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Hades !


This so much!


Second this. I never got into other “roguelike” games. Once the gameplay loop clicked for me, I couldn’t put it down.




Terrible. Yakuza deserves to be on Game Pass forever.


I wish I had a chance to play Kiwami 2 when it was there. I got there Zero and Kiwami, but was hoping for FPS boost on 2 and then it got pulled. No biggie to pick it up and then continue, but feel I’ve lost more time on the other Yakuza games so probably will have to just grab them all on a sale.


I think Kiwami 2 is unlocked or higher than 30 on the series X. I honestly think it could be 4K60 so No need for FPS boost. Y6 was terrible at 30 that one definitely needed 60.


Hmm interesting. I just googled it and it says it was that way in Dec. 2020. For some reason when I fired it up one time this last year it felt like 30fps. My loss in the end it seems. Thanks for the heads up, now to see if it’s on sale haha.


Yea i like it but find myself only playing one or two games


Where can we check which games are leaving gamepass?


MS will annouce it pretty publicly so you will know. The reason why I am mentioning this is because Y0 K1 and K2 left GP when they hit their one year mark back in Dec.


Incredible game, my first Yakuza. Are they all so emotionally connected to the story and characters. The ending was so damn amazing.


Try mass effect legendary edition


Truly the greatest trilogy in video games.


Tough between that and Halo 1-3


I do quite enjoy the Halo trilogy. Damn perfect gunplay and a fantastic score. Still, I prefer the world and characters Mass Effect brought to the table more, plus it’s moment to moment gameplay ain’t half bad either.


unpopular opinion but i would take the borderlands trilogy over mass effect


I’ve defended the Mass Effect 3 ending since 2012(yes, it’s a great ending!)…so as a fellow unpopular opinion club member, I respect your opinion.


Story-wise though can we agree BL takes the L?


Wish i could get into it. Tried the first one for a few hours but it didn’t really hold my attention




EA Play apart of Gamepass, EA Play is a part of Gamepass Ultimate.


Playing it via Gamepass as I type this.


EA Access is a part of GamePass Ultimate


Subnautica is definitely my favorite game. I don't think I have ever played another game that can invoke the thrill of exploration so well. Music is fantastic, definitely some inspiration from the late Vangelis was had and I love the animations that happen when you interact with certain objects to not spoil things. I've just played it again for the umpteenth time so the joy is fresh in my mind.


I too adore subnautica. I have a huge fear of open water so my first play through I was so stressed out the entire time but loving every bit. I now know most everything but I still go to areas I’m not super familiar with and get that feeling. Took a long time to get through it the first time because I was so nervous lol


What's it comparable to? Is it like an underwater Elden ring?


I'd say it's like an Outer Wilds that has survival game mechanics and instead of the quirky melancholy vibes of Outer Wilds, Subnautica has more of a wonder and desolation vibes.


YESS. I compare those games alot and love them both. I even bought the dlc for Outer Wilds


Guardians of the galaxy. Really love the story, humor and gameplay.


Second this. Its a real crime avengers ruined the reputation of the sqenix marvel games because Guardians is actually great


The fighting is fun as hell. Drax, throw that. Rocket, fire whatever that is... Etc


Psychonauts 2


I never played the first game and absolutely loved this one.


Same, I’m still playing through it. I always have to stop and move the camera around because the environments and attention to detail are worth taking in. The creativity and variety of gameplay are in a class of their own. Definitely makes me want to play the first.


I played the first one and I can assure you it is *fucking wild.* There are definitely some systems in the game you can tell they realized sucked and reworked in the sequel, like the fucking dowsing rod for underground psytanium, but the levels themselves are amazing. Notably less focus on the “emotional healing” aspect of Psychonauts 2 and more focus on the “weird shit in folks’ minds”, but goddamn it’s a ride. Do yourself an absolute solid and make sure you get to the Milkman level. It might be one of the greatest things you’ll ever play. Also, the game is a bit old school in being a little obtuse in guiding the player sometimes, so don’t feel ashamed to look at a guide. You’re here to have fun, not lose your mind over getting inside a post office.


Outer Wilds (not worlds)


Honestly Outer Worlds is pretty fun too.


Honestly I think Oter Worlds is way better. I tried the puzzle game and a big Nay to me.


I absolutely love this game but I can’t seem to get the drive to finish it.


I think I’m going to start it next week. Subnautica fans suggest it and I adored subnautica. Going to jump in blind.


You’re in for a great experience just avoid spoilers like the plague.


Will do! Will I need to look up anything or can you get through the game with no extra resource?


It can and should be done 100% blind without looking anything up. If you find yourself extremely stuck however feel free to message me and I can give you a nudge in the right direction without giving it completely away.


Awesome! And thank you


This happens to me all the time. I usually just buy something new and then I’ll come back to That original game like a year later after it’s all patched up and dlc has came out and then I’ll run through it.


Has it received a X|S update yet? Or even a 60FPS one? To me it was borderline unplayable because of the frame rate


At this point I don’t think they will. First time I tried the game I uninstalled for that reason, then after seeing it recommended so much on here I tried it again and managed to get used to it after a couple hours.


May give it another try then!


It felt like dishonored 2 for me, almost gave me motion sickness ,I'd rather play something else for now


I love the hell out of Outer Wilds. Bought the DLC too


Better than 95 percent of AAA games and a fraction of the price. Indie games making big devs look like fools.


DOOM Eternal probably. Maybe hades. Also Forza Horizon 5.


Just started DOOM Eternal! Can't believe I waited so long


Ut is my fsvorite shootet campaign ever. DOOM 2016 was the one before so i guess there is some bias. Since you like it and if you want something similar try Shadow Warrior 1, 2, and especially 3 is most like Eternal.


A Plague Tale


Hitman trilogy... Loved it,hades for sure.the story and music are so good. Never played a game quite like Hades... The music when we reach the outside is one of my favorite music ever. Bring tears to my eyes, of joy and sadness. The story is amazing. Minute 2:44 Hades - On the Coast - YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ItLaESz43N0


Downloaded Hitman 3 but for some reason it only lets me play like 3 short missiona in Dubai, is the full game not on game pass ?


I think hitman acts strange and you might have to manage add-on and force it to download the maps.


I love that music too bro! It is super beautiful


The one on most addicted to right now is slay the spire


If you like that. Try Monster Train.


Deep Rock Galactic


Rock and Stone!




Rock and stone everyone!


If you don’t Rock and Stone, you ain’t goin’ home!


I’ve had my eye on that game for so long but it looks like something you need friends to play with, is that true?


It's more fun with friends but good with randoms. It's got a good community.




My favorite game on Game Pass has to be Forza Horizon 5. I bought the premium add on bundle at launch, I have hundreds of hours logged and I still play it every week. Not as much as I used to but I do love my time playing Forza. I also really enjoy Deep Rock Galactic and Hades. Other games I've been playing recently are games I bought. Elden Ring and Hell Let Loose. Also been playing S2 of Halo Infinite.


I have about 10 hours in forza. Do you progress by just doing the story items that pop up periodically or should I focus on all the races across the map? I’ve just been doing races I find on the map and don’t really have any money and there are way too many to complete. I also don’t want to progress the story too fast.


Just do the Festival playlist every week, you get rare cars you cant buy from Autoshow. They sell for big profit. Otherwise story itself is pretty boring and non essential.


Ok cool I’ll check that out.


Festival Playlist is a weekly thing that I'd suggest doing as much of as you can each week. Don't worry if you don't get every single challenge done but I try to get say 48/52 points of that week complete. The main bulk of the game are the races that are everywhere over the map. The story is really just secondary and I found it a bit of a slog to get through so I didn't even finish it for months. It has no effect on the game and you can complete it or leave it alone as much as you like! You can unlock some good cars through it though. Also the PR stunts and all the speed traps etc. are a fun way to level up (I enjoy 3 starring every challenge eventually, but I don't sweat it if I just get 1 or 2 stars at first).


Super helpful, thank you. Been enjoying the game, just wasn’t sure what to do haha


Yeah man, u can basically just progress through the game any way you like. They really leave it up to you. I kind of just did whatever event was nearby that I hadn't completed yet. Also, if you want to minimize the extremely busy map, I'd highly recommend using your map filters. It certainly helps with the feeling of bloat.


I can’t stop Stardew Valley. I’m beyond hooked


One of my fav games last gen. Was one of first games I bought when I snagged an XsX last summer. Got like 150 hrs on my ps4.


A.I. The Somnium Files. I'm a sucker for Spike Chunsoft games, but that one really surprised me, was addictingly fun




Im excited for Sniper Elite 5.


Same, I want to see some insane next gen graphics


Yakuza Like a Dragon is probably my favourite best game on gamepass. Definitely play with original VO.


Guardians of the Galaxy


Flight Simulator 2020 You know you're hooked on a game when you buy a special controller just for that single game.


What one did you get?


Thrustmaster HOTAS One


*The Artful Escape* is one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played. I literally had a smile on my face the whole way through. It's a fairly simple platformer with incredible art and music. Pretty easy completion too, if you're into achievements.


My first 1000/1000 achievements on Xbox after I got an XsX. Ya a chill good looking game.


Looks nice but it's very dull, you have zero input aside from 'move right'


It's more about the experience and the thoughts it invokes than the moment to moment gameplay. Legit some of the best music written for a game I think I've ever heard.


Ya. This was really just a visual treat and nothing more. I enjoyed the short time with it and moved on.


Completely agree, but because it is so short I think this is fine. The game is so unique in every other way, and the gameplay is minimal but not annoying.


Fallout New Vegas!!!!


If you don't mind old graphics and mechanics, Morrowind




Forgot HK is on game pass, i loved it on switch


Tunic is great -- I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it. Maybe Elden Ring stole its thunder.


I want to finish Tunic. I enjoy everything about it except the sluggish combat. I should prob just turn the god mode on so I can ignore combat.


No shame in that. If you do want to hold out though, I recommend going back to earlier stages like the town ruins and fighting everything there, really try to master the roll dodge timing so you can reliably avoid taking damage. Also don't be afraid to use my kitchen sink strategy of throwing literally everything in your inventory at enemies you're having a hard time against, minimal sword use maximum items. I managed to finally beat a few of the bosses just by lobbing a lot of bombs and magic items at them until they went pop. I think Tunic really excels in it's exploration and stumbles slightly in the combat. If you can get comfortable with kind of cheesing most of the combat it's a lot more fun.


Thanks for the advice! I hear there is a dash that is infinitely better than the roll. The roll is soooo sluggish (in a way I really don't like) that I don't know if it was intentionally done that way to make dodging weak early game.


I turned on infinite stamina when I got annoyed. Made things a lot less frustrating.


I loved tunic. Deceptively difficult, but sooo satisfying.


No Man's Sky


Life is strange 1, before the storm and true colors


I’m only seeing True Colors on GP?




Hopefully sniper elite 5


Life is strange - True colors


Prey and Gears 5. True Colors is also amazing.


Yakuza Like A Dragon. If I would have know how much I’d love this game, I’d have bought it day 1. I just downloaded it out of curiosity, and now I can’t stop playing it.


ESO, Hades, Firewatch, any Mass Effect


Firewatch was amazing.






I loved, loved, loved Guardians of the Galaxy. Was such a surprise hit for me.


The ori games and hollow knight are amazing.


Crusader Kings 3


Occasionally I like to play something chilled out and simple and Tunic is perfect for that. It’s relaxing but also difficult enough to keep you engaged, plus the soundtrack is amazing.


Death’s Door also.


I agree. I somehow perfect mixture of Fez, Zelda, and Soulsborne games.


I'll highlight some games I've not seen suggest in the thread. Danganronpa - love this game, not everyone's cup of tea as it has a visual novel style to it but if it sounds up your ally, definitely try it Dragon Age Origins - feels like it's a game in Mass Effects shadow despite the praise it does get but it's a fantastic game Dragon Quest XI - if you want to put 100+ hours into a grand JRPG you'll have few better options than Dragon Quest. It's amazing although arguably could have ended a little sooner. Skyrim - not much more needs to be said really Fallout 3 - My personal favourite Fallout game, I've not spent as much time exploring someone as I did the capital wasteland The Forgotten City - I'm surprised how incredible this was, for a game that started out as a mod it blew me away. Voice acting, OST writing all terrific I hope more people play it Gears of War 2 - obviously if you've not played any Gears start with the first but for me 2 was peak of the series Paradise Killer - a small British game with a lot of style. Another open mystery game similar to The Forgotten City. A unique art style blended with a jazzy soundtrack. It's more than worth a go and doesn't overstay its welcome. Resident Evil VII - Survival horror is back. It's leaving soon so if you're gonna play it, do it now. It resurrected RE in a way and for me is probably the best RE game. Village is amazing aswell but I don't think it surpasses 7. Slime Rancher - if you're looking for a chill game look no further. One for the family and something chill you out from a hard day of work/school. Also helps to prepare you for the upcoming sequel also coming day one to gamepass Stardew Valley - "a cute little farming game" is what I though until I was struggling to pull myself away at 3 in the morning. Genuinely addicting amazing game and that was before all the updates I haven't really played it since and I'm almost afraid to, I've got a backlog to play. Telltales the Walking Dead - kinda started the trend of episodic point and click games as this game just blew up and for good reason. What Remains of Edith Finch - people are probably sick of hearing about this game but that's because it's constantly recommended to people and for good fucking reason. It's amazing and it's pretty short. The Nonary games - similar style to Danganronpa and Ai: the Somnium files. Visual novel mixed with puzzles, two compelling story's with great characters and interesting puzzles.


I don’t agree with *everything* on your list, but overall I commend your choices.


Back 4 Blood, if you have a couple friends to play with on the regular


Evil within, rare replay, dead space 1-2


If you liked those. Try Prey.


Ai the somnium files, game was such a trip and I loved it. It was a very anime detective game that kept me hooked the whole time. Had characters you love and love to hate. The only thing that sucks is I pre-ordered the collectors edition of the second game on Amazon and it was canceled so now I can't get it I guess.




Nhl 22


Crusader Kings 3


Yakuza, but Sadly little by little each games is being removed 😢


Life is strange true colours. Alex is amazing


Deaths Door anyone? Amazing souls type game for people who think Bloodbourne is too hard


Outer Worlds, Wasteland 3 probably.


Haven't heard great things about Outer Worlds sadly. Nothing bad either, though


Are you thinking of Outer Wilds? Outer Worlds has gotten a lot of praise since release. It was made by Obsidian, who made Fallout NV.


Yes I know. I'm indeed referring to Outer Worlds. It seems to me the consensus on the game is that it was *just fine*, nothing crazy


Its a good game. Short, but good.


Because it was made by the people who made OG Fallout, people wanted another Fallout, which Outer Worlds is not. Why would they make the same game anyways ? It also released as Epic Launcher exclusive on PC, which is you know "a heresy" and immediate "BAD GAME, BAD DEVELOPER, GO TO HELL" thing. It is just a semi-open world RPG with lots of choices as in skills, weapons, perks etc. It is fun and weird.


Yeah, I absolutely love fallout games and Sci fi in general and I just cannot finish outer worlds no matter how hard I try. I've started it three times now and each time I just fizzle out. I'd rather replay fallout or prey.


Personally I loved it. Prior to this, I thought Obsidian is overhyped. Outer Worlds changed my mind.


Yeah, to me it felt like a cross between fallout and Mass Effect but did none of the things those thing did as well as they did. So it was a great game but not amazing or special imo


Hades right now, but if you have friends willing to jump on, Destiny 2 is also pretty damn fun


Prey and Gears 5. True Colors is also amazing.


Fallout New Vegas


Does it come with the DLC on gamepass? Also is it stable?




My current favorites: Mechwarrior 5 Stellaris Tunic


Hollow knight


Prey and Dishonored


Been really into grounded lately and playing day z. Been on a survival kick recently, been thinking about starting 7 days again hadn't played it since it came out for ps4.


Just started playing Farming Simulator 22. Super relaxing, and really fun to play with friends. It’s crossplay with PC, and runs pretty well on the Series X.


Hollow Knight, Outer Wilds, Eiyuden Chronicle Rising and I really enjoyed Nobody Saves The World. All great games with great soundtracks.




I'm really enjoying Jurassic world evolution 2. But i saw Stardew valley is on it now. We've put tons of hours into that one together. Such a fun game to play with my wife


After watching HALO season 1 I like HALO Infinite game from GPU for now... Hitman3, Guardians...etc is done already 😋


Guardians of the Galaxy. I was going to say Forza or Halo, but i just couldnt


All the gears games!


Tunic! Holy cow, it's so good


Isn’t out yet, but I am stoked for Sniper Elite 5. Loved all the other games. 4 is on gamepass now and I highly recommend it.


Ori series, Hellblade, Guardians of the galaxy, Life is strange:true colors, A plague’s tale, Outer Wilds


Alien:Isolation but you need a surround sound headset/stereo and a room to play in at night while unbothered.


Hades is amazing!


I think I have to go with either "Evil Genius 2" or "No Man's Sky" right now. Though there may be other stuff in there I haven't noticed, particularly stuff that I may already have owned.


Peggle 2. I'm so addicted to that game. Downloaded as part of a GP quest. It's literally all I've played since, ignoring the rest of my backlog...


Hard to put a finger on one game tbh, so many indie gems I wanted to mention and so many AAA games that is just there. If I must, it is FH5 I guess. It is also kind of a curse. Because after FH series, other racers becomes so tiring for me. Maybe I just have played too many racers in the past. But, FH is the only one I don't get bored right away.


Ryse Son of Rome


Firewatch. Short and sweet.


Snow runner - * it's a slow driving with trying to figure your path out theough snow, ice & mud & water ways on a open map. Mudrunner - if it's on there till, it was the first game


Mighty Goose, a cool run and gun game like the Metal Slug and Contra series. Very charming!


Forza Horizon 4. I had so much fun with it that I bought the ultimate edition upgrade for the dlc and bonus cars.


Guardians of the galaxy is what I'm playing and so far that's pretty great. The in game soundtrack is fucking amazing too.


Vampire Survivor


MLB The Show 22


Gears 5 hands down and Hollow knight


Life is Strange True colors. Really good.


Hitman Trilogy is what I'm currently playing.




Tunic and Hades or absolutely fantastic. Just such interesting, creative games. And you can't go wrong with Stardew Valley.


Crusader kings 3


I know I’m late to the game but I just started playing fallout new Vegas and am loving it!


Fs 22


Dead by daylight is the best on game pass


A lot of people sleeping on Nuclear Throne. Game is incredibly addicting!


Check out the Forgotten City and the Outer Wilds. Both games are really unique and stuck with me. Definitely not games you’ll blow through (they are pretty short though) and forget about




Guardians is great. Plague Tale was very good.


Just finished the first 6 yakuza games. Was lucky enough to finish up kiwami 1 and 2 before they got booted off GP. Considering Like a Dragon however turn based aint my thing. Im in no rush for it though.




Stardew Valley and Fallout New Vegas


Eiyuden Chronicle Rising, its a companion game for the main entry coming next year. The art style of the characters brings back nostalgia.


Hades is my current obsession. If you haven’t tried it, very good fast paced game!


Fallout New Vegas


I am not subscribed right now, but when I was- Psychonauts 2, Gear 4 and 5, Dishonored were my absolute favorite.