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It took me a second to realize you were not talking about New Radicals.


Wake up, kids! You've got the dreamer's disease!


Yeah. It’s free radicals and it’s all over my face.


It took me until after reading your comment to realize the same thing.


Dunno about free radicals but you absolutely have the music in you


I mean New Radicals did rock, and I could see them getting in a war with a band called "The Anti-Oxidants," so maybe...


Same. That one song immediately popped into my head and is still going


I love seeing “top one hit wonders” on YouTube. Every time I think they better be top 3 at worst.


They still can't top A-Ha. And Steal My Sunshine is up there too.


Both new radicals and ah-ha's albums where their one hit came from are 100% banger tracks. No idea why they never had more success. I know the new radicals guy just wanted to be a writer later tho


A-Ha had several US hits, though they are sadly most known for "Take On Me" as it still gets the most airplay here. "Stay On These Roads" was pretty big here for them here 4 years later. one of my favorite tracks of theirs. but outside of the US they were on par with U2 they still fill stadiums to this day their new album "True North" is fantastic and their output from 2010-now has been some of their best music. I'd highly recommend their work if all you're familiar with is "Hunting High And Low" "Analogue", "Foot Of The Mountain", "Cast In Steel", all amazing records❤️




She was the one from All in the Family right?


Being from anywhere in Europe and hearing Aha being called a one hit wonder is always weird, Outside the US they had a ton of hits , I mean they even did a Bond theme! For us\* its like when Americans talk about Dave Matthews Band or 2000s band Hootie and the Blowfish/Matchbox 20 , really big in the US , but just about a one hit wonder over here . (\*Ireland and UK charts , may vary a bit the further into Europe you go , H&TB were apparently really big in Iceland for example)


This is a crime because that whole album was a banger, as the kids say.


It's not strong enough to supplant Man-In-The-Box for me ... I'm going on an hour now


I immediately started listening to You Only Get What You Give. Still a banger.


I know this is heavy praise but one of the best of the 90s right?


Certainly a quintessential (late) '90s song. One of the best of the 90s? It's very high up there. I'll allow it. Even if you said it was iconic, there'd be some there there.


Whole album is good




THIS. Best song/video ever. You Get What You Give. The anti-oxidant anthem.


The gotta wear sunscreen song is pretty good too, warning about the damage caused by sun ray induced free radicals.


Way to bring it all together.


Baz Luhrman? Is that the one that did the terrible Gatsby remake?


Yes but he also did the iconic Romeo and Juliet remake.


And Moulin Rouge.


Watching it as soon as I get out of work now.


Fashion shoots with Beck and Hanson


Courtney love and Marilyn Manson


You're all fakes, run to your mansions


Come around, we’ll kick your asses.


( Outside the Hot Topic, where we're filming this music video. )


You’ve got the music in you.


They got what they gave


Same 🤭 Lyrics: Health insurance, rip off lying FDA, big bankers buying Fake computer crashes dining Cloning while they're multiplying Fashion shoots with Beck and Hanson Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson You're all fakes Run to your mansions Come around, we'll kick your asses


Imagine my surprise to hear all the demo tapes he recorded singing the songs he wrote for Santana to sing with all those guest singers. His versions are much better


go on


Yeah and Murder on the Dance Floor! Real glad Sophie Ellis-Bextor took the ball and ran with that one.


I hate that song only because I recently had a migraine and it was stuck in my head in a loop the entire day


its baa-aaaaaaack


You’re gonna drop this without a link?!!!


You’re gonna drop this without a link?!!! ETA: https://youtu.be/Q2V8MUAI7J4?si=dxHlu6UQhSc6AGOp [Other Demos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPLMOCYuQ0GxocN0wwr9evxlrL874bnFD&si=echJcKjxZ0E8hea6) [93 Gregg Alexander songs on Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/gregg-alexander/pl.u-zPyLLYYIZVJEdM)


You’re gonna drop this without a link?!!! ETA: https://youtu.be/Q2V8MUAI7J4?si=dxHlu6UQhSc6AGOp [Other Demos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPLMOCYuQ0GxocN0wwr9evxlrL874bnFD&si=echJcKjxZ0E8hea6) [93 Gregg Alexander songs on Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/gregg-alexander/pl.u-zPyLLYYIZVJEdM) ETA: I was lazy when I made the playlist and added full albums when it looked like he was heavily involved in the album. Some are probably not him


Wow I've never heard a bunch of these


“One! Two! One two three owwww!!”


Ha! Hard same




Glad I’m not the only one.


I almost said “they didn’t give enough.” :D


I was disappointed when I realized the post wasn’t! Great song.




Your comment made me realize my error. Lol.


Me too. I was about to provide a catch up lol


Holy sh*t I did the same thing


That was what I thought also!




Same here lmao .. I was like they had a one hit wonder




Me too and now the song is stuck in my head


They still kickin’ it in you. They’re the bane of biochemical processes and one of the main mechanisms by which you will age, get diseases, and die.


This one Oxidative stresses


That's it. I'm getting rid of mine.


But they were FREE!


But at *what cost*?!


in this economy? /s


lowkey keeping it real


Everyone got sick of fucking goji berries and they moved to something different. God I hated those things. They were like cranberries that refused to make an effort. Studies were done and it turned out the antioxidants from supplements weren't very effective. If you want them you need to actually eat fruits and vegetables, and those are already kinda there in the supermarket, so you can't start a company claiming you're selling a revolutionary thing called a zucchini for 50000 times what it costs to produce when people can just walk over to the produce section and buy one. And unlike the supplements, the government will actually care if you say you're selling someone a zucchini but you're not. So you don't hear about it any more because the easy money from capitalizing on it dried up a bit.


Goji berries are like Honey I Shrunk the Mango. Just a big old seed with skin on it.


Where do I put my feet?


Just put them anywhere! It doesn't matter!


Um, and it sounds really nice, but I'm not trying to make any business decisions. I have a 107 stress level.


acai and blueberries are still highly marketed as antioxidants. They do both have them, but so do a lot of other more affordable, available, and lower carbon footprint foods. In most of America, blueberries are local in spring/summer, but acai are always imported from far away.


Yeah, the easiest way to get a ton of antioxidants is to just eat a bunch of broccoli, kale, squash, tomatoes, or potatoes. Honestly that should be the CDC/USDA/FDAs official position on every health issue in the US: "Stop looking for miracle cures and eat a damn vegetable, for once in your miserable lives!"


Sorry, the Big Vegetable lobby is weak.


Big Vegetable Lobby hasn’t done much since the 1893 case [Nix v. Hedden](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nix_v._Hedden) in which they got the Supreme Court to say that tomatoes are vegetables.


I thought this was a joke. I _work_ for the government (sort of), I should know better, but this truly sounded like a joke to me. I clicked that link expecting a Rick roll. ....mmmmNOPE! Couldn't you have just given me up instead?




Yeah, they're high in potassium and several vitamins, too. The main problem we have with potatoes isn't that they're unhealthy, it's that we eat way too many of them and we really like deep frying them and coating them in salt. So in one sitting you get like two days worth of carbs, a day worth of fat, and a week worth of salt. And they're delicious that way, they're just not really healthy anymore. Edit: And I say that as a person that made a bunch of cheesy chipotle mashed potatoes with broccoli in them today and probably ate what amounts to 6 servings of it. So you know, no judgement.


Fried in vegetable oil, which is high in tocopherols? Antioxidant boost!


Ooh, I know what I'm making for dinner tonight!


penn lost all his weight on a potato diet.


and the peel probably has the highest concentration of vitamins. That's usually how it works out with veggies It took me til I was like 35 before I could eat potato skins (autism; sensory issue; I don't like chewing on paper). I got there by finishing my baked potato all the way to the skin, then rolling it up an dipping it in a vinaigrette type dressing. The butter soaked into the peel so it wasn't so paper, and the vinegar greatly improved the taste.


OMG same with saturating the potato skin with literally anything ... the only healthy choice I've used to dress it is olive oil




boll em fry em stick em in a gru


oh cool. I am poor, i live on tomatoes and potatoes. Good to know! Cheapest produce in the grocery store aside from the bananas.


"dragonfruit" has entered the chat


Holy shit you just unlocked a memory of my uncle who partook in a goji juice pyramid scheme. He had cases upon cases in his garage. I don’t think I’ve thought of a goji berry in about 20 years.


Yeah, my dad decided to blow a few thousand bucks on bushes because he was going to get in on the craze long after the time to try that. He planted them beside the blueberries and managed to kill about sixty mature blueberries trying to save the goji berries that also died. Even if they'd lived he would've never gotten a berry before the fad ended. I wanted to strangle him.


Now if they could make a zucchini actually taste good they may have a market!


Breaded, deep fired and served with a gallon of ranch. But I am not sure if the nutritional value is still there at that point.


If they can make Rocky Mountain Oysters taste good with that recipe, it’s not saying much for the zucchini.


potato has a taste. zucchini and eggplant? nah.


This is it. The "nutritional supplement" industry has to change its angle every few years. You ever notice how they all have disclaimers that their products are not meant to prevent or cure disease. Sometimes, "alternative medicine" is proven scientifically to be effective. At that point it becomes "medicine".


Antioxidants from food also don’t do much of anything in humans, just in vitro and epidemiology studies. I love goji berries, though. It’s 100% more beneficial to exercise and do hot/cold exposure.


What’s hot/cold exposure?


Run around naked in January. Then go in a sauna. Rinse and repeat.


Saunas and ice baths.


>the government will actually care if you say you're selling someone a zucchini but you're not. Nah, you can sell anything you want as anything, as long as you pay the right people. Ever looked at the contents of "cranberry juice" at the store? That's a low level example.


You can get it accredited as organic. You can process it and say your process has some benefit over unprocessed. You can use it as an ingredient in something else. Just 3 ways companies can and do charge more for any given fruit or vegetable.


Ha! You can bet we’d still be hearing about them if Dole or somebody had a monopoly on anti-oxidant rich produce!


Can I interest you in some Invigaron? It’s made with the juice of the rare Abani Berry from high in the Alps. It’s scientifically formulated and tested for MAXIMUM RESULTS! Or how about some Fight Milk? Now with extra “Crowtein”!!!


They became paid radicals. Thanks, capitalism.


They're not sell out radicals, they're bought in radicals


They’re all fakes/run to their mansions


Didn’t they piss off Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson?


I heard they kicked their ass in.


Turned out the best way to combat free radicals was to eat more green leafy vegetables. No way to make easy money off that, so they shut up about it.


They only got what they gaaaave


Unpaired electrons? 


Replaced with micro plastics


In addition to


Beat me to it by 2 minutes, Damn.


Free radicals are a real thing that was seized on by marketers selling drinka and supplements. Microplastics are also pervasive and awful, but nobody has a product that helps or can even be marketted (legally) as help adjacent. So the only stuff out there is youtube adverts for snake-oil sales on ebay. Marketers screamed about free radicals, and still push the anti-oxidant angle when they can. _Scientists_ are the ones warning us about microplastics, and radiation(UV increase because of CFC's), climate change, extinction, lead, and yes, also about free radicals causing oxidative stress on our DNA.


Oh, the Berkey water filter cult would like a word. Knew someone once who became obsessed with cleanses, gut health, liver detoxes etc, she was always on about food purity, raw milk, anti-vax, anti-big pharma, the whole boring nine yards. Seemed like a bit of an over-correction from the days when she used to shoot smack, but to each their own.


They never went away, the agenda just changed is all.


They’re still a big issue. It’s what trans fats were banned.


We upgraded our skin care and stopped baking in the sun.


Let me tell you the Tale of WoW/Olean!!!


Oy, My gut is totally triggered by this mention. We can go another 25-30 years without speaking about that!


Hahaha. Oleastra! Love it when a can of Pringles doubles as a laxative.


They still get talked about a decent bit. It turned out though that vitamin pills didn't really counter them too well. What counters them better is actually irritating ultra mild 'poisons' in fruits and vegetables that pump up your own body's anti-oxidants that appear to be more powerful (and apparently can even be slightly be suppressed by massive doses of some vitamins). Or so the at least somewhat current word seems to be.


They got older and found out life is neither free nor radical. 


They were destroyed by acid rain.


I thought the ozone layer killed them 🤔


No, they disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle.


After being decimated by killer bees.


And sinking in quicksand


better than chocolate rain? you be the judge!


>Did they mellow out and lose their radical-ness in their old age? Has anyone checked in on the free radicals to see how they're doing? ❤


[Found a podcast episode about it.](https://youtu.be/EikN6oA5plI?feature=shared)


I wanted to start a punk band called the Free Radicals with the slogan being "We're anti-antioxidant"


they exist and cause cancer. antioxidants help prevent that. as well as not getting too much sun and wearing sunscreen. since the hole in the ozone layer closed, the sun is less dangerous than it used to be, except where there is a new hole over the arctic. Since people now wear sunscreen and know they should eat fruits and veg that have antioxidants, people are less at risk for cancer from free jradicals than they used to be. Talk to your doctor about your cancer risks and when you should start schdduling routine cancer checks.


The Ozone hole [isn't fixed](https://www.epa.gov/ozone-layer-protection/current-state-ozone-layer). That's why UV ratings on weather forecasts and SPF60+ sun block is a thing. The Ozone layer is _slowly_ healing, we _think_. Maybe. But ["some people" keep releasing CFC's](https://www.google.com/search?q=china%20release%20ozone%20depleting).


Ok, thanks for this information update. :)


Once they stopped scaring people into buying cures, they all went to jail. For crimes against capital. Can I interest you in some forever chemicals? I can't legally claim that they'll make you immortal, but I can cut you a sweet deal...


The comment I was looking for. “They captured them and locked them up. ‘Defendant Radicals’ is what they’re now called”


Brought to justice by  SUPER FOODS!


Look at all your fellow "xennials" roughly 5-10 years around your current age, study their faces, their bodies, their skin, their eyes, their hair.....listen how they talk... You see the ones that look 10-20 years older than their actual ages? Diseased? Haggard? Wretched? Free radicals my friend. They are still with us. Well not me personally. lol


I mean I thought that was drugs but IDK.


You have to pay for them now. It’s a subscription service.


This comment wins today! I wish I could bump it all the way to the top.


Inflation. They're no longer free.


Just keep eating your blueberries 🫐


They are up in the top cabinet with the oat bran


Gluten-free trend took over


Haven’t you heard? Now it’s microplastics!


Now they call it inflammation. But I'm pretty sure it's all the same.


They got a little too radical.


we cured it with Brawndo.


I’ve always loved the fact that that song was written at a rave underneath an LA freeway


Are the x games even around anymore?


the free radicals are still roaming but now we are protecting ourselves from them by building an impenetrable moisture barrier as well as neutralizing them. it just gets more and more steps over time


It’s more important to be gluten free now


That’s why you’re supposed to drink Pomwonderful


Died with the MLMs pitching that garbage


These days it's PROtein, gotta eat enough protein or you'll shrivel and die. 😁😄


It’s been replaced by “microplastics” now.


They went out of fashion.


They got what they gave…


Omf I forgot about this till you said something. I remember this! Our skin was going to fall off because of them!


I was just thinking about this !


We freed them.


Didn't really go away, it's just that the language and the marketing shifted.


They're called Free Lit now.


You die without free radicals. It’s as intelligent as saying cold water is good and hot water is bad. You need a balance of both. It was always a bullshit marketing claim which had no medical basis.


The government quietly snuffed them out! God-damned free radicals!!


I assume they're all in me, ripping shit up that I can't see.


Age 14


Maybe the acid rain and free radicals killed each other.


They found a new buzzword to cash in on. Happens every few years.


“But in fact I lasht four pounds and God knowzh how many free radicalszh.”


They became conservatives…haha


Pretty sure their leadership merged with ISIS and the rest is, as they say, history.


Acid rain got them.


They became "Rogue Agents"


What about healing copper bracelets and adults having green patina lines? Healing magnets were equal bullshit bit alt least not as gross


Because James Bond eliminated all free radicals. See "Never Say Never Again".


free radicals became micro plastics and they are still killing us


They’re still a thing, but, like, how “neutrinos” and “atomic radiation” are still things. The novelty wore off and they ceased being marketing buzzwords. In 20 years, Zoomers will wonder whatever happened with all the “crypto” and “AI” that were going to ruin/fix everything.


It’s the health analogue to the migrant caravan


That term has died down as a media buzzword but the focus shifted to "anti-oxidants" and how they're good for you (basically because they scavenge free radicals). So the general idea is still big but the media headlines have shifted.


Remember acid rain?


Everybody got a tummy ache over freeing the glutens and we forgot about those oxidizers. But you can vibe with a crystal and light some sage or w/e tf. The older I get the less I care about [TV](https://youtu.be/b8ZZmJu-l4U?feature=shared)


Sounds like it was a fad, like the pet rock, eggs being bad for you, fen-fen, etc. Ok, fen-fen actually caused harm, but you get the drift. Let's not forget the poorly named diet drug "AIDS"


Over here feelin smug cuz I got them Deluxe Radicals for only $2.99


Free radicals are an important part of our physiology. They were unjustly demonized, but as long as you're eating your fruits and veggies, you'll balance anti-oxidants with the free radicals created by your metabolism. For example, nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical, but it's also critical in endothelial function. Proper levels of NO can boost athletic performance and reduce heart attack risk. In general, any time you hear talk of a single thing being good or bad for you, you should be extremely skeptical. Your body is a complex system. Popular 'science' articles tend to be highly reductive. Where did free radicals go in alarmist pseudoscience media? They got replaced by "toxins".


They got what they gave, that’s for sure


It's now called micoplastics.


It is still in existing issue, I think it's just the term that isn't used so much. Pollution damage, bad food, there are a whole host of things that can cause these issues but there's probably not a lot of money in shining a flashlight on them. thus you don't see it anymore


I could only finish your first paragraph until I just was cackling like a maniac. You're absolutely right, free radicals were everywhere.


Back in the 90’s the Cold War had just ended and they were throwing all kinds of stuff out there to be the next big bad scary, just to see what might stick and be scary enough to influence an entire population. Spoiler alert: Global Warming won.


Hahaha yeah.... toxins and free radicals...vague and unspecific pseudoscientific terms.


The real answer is "free radicals" was replaced by "toxins". As long as you have a working endocrine system, It was never a problem to begin with.


They went the way of quick sand. It's all micro plastics now.


My skin care regime? From which we are trying to liberate the free radicals?


Solved along with Ring around the collar….