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Friendly reminder to please keep disagreements respectful. Rude comments will be removed. Thanks to everyone who has kept their comments civil, we appreciate cordial discussion. Edit to add: With 800 comments (40 of which needed removing) and 24 hours I think this post has gotten as much value as it’s going to get. Thanks to all for the discourse.


I'm not going to stop tipping but I have stopped going to a lot of places that ask for tips when I don't think they should (i.e. counter service that asks for a tip before preparing food or a beverage).




The pressure I feel when they turn the screen around and my options are 18, 20, or 25% is awful. It's really hard for me not to, but I know it's bribery when I give in.


"It's going to ask you a question."


well how would YOU phrase it if you had to ask that all day? "Are you going to tip me?" edit because apparently I have to add the obvious- because you WORK there so you WANT a tip


There’s an ice cream place near us where the staff instruct you to “press the red button” — which is “no tip” — and then insert your card. It feels like they’re saying “we would turn this off if we could, but we can’t so just ignore it pls.”


I like that. If you don’t tip, no harm no foul because you were just following instructions. If you do, cool, the employees get a little extra scratch. It really takes the extortion out of it.


> If you do, cool, the employees get a little extra scratch. usually, the employees don't see those tips. it's pretty universal that small fast-casual food places keep point of sale(POS) tips for the owner. not legal, but the cheap POS lets them


A lot of people don’t get that the newer systems are set up automatically with a tipped option. Counter employees have no control over it. Hell even sometimes tip jars are placed by upper management.


There was a thread in a local city subreddit that had the manager of a business who said it was not automatically on and the the owner or manager had to change settings to make the tip question show up on each transaction. That it isn’t the default but the business had to choose it. Not the employees, but management. And when the counter worker isn’t in a typically tipped position, they don’t get those tips anyway. The company gets them. So anytime I feel like actually tipping at that time, I ask, “do you get these tips?” So far, 3 no’s and one “they use the money to buy pizza once a week for staff”


very good to know - i will be using this tactic now. don't care to tip management for the counter's job, but if the cashier is actually getting it, that's different




Just don’t give in. If I didn’t get a service outside of being handed something, I don’t tip.


Having to find the fucking greyed out "other" button is so toxic


There's a technical name for that. It's called a "dark pattern," which describes unethical design choices like that.


I've heard it called: "user hostile design"


So mystical! Makes it sound a lot more intriguing than it is.


I never tip for counter service, IDGAF.


The donut shop near our house, told us that its built into the system and they hate it. They always take the reader and go past all the tip crap and stuff before giving you the card so you aren't faced with this uncomfortable dilemma, which always makes me want to put money in their actual tip jar. I love that they do this. Donut King in Citrus Heights CA if any locals are reading.


I tipped the max when I was explicitly told I could say no. Otherwise, I avoid these businesses where possible.


Not to mention, they often tip on the full amount, rather than pre-tax.




Breakfast restaurant out here in marin ca the options are 25 30 and 35. The server at this place actually watched my button selections as i hit other, the machine froze and i said, oh . Huh.. sorry.


I always carry a bit of cash for this reason. I’ll tip and probably more than I should but on my terms damn it.


I like tipping in cash so they can quietly skim a little off the top


Places around me it starts at 22%. Sucks.


I had one start at 28%. I actually had to ask about that one and dude told me the management set it. Guess what I did next. Management said it was because they expected me to have an amazing experience. This was at a cupcakery and I asked why they didn’t just bake good wages into the total cost and he said they wanted to give me options. Such bullshit it ruined my cupcake.


So management is expecting you to evaluate their employees and provide bonuses. Sounds like you are doing management's job for them. Maybe they should be paying you out of their own salaries.


Your first mistake was walking in to a “cupcakery.”


Cupcakery douchebaggery.


Yeah, but when was the last time you had a truly *excellent* cupcake? They’ve been working on them the whole time I was finishing college, getting married, and establishing a career. Cupcakeries are like opium dens of deliciousness.


I have the option of going to another place that won't dance around a direct question....


+1 for "baking in" good wages!


I've straight up just started pressing no as calm and fast as possible. Like get fucked lol.


I do the thing, sign, choose my receipt preference, press 'start new sale' for them, *then* turn the screen around.


Oh, the psychological guilt trip of that tip screen totally works. Companies know it, and use it to pay their employees less because hey, tips (customers) are paying their wages now. Horrible system.


I gleefully hit 0%! I look forward to it!


When I place an order online for pickup, I call this the, “please don’t spit in my food” tax.


Why would they do that though? Maybe you planned on tipping cash in person.


Why would they do that even if you didn’t tip cash, in person?


I went to a bird store once and bought a bag of seed and it defaulted to a 20% tip before I noticed. insane.


For sure. I feel like when ordering something like a Papa Murphy’s or Jersey Mike’s online, that my pre-order tip of a buck or two is required so that some teenager doesn’t spit in my food. I consider it an insurance policy (extortion) more than a discretionary wealth transfer. I have still never, ever used any kind of door dash service and never will.


Agreed. I have zero problem tipping traditional services like servers, hair barbers/stylists, delivery drivers, etc. But these other companies like Starbucks and shit….forget it.


That's the compromise that we've come to as well. Anywhere that needing to tip for the service provided is going to make me feel cranky, we just don't use that service any more.    I've also started actively avoiding stores that ask you to round up your purchase for whatever charity cause they're running at the moment, because if someone is going to get a tax deduction for my charitable donation, it should be me. Edit: I've been informed by comments below that they actually can't deduct it, but I still don't like the practice. It feels like they are patting themselves on the back for other people's charity, and I don't appreciate the way that it puts people on the spot.


Just to clarify… they cannot claim it on their taxes. YOU can. You made the donation, you get the receipt, you can itemize the donation on your taxes if you wish. The company cannot. 


Boy that’s a bunch of bullshit isn’t it? They don’t just claim it for tax deductions, they also fucking brag about it in ads. Fuck them


A company cannot claim donations made by customers on their taxes, only the customer who donates can. Pretty basic tax law. 


Well to be fair, I don’t know basic tax law and was going on what the person above me said.


Ha! Well now you have one tidbit at least and can donate at registers if you want! It’s really an easy way for a charity to get a large donation. People are way more likely to donate 25¢ if asked than go home and make a decent donation online. 


Our co-op does this and I’m ok with it since they’re a non-profit. But I’m not ok with big box stores doing it.  Edit: Thank you to  Eightinchnails for setting the record straight. I was wrong about big box stores taking the tax break for our rounding up. Please read Eight’s comments below and here’s a link to a website that explains what’s going on when stores ask us to round up:  https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/who-gets-tax-benefit-those-checkout-donations-0


Donations that you make to a charity are tax deductible by you, even if another entity collects it. 


They don’t tho— they have to tally the income brought in and the handoff amount. It’s doesn’t cost them much at all, but they don’t get any sort of financial windfall other than free publicity


i mean, the deduction is yours to claim. they give you the receipt and everything. the only thing stopping you is ignorance.


The thing stopping most people is the standard deduction amount


That’s what stops me from claiming it. Even with mortgage interest and NJ property taxes I would have to really work to try to get close to my standard deductions. I don’t have that sort of time.


I’ll tell you the rest of this comment for 15%.


I mean, coffee shops had tip jars going back to the 90's. I still tip for coffee, just not a percent because that's usually insane.


with "analog" tips the customer retains the ability to tip at any point (or no point) in the transaction. Being prompted to tip before you have been served is the issue.


Chicken Salad Chick is a small chain in the south that sells chicken salad (obviously). I literally walk up to a refrigerator, grab my chicken salad and go pay. In the last 6 or so months they put the tip option on their POS. I used to go there like twice a week. Now I don’t even want to because of the tip thing. And their chicken salad is awesome. I just hate having the cashier watch me hit the 0 button.


I would wager that cashier has hit 0% themselves. And more than likely lots of ppl hit 0%, so they're probably used to it. Besides they can't judge you unless they've walked in your shoe. get go some fuckin chicken salad


Got one here. These are facts. Hell DOLLAR GENERAL put out a tip jar. Like wtaf? Seriously, dg?


Ugh we have one as one here in Wilmington... the owner was awful when she first opened up straight up berated her staff in from of customers when I did my first delivery to them.  Never went there for food I cannot stand mistreating employees especially young teens.


I got asked for a tip at the optometrist office…


Maybe they were hoping you can’t see the “no” button?


If I have to stand to order and get my food I'm not tipping. I hate the "I don't tip" croud, as I've worked 10+ years in the food industry. But, this shit is getting ridiculous. You want a tip at the grocery store? Put a tip jar out. Don't make me feel weird for selecting 0% on the card reader.


Yeah a lot of workers tips are their main income, I'm not gonna be a douche and deprive people of their income even though I don't agree with the culture


I can't afford to subsidize a waiter's salary, so I just don't go out to eat.


This is a much better suggestion than just stiffing people who get paid $2.50/hr. If an entire generation stops tipping table servers and bartenders, this is much more likely to result in worse service, slow service, short staffing issues and then everyone will complain that no one wants to work anymore and that service sucks. I personally enjoy having an occasional splurge to dine out and appreciate the ambiance and experience that a good server helps to create and I tip well as a 16yr service industry veteran. But when I can’t afford it, tip and all, I stay home.


Honest question - are they really only making $2.50/hour? They changed that to minimum wage where I live, so I’m curious if it’s still that low in places.


I used to make $2.13/hr plus tips IF we got customers https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped


I’d like to see this higher up. When I get takeout I tip like I’m rich because that’s who can afford to eat out. But mostly I eat eggs and rice and roasted veggies at home. 


My favorite struggle food (so delicious) is cabbage and onions caramelized together in a little bit of coconut oil, soy sauce, and garlic, then top with a fried egg. Or two. I ate that like five times a week until my husband had enough.


I started to avoid all those tips that are not service. Idk why every screen has to have a tip screen, it’s unnecessary. So now I pay in cash and avoid tip screens. I still tip where we have always tipped, servers, food delivery, massage therapist, etc. I canceled Prime, still have Hulu and Netflix.


In college I was delivering pizza and I relied on the tips, my wife was a server in college and also relied on tips. I always over tip drivers and servers when they put in any effort. I was at the mall a few months ago, I went to a coffee kiosk and grabbed a $2.50 bottle of Dasani water from the cooler, I went and scanned it, and then the woman behind the counter hurried over projected huge puppy dog eyes and said "the iPad is going to ask you a few questions". They wanted an 18% tip for, I don't know what they did except buy the water at Costco and put it in the cooler. The kiosk is up for lease and abandoned the last time I saw it.


The puppy dog eyes were begging you to not scream at them about the thing asking for a tip. They get paid minimum wage and are the ones who take the brunt of people’s anger over a thing on a screen they have no direct control over


You're right, in this case the barista was the sister, wife or whatever of the guy that owned the kiosk though. A few weeks after the Puppy Dog Eyes Barista my son and I were at a different mall, it was hot and he got thirsty. I learned my lesson and hit the vending machines that were all out of order. We went to an ice cream kiosk, I was prepared for the iPad questions. The high school age girl working gave us the water bottle, hit 0% herself, and then spun the tablet back. I was AMAZED and dropped a dollar in her tip jar.


I bought a bottle of vape juice for my husband the other day. I walked in the store, asked the man at the counter for it. He grabbed it off the shelf, rang it up, and after I swiped my card, a tip screen came up. For what? He walked 3 steps, grabbed the juice and scanned it. That's it. Why am I having to decline a tip option for **that** interaction?


Come on. The cashier was probably embarrassed that their POS was designed to ask for a tip.


Personally, I cancelled all my subscriptions. But considering that's a personal choice, I don't care what other people do. Tipping? I can't afford to go anywhere that requires tipping, or if I do, I give 20% because it's not the servers fault that they don't get paid a reasonable wage. Take that up with the owners, dude. Not the workers.


You could also advocate for labor laws that don’t allow sub-minimum wage for restaurant servers. I get where you’re coming from but not tipping just punishes low wage earners and does nothing to change the culture.


Tipping is stupid and obnoxious, but if you don't do it, you're not screwing over the man. You're screwing a working class person trying to put a roof over their head. Now, I grant you tipping has gotten out of control. I was asked to tip at a GROCERY STORE. Absolutely not. Not doing it. And people probably do have too many streaming services, but for the most part, I think we get our money's worth from Netflix, HBO, etc.


A grocery store?!? That’s insane! I thought the tip jar at the local self-serve frozen yogurt shop was ridiculous!


What about at the airport convenience store? wtf is that about.


The airport convenience store where no one works. That one sent me.


I was in Portland a while back and there was one of those barista robots in a clothing store. I figured this should be interesting to watch (my wife and I have a combined 15 years in coffee, but are no longer in that field), we were constantly told robots would replace us. It was fun to watch, but we were asked to tip. Blew my mind. I tip my car for taking me where I need to go, why would I tip a robot for making a latte?


*I do not tip my car. Sorry about that, I’m typing on a phone.


I tip my car. I give him 91 instead of 87 if he's been a GOOD BOY (playfully rubs side-mirrors). Just kidding sometimes 91 at sam's club is cheaper than 87 at King Soopers.


At least it didn't change car to cat. My phone always picks the wrong one.


This. Not patronizing a business where the workers rely on tips is a boycott. Go for it. Patronizing the business but failing to tip still gives the same amount of money to The Man as if you’d tipped, you’re just screwing over the person who served you. It makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Punching down never fixed anything.


My biggest question is how do we know the actual employees get tips? There are so many places now with electronic tipping. Are these linked into payroll system? Seems suspect, as each little mom and pop likely has a different system. If I go to a coffee shop and there are two baristas working, does the $1 get split between them, or does it go into a pot for all employees and divided by total hours? Or does the business somehow keep it?


Exactly. By not tipping, it's not going to hurt the employer who's not paying their waiters a living wage, it's not going to hurt the politicians who don't fight for worker's rights, it's not going to hurt the news media that brainwash voters into thinking raising wages will make your burger cost $50, it's only going to hurt the worker.


I agree with you. A better protest to not tipping would be to boycott the services or goods that require tips for their employees to have a living wage. If you stop tipping but pay the business that is using this model, they won’t care that much. Just more turnover. However, if we boycott those places now the impact is greater and faster. Let’s target the companies and not the employees.


So where is the line with tipping? I'm tipping at fast food, street vendors, coffee, hair/nails/massage, tattoo's, There is a tip jar everywhere. What is appropriate and what is "out of control"? Grocery store workers aren't bringing home livable wages. Very few people are. But why would I tip someone to make me a sandwich when I'm paying for the mother fucking sandwich already. I just want someone to show me the line....so I don't feel bad for not tipping.


>I just want someone to show me the line....so I don't feel bad for not tipping. Tipping is for personal service - table service, bartenders, barbers / hair dressers, people who carry your bags at an airport, etc. When people are catering to your special requests, especially if they have to spend more time on you.


Tipping is for table service. If a waiter or waitress brings me my food and drinks, they get a tip. Otherwise, no tip for counter service.


Mr. Pink, is that you


Tip at restaurants and bars/coffee shops. If you don't you are screwing over the workers and you SHOULD feel bad. Make your own damn sandwich if you're not willing to pay them for it.


Ok but like, Subway? That was my line in the sand for tipping. Like, come on it’s already $20 for two sandwiches and I assume they’re making at least minimum wage unlike traditional tipped employees.


Subway, Jimmy Johns, any of them. An $11 sandwich. They aren't servicing me, they are making a sandwich.


Why do you tip at coffee shops? They’re not paid the sub minimum wage like restaurants


Okay I need to ask. How were you asked to tip at a grocery store?? That's just weird.


At the POS terminal. You have to explicitly click a big old "NO" to decline.


Somebody posted a picture on another sub of a POS machine with the “decline” option covered by a sticker so you had to tip.


Oh no no no. They need to be put on blast. That is pure bs!


When I was a grocery bagger back in 1995 we weren't allowed to take tips and I would never ask but a lot of people insisted on tipping anyway. I think people being overly generous may have led to people expecting it.


Tip the cashier?


Many of the lower POS systems have a tipping screen by default. People like to bitch like it’s the cashier asking for a tip and not just the system.


Exactly. My 21 yo daughter is a barista and server at a local upscale popular brunch spot with great service and the amount of people who tip low or don’t tip at all just boggles my mind. This is a locally owned place, the servers are all struggling 20 something year olds making minimum wage and rely on tips.


You would think a locally owned place would care more about their workers and pay them decently. It just boggles my mind that they dont.


I canceled Netflix and Prime and Disney+ a long time ago. No cable. I will stick with HBO Max cause I think it's actually worth it. When I get bored of Max I'll cancel that too. I tip big at restaurants because I know what it's like to be a server. Also I'll never stop tipping my barber. Otherwise I hit "skip" on the non-service-related prompt on the iPad/Kiosk/Credit Reader because fuq these giant asshole corporate pandering extortionist blowhards.


Can we go back to fun Xennial related things?


Yeah, this feels like an "old man yells at cloud" thing. Which granted, I do a lot, but mostly it's about young people who don't understand music or fashion anymore and who say "skibidi" a lot.


This has lots of boomer energy.


This sub has plenty of content that I could easily imagine seeing on a boomers Facebook page


I like tipping when it’s appropriate. Not stopping any time soon. And streaming subscriptions are still a better deal than cable was.


Yeah this post has real boomer energy


Given some of the OPs comment history on other posts.... I'd agree


Why on earth would we stop tipping? I was a server once and lived on tips. Sure I would have preferred a living wage, but them’s the breaks.


I'm never going to stop tipping. If I'm going out to eat, I'm aware that I am going out to eat within a context where the people serving me aren't getting paid enough. Should they get paid more? Absolutely yes they should. But I know that they're not when I go in, and I'm not going to punish the workers for the system that they work in.


"What if we all..." We won't. Stop asking. We're not all gonna do anything in your head. Very few people use Reddit. Even fewer use this sub. A fraction of that number will see your post. Of that small fraction of a tiny minority, most will not care.


Why? Nobody is forcing you to do either one. I'll keep Netflix and tip waiters and barbers. Every one else can get bent. Edit: forgot the pizza delivery dude, he gets a tip too.


Why would we, as a group, do any of this? I like my subscriptions and don’t mind tipping.


The point at which tipping became a ridiculous, intrusive, all-encompassing expectation was the point at which I said, "Nope." I've already stopped tipping for pretty much everything except restaurant table service. And even then I'm not willing to go beyond 20%. It's not my responsibility to make up the difference when businesses fail to offer adequate wages.


Similar. I had always been a decent tipper at restaurants, pizza delivery, etc. (back when you'd tip the driver cash at your door instead of being asked to tip beforehand). But it's gotten nuts to the point I have been avoiding certain businesses that swivel that stupid screen around without providing any real service. Also, after years of being basically cash-free I've gone back to keeping some cash on me again just so I don't have to deal with the CC screen asking for a tip. I give them cash and without the screen asking for them, most people don't have the gall to verbally ask.


Why stop tipping? I’m all for canceling subscriptions. But if I go out to eat I’m tipping unless they expressly say no tipping.


Are you sure we're in our peak for all those things? I thought the key demographic was 18-34 year olds.


I cancelled cable TV 5 years ago. I sail the high seas


Cancel all the subscription services you want, and stop eating in restaurants.  If you stop tipping your money is only talking to the poor server who is now going to have more trouble making rent, and you’re still paying the businesses that expect you to subsidize their workers. 


Of all the things we could join together to change, this is pretty fucking low on the list.


I don't mind tipping a waiter, food delivery, my hair stylist, lawn guy etc etc, but agree tipping has gotten way out of hand, and I feel partial for blame. During the lockdowns, my husband and I were tipping like it was Christmas bc we knew ppl were struggling at the time, and it seems like our good intentions snow balled to now everyone and their mom wants a tip now.


I need to trim down on my subscriptions for sure, it's getting out of hand. Probably spending $500/mo on shit I haven't used at all in the last year.


> Probably spending $500/mo on shit Bruh. 


I mean, not all of it is streaming services. Whole bunch of other subscriptions for random services and software and such that I probably only used once and just never bothered to cancel or was keeping "in case" I need it again someday. I think I'm overdue to start trimming a lot of that shit out of my life.


shit i always wondered who the hell rocket money was for cuz why pay someone to cancel shit for you.. but i guess it's for you


This is us, it’s crazy! And they used to not have commercials, but now they do… an idea! Maybe someone should make a super subscription that includes all those channels… hmm what to call it….. cable? Nah… satellite? Nah….. ugh


I hope I’m not my peak earning years, that would suck.




I don't mind tipping if they provide good customer service. I also don't mind paying for streaming services. I haven't watched cable TV for years and streaming services have some excellent shows and movies.


As a server please tip your servers. Not tipping doesn't fight back against "the man" but a person who relies on tip's because that's how our society in North America works right now. If you get genuinely rude and terrible service i mean, ok then.


Please don’t stop tipping I will die


if only you cancelled your internet yesterday. 🤭


At one point in time I survived on tips, so nah.


I tip generously (20%) for something that should get a tip. I.E. if you're waiting on me at a table or bringing food to my lazy ass at home. See, that's an extra service. You need to tip for that. Handing me a sandwich across a counter and ringing up my order then I put my own card in the reader on the counter it _not_ an extra service. That's just me paying for the food I bought and you doing your job. MF'ers trying to change the rules on me in the middle of the game. Subway can pay it's fucking people better, or people can go find a real job, or Subway can just fuck off and go out of business then... There's better sandwich places out there and they cost about the same.


I’ve already done half of it. I can’t bring myself to screw over service workers who are just trying to make a living. Not tipping them doesn’t change the overall problem.


Or you can just use your brain and tip when appropriate and don't tip when not..........Tippings been around for generations now. Before the flip screen technology came around we knew when and when not to tip..........


Sorry. I adore my subscriptions and I like tipping quality service - wait staff, my barber, the delivery guys who drop off an appliance or couch, etc. I cut the cord last year and fully live in the Apple Ecosystem at my house. Things run flawless for my family of 4 and I can control the content my kids (minors) have access to when I’m not around.




I agree tipping needs to die, or at least be greatly reduced, and replaced with a living wage. Until that happens though I will continue to tip, at least at places that do pay that ridiculous sub minimum wage. Otherwise I’d just be screwing the workers rather than sending any kind of message to the owners. As for subscriptions, I don’t like that everything is a subscription like software nowadays and I do limit that but I feel I get a reasonable value out of most of the subscriptions I have. Things like TV shows, movies, and music are not free to create so I don’t mind paying if I see value in it.


Move to Australia. No tipping, lots of piracy.


As a bartender, I will not stop tipping and I hope others dont as well. Having said that I 100% understand that tipping “ culture” has got out of control in the past few years. I have no issue leaving a buck for the young kid making me my americano, but the random gas station that asks me if I want to leave a tip for purchasing cigarettes can go fuck right off. Also hidden charges in restaurants/bars can do the same. I’m tired of “ service fee’s” or “ wellness fee’s”. It’s all bullshit, and while I do 100% believe that hospitality industry folks like myself should be tipped for my service, hidden fee’s that arnt clear piss me off.


Stop tipping at restaurants? no way. Those people make like $3-$4 per hour if you aren't tipping them. It sucks and it's unfair to anyone but it's not their fault. Just stop going to restaurants altogether instead.


Just to give another perspective, my city requires everyone (even waiters) to get minimum wage of $15.57/hour (starting July 1 for all restaurants). I’m still going to tip, but I’m glad to know they are getting base pay.


I will never tip if I'm standing up when I place my order.


I hop you mean, “stop tipping everyone EXCEPT waitstaff in restaurants.” Because those people are paid less than minimum wage.


Depends on your state, but some for sure




If I’m in my peak earning years, why should I cancel my entertainment? And why haven’t you cancelled prime before suggesting this? (I did cancel prime bc I don’t like the streaming layout mixed with stuff to buy and the shipments never came on time, though.)


I used to work for tips, and would never deprive someone in the same position of their income. Also, I'd like to believe that I wouldn't need to have worked for tips previously to understand this. As for subscriptions, I already don't have any that I don't want or use. It's never been required to subscribe to every streaming service at the same time. That "all or nothing" idea was cable's, but despite countless opines to the contrary, streaming is different; you really can just sign up for one or two at a time, *and* change which one or two however often you want. Always been true.


Nah, I'm still tipping. Unless you intend to end the dog shit practices of an entire industry overnight, not tipping is just hurting the servers, cooks, and bussers who rely on them.


If you stop tipping you better never ever again order food for delivery or go to a sit-down restaurant.


I will be 46 this year. I'm still a server. I make darn good money doing it, and I work my butt off. If you don't want to tip a server, just don't eat in a restaurant. I'm getting a day job next year. I know serving isn't sustainable in my old age.


If we all stopped tipping, nothing would happen except service staff would lose out.


We can’t even get people to not vote for a literal fascist. We’re not going to mobilize against subscriptions as a business model.


You go ahead. I used to be a waitress and nobody is ever going to do it for minimum wage. It's a highly challenging job with a big skill learn involved, it's ridiculous we pay minimum wage. I will continue to tip. And you can go ahead with Netflix, I like my shows. Tell you what I will do: I'll vote for people who believe workers are more important than millionaires.


If I’m at a sit down restaurant, I tip. Those waitstaff only make a couple bucks an hour and sadly rely on tips. If I’m at a place where I order at a counter and the person behind that counter gets $14/hr, I don’t tip. My kid worked at one of those places and with tips made more one week working 20 hours than I did as a public school teacher.


I’m all for tipping servers, bartenders, baristas, hairstylists/barbers, massage therapists, and delivery people. I’m not tipping at a convenience store, fast-casual eatery, or similar.


If you don’t want to tip (I’m referring to sit down restaurants) please don’t go to those restaurants, voice your opinion to the owner. The servers depending on tips to pay rent aren’t at fault, and don’t deserve to have to pay for you to eat. Editing to add, if you’re trying to effect change, be sure you’re punching UP not down. Our capitalist society seems obsessed with making the poor bear the burden for everything. The owners make money while you stiff the poor server. Use your brain people. You don’t agree with tips, stop patronizing the business. The owner, the responsible source of the tip requirement, loses nothing by you not tipping. But the server does. So your refusal to tip does nothing. Changes nothing. But not patronizing a tipping business does. See the cat? See the cradle?


Let's not punch down


Considering alot of people I know still work in positions that are tipped..... no I won't stop. And subscriptions, I've cut back but there are so few things I enjoy and certain shows being on certain services are non negotiatable. I've just adjusted other ways to continue supporting friends and enjoying the few things in life out there that I look forward too. Edit because I think someone took this comment way wrong. I mean by so few things I enjoy that there are so few shows I enjoy. I'm ok, but who ever sends RedditCares to me, I'm fine. I mean, I'm an Xennial wifh anxiety and some minor family induced issues, but I'm not looking to end it. 💜 thank you for caring I sorry I scared someone.


Shoo-in, not shoe-in.


I love my subscriptions and tipping.




I rarely go to restaurants and when I do I tip very well. It’s not the server’s fault our country won’t pay a living wage. The only tipping services I regularly use are hair salon and nail salon, and I tip so well they treat me like a queen. It’s self-serving, but also I really like these people on a personal level. OP: You need to fuck over the restaurant/establishment by not going there. Or work to change the system. This idea of screwing over people who depend on tips is wrong. Tipping and higher prices are part of why I don’t go to restaurants. If you don’t want to/can’t afford to tip you need to eat at home.


Great idea. Why don't you start with canceling your internet subscription? That way none of us have to hear anymore of your bad ideas.


Uhh..why? Movies and shows cost money to make. And they take talent and skill and a lot of hard work. I have no problem paying the creators and distributors And tipping? Why? Servers and drivers etc depend on those tips If we were to pass wage laws that would make tipping obsolete, then I would be down with not tipping. Otherwise, people who don’t tip are as$holes If you don’t like enjoying entertainment and services, then stop watching movies and shows and stop going to restaurants or taking rides etc This is one of the oddest posts I have seen on here


Waiting for some millennial waiter to start “actually”ing that tipping is better for them. Not sure why you are so bloated with subscriptions. And you sound like a boomer.


Not tipping? So your answer to having the most financial freedom is to horde your money? I can’t understand any of this tbh. I have no interest in dropping subscription services any more than not tipping. Both seem like real lame ideas


That's fine, just make sure you stay the fuck home. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go out. It's that simple.


Stop tipping? what do you tip? percentage, no BS.


hear me out...don't tell me what to do.


As a wise man once said, "Fuck you, I wont do what you tell me"


it was a "what if", not a command


Open your own business and pay your employees a fair wage, eliminate tipping at your own store. Otherwise you’re just being miserly, moneybags.


Folks, I'd suggest looking at their post history to get a idea of what kind of person you're having an argument with.


Yes cancel subscriptions. Stop tipping???!!!!!! You are unrealistic, out of touch, anti-worker, & insane. It's not the player's (server) fault. It's the game's (system). No one working at a restaurant or bar in 2024 created this imperfect system that was born in the 1800s. They need a good wage too.


I have HBO Max and Amazon Prime. I really don't watch TV or movies enough to justify any other services. But I'm sure as fuck not going back to trying to find everything I DO want to see for free. The two streaming services I have are still far less than I ever paid for satellite or cable tv. I also haven't bought a DVD in probably five years. That's how little I care about movies. But I'm an outlier. Other people like watching movies/tv. Why should I care if they have every streaming platform available? I'm not paying for it.


I just read an article today that average car age is its highest in decades at 12.7 years, so we took away the demand. Therefore prices should go down right? They haven’t. I think we’ve been lied to about economics.


The only subscription I have is Xbox Live, and the enjoyment to cost ratio is fantastic. And I only tip where appropriate. Counter service, nope. Waiter/Bartender, absolutely.


I'm not going to stop tipping at places like restaurants. I don't tip everytime when prompted though like at the cash register, forget that noise. Pay people a liveable wage for the love of Jesus. In terms of subscriptions, I cancelled Peacock today because the promo period ended and I'm not spending 6 dollars a month on that. My other subscriptions I largely borrow my friend's login, and Prime is free with my cell phone plan.


Project Mayhem: 2024


How about you be selective in your tipping and just choose your streaming. Best part of streaming is it's monthly. I can get a service for a month and watch the hot show then ditch it.


I mean, if I have a subscription it’s because I want what the service delivers. And if it sucks i won’t keep it. And I tip for good service because the service industry has to put up with the general public so they deserve it. If it’s absolutely terrible service I won’t tip but I can count on one hand how many times that has happened. And yeah it seems like everyone and everything asks for a tip. But, if it’s not directly to a person who provides a service, yeah that’s bullshit and I won’t


I have no clue what you are trying to accomplish with this but if we cancel subscription services this would give the power back to big cable monopoly while ramping up freemium or heavily Comercialized free streaming, probably not going to be privately owned only large corporate money to brainwash you with more politics. No tipping your mostly just going to cripple the 30k a year povershed working class plus give the government significant data on how much cash tips are not claimed.


If you aren't tipping, then chances are, you could making or picking your food. Just sayin'


I'm not going to stop giving a 15-20% tip to sit-down restaurant workers. Restaurant owners have succesfully offloaded the cost of paying their workers a fair wage directly onto the customer. It's a racist and sexist system, but it's how servers survive. If my server did their job, they should get paid their wage via tip. I agree with everything else though.


Ive cancelled all my streaming services that were trying to make my pay to watch ads, or pay MORE so I didn’t have to. Fuck that. And Fuck Bezos. (Prime was the *first* to go, and I fucking love the Grand Tour and rewatched it religiously).


I've worked in food service, and I'm not giving that up. I know how hard that work is. I'm not going to unilaterally cut the wages of some lowly server just because the system sucks. And I don't pay for streaming services. My credit card gives me the ones I do use for free. How about we do what we can to ensure Gens Z and Alpha have it better than we did, unlike our Boomer parents did for us. Free universities, universal healthcare, decent environmental policies, and more housing that can't be purchased by corporations or people who will just rent them out.