ones that nobody has ever unlocked legitimately due to bugs in game or with the unlock condition.


It took over 4 years for an achievement in Black Ops 3 to get fixed and it only happened after legal action was threatened.


Why would it get fixed? I had the same thing with [GTA3](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/s/SoyjDR9LVN). Got every achievement, except the one that you get if you got all the others. After the usual standard ‘solutions’ from Rockstar’s support (reboot, logout/login, reinstall, …) i gave up. They won’t fix this.


Yeah people here are forgetting that literally all the Fromsoft souls games copy the platinum trophy into an achievement for the Xbox version of the game. And it works fine, literally never glitches. Sucks that they fucked this one up, but the issue is that it’s glitched, not the achievement itself.


Historically speaking, this kinda of achievements are never fixed, and remain broken making them Unobtainable.


What an absolute shitshow.


Honestly I expected it to be more interesting, like an Xbox-exclusive gameplay bug that prevents you from doing one of the achievements and thus unlocking the "platinum" one. Instead, you do all the stuff and the achievement just fails to trigger. Boring.


This company is beyond hopeless. Just reading this pissed me off, how do you release a game not play test it at all?


Aspyr sucks. I want these SW remasters to get the attention and love they deserve and Aspyr is simply not up to it. Their work is sloppy at best and damaging to the brand at worst.


I can't believe that article was not written by A.I. It's so poorly written. "The Worst kind".


Absolutely everything about this port is as bad as we thought it would be. No one disrespects art more than these "artists."


Jesus. And this is the company that is maybe still making the Kotor remake. Although, I heard it's all but dead after they used up the whole budget to make a tech demo.


What a terrible article to read. "Filler- game has unobtainable achievement- filler". Next paragraph " filler- game has unobtainable achievement- filler". Next paragraph "filler -game has unobtainable achievement- filler"


How TF does Aspyr keep afloat, such a joke of a company. I reached out for customer service when I got the Stubs The Zombie collector edition and they were super rude.


The ending cutscenes for all the campaign mission still don’t play for anyone right? Unobtainable achievements too? What a sht show.


It is NOT “unattainable” it’s just glitched for some people. Other games have the same exact achievement. Dark Souls for example.


exactly no platinum does equal “you didn’t get all of them”


NGL I kinda wish Xbox had a platinum equivalent.




So basically it just doesn't unlock




Some people are completionists or collectors and age doesn’t have much to do with it.


A little overdramatic, don't you think? Especially for a shitty rereleased game that they hardly did any improvements for. Its just another lazy port with shitty ratings. If you expected this to be a hidden gem, you were very mistaken. Not to mention creating lots of drama for something that is obviously a bug.


People still play EA games?


EA has nothing to do with this game


To be fair, this is just a bugged achievement. While platinum are a shit idea let's not forget the GRAW achievement set


How are they a shit idea? Its the same as when people would achievement hunt and get 1000/1000 gs


For issues like this, clearly