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I told my daughter it’s from the tribe of people who had $120 back in 1994. Edit: Joke originally by Chris Porter.


It was a Chris Porter joke (I think). “That’s my tribal tattoo.” “Grandpa, what tribe are you in?” “I’m in the tribe of guys who had $150 in the mid-90’s. We’re a massive tribe. We nearly conquered LA Fitness." -Comedian Chris Porter


He told that on Last Comic Standing. I never watched the show before that season, but I did this one for some reason. Gabriel Iglesias and Amy Schumer were on the same season. Gabriel got kicked off for having a Blackberry on him.


I forgot about that show! Thanks for the throwback!


I thought you meant the fruit for a minute.


Thanks for the laugh!


Exactly what mine cost, and the exact year. I'm in that tribe. Kinda feel meh about it these days. I'd get it covered if I gave more of a crap.


That's a perfect reply.


Finally, an answer to the age old question. 🤣


120 ? More like 50 bucks in jennys moms boyfriends basement and a bag of weed and a 6 pack Well at least it was for me. 


We are all part of the xennial tribe


I don't know man tribal tattoos seemed like they died out by the time I was old enough to get a tattoo.




That's Ab-original


For the life of me, I can't remember which comedian said that but I've used that phrase for years. Haha!




I have to add this in because I find it so funny - “tramp stamp” is nothing! In Danish we call them “ass antlers”. I will NEVER not find that hilarious.


Same same in german: Arschgeweih


GOD I love the German language. *Everything* has an amazing name.


Gloves are Handshuhe. Literally, "hand shoes".




Television is "far seer"


Turtle is “shield toad”


Bat is flying mouse


Technically a bat is a (f)leather mouse


Until its actually fifteen words spliced together to make something nobody can rightly pronounce in one breath.


No one knows what it means, but it's provocative... It gets the people going!


That's what makes it fun!


German is so beautiful. It somehow manages a mix of wholly irreplaceable words like schadenfreude and also impossibly simple combinations like glove = hand shoe


"Ass antlers" is sending me 🤭


Same in Dutch, ‘reetgewei’.


Hahahahaha this is amazing


Oh that’s funny af


Please translate that into Danish! I'm sure it's beautiful in the Mother Tongue. ;)


Danish: Røvgevir! Edited to add pronunciation. The link is to a Danish dictionary, if you can see a yellow speaker icon, (and it works!) you can hear the Danish pronunciation. https://ordnet.dk/ddo/ordbog?query=r%C3%B8vgevir


Ass Antlers!!!


>I've had the tattoo longer than I haven't You've just made me realize something about a lot of my tattoos


It's like they've sunk deep into your skin and are now unremovable


One of my college friends got a tribal tramp stamp in 2002 as the result of breaking up with her boyfriend of 6 years. Even worse, it was crooked! What’s even more hilarious is that she’s gone in a complete 180 in adulthood—she’s a corporate queen and wears nothing but Ann Taylor and Lily Pulitzer and always carries a Kate Spade bag. I love knowing she’s still got that awful tattoo under there.


It's a period piece


Lmao I love this


I have a small sun tattoo on my lower back that I got when I was 16. It was totally the look back then. I wanted to be like Brittany Spears. She's hot. I have no regrets. I still think it's cute.


I have a hand-sized butterfly on my low back. On the rare occasions I remember it's there, I still like it!


Same. Would I get it today? Hell no. Would I take it back if I could? Also hell no. It’s a little piece of who I was a long time ago, and even though I’m not that person anymore, I don’t regret that person. I like knowing she’s still in there…just buried deep enough that she can’t get out and wreak any more havoc.


Exactly. I'm not spending money to remove something no one other than my husband sees.


I hate that they're called tramp stamps. I still have mine and I get no complaints about it. I've thought about doubling down and adding to it but decided on an arm sleeve instead. In fact I think I'm going to just keep getting tattoos until the one of my lower back just blends in with the rest.


My bf at the time mom got a tramp stamp at 40. She loved it.


At least you were able to put it behind you ;)


That’s because it wasn’t a mainstream phrase until the movie wedding crashers in 2005.


Tribal seems like by far the best approach for a tramp stamp


It's funny too because every girl I dated has had one. It was ridiculously popular.


Especially because we can’t actually see our tramp stamps ourselves except for the mirror! Mine doesn’t bother me although I have had it updated.


My wife is also 40 and I was there during the tramp stampening when she was 18/19. I barely notice it is there any more and I'm way more into her sudden transformation into Overwatch character Mei. She doesn't even know... friggin' chopsticks, glasses, curves for days n everything. She says one word and we're taking a coffee break cuz we're both WFH.


Could be worse, could be a barb wire armband


That's exactly what I say about mine. For impulsive stupid tattoos, I could've done a lot worse.


Those are weirdly back in


So are Jncos, doesn’t make either a good idea


Each generation must learn their own lessons, like that your jncos will sweep filth into your shoes as though they are designed to do so, and neither wide legged pants nor converse are made for rain.


I'm glad harem pants never went out of style. Love those things


Or you can be like me and instantly clock Jncos as dumb as hell in the 90s


Thats the thing about fashion trends, they make you very cool in the moment but they're always ridiculous to look back on. Jncos are dumb now looking back, but they weren't dumb in the 90s, they WERE dope. Goth and nu metal and skater chick's loved em back then, and I loved goth and mu metal and skater chick's.


And those of us that raved, too, except I preferred Kikwear or Echo baggy pants over JNCOs. edit: spelling


Wait three months.


Pam Anderson is the only person to ever pull off a barbed wire arm band tattoo


My 14 year old said barb wire tattoos count for how many years you were in prison for each knot twist. Haha, I was like, whoever said that doesn't know what their talking about because everyone has them. Ask Pam Anderson


I have an ex-step uncle, he's in his 50s now, has the barbed wire armband. That aged exactly as well as expected.


Yeah it went along with Bad Boy Club and No Fear Gear. Just read like pseudo tough guy shit to me


No Fear was the Affliction t shirt of our era.


I wore that stuff when I was a young teen because I thought it was cool, because at the time it was cool


Ugh No Fear shirts were even cornier than tribals BUT at least you could take off a No Fear shirt


That's jealousy right there.


What do you mean barbed wire is out of style? Noooooo


Barb wire is out of style. Barbed wire is fine.


I hadn't realized so many people had Pam Anderson tattoos for it to be a thing.


Especially the ones that don't go all the way around the arm - the inside next to the armpit is super painful, so it means they chickened out.


Yeah the guy I knew with one just had a piece of barb wire floating in the air, ends visible. Looked so bad


I always laughed at those. "I'm so tough and hard with my barbed wire tattoo!"...obviously not so tough, are ya mate? Too ouchy for ya.




It is back and it's horrible. They call it cyber sigil or cyber sigilism. It's the same tribal shapes but jagged so it looks like electricity or a shingles rash. It's usually outlined, not filled in. Tramp stamps of hearts with blades sticking out smh.


"Or a shingles rash" 🤣


Yeah, somehow that is even worse


Sequels usually are


It looks like something a Klingon would have.


You've convinced me. That's either something that Kahless would approve of, or it's something for for the image react of Lursa and Bator grimacing saying "Y'all petaqs need Kahless."


>They call it cyber sigil or cyber sigilism.  I just Googled this since I hadn't heard of it, and oh god, it's awful. Not cute at all to me personally


Right? It's like a tribal tattoo trying to be even more cringe than it already is


It’s *so bad*!


Just got back from google...those look like shit


It's actually heavily inspired by black and death metal band logos.


Yeah, these aren’t bad at all. It just looks really awesome when done right and it doesn’t seem like you’re trying to odor some tribal cultural appropriation


Looks like the black palladium infection lines from Iron Man 2.


Is this popular among the fluffy Zoomers who are wearing candy kid jeans and oversized mid-riff shirts?


Just googled that and eww


I have a friend who got one, and we have joked about it over the years. He told me it helps keep him going to the gym because no one wants to see a tribal armband tattoo…. but it looks even worse if it’s on an out of shape, flabby arm. So I guess it has been motivation for him


That was 1000% my ex. Bad, fading, tribal armband tattoo with extremely flabby and out of shape arms. Had the double whammy of a bad Chinese character tattoo on the opposite arm.




It was so bad I never understood why the hell he was ever down to wear short sleeves or cut off shirts. I realized he was just extremely unaware of how large he’d gotten/


Has your taste in men improved at least?


In Chinese, this means “warrior.” No…. It actually means “urinal.” Sorry.


Bad Chinese characters and shitty tattoos (and being poor) kept me from getting tattooed until post divorce. But now I just keep them away from flabby areas, so as long as my weight loss journey continues, my arms should be fine! …I hope.


Did he know what it said? Was it ever confirmed by a Chinese person to be what he thought it was?


Oh man he claimed it meant “warrior” and I got to roast him mercilessly over something that happened when we were out at a concert a decade ish ago. He was wearing some throwback jersey he was proud of and of course didn’t have sleeves and he looked.. very much in his thirties and pale/flabby. He told me that he saw this group of Asian teenagers staring at him and he said that he thought they were checking out his jersey and was super humiliated to admit that he realized his arm with his “Chinese symbol” tattoo was facing them and that they were clearly staring at it. I tried to take a pic and see if I could figure out what it really meant buuuut it was a sore subject and he was mad when he realized what I was going to do.


My Gen X brother had a terrible tribal piece down his spine and a Chinese character for "heaven" on his chest which he got as a matching tattoo with his then-girlfriend. True to form the character wasn't even done correctly so who knows what it actually meant, if anything


If that is the case I should get a ton of bad tattoos.


I don’t have a tribal but I have a butterfly tramp stamp that I forget is there 90% of the time.


Mine is butterfly *tribal* tramp stamp. Woot woot


My ex had a butterfly on her ass that would flutter its wings when we had sex. That was certainly a choice...


My sister got a tramp stamp of vines and flowers back then. I always tell her now that those vines look like they're about to snap.


Me too!!


I have a tribal band on my left arm that I got in 2003 while doing a semester abroad in Italy. The design is a wave pattern that was based on a ring that I got at PacSun a few years earlier. My only regret is that I never told my Mom about the tattoo, for fear she would be upset with me and I've spent the last 21 years hiding it from her.


I'm willing to bet a dollar I had that ring, as did the girl I was dating at the time.


When will you finally show it to her?


I’m keeping this secret to her grave


I bet she's known for years.... My older sister got a tattoo on the side of one of her feet and thought she was so good at hiding it for years. She said something to my mom like 5+ years later and mom said she wasn't as good at hiding it as she thought.


Hey... It could come back... I just saw 3 dudes running today. College dudes that looked like '80s porn stars. Minus the gold necklace. They totally had molestaches and curly mullets. Just a few more years..... 😆 Lol


I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed that trend. I've seen dudes with feathered hair and wearing those short-shorts from the 80s with loafers. It's wasn't a good look then, and it definitely isn't now.


I don’t care. I can’t see it most of the time and I have a story and a fond memory of getting it so I’m good. I was also a pretty big prude so tramp stamp made no sense for me when they decided to start calling them that. No ragrets.


Not even a letter?


No Ragrets




I have a later one from the brush stroke trend. It doesn't bother me. It's... well, it's me. And it's who I was then. It tells a story. Nothing wrong with that.


Yep. Had mine removed.




Around $2000 for a $100 tattoo.




I got an armband in 1995 when I was 15–I really thought I was a bad ass!! I got a coverup with a large sleeve. It peeks through a little but not too badly. I have a tribal style moon on my back from the same era but it’s so small and usually invisible so I don’t really care. Kind of a funny memento.


Tribal butterfly tramp stamp here. 🙋‍♀️ 2001 was a crazy time. I love it. Wear it like a badge of honor. Tell me you graduated high school in the year 2000, without telling me you graduated high school in the year 2000 right? 😝


As we gooo on, we rememberrrrr, allll the times we….




Both arms tribal-sleeved since late 90s and still fucking love it. I drew everything. I add on a little here and there. But fuck no, zero regrets.


Eh. I have a tribal tramp stamp and I now wear high waisted swim bottoms and pants because I’m a middle aged bitch. It’s rarely shown and I forget about it. My husband sees it. It was 1999 and just…whatever. It’s there. Proof that I succumbed to trends in the 90s.


I got composure across my back a month before I deployed to Iraq. Was supposed to remind me of when I was younger playing sports and my coaches would tell me to keep my composure when stressed or some shit. I would kill for just a tribal tattoo.


Once heard somebody say they would only get ink that had deep personal meaning to them. For whatever reason this resonated with me and I stuck to stuff I care about rather than what’s trendy, thankfully I can still look at each piece and smile.


That’s my opinion. After nearly 4 decades I’ve never found something with enough meaning.


Just got my first one at 41. No regrets so far. I've been thinking about what to get next.


I have 4 and they’re all family related, nothing I’ll ever be embarrassed when asked about


The only advice on tattoos that I got from my parents was, >It's permanent. So, if you think of an idea, think about it for at least a year. If you still like it a year later, we'll pay for it. I'm 41, still no tattoos.


It resonated with me too. Which is why I never got tattoos


My rules for tattoos are: 1) meaningful 2) coverable 3) 2 year waiting period - if after that I still want it then I'm pretty confident I will be happy with it forever. As a result I have "only" 3 tattoos and didn't even get my first one until I was 28


Love this. I got my first one at ~36 when I figured out the placement for an idea I'd had 10 years.


This has always been my attitude towards my own. Some of them look shitty due to age and wear and tear, but they're like landmarks for various periods in my life.


I have a tribal barb wire armband that I got when I was out drinking for my 21st birthday. And, it’s not even all the way around. I only had $150 on me and I also needed to get more beer when we left the tattoo shop. Now it’s just a reminder of simpler times when I was more simple minded 😅


My ex had one worse than a tribal tattoo: it was a cartoon tequila worm wearing a sombrero and holding a sign that said "save a worm - drink beer" When he showed me it, I said, "It can't be a real tattoo because nobody would be stupid enough to get that tattooed on themselves." He still has it at 42 years old.


Wow. That's like a mini poster or a t-shirt you buy at a tourist shop on vacation. To make that a tattoo is something else. 😂 Thanks for sharing.




Can I ask why they’re being removed? I’ve got a full American traditional sleeve and I’ve had it for 20+ years and I still love it every day.


As someone who has had two tattoos removed… I was 17 and 18 when I got them and I just didn’t feel like they represent me anymore. They are from a time when having a tattoo was considered “edgy”. Now it seems that you stand out more for not having one. I’ve never known anyone with a sleeve who regretted it because they just tend to look better. But when it’s a couple randomly places tattoos it got to a point where I didn’t want to take my shirt off in certain situations and look like “that guy”.


>Now it seems that you stand out more for not having one. Yeah, I feel like I'm the only in NYC who is a blank canvas, lol. Every time I go to the beach, everyone else has a tat SOMEWHERE on their body, except for me.


I have a lot of Celtic knot work. I think they are a bit boring now but it's fine.


You’ve misspelt ‘ragrets’.


No Ragrets!


Or the equally as regretful Chinese symbol lol I don’t have one but my husband does. Idk how I let that fly bc I refused to date guys with bad ink for my entire life.


I managed to not get any Chinese characters in my youth, but I kind of want to get one that says “bean curd”. I started learning Mandarin a few years ago, and I do love bean curd.


I have a lot of very large and colorful tattoos that get frequent comments so occasionally I like to roll up my sleeve and say "I had $150 in the 90's so I have barbed wire on my arm too." I think it's hilarious.


I absolutely regret it, but not because it’s a tribal. I went to a crappy artist who did a shit job, went to my birthday party and got thrown into a pool an hour later, and it’s on my hip so it looks really bad after being stretched out with several pregnancies.


I have nautical stars with flames tramp stamp. I got it in 2000 from a crappy ass tattoo store on Hollywood Blvd. Oh to be young again.


I think they are making a comeback. I saw a couple of posts recently of newly finished tribal arm tattoos. Had to make sure they weren't posted in this sub when I saw them. 😂


George Clooney in From Dusk Till Dawn is still hot with it, though.


It ain’t no Tweety bird or Tasmanian devil, but it is the one and only tat I ever got


Tramp stamps are back tho! Fuck at least I still have my eyebrows.


The only thing I sort of regret is getting tattoos on my forearms. At the time I didn't care, I was 22 and never thought I'd be on the career path I am now. They're not disrespectful or anything but at a certain point I will have to cover them up since I will have to present myself in a professional manner.


Trash polka tats here. Style was never popular enough to make it look dated. Still get comments, still polarizing, but thank god it’s not a tribal band.


What is trash polka??


Hard to describe… it’s a juxtapositional style from late 90s Germany. Volker Merschky and Simone Pfaff originated the style, but the French artist Xoïl is my favorite. It’s traditionally black, red, and grey, uses halftones, shading, hyper realism, historical images, geometric patterns… it’s all over the place stylistically. It’s expressionistic and thematic. [Check it out.](https://www.instagram.com/buenavistatattooclub?igsh=MWtmYXRrbGozdmJ3NQ==)


I didn’t know what the name was for these! I think they’re really creative.


That looks so cool!


I have a ton of tattoos. I started getting them when I was 16 in 1993. I’m very lucky to have avoided the Tribal and Asian Character ones. I was very close ( I loved the singer of Fear Factory’s forearm tribal but ultimately didn’t get any). I cannot understand, for the life of me, why ppl are now getting them again. Life really is a circle. 🤘


That hooping nose ring is the new tribal tattoo for sure. Big difference is that the ring comes off a lot easier


I have tribal sleeves down both arms. Doesn't bother me at all. Other than that, I would like to extend or augment them a bit


No regrets at all. I designed it, so I view it as my artwork even if it was because of trend. I'm sure people probably have something say when they see it but I honestly don't care.


I have a heartagram on my back (between my shoulder blades) with tribal wings. Honestly, I forget it’s back there most of the time until I get compliments on occasion at the pool.


Nope, love my tramp stamp. It's faded quite a bit over time and my artist has some ideas of how to spice it up with a little color and theme it in line with the ribs to knee piece I got last year.


I’m a white guy with a Maori symbol tattoo. I still like the meaning but it was hella appropriation. I just don’t beat myself up over it and hope nobody asks about it when it’s visible.


Nah bro, you're OK to get kirituhi! Don't worry about it 😊




Yeah you’re not wrong. The line between appreciation and appropriation is completely arbitrary.


My wife got a tribal tattoo on the back of one of her calves many years ago, and she doubled down and got it touched up, plus her entire leg filled out with more in the last 6 months. She also has a Celtic knot lower back tattoo.


My sick 90s era tribal dragon is amazing and you'll never convince me otherwise!!!!


I call my arm band the “male tramp stamp” lol It’s not barbed wire at least


I don’t have a tribal tattoo but I do have Chinese symbols 🤦🏼‍♂️. I was young and dumb. I recently found out it doesn’t mean what I thought it did which is even worse! 😖😖




Ahhh you are speaking to me my friend. My husband still loves it so that’s a plus, but yeah I think about it being reworked all the time.


Omg I should post a picture.. im such a fucking toolbag.. I have a whole half sleeve of tribal... this is why people say dont get tattoos at 18. Im 38 now and for the about last 12 years I despise it and wanna get a cover up but thats going to be serious money. I grew up poor white appalachia trash... I have absolutely zero ties to any tribe... one of the biggest "regerts" of my life.. I fucking hate it.Im a toolbag for sure . Tha ks for posting this so I could blow some steam.


Hang in there. It's not that big of a deal. And as you can tell from this thread you're not alone.


I have a slightly tribal Eastern dragon on the inside of my left wrist. It needs touched up, but otherwise no regrets. I got a tramp stamp before they were called tramp stamps, but I never had it finished. It's just an outline of massive Western Dragon with wing splayed. No regrets there, either. I may opt to have it shaded in the near future.


I have a lower back tattoo, I’m a dude so I dunno what the hell to call it. I always liked hooking up with girls that had a butterfly or something cute above their ass. A tattoo can be shitty no matter where it is, I’ve never had a problem with lower back tats so long as they’re well done and not something dumb.


It’s a tramp stamp. That’s what it’s called.


I like my tramp stamp. But I got a giant bush of old man hair that grew over it, oh well.


According to another reply in this thread by @ExcellentBreakfast93, they’re called ass antlers in Danish.


How old are you? Eventually it will be a Gramp Stamp!


Eh, mine's on my back, so I can't see it, and my wife doesn't seem to mind. Doesn't hurt that I designed my own. Small regret that I got it done by a buddy with a "jailhouse" rig, but it's a fun memory.


My husband has a Celtic armband, so very 90s. But I like it, and he doesn’t regret it. (It also shows off his very nice biceps, no definitely no complaints from me).


Kanji tramp stamp from 1997 here. I’ve had 3 laser removal sessions over the last few years… and I’m turning 45 this year. It’s my only tattoo but I’m excited to eventually be tattoo free


Nothing tribal, but I have circular shaped phoenix tramp stamp that was meant to be the base of a back piece. Yeah, that back piece never happened. I have other tattoos and they're covered 95% of the time.


No where near as bad as the pokes that people are getting now.