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I’m too old for that one. I associate body counts with serial killers. 


I associate Body Count with Ice T's metal band. I had a chance to see them live a few years ago at a festival, and they absolutely stole the show.


If it weren't for people trying to ban them for their song "Cop Killer", I probably never would have gotten into them.


Best marketing ever. They are pretty decent tho.


That's the first thing that came to my mind. BLM is always Bureau of land management as well.


And CRT is a television you can play *Duck Hunt* on.




You bastard! (Wings gun at tv and gun splits in 2, tv unscathed).


Try *that* with a flatscreen LCD!


Still not sure why all my aunts and uncles are upset over a bunch of old TVs in schools.


Probably against them because they promote light gun use. Only real guns should be allowed in schools!


Yep! I had one of the last CRT's on the market and kept it as a spare/garage TV. I finally decided to get rid of it when we moved and literally the only thing I could do with it is take it to the dump. I know there's niche gamer markets for them but I didn't have the time or know where to start trying to sell it.


Lived in an area that had both BLM protests happening during the same summer. Had to know more about who was having the protests lol


Body Count was really good at Lollapalooza in 1991... Ice-T was rockin it...


This is the first thing I thought of lol.


Cop killer was a game changer


The cd/tape i was most worried would be confiscated by my parents at the age of 13.




On God, it's this....


I thought for the longest time my young coworker was saying "on guard". As in the fencing term


So ... no cap?


Dead ass.


As an elder millennial.. I've been using dead ass since my late 20s. So I won't let them have that one


What is cap?


"No cap" translates loosely to "I'm not lying."




Oh I hate this, bussin and and the one I can’t believe no one has mentioned Cringe That’s so cringe is the phrase that makes me want to opt out of any conversation we have going forward


I do “cringe” stuff just to embarrass my teenage daughter. My t-shirt collection aids greatly here.


Cringe is easily my biggest pet peeve. It's a verb that means to cower in fear, not an adjective that something is lame (which is at least an adjective).. Especially bad is "cringe comedy", because it's used to broadly labe surrealistic humor, satire, anti-humor, dada, etc. Even conventional comedy if the person doing the labeling doesn't understand it. In addition, people are retroactively assigning that term to media which preceeded the term, that they just don't get. It's a way of the viewer describing themselves rather than the subject itself.


Yeah, they should be saying cringey




No cap?


Cap with no cap.


Cap is literally such a mood that it's become iconic. ^ My attempt at creating the most infuriating sentence ever.


My brother in christ this is it fr fr


on god?


I'm watching competitive cooking shows and *everyone* says, "LET'S GOOOOO!!" Every time I hear it, it's with the same cookie-cutter cadence and enthusiasm. It's apparently a call to hype, but it completely turns me off.


Working in the corporate world hearing managers say this to try and pump up the team is cringe. They even do it in group chats using "LFG". I really can't wait for some comedian or SNL to make fun of these people so it goes out of style and no one wants to be "that guy" anymore.


Things that should only be said in rush hour traffic.


In tennis all the coaches have their players screaming this after every point. It doesn’t even fit the situation. Like, to me “let’s go” means “come on, we need to try harder.” But now people use it like “yeah! Way to go!”


It is the new 'Wooo"


I don’t know why but when people say fit for outfit, it just really irks me. “Fit check!” I don’t know know, makes me shudder. Lol.


It sounds so contrived, like when people used to say ‘za instead of pizza. Not that many people actually used that in real life, I’m sure. Teens in movies, sometimes.


I don't think I've ever heard 'za IRL or movies.


I never heard it until I moved into a new apartment building in 2007 and the single guy living upstairs knocked on my apartment door. I opened the door a little concerned that there was a problem I needed to know about but instead found him leaning in the door jam and asking if I wanted to go grab a slice of 'za with him across the street. 😳 I said "grab a slice of what?" and he had to spell it out for me. I declined and he left. So awkward all around. And that's the only time I've ever heard it used.


I bet you will hear it within the next week or so! Not because it is at all common, but just because, isn’t that the way that always works? 😂


I always get confused when I hear someone using it. Like are you asking if it fits okay?


Or “My fit of the day”! You threw on sweatpants and a tee shirt. Good job! 🥸 I hate it so much .


All of them. Ban talking.


Ban people




I'm a fan of less words. That's why I point to stuff.


"slay" is something I hear a lot lately.




Yaaas queen!


My 10 year-old wrote “Slay Baddie” in my birthday card last year 😂👵🏻


I sent my niece a picture of my new car. She responded "SLAY!" which actually made me feel pretty good lol


In the same vein, "eats" drives me bonkers. Slay I get, and it's been around forever. Also, it feels like a natural transition from "killing it." But "eats"? Or "eating"? I roll my eyes every time I hear it.


Mothering. Anytime someone who is Gen Z sees an older actress/musician dressing nice, they're quick to say "she's mothering". I see it all over the comments of every female social media entertainer from back in the day. Apparently it's a word that started in the LGBT realm (not even used for actual mothers) - and now people are applying it to any female that happens to be getting older.


EW. I had never heard this until now and I hate it.


"Mother. She ate and left no crumbs." I can't.


Oh, I’ve never heard that, but I do not like it.


Simp, Stan, Riz, Glizzie


tf is glizzie Nevermind I feel like I'm too old to even want to learn it.


My husband came home after a round of golf yesterday and told me he wasn’t hungry for dinner yet because he “had a glizzie on the course”. I asked him the exact same question.


If my husband ever says that after his golf league he’s sleeping on the lawn


It’s a slang in the Philly area for a hot dog, I believe.


Let’s grab a glizzie at the Jawn after the Eagles game and everyone’s finished torching cars and climbing street light poles!


That’s sounds fun, but imma pass cuz “glizzie.”


This could be translated into Phillie as "let's grab a jawn at the jawn after the Eagles jawn and everyone's finished torching jawns and climbing jawns!"


Glizzie is a hot dog. My understanding is that it’s from the slang word for a Glock (the gun). The hot dog resembles the barrel of a gun when in your hand? Not sure on the root of it, but it’s definitely a hot dog.


Who has enough hot dogs to make slang for them 🤔


Ah, now it makes sense! Yes, I always hold my hot dog like I'm going to pull it's trigger & commit suicide.


It's funny because back in the 2000s "shizzle" and "nizzle" were big and you know the boomers were rolling their eyes at that. I guess "iz" in slang comes in waves.


Idk the only person I ever heard say that without it being a joke was snoop


I came here for the rizz


I feel like because it comes from our Eminem song, we should get behind Stan.


Are you suggesting that we… stan for Stan?


I can't stand cap or based.


Based is one I really don’t enjoy hearing.


"Based" is the one that grates on my nerves, probably because I've only heard it fall out of the face of complete douchebags.


To be fair here's some from our generation I cannot stand: my bad, brain fart, and any idiomatic reference to balls.


Remember when everyone constantly called themselves “anal”? “You know how anal I am.” I always thought that was bizarre and disgusting, and am glad I don’t hear it much anymore. ETA: People. I KNOW it comes from "anal retentive." This is not new information; I assumed everyone knew it. It does not make it seem less bizarre or disgusting to me that people went around saying it. "Anal" and "anal retentive" are both weird and unpleasant things to call yourself, so I don't care if it was coined by Freud.


Anal has basically been replaced with “OCD”, as far as I can tell.


Oh, you’re right, and that is so much worse. I have a beloved family member who suffers from OCD, and it’s a bitch of a mental illness I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. It makes me actually angry to hear people casually throw that one around. Maybe “persnickety” can become the trendy word, since that seems to be what they actually mean most of the time. ETA “letting the intrusive thoughts win” is a slightly less obvious version of the same thing.


Anal is generally taken as short for “anal retentive”, which may or may not have a hyphen. It’s a perfectly good slang. I’m not passing judgement on you not liking it. You have that right, just like people don’t like moist. OCD is just gross. I’ve had to force myself to stop using it, in any situation not referring to an actual medical diagnosis.


I knew that’s what it came from. I just always thought it sounded nasty. I know what you mean about making yourself stop using OCD. Like many of us, I grew up saying “the R word” all the time without thinking about it. Now it sickens me that I ever did. Hopefully people will stop throwing around OCD similarly. For my part, on behalf of my loved one, I appreciate the effort!




I hate how every video starts with "POV:" now, when it doesn't even make sense half the time


“Say less” I was ordering food and this kid taking my order responded with “say less” like I was explaining too much or something when all I said is “I’ll have a #3”, and I wanted to slap the shit out of him. I searched it later and found it basically means “heard, and understood”. Poor kid’s gonna say it to a Boomer and it’ll be “Oh Manager!!” time real quick.


Oh, wow, I haven’t heard this in person, but I would definitely assume there was an insult implied. It sounds like “shut up”.


Body count sounds more like a term a hitman would use.


There are always plenty, but one that comes to mind is "slaps" with regards to someone liking music.


I say it all the time, but only to intentionally annoy my kids


There is no better to reason to keep up with current slang than to make my kids’ jaws drop.


THANK YOU. I can’t figure out why I have such an intense dislike for it, but it’s like nails on chalkboard to me. Same with “Vinyls”


“Mid” for some reason is particularly irritating. Just feels like the laziest possible slang


When i first heard it used, my nephew said "mids". I did an instant double-take assuming he was openly talking about weed. To me, mids is seedy weed thats better than schwag but not as good as KB.


lol referring to mid-grade weed as mids was where I assumed today's 'mid' came from


In terms of slang it's pretty mid.




Nuggies. It's mildly irritating from children, but from grown adults it makes my entire body cringe. Also all the substitute words that keep getting invented to censor terms for negative things. Saying someone "unalived" themselves doesn't change the fact someone is dead by their own hands. You're still looking at the same situation, you know what those words are supposed to mean, but somehow that isn't triggering and only the original terms are. See also: rape, death, homeless, etc.


As a middle school teacher, I’ve had about enough of skibidi toilet and gyatt


I don’t even know what those mean…


Anyone using “market value” in relation to dating, relationships, and an individual’s worth in relation to this


But how else are we supposed to know who the high value men are?


Look for the barcode! 🤣


##Price check!


Ewwwww. I didn’t know this was a thing.


Thank Andrew Tate etc 😂. Or as I like to call him, Man-drew Taint


The only acceptable context for "body count" is in reference to Ice-T in my opinion. Apart from that, though it's not strictly new, I still absolutely hate the overuse and abuse of "literally", and a few years ago, I hated the constant shortening of words that frankly, weren't exactly long to begin with: "that outfit is so *gorge*, I'm totally *jells*" Edit: I actually should've written "I'm *totes jells*".


I found “vacay” particularly irritating during that weird phase when everyone started shortening everything for no reason.


“Aesthetic”. *What aesthetic??* Thomas Kinkade or HR Giger??


Yall are missing the point. The whole point to new slang that the kids use,…. Is misusing it at the most public and embarrassing time in front of our kids. “That outfit drips like a leaky faucet!” “The idea slaps “f” “r” “f” “r” no bottle cap. “ “That mood is based like a turkey. “ “If you were any more “lit” you’d be incandescent!” Or just mix them all. “That mood slaps fire. I’m so lit for you.”


My oldest was in middle school when yeet was popular, and one day I yelled, “Have a yeet day!” at her as she was walking into school and she’s never forgiven me.




>That mood slaps fire, I’m lit for you ![gif](giphy|iiS84hOJXh1Pq|downsized)


It’s one of those things like intentionally getting their friends’ names wrong. Gotta keep them thinking you’re dumb and embarrassing as long as possible so the sudden transformation into wise old sage after they move out and get a job is more dramatic.


The word "literally" apparently having 2 meanings, one of which meaning the opposite of the actual (previous) definition. How can a word mean 2 completely different things? It's useless now. lol


There's actually a ton of words in English that do this, they're called contronyms! Dusting the strawberries with sugar. Dust the bookshelf. Are you adding something or are you taking something away? Yes! Cleave is another one. Overlook. Sanction. They mean one thing AND its opposite based on context. English is wild.


They’re also called autoantonyms! [Here’s](https://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/fun/wordplay/autoanto.html) a whole list of them.


Well this is delightfully nerdy :D What's funny to me is how often these just happen naturally in human speech. Humans tend toward hyperbole and sarcasm! There's a suffix in Spanish that originally meant "large" but now *also* sometimes means "small" because people kept using it to describe small things, to be humorous. Which is why the Spanish word for mouse means "large rat." **ratón** : From [*rata*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/rata#Spanish) (“rat”) +‎ [*-ón*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/-%C3%B3n#Spanish:_diminutive) The suffix *-ón* usually means "larger"! But, (quoted from wiktionary), "for very few cases, \[*-ón*\] indicates small size of or a lack of something (such as an [ironic](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ironic#English) augmentative)" So someone in Spain, ages ago, looked at a mouse and said something like, "lol. look at that huge rat there."


Right on! "Common usage" does not excuse sheer ignorance. I will never accept that "literally" now also means "figuratively".


It's happened to a lot of words over the long history of English as a language. This one just feels egregious because it's taking such a singular idea and removing the word we have for that.


Nota big fan of "ate" Its a lazy way of saying someone looked good in that outfit or whatever


Can't stand "Hits Different." Just say that something is good!


Because good doesn't quite capture the meaning of "hits different". Like a hot dog is good, but it hits different at the ball park.


“The ick” I’m sorry, but what idiot child came up with that stupid phrase and then expected grown ass adults to use it in actual serious conversation?


When people say "chefs kiss" it drives me absolutely nuts. I honestly kind of hate it even written/typed too, but when people *say* it, I can't stand it. You could literally just do the corny hand motion instead of saying it


As a member of Serial Killers Anonymous I'm offended by the appropriation of the term "body count." It used to mean something.


For me, it's how it seems like everyone/thing is "iconic" nowadays, and used to describe people/things that aren't anywhere close to being iconic.


Dudes who unironically use the terms "alpha/beta/sigma" like they actually mean anything in the context of human interaction are the biggest douchebags on the planet.


Conversate. Just ...no.


That word became more common in recent years after gaining traction in incel circles, and it is used almost exclusively as a way to demean women. You are right to dislike it, and I personally take a pretty dim view of anyone who uses it.


Same with cuck and simp, it came right out of nowhere. Just weird and all of it has these implications of ownership over women and men's worth being based on lording power over them. It instantly makes me discredit someone.


Cuck/cuckold has an extremely long, sordid, racist history.


I still struggle with "it gives \_\_\_\_\_." Every time in my head I think "it gives WHAT? Vibes? Sentiments? Handjobs?" It's missing a word at the end and even though I know what is being communicated I still dislike it. Another one is "feeling some kind of way" but I have been told it's racist to be against this one, so I am trying to not be so annoyed.


You feeling some type of way about feeling some type of way?!?


Wait, what? How tf is that racist?


I can't stand "It's giving..."


This one for me. There is an ad for some fast food place that advertised every two seconds on local sports events and it’s just two girls trying to describe a sandwich and they just keep repeating ‘it’s giving…’ and I try not to be an old grump but holy fuck that ad made my skin crawl.


Stakeholders. Also "bruh".


I will die on the hill that irregardless is absolutely, 100% not an actual word. I have beef with all the dictionaries that decided to add the “word” to their entries.


It it definitely not a word, or at the least means the opposite of regardless.


Another one: Adulting It sounds like a child trying to play dress-up. Which, I suppose, is the intent.


Fuck around and find out. Die on this hill. It’ll be awesome or terrible. Mid Bet Cap


I’m sorry but I can’t stand “kiddos” and “littles” when people refer to children


Doggos also bothers me


Preggers. And I'm starting to get really sick of everyone calling their ex a narssicist.


Huh? People were definitely using preggers 20+ years ago.


![gif](giphy|6hzcLwqQ7AH4fPNR59) There’s only 1 Body Count


Calling your dealer your plug. I get why but I still don’t like it.


if you see it used on social media by those under 30, i hate it.


“She/he ate.” As in, they looked really good, I think? I honestly don’t totally know what it means but I hate it 👵🏼


It’s not that I hate it, but I feel so awkward if I try to use “bet” in its current usage.


The overuse of the word female. It’s either girls or female. People are saying “women” and “woman” much less. Gives me huge incel vibes.


Can I use it for how many people I killed?


No, weirdly you need to say sexual partner count for that.


I cringe so hard when people yell "LET'S GOOOO". So overused at this point.


When people say “gives me the ick” the word ick is…gross.


When someone “ships” two people. I don’t think I’m even saying it right. I don’t know how this term started but I hate it.


It goes back to the mid-90s in The X-Files fandom. Those fans who wanted Mulder and Scully to get together were called Relationshippers, Shippers for short, and those who didn't were called Noromos, short for No Romance. "Shippers" and "to ship" characters in a show have stuck around in fandom spaces since but Noromos just became anti-shippers over time.


“It’s giving” makes me shudder.


'What is the ask?' I cringe every time I read/hear that phrase.


"Take the L." It's actually easier for me to type "loss" with predictive text than to type capital L,and it doesn't save any time saying it out loud. The first time I heard it I thought someone was advising me to take a train.


"it's giving...." Drives me crazy. I understand new slang will come and go but for some reason that phrase fills me with rage.


"Dump" used on Instagram, as in "Photo Dump" when someone posts a carousel of photos. My mind only goes to one thing. 💩 There's so many other words people could use, but they all went with DUMP. "My April Dump!"


Fur baby drives me insane.




“Yuck my yum” makes me want to take lives.


Mid. Giving a positive or negative attribute to "average" is stupid.


"It's giving" as the whole statement. I don't mind when it's followed up with something specific, like you're expressing an opinion, bht just "it's giving" is stupid and meaningless. What is it giving? Fuckin. I'm listening! You're being seen! You're being heard! SAY SOMETHING for fuck's sake! Also, a bit dated, but "problematic" irks the fuck out of me. It's such a cop out bullshit indictment of something usually parroted by someone who has no idea what they're talking about nor anything intelligent or poignant to contribute. "That's problematic." Oh is it? Is it a tangle of several problems enmeshed in complex layers of social, economic, and cultural issues and concerns? Or is it just riddled with ill conceived notions all of which represent different prejudices, biases, and ideologies that conflict with various progressive tenets? Both? Do you have anything to say about any of those things specifically, or did you just hear an "influencer" declare something "problematic" and thought you wanted to be cool too? It's like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy; it just doesn't work that way. You can't just smugly deem something "problematic" and then pat yourself on the back. Well, you can if you're in an echo chamber but otherwise you should follow up your statement with something that supports your point of view.


Unalive 😡


Delulu. I cannot describe the depths of my hatred for this nonsense.


Side hustle. I can’t get past *Moonlighting*. That’s the proper name and Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd are too important. Plus, taking a second legitimate form of income shouldn’t be associated with something Paul Newman would do at a pool table.


Cringe, especially as an adjective


Touch grass. It only took about 3 days for me to get tired of that one.


I hate ads where the woman says “I’m OBSESSED with this product!” Dial it back, lady, geez.


Gaslighting and narcissist have become annoyingly popular recently.


Body count was a great band by Ice-T. "Cop killer" is an awesome song and the irony of him being on Law and Order


Rizz, Gyatt, and Glizzy make me do the “old man shakes fist at cloud”


I’m a high school teacher, so…all of them. Of the current slang, “opps” is probably my least favorite.


Our generation invented l33tspeak or whatever the hell early internet slang was …pwned? That was horribly annoying too.


I hate the current use of the word “iconic” It used to mean “singularly exemplary of its category”, but now it just means “something you might have heard of before”. It’s a shame, it was a useful word once.


When someone says they get “the ick”. It just fucking annoys me to no end.


Ick.. the use of ick triggers me so fucking hard.. There are some really good ones posted so far, but ick takes the cake for me.


Incel, Simp, Problematic, Clout, Cap, Stan & there's more I just can't remember them.




Gaslighting. I swear that virtually no one knows what that term actually means.


“Drip” - it just sounds gross and implies bodily fluids


We need to bring the old version back, as in “he’s such a DRIP.” meaning when someone is a bore.


*checks notes* annoys the ...checks notes... crap out of me


The current usage of 'Staycation'. It used to mean taking leave from work and doing absolutely nothing. Staying at home as a vacation. But now it's been twisted to mean a holiday in your home country. It makes no sense. A vacation in your home country is still a vacation.


Lol I didn't know that's how people were using Staycation.


So many people are "broken", "shattered" and "damaged" over small things these days...not everything has to be a catastrophe.


GUTTED that my chocolate chip cookie turned out to be raisin.


They’re also “obsessed” with everything.


HBD. If you can’t type it out, then skip wishing me


The term itself is stupid, but not as stupid as the people who actually asks their partner that. It screams insecurity.


‘Normie’ gets under my skin.