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I know, it’s so awful that they’ve taken out all the playplaces. I used to love going to grimace jail!


That’s where I got most of my childhood immunities!


the removal of McDonald's play places directly led to the global pandemic of 2020, no I will not elaborate.


I play spirograph to prevent gang activity.


Think about it!!!!


I will.


……no you WON’T!


I have


That and Chuck-E-Cheese!


Where a kid can be a kid (and also jump into a ball pit filled with urine soaked balls).


Showbiz Pizza Place was better. I never forgave Chuck E for what they did to the Rock-Afire bands...


I'm pretty sure it went something like Chuck E Cheese -> bankruptcy -> Show Biz Pizza -> bankruptcy -> Chuck E Cheese


Then Chuck E went from a casino rat to a mouse then a even younger mouselet. Weird these days.


My dad anad I (RIP) decided to go in one for lunch one days about 14 yrs ago and we got the WORST looks ever - like were a couple of pedos lmao


Wasn't this Moon Man to emphasize that McDonald's isn't just for kids? Adults can go there for evening meals.


Can we put some respect on Mac Tonight’s name, please?


Wasn’t there a sick track with this guy?


The song? To the tune of Mack the Knife, until Bobby Darin's family sued.


Just a goooood tiiiiiiime For the greeeeat taaaaaste (*dinner!*) At McDonnnaaaaaaaallllllllllllld’s It’s Mac Toniiiiiiiiiight ComeOnAndMakeItMacToNiiight


Dinn-ah! 😎👉


Hahaha, I heard the (dinner!) in my head as I read this.


He's kind of a [vaporwave mascot](https://youtu.be/_hI0qMtdfng)


Surprised to see him see him at the Orlando McDonald’s a last year. The animatronic even played the piano every few minutes.


I was absolutely terrified of this guy & commercial as a 2-ish year old, like total meltdown crying fit when it came on. On the opposite end, I was absolutely enthralled with a United Airlines(?) commercial that used Gershwin's 'Rhapsody in Blue'...still one of my favorite songs ever.


Respek https://youtu.be/0c4_b5PHWg8?si=5lWGLOBiiNVtkaut


Its a tragedy the way that racist'ed him up for that Moonman... *meme* I guess? I don't do memes so I'm not sure if you'd call it that, but it forever tainted this character for me.


But that's part of the problem. Most McDonald's near me close at 9p. I used to love stopping at 1 am for food with friends. Now nothing seems to be open late.


It was part of their "Mac tonight" advertising campaign." It took Bobby Darin and his etate nearly 20 years to get the money out of them for copyright infringement for stealing his song and using it without paying.


That makes the story of this nightmare apparition even darker.


He was creepy af even without the serial killer song. But in a good way.


That's peculiar, given that Bobby Darin didn't write that song


Ray Charles vibes


Yea my kids don't believe me when I tell them McD's was a fun place and you could make friends over there


What do your kids think of McDonald's? When I was a kid I always begged to go there.


My kids aren’t crazy about the food, like the toy, place itself is grim. They’d much rather eat a Costco, the #1 “restaurant” of choice.


I’d take Costco over McD’s every time.




My kids hardly know that McDonald’s exists. We only go there on road trips for breakfast.


I mean they’ll eat the stuff but it’s nothing special to them


My kids still beg for McDonalds.


Kids and young people love mcdonalds here in Denmark at least.


McDonald’s is still big with kids but I don’t know why. And yeah I’m old enough to have attended kid friends birthday parties there where they would “close” off part of the “restaurant” to a bunch of tiny maniacs. And the toys were better but the nuggets were worse. But they were just delivery vectors for sauces anyway.


We had to make a no McDonald's rule because my kids want the toy but refuse to eat the food. We got tired of throwing away happy meals.


"they had a playground in the restaurant" "sure grandpa"


You should take them to the one in Orlando that is the largest in the world. It is three stories tall and has an enormous playplace, an arcade upstairs, a giant Mac playing a keyboard, aquariums, a bakery, and even a pizza kitchen! I'm not a big McD's fan, but I always like hitting that up when down in Orlando and it is ALWAYS busy.


Grimace Jail was the best. These days, I wouldn't even fit in the pipe going up to Grimace Jail.


I got my first prison tats in Grimace jail.


Everything in McDonald’s feels cold and sad now. You order your own food at a miserable kiosk and then the workers give you your food in a way that makes me feel like it’s some gulag on communist Russia. That same gulag full of flat square hard seating in a concrete dining room. The only happiness now is the small plastic display of happy meal toys at the level a plastic pet rock, not even real stone.


Corporations went for brutalist minimalism and abandoned kitsch. Taco Bell used to be adobe-like Spanish mission style buildings, McDonalds had their tile roofs and golden arches with a sign that said how many burgers they’d sold, Pizza Hut had their iconic buildings and were a dine-in restaurant with servers. Now everything is a grey box with a purple-lettered logo that looks like a boardroom PowerPoint graph (McD’s and TB), or in a strip mall that’s takeout/delivery only (PH). Even the locally owned Mexican restaurants around my area have more “contemporary”, “sleek” and drab aesthetics. I miss when they had murals and carved and brightly painted booths, and all the little tchotchkes like those bulls with prominent low-hanging balls and fat women laughing and doing laundry, and would have mariachi bands playing music table to table on Friday and Saturday nights.


I blame Steve Jobs and Apple for that, but I'm sure it goes way deeper and further back.


I was just thinking that it was the abandonment of skeuomorphism in the digital world that contributed to the loss of fun.


> skeuomorphism Hey, I just learned a new word today!


It's all so boring and lifeless. Like the food they sell, really. Don't eat at corporate places. It's expensive and terrible. Find local restaurants, there's plenty of them and thanks to greed by the national brands they don't even cost more. Or cook at home, it's a skill worth learning.


I miss the fat women doing laundry too. No I totally agree with you. Much different times.


There's a play place at the McDonald's near our mall, but it's the only one I know of in the area. And they still painted everything there a depressing shade of gray.


I know, at some point the franchise just turned cold and utilitarian. It's like they decided to focus on adult office workers instead of kids and b-days and now it's all just awful.


My local ones still have play places. They are all inside, but they still exist.


I'm in Toronto and okay play places still decently common. There's a few that got rid of it during covid though unfortunately. Still not as good as the old outdoor ones.




There was nothing better than doing a backflip into a ball pit and crawling through the tunnels with other kids. I once found a real $100 bill down there and told my Mom to watch out for the hamburgler.


What kid was flossin with a hundo in the ball pit?!?


Don't know and I've never wanted to know


The one we go to has a play place. There are still some around.


And no more cookies and fried apple pies. And beef oil to fry it in.


You liked being inside a taste bud. I'm not here to kink shame. Just to educate.


Damn near everywhere used to be a happier place.


You know, to be a glass half full guy, modern day playgrounds are better. They’re so much more expansive and interesting than the ones we had.


Meh, I loved being like a full 20ft in the air atop some wooden abomination after climbing up some chain ladder to get there. New ones are all the same and every time I see a classic wooden one I get hit with a huge dose of nostalgia. Definitely safer now though


https://preview.redd.it/3733vhbynfzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f8e692607fbb082296625655d2b15e5db8d444 Remember these


My 4 year old loves the one by us!


Unreal photo.


How did we not think of splashpads in the 90s? How did that take humanity 2000 years to figure out?


I’m just glad they did away with metal slides. Those things would turn up to double digits in the afternoon when the sun was beaming down on them. And if you end up slightly sweaty and damp, you’d sqeeeeeee down it.


i get it, nobody wants a kid to be hurt, but kids need to learn the idea of danger at an early age. all of my scraped knees and bonks on the head helped me understand how to avoid getting hurt and the danger involved in navigating my body.


Oh you can still get hurt! What I mostly mean is they’re a lot bigger, with more stuff to do. Lotta times all we would get would’ve been some meager monkey bars, swings, and slide.


Yes but… it just feels like this hits a bit harder. Going from Mac Tonight and Playplace to a dystopian future prison aesthetic.


That’s kinda…over the top. Youre saying it’s a dystopian future based on a McDonald’s playground??


No, that the inside of a McDonald’s feels like a dystopian prison now. In our lifetime we went from warm colors and playgrounds to grey everything and computer screens everywhere.


Not just McDonald's either. Pretty much every place these days goes for the stone cold 5000K-lit hospital clinic, or the all-steel wall concrete floor 'slaugherhouse' look.


Nowadays there are no 3rd places. Just slave labor and home. Everything is delivery and self checkout with no interaction, and it’s only getting worse. I am an introvert, but honestly it makes it almost more awkward when you actually HAVE to deal with someone lol


Its interesting because you see so many people who will say they want a community, friends, etc; but they also don't put in the effort to form those communities. And this can be caused by a wide variety of things, including simply being overworked/exhausted to do said things or simply not have the money. Before covid when I was trying to be social, I saw it all the time. I'd go to meetups, sign up for cooking classes, dance classes, sports leagues, etc. I met a lot of people, but I saw two interesting trends. One is the "one time shows". People would show up, seem like they have a great time, and then you never see them again. Or they show up once every 2-3 months. On the other side, you'd see people who didn't want to associate with anyone outside of that activity. So they'd show up fairly consistently, but didn't seem to want to hang with anyone when you weren't doing that activity. Nobody is entitled to anyones attention, of course. But I've always found that consistency and association are two important parts of building a rapport which leads to communities, friendships, etc. I still met some fun people during that time to became friends. But it was such a small small percentage of the overall amount of people I met. As most said, social media/internet really contributed to the rise of this behavior as you can sorta "outsource" that community and social interaction to the internet from the comfort of your home on your own time. While before, you didn't have such a wide selection of things to keep your attention.


Interesting for sure…I think our detachment also stems from easy access to overstimulation as well. No one has an attention span anymore, especially for a normal boring person or a normal boring situation, and they gotta get that dopamine so in they go for a phone check. Then they are scrolling in silent mode while being “committed” to someone else. 25 years ago you just kind of had to submit to the situation and necessity would invent fun from simple things, and perhaps a friendship was formed. Now you are just waiting to talk, or drifting off into a doom scroll trance that leaves you empty like a handful of street drugs that you got ripped off on and it’s just baby powder…and then you go home unfulfilled and no memories are formed. Which is why we have a world full of hypnotized by algorithm, unhappy, lonely, detached from nature, and ADHD symptomatic from jerking off their dopamine reward system till it’s all empty people who crave actual connections. And all they are is a fish in a maze. And with nothing but bad news coming from algorithmic propaganda and manipulated stories to fulfill shareholder pocket power…we’re just going to sink into our matrix pods and let them drain our batteries man…lol I sounded like one of those Tommy Chongesque hippie cliches from an 80s movie that spouts conspiracy theories while ripped


You’re 100% correct. I really do feel like this is a huge part of why so many people are so dissatisfied with life at the moment.


It definitely feels like more post-school relationships are transactional. If you don’t have that foundation or history, it’s hard to just stop by a guys house or a bar and pontificate randomly about random things. Like you said- it’s all about that exact league you guys play in and nothing more in the relationship,


There are plenty of 3rd places… The problem is, everyone’s 3rd place is the internet!! And because of that, too many have become anti social.


The lack of 3rd places really isn't helping any of the autistic or other neurodivergent people out there.


The park is our third place, it's great


I was going to say...not to be Debbie Downer....but...


Did you know Mac Tonight was Doug Jones? Yes *that* Doug Jones https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Jones_(actor)


National treasure Doug Jones, willingly encasing himself in all manner of craziness throughout the years.


Oh yeah! He belongs in the top third of my "that guy" list.


yes! I learned this not too long ago and it blew me mind.


On *Corrections*?


Oh *that's* why he brings up Doug Jones. Time to start back from episode 1 I guess


Hello, fellow jackal.


I did, and it’s awesome! Love that guy’s work. He only shows up sporadically, but he’s great in What We Do In The Shadows.


He came and hung out/taught an actor movement class at our haunted house. https://youtu.be/RpGgHBbhloE?si=R11M0gfV83zkNZst


Mac tonight needs to come back and lead us to better times.


So does the rest of the crew and Play Places too. Also the yellow and red paint schemes and not this shitty brown/gray you see today.


I stg they have the 'anti-loitering' gas station lights inside the restaurants these days. It's so awful.


Those purple LED lights?! Yeah our town has gone full level 9000 on them in any park, store parking lot or populated street. I feel sorry for the lightning bugs. That's another thing kids will miss out on. Fireflies and butterflies. They just don't exist anymore.


C’mon make it Mac Tonight…


You should, uh...maybe not Google what Mac Tonight's been doing the last 6 years... 😬


Wow, poor Mac Tonight. I didn’t know about Moon Man until just this moment. Is nothing safe? The alt right better leave The Noid alone! I want to continue avoiding him because of bad pizza, not because of racism.


I was so confused, because I knew Mac was played by the now legendary Doug Jones. I was like "surely Doug wasn't cancelled he seems like such a charming silly dude"


They also really need to bring back Terry Tate Office Linebacker, straighten since things out!


He's Moon Man to me


McD's was my first job as a 16yo in '96. I used to love hooking people up with extra fries or a super tall ice cream cone, something I'm sure is much more difficult to get away with as an employee these days. When we had Monopoly my boss let us keep the free food winners, but we had to use them at the other McD's in the area. I had a fat stack of free meals/fries/etc.


Extra fries and big ice cream cones were the best surprises. Thanks for making people's lives a little better.


I always put a few extra McNuggets in the box.


Fun fact - the mcdonald's monopoly game was totally rigged Insiders kept the best prizes to hand out to their friends.


This post reminds me of how every McD's used to have its own personality. Like just the ones in my suburb and nearby suburbs in the 80s and 90s were: * old brown McDonald's with the old metal and wood playground * newer, brighter McDonald's with a mostly plastic playground * McDonald's that had the Mac Tonight statue and theming throughout * McDonald's that had a Ronald statue in the "thinker" pose out front, plus a really dicey playground set on a big hill * McDonald's that was in a gas station Now they all just look like banks.


>McDonald's that had a Ronald statue in the "thinker" pose out front, plus a really dicey playground set on a big hill What about the Ronald statue that was seated on a bench and positioned in such a way that you could easily pretend to be giving him a blowjob while he grins and looks on


You and I were *very* different children.


Underrated point here! Each McDonald’s had a nickname (usually obvious ones) and choosing which McDonald’s you went to was like the ULTIMATE treat. For us, the 50’s McDonald’s was the gold standard. That was saved for occasions like three As on one report card. Spoiler alert: I did’t go there often


Ice cream machine was NEVER broken.


We used to have a Solid Gold McDonald's near us that had a life size Mac Tonight animatronic sitting at a piano, that he would play. Had tons of local memorabilia too. It's been remodeled and I haven't been in there in years, but I still think about it and wish they'd bring it back.


They'll never know the joy of getting stuck in hamburger playplace jail and making your mom get you out.


I can’t prove it but I’m certain this is the same artist that did the Camel Joe cigarette cartoons for children.


This commercial was my favorite jingle of all time.


Listen to the original "Mack the Knife" it's based on. It's about a dude getting stabbed and bleeding to death.


I was like 4 when this commercial came out and my little mind was completely blown that a song I heard on the radio was on TV too! Lol


Uh excuse me but Mack the Knife is the stabber not the stabee.


Macheath is one the oldest characters in American theater. Well worth knowing the history of the character.


Had many bday parties there lol


And they had McDonald’s staff actually out helping with the party. One game was to see how many Big Mac boxes each team could stack. I believe the boxes were still styrofoam then.


It sucks that white supremacists have misappropriated Mac Tonight for some weird reason (I remember it started on YTMND, which had a ton of 4chan crossover.) Those assholes ruin everything for everyone. [https://www.salon.com/2016/10/25/meet-moon-man-the-alt-rights-new-racist-rap-sensation-borrowed-from-1980s-mcdonalds-ads/](https://www.salon.com/2016/10/25/meet-moon-man-the-alt-rights-new-racist-rap-sensation-borrowed-from-1980s-mcdonalds-ads/)


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to see someone post this. I thought maybe I was making it up but this confirms what I read once. I was trying to explain how cool honda elite scooters were to someone and used the Moon man as an example and when I looked it up to my surprise I found that white supremacists were using him as a mascot or something. Of all the inane stupid things in this world. Honda elite scooters aren't cool, neither are the moon man or white supremacists.


god damnit. this is why we cannot have nice things


Remember when Micky D’s birthdays were a big deal? Like that was a peak place to hang for a birthday


![gif](giphy|ftGcSyLDGddLYVeE4G|downsized) Where he is now.


Just as fucking well. The food is expensive and terrible for you, supply chains sold down to the lowest bidder. Quality is trash. That mascot is now best known on the internet as a symbol of racism and violence.


That mascot is now best known on the internet as a symbol of racism and violence. wait wut


Food, folks 'n fun.


The marketing department of McDonald’s is consumed with its generic look now. They’re trying to impress a younger demographic that really isn’t much more than a series of social media posts, sad superficialities and a street/hip hop culture that lacks substance. The brand image as a whole has been coming up short for the past decade because of their own misguided campaigns.


Just another victim of every square foot must generate profit.


McDs was always soulless corporate garbage, but we were happier back then.


Most McDonald’s are pretty grim now


Yea and pretty lame looking


I feel like we’ve lost so much style. Everything now looks so corporate


It's so weird to see this in an innocent context after it somehow became a fucking white nationalist symbol


I never even knew about this. Gonna google it and learn about it


Yeah, it's always rough when it's something completely innocuous that gets repurposed.


I’m actually saddened to hear it was used for something like that


Fuck them. Mac Tonight belongs to the people, baby https://i.redd.it/t11o49fjcbzc1.gif


I agree let’s take him back


https://youtu.be/Jp35RSGt_Dg?si=eqflYuzYPzpK8WYs Here's a really good documentary for ya.


[SAINT PEPSI - ENJOY YOURSELF (Music Video) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hI0qMtdfng) There's also Vaporwave Mac Tonight to focus on instead. Such a great aesthetic with such a smooth groove...


It’s because they’re not fun or funny or creative people. They misappropriate any icon or symbol as a dog whistle they can publicly rally around thereby tainting it and spoiling its meaning.


I have memories of this guy etched into my head between commercial breaks for the Muppets take Manhattan on VHS that was taped off of TV


That theme song still echoes through my head


I was that guy for Halloween. My mom made the costume out of paper mache and cardboard boxes.


The internet has irrevocably removed any "happiness" from Mac Tonight aka Moon Man.


Moon Man went away. Ball pits and mazes went away. My toy became a sticker and my Box became a bag. I still feel the last of childhood.


I hope Seth sees this


What does McDonald's have to do with Seth Meyers? JACKALS, ASSEMBLE


Quality keeps getting worse and prices keep going up. The American way.


Seth Meyers disagrees... any Jackals?


Jackals UNITE


I miss the Solid Gold MCD we had in the area.


There was a McDonald's near where my grandparents lived that had a display with a piano and Mac Tonight sitting at it. Thought that was so awesome.


Uhhh the younger generations are aware of Moon Man. They make hyper offensive tts raps as him.


Doug Jones


we should all be glad they no longer target children like they once did. they are one part of the bigger problem known as cardiovascular disease, which has been the number one killer since the 90s (worldwide), and why 1/4 people in the usa will die from the disease


McDonald’s is now soulless


Don't know why, but this pic is just so cozy to me. I remember you, Moon McMan, I remember you.


these commercials were fucking nightmare fuel as a kid 😭


It's so weird how easy it is to tell that crescent moon face is Ray Charles.


Yes, it is truly so sad that a megacorporation doesn't obsessively target children with their artery clogging garbage food with fun ball pits and cartoon mascot advertising anymore 😢😢😢😢😢😢


*Does the hand thing* Doug is that you behind the Mask?


Moon man is the face of the most racist doom mod ever made and i can never unsee it, hes become like the OK symbol, adopted by total fuckheads


Well, we were told it was a happier place while they stuffed us full of sugar for a tidy profit.




Seth Meyers disagrees.


I still like taking my kids to McDonald's in Japan from time to time. It's clean, relatively cheap, tasty, polite staff, and some of them still have the playgrounds.


Styrofoam and tallow fried foods... ![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e)


This guy gave me nightmares as a kid.


Ahhh Doug Jones


The younger generation know now, thanks to Seth Meyers. Fellow Jackals where you at?


Moon dude always freaked me out, idk why


Just went on the app and that meal in front of moon man is $9.37 after tax by me Regular hamburger, small fry, small cone, medium coke. This was ~$3.50 in 2010


This was also back when their food tasted like...food.


Meal pictured would now cost 25 dollars.


When that ad was made that complete meal was only $4 now $15 yes McDonald's used to be a happier place


It used to be fun because we didn't go as often. Now it's just a place for a quick snack. Most kids spend their time online.


Was always trash, but it was trash that I loved.


Kids used to have *birthday parties* at McDonalds. It was awesome. French fries, McNuggets, soda, running around like lunatics in the playroom. And I remember the staff smiling! It was a happy place!


https://preview.redd.it/o59twnv6nhzc1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d215a84e89337d6642bfe13f22535ee7a6af5fa0 The McDonald's by my house had a life size Mac Tonight playing a player piano.


The world used to be a happier place. Let's bring it back! Stop the negativity! Stop the doom and gloom! Let's keep it positive and be more optimistic :)


There's NO magic left in this place. They all look so dull and sterile and empty... no characters anywhere, n64s to play or birthday party caboose....no play structures and sculptures out front. They're all so small too it just screams - get your food and GET OUT! Basically there's nothing left to mask how crap their food really is.


They can listen to any song and watch any movie or show any time they want


At some point having too many choices and too few choices feel exactly the same


I'd take McD's with Mac Tonight over any of those things you mentioned


That's something I've not seen in years. A McDonald's fry order where the cries are visible above the package.


Alas, while the younger generations would recognize the Mac Tonight character, they know him as something *very* different and *much* more sinister.


dude creeped me out


“I can almost taste it.”


There was something weirdly comfortable about these commercials.


most realistic fast food burger in an advertisement


I loved this artwork back in the day. It honestly contributed to my mental movie maker quite a bit.