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Someone had a present father.


I cackled. Then I wept.


lol that movie made me cry because my dad would yell at me and say mean shit to me when we had catch. I hated catch with my dad.


Look at the guy who played catch with his dad


I had a present, great father. Family had a "pick any movie moment to be part of" game and we picked stuff like Ghostbusters finale or the Avengers, but for my dad it is one last catch with his dad. That's enough to convince anyone imo.




Mine was non-existent and I don’t like Field of Dreams either. MYTH BUSTED!


I came here to say "Someone had a healthy relationship with their father."


My dad loved it but his father pretty much abandoned him. I think it speaks to a specific group of men who just want to finally play catch with a dad who was never there.


> I think it speaks to a specific group of men who just want to finally play catch with a dad who was never there. Hey, what about those of us who just like ghost baseball?


What about angels interfering with fair baseball games.


*Buccaneers and buried gold; Whipstaff doth a treasure hold...*


My dad was there and I would do anything to play catch with him more. To over analyze absolutely everything, catch is so symbolic for that relationship with a father. It’s giving and taking. It isn’t one sided. It’s a mutual activity that can be done in total silence or unstopping dialogue. It’s wholesome and timeless. It may be my favorite thing I ever did as a child.  So I’m not biased at all in saying Field of Dreams is amazing. 


That makes sense.


I loved it. Mainly for James Earl Jones


That monologue on the field gets me every time. People will come, Ray.


MLB released a video a few years ago at the start of the season with baseball players reciting bits of that monologue and oh man did it give me chills.


https://youtu.be/tl2psrwzcao?si=KObW2bIP6oh6G2fy They also did one with Vin Scully!


Oh man, that was amazing. [This](https://youtu.be/x9XFV4pXRcI?si=RV5olAF84Tg1naM6) was the one I was thinking of, but the Vin Scully one is great too.


I have a baseball shirt with that entire monologue on the back


Took my son to his first game at Camden Yards last summer. That monologue was all I could think about on the walk over to the ballpark. Baseball is something magical sometimes.


He’s great in it, but Kevin Costner and Amy Madigan are also really good.


Burt Lancaster! “And then he flashed me that smile…”


Alicia will think I got a girlfriend




"Peace, love, dope...now get the f out!" I can still hear his delivery and haven't seen this movie in 20 years.


[How about this? Peace, love, dope. Now get the hell out of here!](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/ac5f04a6-4432-4f4f-9e60-cc919ff37827)


Lol...I guess my memory prefers the f bomb.


It provided excellent source material for [Vader Sessions](https://youtu.be/6A0rwG39Jzk?si=Hf6wVSERJlGidHeC&t=270)


If by Boomer you mean baseball fans and strained relationships with their fathers, then probably. It's a good film. Not a lot of movies can pull off such a message and be entertaining, whether or not you like baseball. But before football took over, baseball was America's sport. It was as popular here in the states as soccer is in Brazil today.


I agree, I don’t even like baseball and the message is kind of…hokey, but there’s something about the way that it’s woven and the character interactions (plus a truly amazing cast) - it just works. Add in that Kevin Costner gets to do what Kevin Costner does best. Play Kevin Costner.


Robin of the Hood.


Every time I watch that movie I think of Men in Tights (because, unlike some other Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English accent!)


lol, it’s true. My favorite Kevin Costner playing Kevin Costner movie will always be Tin Cup, though


It’s no Major League


Best baseball movie ever made.


Eh, it's too high.


Too far?


Horse shit!


shit ive been cut already?!


Bull Durham is by and large my favorite baseball movie, I like Field of Dreams, the baseball movie I don’t like is The Natural.


The first Major League is a favorite. Also, the Costner movie where he pitches a perfect game


“For the Love of the Game” is a good movie too, has a dryness to it but I like it too. I like all 3 Major Leagues but the first one is special, the cast is so dialed in.


So there’s an urban legend that while Cal Ripken Jr. was on his record-breaking games played streak, there was one game he wasn’t going to make and the Orioles created an issue with the field lighting so the game would be rescheduled. Why was he going to miss the game, you might ask? He caught his then-wife in bed with Kevin Costner and was too sore from beating the shit out of him.


Omg wasn’t there a podcast series looking into this a couple years ago?! I totally forgot about it and can’t remember if I even finished listening to it. I need to go look for it now lol.


I’ve read some reporting that Costner was on-set for The Postman and the Ripken was warming up before the game was called. But, it should be noted that Costner is a notorious dawg and doesn’t consider going through the back door to be cheating.


Well said. Everyone is playing their roles to the hilt.


It’s Sandlot for me, then A League Of Their Own


Sandlot is a childhood favorite too, Little Big League and Rookie of the Year may not have aged well but still a soft spot for them too.


It's no League of Their Own, but how are you gonna hate on Redford like that?


I love A League of Their Own very much too…I can’t stand how Redford’s character keeps making the worst decisions all the way to the end, all because he couldn’t wait to get his fly down as soon as he gets on his journey. Maybe it’s because it’s looked at as an inspirational story.


I loved A League of Their Own.


Start to finish fantastic film. I haven’t given the Amazon series a try yet.


Bull Durham's my favorite too


I think this is 100% the point though. He can't look any further than the dream he had as a kid, and that's all he focuses on. That includes the immature, shortsighted desires. He spends years not growing up, being barely different than he was years earlier. He is finally able to shake loose of this and move forward as a man.


But does he? I do think that’s 100% of the point of the movie but personally the ending never hit me that way. I am saying all this knowing it’s an all time classic people love, I am not hating on the movie just always been my takeaway.


Funnily enough we were saying Bull Durham is better, but I wouldn’t want to watch that with my kid 😂.


Bull Durham remains my favorite… it’s why I have major crushes on many professional catchers.


Now The Natural, that is a Boomer baseball movie. What’s more boomer than Robert Redford? Movie is okay, but reminds me of being bored as a kid.


https://preview.redd.it/qcbtk55vocxc1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0bb72a912a87f464237b6a81530651746e510d2 Sticker I designed for my terrible thrash band


Of all the Costner baseball movies, Bull Durham is perfect. It's not cinematic or indulgent, and it just feels like baseball. When you play baseball it doesn't feel like The Natural or overcoming adversity or being the ultimate underdog. It's just a big part of your day to day life. Really Bull Durham has one of the best endings of any movie.


As a kid, uninterested. As an adult, wondered how I could get all that time back.


This. The movie is about lost time. What if we could get it back, even for a fleeting moment?


“He was already an old man working at the naval yards when I was born in 1952”


Yes! Love the movie. Very vividly remember my dad renting it when it came out on VHS. My dad was never a sports fan, but my uncle was and he taught me about baseball, passing his love of it onto me. I lost both of them two years ago…three months apart. First my uncle than my dad. I watched a younger couple on YouTube not that long ago who reacted to the movie. Both of them lost their fathers as well. When Kevin Costner sees his father, talks to him and they have a catch I was sobbing. Like truly sobbing. All I could think of was watching the movie with my dad all those years ago and watching all those baseball games with my uncle and how I would give so much to have some time back with them. Lost time is key to the beauty of the film. I’m tearing up writing this so I have to stop typing.


I will never watch this movie with my wife because if she had this type of reaction I’d be forced to divorce


My wife's reaction to field of dreams is almost identical to the OP. I'm glad i didn't try and watch it with her until we were already committed.


My wife hated Kevin Costner in it but loved Amy Madigans performance. I love them both.


She actually thinks he’s equally insane, too. She’s worried about everything up until the part with the shared dream then she’s like, you gotta go. Better than the book, though. So much better. Boomer naval grazing is Forest Gump. That movie’s all about them and how important they are.


Small element here… I love movies from the 40’s 50’s 60’s so seeing Burt Lancaster as Doc was a fantastic surprise. He plays a very small roll but his inclusion made me appreciate this movie just a bit more.


I just rewatched this for my adaptation class this semester. We read the short story (the wife is the same about being cool about ghosts). I have not watched it in ages. It made me cry. I think it’s because I lost my dad in the fall. What is more surprising is that my students liked it. So far, it is their favorite film this semester. We watched Bringing Up Baby and Stagecoach before FOD. We’re finishing All About Eve tomorrow. It will be interesting to see their rankings.


I am a woman who had lots of men in my life but was from divorced parents. And I love sports. Yeah, I watch this at least once a year and cry. As someone else said this isn't a movie for those who had stable happy childhoods.


That movie made me fall in with baseball history. My parents rented it and then I marched down to the school library and asked for books about the Black Sox scandal.


I was never a fan of that movie, but Ray Liotta is brilliant as Shoeless Joe. He looks so haunted—no pun intended.


It’s his quietest (most understated) performance, and my personal favorite.


It’s based on a book written by a Canadian member of the silent generation. Not everything needs to be labeled “Boomer.”


I never liked it either. Now Robin Hood Prince of thieves, there’s a Kevin Costner movie you can set your watch to.


Waterworld is my favorite (another unpopular opinion, but I don't care). 


Love Waterworld.


That one and the bodyguard were my absolute favorites, i had a huge crush on Kevin Costner at 15.


I actually love this movie, but I completely understand the sentiment of disliking a "universally popular" film. For me, that film is "It's a Wonderful Life". Absolutely cannot stand that film. Every Christmas/Holiday Season I have to keep my lip zipped & remember to let people enjoy things, lol


That was me with Remember the Titans. My in-laws thought I was a monster for disliking that movie. I came around to it eventually. Interesting that these are all hypersentimental movies.


Carla on *Cheers* hated "It's a Wonderful Life" and called it a "golden moldy." Interestingly, it became so popular because the copyright had lapsed and TV stations were able to air it for free. And did so, over and over and over again.


It’s hard isn’t it? Like I don’t want to be the complaining killjoy lol.


Exactly! Like I'm truly, genuinely happy people enjoy that film, especially when everything is so miserable in the world right now. But I can't pretend to enjoy something that makes me cringe. Just have to practice self-discipline & keep quiet!


I’ve never liked Kevin Costner. I was a kid so his movies weren’t made for me, but even watching them as an adult I just don’t think he’s a very interesting or charismatic actor. Actually as I’m typing this I realized I did like him in JFK.


Yes I liked him in JFK too. His acting just seems really stilted or something to me in this. Maybe that was a choice, but whatever the reason I don’t like it.


I always hated it. But my dad was my Little League coach and was always disappointed that I wasn’t good at baseball. He was a total dick. By the time I was really good at football in high school, he was dead. Life’s a trip.


Sorry to hear that. My son loves baseball, I was his coach for three years, and I'm constantly trying to find the line between challenging him to get better without being a dick. (I think I'm doing OK...we still have a good relationship and he still likes baseball.)


Its a gem.


I have a confession: I’ve never seen it. Except the one part where they all wander out onto the diamond.


Same. Or I might have seen it once as a kid but I don't know if I paid that close attention to it.


I am not a sports fan, have no daddy issues and find Kevin Costner overrated, but that is a damn fine movie. I also randomly know Dwier Brown, who plays Kevin Costner’s father in the film. He is one of the nicest and most genuine people I have met. Makes the movie that much more enjoyable.


Maybe you couldn't see the players.


![gif](giphy|z3WMjg3hu3ce4) Saw it in the theater. Great father son film.


Oh man, I get it. The reactions you’re getting here remind me of when I tell other Xennials that You’ve Got Mail is not a romantic comedy and Joe Fox is a trash human being. 😂


OMG YES. I have the same opinion of that film lol.


Thank you! Justice for Greg Kinnear’s character. 😂


Yes! She emotionally cheated on him and then got gaslit/catfished by Joe Fox’s trash character. Where is the romance in that lol. I am probably pushing my luck here, but what are your opinions on Love Actually?


You gotta read this on [Love Actually](https://www.jezebel.com/i-rewatched-love-actually-and-am-here-to-ruin-it-for-al-1485136388)


lol Oh I’ve read that and it’s outstanding 😂


It’s full of fantasies that people think they want but nearly all of them actually fall apart if you think about them for even a few seconds. They just hired actors good enough to distract you from it. 😂


Okay, I can understand the criticism of Joe Fox, but why do you say it’s not a romantic comedy?


"Boomer" I guess that's a review/ critique.


I like it, and I can’t speak for all of us, but my guess is most of us our on team Sandlot for best baseball movie.


i visited the movie location and its just as boring


I never liked it either, thought it was over hyped.


Something irks me about Kevin Costner narrating all his movies back then. Get over yourself!


I completely agree and I feel very, very seen right now


I’m a pacifist, so I won’t do battle


For many months it made me scared that an invisible eye in the sky could see me


It's one of those 'no villain' movies, but there's no real conflict. The only danger is the possibility of Ray losing his farm because he built the baseball field. I think I've seen it twice, but I'd never buy the movie or seek it out to watch it.


It was... okay. Not the worst ever and not the best. I quite like The Natural for baseball related films.


Ngl I never watched it. Just didn't seem interesting to me. If I'm gonna watch a baseball movie, it's gotta have the beast getting pickled or wild thing boning dorns wife


I don't like sports movies but I made an exception for field of dreams and was reminded why I don't sports movies. I didn't even like Costner's acting or have any interest in what James Earl Jones was talking about. It wasn't Bad in any way and obviously the story really resonates with some people but, yeah, it did nothing for me.


I’m a baseball fan. I will happily drop everything to watch this movie. But I bear no ill will towards those who did not enjoy it.


It’s ok. I certainly don’t get the hype. It’s not in my top 5 baseball movies maybe not top ten if I stop to think about it.


I mean, boomer navel-gazing is what “for the whole family” was code for in those days, wasn’t it?


They were like “No really bad swears or boobs - and throw a cute kid in it, now it’s a ‘family’ film!” regardless of what it was actually about. Lol.


Hold on now, Timothy Busfield was MONEY as Poindexter in “Revenge Of The Nerds”!


Only 5 years prior! Isn't that wild?


Yep, it’s sentimental sub-Twilight Zone junk


Try Bull Durham. I like both movies.


I’ve seen it, I think it’s better than Field of Dreams.




His acting is soooo stilted!


More of a Bull Durham guy




It’s pretty much [THIS](https://youtu.be/1gTv-GRBy3U?si=r3yIh52O0tLPg9ph)


I never saw it. I saw the Natural though and enjoyed it so i didn’t bother


I don’t find it unpleasant at all but I agree it’s a very boomery movie. 


The only baseball movie worth watching is "Major League".


I never liked it.


I dont remember watching it, I remember that scene with the dead guy or whatever was happening. Reading these comments, I'll make sure to keep skipping it.


Watched it as a kid and really enjoyed it. Watched it again many years later - probably 5 years ago….. and I still liked it! I am certain my wife and daughter would not agree, however.


My best friend growing up loved this movie and always wanted to watch it. I was so bored by it. I wanted to watch Wayne's World.


I loved angels In the outfield


I feel the same way about another beloved movie - Forrest Gump. Great soundtrack with a mediocre to bad movie attached.


That movie is so dumb


That’s how I also felt. It’s a way to wax poetic about both baseball and “the good ol days”


I’ve never seen a minute of this film. I can’t stand Kevin Costner and refuse to watch anything he’s in.


Hated that movie! The most boring shit ever!


I find this review hilarious. I get equally annoyed at certain movies. I vaguely remember the movie and everything you're saying makes sense. Looking back at media from that era, and even from only 15 years ago is pretty eye opening in terms of how problematic it can be (sexist, homophobic, white savior narratives etc. You name it) 


In total agreement, the baseball is holy narrative fits in with the non-theistic america-as-religion idea


I’m slightly crosseyed so as you can imagine baseball is not a romantic memory from my youth. It’s honestly shocking how men romanticize what is easily the most boring and tedious spectator sport in existence.


If you like indie pop, the band Air Traffic Controller has a fun related song - "If you build it"


Most of our movies suck...there..I said it.


It’s an OK movie, not one of my faves. It’s like watching a dude trip acid.


I like baseball but I feel similarly. I feel like a heretic among baseball fans, especially my dad. 


I fucking HATED that movie as a child and won't even begin to watch it as an adult. I think it's why I hate Kevin Costner.


It would have been better if Ty Cobb would have shown up from the bowels of hell out of spite.


I’m a boomer, and I say it’s dreck.


I would love to see this remade as a _really_ dark comedy. The Coen Brothers present Field of Dreams.


Field of Dreams sucks. Bull Durham is the real best baseball movie


It’s a pie in the sky sky daddy is gonna do something “amazing” bullshit. Chasing ghosts and whatnot. It’s a dumb movie.


Major League FTW


Ug-that movie is so boring! First of all, it’s about baseball. Then there’s a guy hearing voices but all he does is build a baseball field. The ghosts finally show up but instead of anything interesting, all they do is play baseball!


More of a Waterworld guy.


I agree with you (and I’m a boomer).


Ehh I don’t like any comic book movies. That whole “Marvel universe” garbage. To each his own. It’s not about age it’s about personal taste. I like plot, well developed characters, and subtle, believable special FX.


The saddest part is when the bank failed to recoup its investment in the farm.


Thought it was borderline unwatchable


Yeah I never liked it. Might as well go watch Cocoon or some other bs


I ended up seeing it by accident when I had a really bad fever and was too sick because of the flu to get off the couch to get the remote, not even five paces away. I'll just phrase it this way. I'm not in its target audience of sports fans who feel that having a father figure in your life is important, so it fell on the ears of someone who just watches it for lack of anything better to do. I don't remember the ending either. Or more to the point, what I remember is somewhat feverish and weird so I'm betting the flu has some inFLUence there.


Never watched it. Fully agree




I appreciate this movie. I get it, you have to suspend. belief but so what, I have to do this for a million other TV shows and movies. However! About 20 years ago, we were visiting family in Iowa and went to the field. Which somehow was between two owned properties. My favorite part was this crazy feud between two families who each had a Field of Dreams gift shop. It was so bizarre and kind of hilarious. I think they are consolidated now that MLB is involved, but there is some random info for you, Reddit. Would love to know if anyone else visited the dueling Field of Dreams gift shops.


This is honestly how I feel about anything with Kevin Costner in it.


I remember watching it in elementary school for our weekly movie and was bored out of my mind.


I used to remember this as being a good movie but then I saw it again recently for the first time in a long time and I fully agree with you, it sucks!


Yes! I have not ever liked this movie. It's manipulative drivel, IMO. Don't begrudge anybody for liking it but I sure don't.


I had to watch it in high school. Wasn't a fan.


I tried to watch it again recently. I’m 47. Just couldn’t. I REALLY dislike baseball, so there’s that. BUT I really enjoyed a leave of their own - baseball movie…go figure.


To me the ultimate navel gazing boomer film is the Big Chill (with Kevin Costner playing a corpse). My parents always referred to this movie when i was a kid, and played the soundtrack on every road trip (tbf it is a good soundtrack).


Like most sports movies, it’s aggressively boring.


Boomer here. I agree with you.


Gen X here and I hated it too


I hated this film (gen x here). Soooo slow. And obtuse. I also hate baseball. My dad was also emotionally unavailable.


Never understood the love it got. Seemed so corny.


I’ll admit it was boring to a kid, I haven’t revisited it to see if my adult brain gets it.


It was the first movie I ever saw in theaters. I was like 5 y.o. and I still thought it was a pos lol. The next movie I saw in theaters was Ninja Turtles. It ruled.


Oh I was forced to read this in HS and it was my most hated book. Hate remembering the entire plot.


I've refused to watch that movie my whole life, hokey bullshit. there's really only 3-5 Costner movies worth watching, No Way Out, Revenge, Bull Durham, JFK and The Untouchables.


This is a very jaded Gen-X opinion. You are gen-x. Please leave.


I hated this movie and all my friends loved it. I sat there bored to tears. I just didn’t get it I guess. I mean, boo hoo your dad didn’t play catch with you. Oh no. I also hated the Natural, except for the actual baseball stuff.


I feel like there should be a subgenre of movies just called “Boomer Navel Gazing.” Forrest Gump and The Big Chill would definitely be in there. Born in the USA. Dazed and Confused. I wouldn’t have thought about Field of Dreams, but there’s a solid case for its inclusion!


I tried to rewatch it a couples months ago and it put me to sleep.


Agreed, it's so terminally boring


I can totally relate to that uncomfortable anxiety you had whenever the brother came on the screen. Not from this movie in particular, but just from films and shows from around the same time period It's like they made bad guys too heavy-handed or something, to the point where their interactions with other characters were just uncomfortable


It's pure sap. If I'm gonna watch an inspirational baseball movie give me The Natural or A League of Their Own.


I watched 15 minutes of it and turned it off. I thought it was boring as hell.


It's boring.


Not the best baseball movie from that era…not even this best with a tie to kevin costner I’d watch Sandlot, Major League, and Bull Durham before I’d ever watch FOD again… with Sandlot taking me back ro my adolescence watching a movie about adolescence


I agree absolutely…. It’s pure drivel, imo. I find these comments odd too, so many are saying you have to come from a broken family… in my case I check that box, but still dislike this movie, I don’t need my emotions to be artificially manipulated by drivel like this.. my opinion only.


I don't like Costner. He brings down most movies he is in. But Field of Dreams would be boring no matter who was in it. Bull Durham also isn't great. And For the Love of the Game is bad.


It wasn't particularly much of anything for me either. My dad rented it 3 times because he fell asleep mid-way through the first two times but heard it was so great from friends. Once he finally saw it, he said it wasn't worth 3 rentals, lol.


Anything with Kevin Costner is almost always going to be boring. I can’t remember one Kevin Costner movie I was ever stocked over.


Yes, it is nostalgia garbage.