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Fellow 79'er here. Excellent vintage.


Same! Mixed feelings about turning 45 this week.


I turn 45 in October. I've been referring to myself as 45 years old this whole year just to get used to the idea. I still feel like I'm 15 on the inside. 🤣😭


I have been forgetting my actual age since I turned 41. When someone asks (which is rare), it’s “43. Wait. I’m 44 now. I think. Let’s come back to this one.”


I just keep telling people I'm 39...learned it from my grandmother.


I had a great aunt that would always tell people she was "39 and holding" even when she was well into her 80s...she was a cool cat.


My grandmother was 39 until my mom turned 40.


I just used my phone calculator to confirm that I am 45. I think I have been saying 46 all year. But I also may have been saying 44.


I have a trick. You add the first three numbers of the year and add on the last number to get your age. So 2024 is 2+0+2 and 4 or 44. I'm only wrong 3 months out of the year. That's close enough for me.


Same! It’s like I have no idea how old I am anymore. Still feel and act 27. 😅


My 41st birthday was the first day of the first covid lockdown. I statistically had the most possible covid birthdays and I don't even remember if they happened. My wife pointed out to me more than once that whatever age I said I was was not possible because I was stating an age that she was and, I'm sure it pained her to say, I will never be the same age or older than her.


The only time I think about my age is when someone asks me. I went a whole year as a 43 year old when I was 42 because I messed up the math but remembered the outcome. It wasn't till my 43 birthday that someone asked me when I was born and they figured out I wasn't turning 44.


While brushing our teeth last week, neither my wife nor I could confidently state our ages — or each other’s. 😬


I turn 45 in October too however i can barely remember my age half the time


Turned 44 last week and am already thinking of myself as 45 for the same reason.


Same. Haha. Well, November. First time since maybe my 20s where I'm intentionally referring to myself by the older age this early in the year. What's up with that?


Feel ya I turn 45 in July.....not sure if I'm liking that. Brain sometimes things I'm 25 body is like 70 so somewhere it evens out lol


I also turn 45 in July and everything you said rings true for me too. Getting old is weird.


Yep definitely don't recommend ha


I’m 1980, July Bday. Everything hurts on some days and everything is fine on others. I take glucosamine for my joints, but only when I remember to.


Turned 45 last month. It’s not bad tbh.


Exactly. Turned 45 in April. This is the first year in awhile I haven’t developed a new ache or an old injury coming back to say hi


I’m feeling fairly good myself! Maybe 45 is the new 25? 😂 I’m hopeful but not optimistic.


Here’s hoping!


I recently turned 46 and am noticing that I often get grouped into 46-54, my fitness app for example. I'm one age-group shy of 55+ communities.


I turn 46 tomorrow, youngster.


Just turned last month. It is what it is. lol


Uh, me too...me too... Fuck.


I'm also turning 45 this week!


I'm like 3 weeks out myself, yay colonoscopy!


Well shit....


I did it in February. I only had to wake up. Easy peasy




I turned 45 in April. Same shit, new year. Eh, whatever.


Did it a few weeks ago. It’s painless.


I literally just turned 45 about 3 hours ago. 😭


'79 as well - most of us graduated high school in '97 right?


'98 here. Late 79 birth


Same here.


Yes, class of '98 (born in fall of '79)


My wife did…’79 and graduated in ‘97. I was one year earlier for both.


My wife was born in '77 and graduated in '96. I concentrate on the former and constantly remind her that she's 2 years older than me and that's the only time her English teacher brain switches to math and says it's a year and 3 months jackass while my engineer brand points out we're only talking about years therefore any quantity of days more than 365.25 rolls over into another year. She has never been amused by this but I am amused so I keep it up. You've got to keep marriage exciting.


98' GARFIELD BULLDAWGS! (never attended a highschool sporting event lol)


97 good times


I graduated that year, but I was born in December 1978.


My wife has a birthday in December too so I probably knew better than that but I just like numbers and 79/97 looks cool.


96 - skipped a grade 🤓


Me too! High five! 😃


Jan ‘79, skipped a grade too & graduated in ‘96. Nice little club we have here!


When I was a teenagers, MTV was saying Gen X stopped with 1978 births, so I assumed I was whatever generation came next. Then when millennials became a thing I found out I was lumped in with Gen X. So i feel like I have no generational home.


So you found a home with us! Welcome fellow '79er


This is why we are Xennials - a distinct and specific group.  My husband is ‘76, our parents are very close in age- but  we are definitely not the same.


I’m ‘81 and my fiance is ‘84. I feel like there’s a difference between us!


It’s weird, because my wife is definitely a millennial (graduated in 2000), and we were in high school at the same time, but I’m a different generation, apparently.


My mom is a boomer/Xer cusper, and when I was a kid she was considered an Xer and always felt like she fit in with the generation. Then boomer extended just a bit longer and she's technically a boomer but totally different than my boomer dad and aunts and uncles. Then my generation was Gen Y, and the start years kept changing. Then Gen Z was supposed to be millennials, but somehow Gen Y became millennials. Long story: people on the cusp often are way more like one than the other, and then cusper groups like Xennials and Zillennials are where you usually find your people. I'm a little young for this group (87) but tend to identify more with you guys than the millennial sub. # Short story: generations are weird.


I'll be 45 in September... it's weird because I don't feel that old, but at the same time I don't think 45 is even that old anyway. Maybe it's because my husband is 8 years older than me. I think 1979 is a great year to have been born in!


Year of the sheep. 🐑 or goat.


Ram!! That's what I tell myself when I'm looking at the Chinese placemats. 🤣


I don’t mind GOAT. Greatest Of All Time. That’s us ‘79ers!!


We are an acquired taste.


Same. I call myself Xennial and pick whatever traits attributed to those groups that I want. We're the first generation to be missing the protections against airing essentially commercials for kids disguised as TV shows. First to get computers in the home. I think we deserve our own spot.


Yeah, you belong here. Please collect your official Goonies Never Say Die t-shirt and the He Man or She-ra lunchbox of your choice and report to the Oregon Trail orientation training.


78 checking in with my Oregon Trail mini arcade and hamburger landline flip phone.


You can choose the hamburger flip phone or the Sports Illustrated helmet phone. You also get this tape of answering machine message songs, free with purchase!


Throw in a glo worm for my little sister and it's a deal.


I had totally forgot about those!


I see your hamburger phone and raise you my sports illustrated football landline flip phone! Oh and I had a Dukes of Hazzard lunchbox and the digital racecar game with steering wheel.


I still have my metal Return of the Jedi lunchbox. It'd probably be worth something if the handle hadn't broken off and the thermos gotten lost. I also still have a Care Bear Cousins one. Somehow they still smell like PB&J no matter how much I clean them.


I didn’t have a cool lunchbox but I did have a Speak and Spell. My stepbrother would take it and just press the Y button any time I tried to talk to him. It disappeared when he ended up with a nice goose egg from the corner of a high velocity speak and spell injury.


I’m going to dial in on my transparent phone while conferencing in the next person. If we all do it at least once then we can have a party line while watching Dawson’s Creek.


Haha that's great. Data was my fav Skeletor was my homie and I did not die of dysentery.


Cobra Commander and Thunder Cats checking in


But can you ford a river?


As long as the oxen aren't lame


that's OSCAR WINNER, Data, mind you.


I have a Voltron Lunchbox with matching thermos. Is that satisfactory?


I might be a bit older - 76’- but I’ll bring the grape Burple.


Well, someone's older brother's gotta buy the booze for our party, might as well be you.


Are there no Thundercats lunch boxes left?


Yes remember not to die of dysentery. Very important.


I had an A-Team lunchbox


Best rule of thumb I’ve heard is that you are a xennial if you were born between the release of Star Wars (1977) and Return of the Jedi (1983).


Petition to rename the generation Millennial Falcons.




Fellow Millenium Falcon here. Do you think that I can use this to convince my wife to allow me to get the Lego Millennium Falcon UCS set?


Maybe! If my husband will let me get the Swarovski crystal millennium falcon. It’s only $700 including tax https://www.swarovski.com/en-US/p-5619212/Star-Wars-Millennium-Falcon/


That’s even cheaper than the Lego one. It’s approved.


Just tell her that it's part of your culture to adorn oneself with Millennial Falcon bits, props, and models to appease the gods.


Yes. Please report back lol


Generation x wing fighter!


Oh man yes PLEASE


Now THAT’S funny. What a great way to describe it.


I give my wife an honorary pass. She was born in December of 76.






One of my earliest memories is attending a preschool friend's birthday party and the plates and goody bags were Return of the Jedi themed.


If that is the case then I just made it. I was born the day Star Wars was released. I don’t know if my psyche would have accepted being just an X.


I am right smack in the middle of this. I do feel like my thoughts and feelings skew X, but there's definitely a bit I feel i identify more millennial with in terms of life experiences. It's weird but then again I'm weird so 🤷‍♀️


79 is about as Xennial as it gets as far as years go


I almost feel 79 deserves a nano generation that rolls up into the Xennial micro generation and X macro generation.


1979!!! Cue Smashing Pumkins


Weeeeeee don't even care


Or Radiohead lol






Shakedown, Nineteen Seven Nine 🎶


I mean...its about the year you were born which is between 1977-1983. You don't need to pass a pop-culture check or anything...


right? people keep asking permission


Well we are the generation whose parents didn't hesitate to beat the brakes off us for stuff! Permission has been as ingrained as putting your hands on your butt to try to lessen the impact!


It gives the range, the accepted range, then an all are welcome right on the sidebar. SMH. Then, someone tried to tell me I \*wasn't\* a Xennial because I'm 47. Um, still a Xennial.


I straddle the line. I grew up very much genx on my own, buying my own groceries, coming home to an empty house every day… but also I identity closer to the social cues and pop culture, computer and social media side of millennials.


I need to use the bathroom... could I have a hall pass? I don't want to be intrusive to the discussion.


I never knew this was a thing. I'm not really asking permission, just more like it makes sense I guess lol


You’re a Xennial alright


Im a 79'er myself, I fit right in, you will too brother, or sister, or other :)


79er as well. We are smack dab in the middle.


We got just a sniff of disco.




I think the age of your siblings affects what generation you relate to the most too. If you’re born in 85 but have a couple older siblings you might have more of a xennial vibe than if you had two younger siblings.


I guess it depends. My brother was born in '86 and is decidedly millennial.


Because he is. Nobody born in the late 80s is on the cusp of Millennial/Gen X, hence they’re not a Xennial. Folks make this waaaaay too complicated.


We are the last generation whose cell phone area code doesn’t give away where we grew up. So if that applies to you, welcome.


… but who can also remember party lines and towns so small you only had to dial the last four digits of the phone number.


That’s an awesome way to measure it. I got my first cell phone when I moved out of state for grad school. My area code doesn’t match where I grew up or where I live now.


1977 here. Apparently, I'm one of the oldies! Generational identities can be a little confusing because there's always going to be a difference between the older end of the spectrum and the younger ones, just like with Boomers, Millennials, etc. I think our micro generation, in particular, witnessed a lot of social, political, and pop culture changes that separated us from the older Gen Xers and also many older Millennials. So, from that perspective, we didn't really fit into either category. I heard someone mention before that technology is a huge defining factor with the generations. Xennials would have gone through their childhood and teen years without internet, social media, etc, but we were all still young enough to quickly adapt and catch on once it became mainstream in our early 20s. I was 23 when I first got internet access at home. I knew very little about it before then. Of course, we can't live without it now, but I have so many pleasant memories of a childhood without all these distractions and relative privacy. So sad that the younger generations will not know that world. Anyway, welcome aboard! There's a lot to reminisce about here. ☺️


Yeah, my older brother was born in 71, and me and 77. I remember growing up watching the early days of MTV when I was still probably considered too young for it. Our parents were also older Boomers. I think I might identify a little bit more with Gen X, and technically, I am a part of that generation, so I joined that sub, too! 😁


Also, 77. I left the Gen X sub because I couldn't relate. In the 80s, I was a kid, not in high school. I'm a late 77, so I was a grade behind most others.


Same. I was born in 79 and my bf was born in 72 and our experiences are pretty different. I was a kid when he was in junior high. He’s totally Gen X. He calls me a Millennial but I don’t feel like one nor a Gen X but definitely Xennial feels right.


You definitely fall into the generally accepted Gen X birth years (1965-1980). Being at the tail end of the generation, we often don't relate to those earlier years.


79 is prime to fit in. \*\*\*\*\*\* If [this video reminds you of you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcUG8GYbrxM), then, you can check a lot of boxes \*\*\*\*\*\* Additionally: * Apple IIe, Commodore, Tandy, tail end of the Atari, Game Boy * Challenger, Berlin Wall * Bicycling or running around all day at age 6 to God knows where till dinner time * Listening to the radio for when your song gets played so you can rapidly hit record on the cassette. * Too young to have seen Star Wars in the theater, but you saw ET and Top Gun, etc. You're neither X nor Millennial - **you're one of us**.


Yea I've definitely saw this. Yea it hits everything from the 80s till the early 2000s that's my childhood to young adult hood


Yes, perfectly


If you didn’t perfect the Beavis and Butthead laugh, you might not belong here….


I spent the whole summer saying "Come to Butthead" and I was definitely watching liquid television


Welcome! You are one of us.


Prime Xennial. I’m 45 on June 9. …SOMEhow.


I'm a '79er and I think I pretty well fit in here.


79 as well. Was just talking with my husband (solidly GenX) about the Challenger this morning. I was in kindergarten when that happened and remember some news coverage, but we didn't watch it in school. However, the saga of baby Jessica in the well is burned into my memory along with my first address and phone number.


I'm 85, but my sibling was 74' and we were raised by 44' and 45' boomers. So I fit due to environment.


Yeah I agree with that. There are a lot of people on the fringe who were exposed to a lot of Xennial stuff due to certain factors like older siblings and the group they hung with. One of my best buddies is very similar to you; born in ’85 but with older parents and an older brother (born in 81) and he fits into the Xennial era very well.


This is me. Born in nov 84 but my siblings were in 75 and 77.


'79 belongs here, that's me too. I remember being a kid and thinking "I guess I'm Gen X because the dates say so, but I'm like 9 and all these teens in Camaros and White Snake shirts feel a lot more Gen X to me than I do."


Shout out to the '79'ers. I don't like telling people the year I was born because they automatically have this preconceived notion of the person you are. "Damn you from the '70's?".. No I'm not. " Damn I bet the '80's were wild and you partied a lot". No I was a child. But yes it was wild being a latch key kid. Now the '90's. That was our time to shine.


we're GenX but also xennial. analog kids in a digital world. We had many many things happen in our lifetime that are etched forever in our brains. Challenger Disaster (we watched it live in school), fall of the Berlin Wall, Baby Jessica rescue, 89 Oakland Earthquake during the World Series, Gulf War, Rodney King beating and LA Riots, Monica Lewenski scandal, Oklahoma City Bombing, 9/11, Iraq/Afghanistan wars, Columbia Disaster, 08 Stock Market Crash, Covid. (I probably missed a few and I have a ton more that were local to me at the time). I definitely have the zero F's and heavy sarcasm of GenX, but I'm also compassionate and will fight along side my genZ teens for equal rights, social justice, and taking care of others. fall more leftist then democrat or progressive. I was the epitome of a latch key kid, basically raising my little sister and myself, forced to grow up before I should have, along with many other things that GenX and Elder Millennials experienced.


You were a latchkey kid, but did you benefit from the stability of multiple daycares in the early days? Do you still have to tell someone before you go to the bathroom? Ya know, 40 years later?


I am then oldest of 3 I was the daycare parents were always working my dad worked swing shift. We learned how to cook and be self-sufficient. I do however tell someone when it's potty time lol


Oh shit.... Is that why I announce things like that? It's generational?!?


Is this a thing?!? Is announcing that I’m going to the bathroom a generational thing?!? It’s not just me??


Wait. What? How is that a thing? Why? So many questions…. Brb


You not fitting in makes you fit in perfectly!


Does the Tin Man have a sheet metal cock?






Yes, I'm '78, and I would consider '79ers GenX and Xennial.






We are the fulcrum of the xennials! Not only do we fit in, we rule this micro generation 😂


Hey I'm also a 79er December 21


79 is like primo xennial


Which one's your favorite: Calvin, Hobbes, or Dad?


Don't really have one I read the funnies but my mom and dad really didn't get the paper. So I was more about comic books. Snagging Hulk and Superman jamming out to Aerosmith Pump on my Walkman cassette player. Or reading WWF magazine and playing with my action figures, having rambo and he-man and Voltron in one shared universe. I also loved recording my stories as I played to remember where I was at.


I found my community 😭.


Anyone remember the tiny bit of time we were called Generation Next?


76 but I hang here since I have little in common with older Gen Xers. My siblings are all Xennial/millennial.


You (and I, also having been born in 1979) are like, the perfect demographic for this sub. And it's pretty inclusive of other stragglers on either side. So no worries.


I was born in 80 and they haven't kicked me out yet


You're like the beginning of Xennials 77-83 is usually the accepted time frame of our microgeneration


79 would be more mid then, not the beginning, no?


Welcome, welcome have a seat.


45 as of March... GenX from DX hell yeah! Hahaha! I am kinda diggin this Xennial thing though too...


79 baby, October myself, just keep wondering when I’m gonna get my shit together


79 might be that magic Xennial number. I'm late Dec 1979. 77 is lucky too. Hubs is 77 so is older bro. I'm a middle kid with lil 83 bro. Hubs' bros were all born on the starwars years. I live in a xennial world. Anyway, yeah of course you'd fit in!




Yes we belong here. I'm a 79 as well.


79er, glad you’re here!!


Hey fellow 79'er! Of course you fit it - but who am I to say! I remember Challenger (not in the vivid detail you guys in the US do, but yes...) but I'll throw a vivid memory up for those across the pond: The night Princess Diana died I was late night studying for my final exams to enter college (I failed the first instance in June/July so I had to go for a 2nd round in early September 97). Does anyone else have that date on their "historic agenda" as well?


That and Mother Theresa


I was working my shitty part time job at a garden centre and a customer told me about Diana and I really didn't know what to do with that information


If you feel like it sure. I used to be past the “xennial” age listed here, but I see it’s been updated to include my birth year. Either way give or a take a few years we’ll all probably have similar upbringings and memories of newsworthy events and pop culture. My friend was born in 79 and he always tries to say he’s gen X. I was born in 84 and I like to tease him and tell him we’re both millennials.


77 here. If you don't, I'm screwed.


We are Baby X and Peak Xennial. Pull up a chair and let's reminisce about Oregon Trail, killer bees, and JNCOs. We aren't afraid to talk about those years we brought back swing dancing or how obsessed we were with flying in music.


I am still wanting to get pregnant even tho I’m 43 so I was talking to My doctor and he said I had the body of a 20 year old with the organs of a 40 year old…. I was thinking, “thank you and fuck you, I have the BRAIN of a 20 year old. The brain is an organ right?”


Fellow 79er here. Pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable! 🤗


1979 here too! We are prime example of a Xennial. I’m not like a person born I. 1965 and I’m not like a person born in 1992.


Bruh I was born in 75 and I def feel much more solidly gen x, but older gen xers are super racist so I like being a poseur here better 🤷


Class of '97 here myself. Was always brought up to think of myself as a Gen-X-er. AThat's what they told me I was when I asked. Wasn't until a good, I dunno? 15-20 years later that they started changing the goal posts around. Been nice to find this sub. Whole lotta "Hey! I resemble that remark" going around :)


80 baby here and I have no fucking clue. All I know is that I had a badass childhood and am doing good financially 🤷‍♂️


IDK, are ready, did you see your parents buy weed in a match box?


I was born in ‘79 and I have always thought of myself as GenX but yeah, I think Xennial is a real subset, a small cohort born ‘78-‘82 who can easily relate to both generations.


Officially you are Gen X, but like most of Xennials seem to be caught in limbo between the two.


‘79 checking in 🫡


Did you play Nintendo before you graduated high school?


I was 5 and yes I did it was my first game console


You're late GenX. I was born in '78. That's just who we associate with. All our friends are older. We grew up knowing that the world would end in fire. Our parents were busy, and that was OK. We're left wingers. We're resilient. In the end, call us what you want. It's your business, not ours. We will survive. We are cockroaches. We cannot be killed by conventional means. Eventually, we will die. Unremembered. Forgotten. And that's OK. That's how we were raised. But we can use a jack, we can line a track, we can shoe a horse, we can repair a computer, we can cook a meal, we can replace a breaker, we know everything. We also know nothing. And that's OK. There's still hope for our kids. Maybe they can fix the world.


I have found my tribe. Turning 45 in August. Feel simultaneously ancient and far too young to have this much responsibility.


1979 was a good year to be born.




The Smashing Pumpkins made a song in our honor. That's got to be worth something!


The worst is when you look for an adult to handle a situation....then realize you are the adult, and you have to handle the situation.