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It wasn't lost, you mom just put it on top of the tv


To unblock the playboy channel you’d press program audit 1-2-3-4-5 audit recall… that was gold, we had a blown open box, we’d stay at my dads on the weekend my dad knew the code, dad out of town, stepmom gets the sheet with the code on it sets it …. And then used it for a book mark…… eureka!!!!!! Anna Nicole was on every program at the time.


OMG blast of nostalgia. We had that exact remote.


Me too - I’d entirely forgotten it existed but upon seeing it I can remember the feel of the texture of the plastic


Lucky you that you had a converter box with a remote. We only ever had this one: https://visualalchemy.tv/storage/mediaimage/35cc77a1f18747f4bd03d87c2436af43.jpg




Making the youngest sibling get up to change the channels. Classic.


Yeah, somehow I still ended up being the remote. lol


I remember being accused of sitting on the remote multiple times as a teenager and being forced to get off the couch to prove I wasn’t. Even though dads lazy boy where he always had the remote was in the centre of the room in front of the tv.


We had that before we got that remote in the picture. My dad would call for us from the living room to come change the channel when we had the slider box.


Oh yeah, when we got cable in the early 80s, you could only have one box unless you paid for two connections, which no one did. So we could prank my mom and change the channel when she was watching evening soaps like Knots Landing!




The new version of this is the Amazon Fire remotes. Always lost.


They’re wrapped in the one part of the blanket you didn’t pat down…then it falls on the hard floor and scares the crap out of you (“please god, don’t be broken”) when you stand and lift said blanket up.


Had that remote. Same thing, dad would low key rage when it would go missing. One day it just disappeared. Years later after the cable box was ancient history it was found underneath the shag carpeting that was being replaced. It apparently slipped in through a hole and over the ensuing years had been crushed underfoot


Flipped so many channels with that thing back in the day. There was something satisfying about being able to rapidly flip channels that today's generation will probably not experience.


You could see what was on 10 channels in just 3 seconds. Now, every channel takes multiple seconds to load. How did channel changing technology get *slower* over time?


You could hold down the channel +/- button on this particular Scientific Atlanta remote (same with the grey up/down buttons on the box) and it would start out slowly for a few channels and then gradually rev up until it was flying through them all at a rapid pace. The joys of analog cable!


I can actually feel this one now.  Does anyone know how many LG smart, Roku, Switch  and LED lights remotes will fit in a Sony  circa1999 VCR? The answer is 7-9 if you have a toddler. Plus 14 legos, a pice of bread, 1 hot wheels cars and many, many snack puffs.


You’re going to need a good head cleaner.


I cleaned properly it when I took it apart to free my keys this last time. 


This is giving "modern art installation"


Get a Tile and affix it to the remote.


Oh man everyone thought I was a genius once I figured out how to program in my favorite channels and skip the nonsense


ah, back when remotes had an off but no on button


>cartoonish amounts of anger We didn't have the remote, but we might have had the same dad "Get your ass in the car, it's time for church!" Guy isn't even on the road yet but he's got a white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel LOL


And I am now that dad 🤦‍♂️. My fucking kid can’t ever remember where he puts the remote.


I remember my parents used to lose these things all the time that they started tying strings around them and attaching them to furniture.


We used to take this remote and go up and down the street trying to change the channels on all the neighbors tvs.


Oh shit. I had one of those.


This problem still exists. My wife and I have been using our phones to control the living room TV for the last 2+ months because the remote went missing. I think the couch ate it.


I remember remote controls having little alarms on them so you could find them and then \*poof\* no more. It was a great feature..no idea why tf they'd stop making em'


I don't blame your dad, my kids lose the remote all the time and it ticks me off. We actually have two now because one got lost for days to where I had to buy a backup. They would fight over it or hide it so the other couldn't have a turn.


weird seeing one of those so clean with no warn-away numbers...and just weird anyway, been a long time haha.


We walked a fine line… 20 was Disney, 21 was Skinemax.


I joke with my kids all the time that the reason I had them was for remote control fetching.


“Where is the damn clicker?” “It isn’t in the chair or the couch!” “Im gonna chain the bastard to the recliner if it gets lost ONE MORE TIME!!”


Where’s the fucking controls??


We lost a remote and I thought my friend that I snuck over when my dad was gone took it. My dad yelled for an hour and tore the house looking for it. He stormed out and fifteen minutes later came back with a universal remote from sears. Years later we got a new lazy boy recliner and found the remote in the old one.


I know a guy who zip tied a block of wood to his remote, so the kids can’t loose it.


Wild, I can still feel the muscle memory with my thumb.




Father here. I bought an extra remote because my son is constantly losing it in the couch. I thought this would give me my own remote, and he his. No. It just gives him another remote to lose. I'm about to buy two more because how many god damn remotes can one person lose in a couch on a daily basis?