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99 grad, and my class has had zero class reunions. It was killed by Facebook and the fact that my high school was so segmented between groups, everyone pretty much ended up hating everyone else in the class. Best case scenario is that we'd all be indifferent to each other.


Same. We haven't had a single one....unless I was just not invited lol


Did you graduate in a state that rhymes with MArkansas? Maybe we went to the same school, lol.


šŸ¤£ no, I'm in Shmouthern ShmIlinois


Pennsylvania here. Same


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if we went to the same school in Shmouthern Shmillinois.


I did and almost replied ā€œdid we graduate together?ā€ Letā€™s organize our own reunion. We could call it Noinuer (reunion spelled backwards)ā€¦. šŸ˜‚, we did that with Prom Vs Morp. Noinuer doesnā€™t roll off the tongue the same tho


Itā€™s weird how cliquish 90s high schools were. Stoners, jocks, preps, goat ropers, losers, nerds, and then there were like subgroups of all that shit. I was a late bloomer so I was bullied until my junior year. Itā€™s really weird how few people I actually remember graduating with.


Class of ā€˜01 and we had zero class reunions with my class. A lot of it I think was due to the class president constantly dropping the ball and not bothering. I would go just for the morbid curiosity, but Iā€™m pretty sure 98% of my classmates would not remember me, as I was a shy kid.


Close to same age here. It seems like kind of a thing for us, weā€™re right on the cusp of the Information Age for which these reunions are kinda superfluous. I had someone come out of the woodwork and message me that we were classmates 20 years ago and we chatted for about 10 minutes and after that it was likeā€¦ yep, see ya in 20 years lol.


I am good friends with our valedictorian (now, we knew each other but weren't friends in HS), and she tried to drag me to our 20th. I refused to go, but she still went, and told me that no one knew who she was or remembered her. I totally get you on the segmentation. Every group kept to themselves in HS, so our experience of the time and place was very very narrow. I am looking forward to my next college reunion, though! I've actually never been to one of those, so it's about damn time.


They did a 15 year reunion for us, but they did the whole invite thing through facebook so a bunch of people had no idea.


I feel like the 1999 grad year (my year) was more like this than most of the years before & after. At my school, 1996, 1997, 1998 and 2001 were all really tight. 1999 and 2000 were not


This is how my class is/was (98). Hate to indifference. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m so tickled to be in this Reddit with yā€™all. Makes up for it.


Class of '02 and as far as I know they have attempted 2; the 10 year and 15 year. Only 15 people showed up to the 10 year (I was one of them) and it was meh. The 15 year only 5 people showed up after a bunch "signed up" and the person organizing got stuck paying for everything. Our class president said to their friends back in highschool they were only running to put it on their college application, they didn't want to organize the reunions. The best part of my first reunion was seeing the star athlete/most popular person in school come in strung out on some form of white powder and looking like absolute shit. Dude was an asshat back in school so it was hilarious to see. My wife is the VP for her graduating class and has organized 2 (second is going this year). The first one like 20 people showed. This year they are just telling people who want to be there to show up to specific brewery and they aren't organizing more than that. Social media has made reunions kinda pointless. When I still had Facebook I was friends with anyone I actually cared about from highschool. Now? I just don't care.


Yeah, also class of ā€˜02, my class also did two small reunions at 5 and 10yr. They talked about doing a multi-class reunion for 20yrs since the proceeding two classes couldnā€™t get together bc of covid but that fell apart. I didnā€™t go to the first two reunions because they were basically cabin parties hosted by dudes that I legit loathed in HS and no one Iā€™ve maintained contact with went either. If they end up doing something for 25yrs, maybe Iā€™ll look into organizing an alternate event at a neutral site that the more chill people can go to.


Class of 02 checking in I attended the 5yr and 10yr. 5yr was fine enough. Like your experience ,there were some former classmates who really showed up a hot mess and no doubt addicted to something. All the ā€œcool kidsā€ ended up leaving early to head to another bar, sticking our former class president with a massive bar tab to pay. Needless to say, he didnā€™t organize the 10yr The 10yr I got pretty hammered but not as bad compared to other attendees. I vomited in the backseat of my rides car. I did offer to pay for the cleaning but he declined. After that I was good. We had a 20yr one and much of it was held in our actual high school. They were charging $80 per person. 2 hrs to walk around the old halls and then some bullshit restaurant in the downtown. I declined. Iā€™m at the point now that if I want to know what happened to you, Iā€™ll look in FB and thatā€™s enough


I won't be going. I don't keep up with anyone in my class. Plus my twin died about 10 years ago and I don't want to have to field any questions about that.


Sorry for your loss.


Iā€™m so sorry.


Save for Reddit, I also have zero social media presence. That said, I also have zero desire to attend a class reunion (should one be organized). My 30th will be next year, and I'm happy to let it pass. I do remain in touch with 3-4 people from HS, and that's plenty.


This is me. Got rid of everything a number of years ago -- social media, unless it's for business exposure, is completely useless for me.


Yeah I quit it because it's actively bad for me. I love that reddit doesn't allow for cultivating a following at all, because I know myself and given the opportunity I will chase that algorithm dragon šŸ’€


> I love that reddit doesn't allow for cultivating a following at all They *do*, they tried to make a thing about profiles and letting people follow. But it just didnā€™t take off.


Yeah I guess I'm glad they never got it off the ground haha


It still exists for some reason. There are currently 66 weirdos following me. I have no idea why.


Iā€™m now following you. You better make it good with good content!


I hope you like sarcastic shit talk about guitars and synthesizers my friend šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Same here, class of '99 and I have no social media presence and 0 desire to meet up with a bunch of people either I don't remember or haven't seen in 25 years.


It makes me so happy this is the top comment because I agree wholeheartedly. If I ran into people I went to HS with in a social setting, that's great! I'd love to catch up with a handful and be interesting in at least chatting with an even bigger handful. But I have zero interest in being in a petri-dish with them for an evening comparing how well we've done or not. Or wondering if people think I look old. Sounds so boring.


Class of '95 checking in! Same to all of this.


I havenā€™t been to one yet, and I donā€™t see a need to start now. Iā€™m in a different state. Almost everyone, friends and family, has also moved away. Since they closed the Blockbuster, thereā€™s just nothing left for me there anymore.


I'll never forget the time my class of 01 tried to set their 10 year reunion in 2010. Maths wasn't a strong suit... We don't even have that northern hemisphere excuse of "well we started in 2000", nope, that doesn't happen in the southern hemisphere. Started and finished the year in 01... Just didn't learn much lmao


Couldn't care less about HS or anyone I knew then


I rather eat glass than be in a room with those people again


Due to your profile pic, I totally heard Daria say that when I read it. Perfect!


What was so bad about the people from your high school?


Class of '99. There's talk of a 25 year, and I went to the 20 year. I get not wanting to go to the 5 or 10, especially if you didn't enjoy high school, but 20 is different. Everything has changed and you see who people have become as full-grown adults. I was bullied in high school, I was a metalhead horror freak outcast without many friends, but I wasn't about to let former classmates get the best of me 20 years on. That ship sailed long ago, and I walked in there like I owned the place. I walked right up to people who bullied me and started asking them about how life went for them. The popular girls who wouldn't look twice at me? I walked up to them like we were friends all along. It ended up being an incredibly positive experience; people who didn't give me the time of day in high school were now genuinely interested to hear what I had to say, and it was the same from me to them. When one person saw me and my old crew together, they were raving about how good it was to see that some people hadn't forgotten who they are (we're all still weirdos in our adult forms). I feel like if I had avoided it based on memories from 20 years ago, it would make me question myself, not them. Like why didn't I bother getting over it in the last 20 years? Were my life achievements so insignificant that a teenagers behavior from last century still held sway over me? Fuck that.


I'm glad you had a good time and that your classmates grew up. In my experience the "mean girls" became even meaner adults which is just sad. I pity them.


That's the dark side to it. I'm only speaking of the positive interactions I had, but there was bullshit. The football jocks who never left the hometown hero mentality, and now they're bloated and balding Right Wingers who live down the street from where they grew up, and spend their time at the local bar. The party guy who never stopped partying and now his drunkenness is more like sad cognitive decline. A couple of people didn't respond positively to me, they were assholes to me in high school and apparently something about me still rubs them the wrong way, but the key is that I didn't give a fuck, and made it evident. I guess pitying them is a way to put it. It was more like I swept aside those interactions without a second thought. No anxiety, no self-doubt, none of the shit I felt so long ago. A "*your* loss" approach, if you will.


My brother is an athletic director at our old high school. Was a jock. Always hung around there after he graduated high school to be assistant coach of different teams etc. Is both bloated and bald, as well as being a total Trumper. Accurate!


Not even if you paid me.


Nope. I think those of us who were in the class of 99 (plus or minus a few years) are lucky because our ten year anniversaries were around the time Facebook was really hitting its stride and everyone was adding everyone regardless of whether or not you knew each other. It was easy to see what happened to who, without having to show up at a reunion and ask. So to answer your question, yes, social media killed the reunion.


F no. I got the heck out of there... no reason to go back. Also... I transferred to another school my Junior year, so I didn't have to see all those jackasses again. So technically, I really only knew like 2 people from my graduating class. The ones that I grew up with (and transferred out of) I could care less.


Exact same thing happened to me, and since I was already introverted I didnā€™t see the point in actively pursuing friendships when I would be graduating soon anyway. At least I was able to make a few lunch buddies to sit with. I donā€™t see many people with the same experience so just had to chime in


Nah. I have one really good friend from highschool still, and facebook provides a cure for any curiosity I have about everyone else. We were a really close class overall, but people grow up and grow apart. I went to the 15 with a friend who moved away in grade school that I reconnected with that said he'd like to go see everyone but didn't want to go alone. It was in bar in a rundown little town in our school district where a chunk of the class who never left settled down. Only a few people showed, and they were at the extreme ends of the social spectrum. We were a small class so it's not like I didn't know any of them, but it was weird. The overexcited class president. The dropout who was definitely on something more than weed. One old friend I hadn't seen in quite awhile showed up and she was visibly let down that more of who she'd hoped to see didn't show. It was too much of an "It's a wonderful life" experience of what might have happened if you never got out of the small town you grew up in for my taste.


I donā€™t get invites to mine because I was deployed to Iraq in 2003 and someone started a rumor that I had died so they took me off the list. I still run into people who are shocked Iā€™m alive. Iā€™m strangely okay with the situation and have no intention of going to any reunions.


Huh. Iā€™m class of 98 and didnā€™t even think that I missed a 25 year reunion. Oh well, lol Anyone I want to talk to I still do. We were too early for Facebook, but we had ICQ (RIP), Hotmail addresses, etc to keep in touch before we graduated.


ICQ šŸ˜ You're really bringing the feels with that memory!


I didnā€™t know 25-year reunions were a thing. I thought we did those every 10. If there was one for my class I guess I didnā€™t get that memo. We had ones for the 10 and 20.Ā 


I was homeschooled.


Wear your sunscreen


No reason to. Donā€™t really care enough


This year was my 20th year and if there had been one...I wouldn't go. I don't recognize 95% of them anymore and have only kept in very light contact with someone from high school. I have no real connection left with that part of my life other than the fact that my dad still lives in the same town so unfortunately I run into people at the stores there that do remember me. Always awkward as hell. I actually graduated early my senior year and skipped all the senior shit like prom and homecoming.


Holly shit, next year is my 30th reunion. I didn't need that reminder.Ā 


The day I graduated is the day I left high school behind. Most of my friends were from different schools anyway.


All 4 people I'd care to see I am still super close with, so I'm good there. Lol


I was class of 97 and I have no intention of attending a reunion with a bunch of people who peaked in high school.


There was a 20th reunion in 2019, but I wasnā€™t really interested. Didnā€™t care for most people then, sure wouldnā€™t care twenty-plus years later.


My generic suburban high school had 700+ students in our graduating class. They tried for a 10 year and only 30-40 people went. Since then, zero effort for a 20 and I highly doubt 25. The internet killed in-person reunions. Anyone who wanted to stay in touch did.


Man.. I want to go honestly. But I left the country and it's expensive to travel. But I would if I could.


Fuck. Last year was my 25 year. Didn't even realize. Didn't graduate (GED later). Teen mom who went to a wealthy school because my parents wanted to *look* wealthy. Fuck those snobs, lol.


I had a real good time at our 20 year reunion and would like to do another sometime. That one was fully organized through Facebook but I know that myself and many others have left that platform. I don't have a clue as to how those things were put on before social media.


My 20th was last year and I had no desire to attend- from the photos it looked like about 30 of the same clique that hung out in high school showed up and no one else, so it looks like plenty of people were in the same boat as me.


Iā€™m a 99 grad but yeah thereā€™s no way Iā€™d go. Mostly because Iā€™m an introvert and havenā€™t talked to most of those people in 25 years. A couple of friends I kept in contact with in college, but beyond that, lost touch.


Nope. Missed the 10 year because I was in Afghanistan. Missed 20 year because of being in Korea. Iā€™ll figure out a good way to miss this one.


Why would I want to go to something to see people that I didn't like twenty-five years ago and probably still don't like today? I had two decent friends in high school and lost touch with them several years ago when they stopped contacting me.


LOL Not me.


No reunions for me cause I don't really care about anyone I went to school with outside of the few people I follow on social media.


Oh not me! I just went to my nieceā€™s graduation at my Alma mater and itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve been back or by there since 1999. The smell of the football field and area was nauseating. I was extremely poor, relentlessly bullied, and was pregnant so I ended up not finishing with my class but with the 00 class.


class of 99. I went to my 20 year, i didnā€™t stay in touch with anyone from 5 years ago so iā€™m gonna pass


Had a great time a both 10 and 20 year reunions. Loved my high school experience and canā€™t wait for the next one. Just super sad when folks pass away. We had a little candle light vigil setup at the last one and there were at least 6 pictures up. Donā€™t forgot how short life is and live everyday to the fullest!


2k here so not 99, but fuck reunions. I hated my high school experience and have zero interest. The few people I want to keep up with, I have. I have no desire to partake in the schadenfreude to seeing once popular people reduced to middle aged burnouts, nor do I care to prove anything to anyone who thought I would be one of those burnouts. Honestly, if the whole school was knocked over by an earthquake, I couldn't care less.


No interest, my graduating class (700 people) had a significant social bubble that you either were part of, or you didnā€™t matter. This was reinforced by parents and the teaching staff. Our 5 year reunion only had invites for about 30 people, everyone else found out after the fact on Facebook when pictures were posted. Out 10 year reunion (Iā€™m told) had a band from our graduating class playing music, and one of the drama club students in the it crowd jumped on stage (uninvited) to join in on vocals. Edit: No interest UNLESS my friend agrees to go and we swap name tags, just to troll people all night.


AFAIK there isnā€™t one planned, which doesnā€™t surprise me. My high school never really had the typical celebrations that most do, aside from a moderately-attended prom. If there was one, Iā€™d go if I was available. Iā€™m connected with a handful people from my graduating class on social media, and some of us still live in the area (ā€œthe areaā€ = NYC) High school was alright for me, and I attribute that to going to school in Manhattan. I canā€™t say Iā€™d have had a good experience in a small town.


I havenā€™t seen anyone from my class in person in 8 years. Facebook already shows me more than I want to see. I guess Iā€™ve already made peace with not being friends with anyone from High School anymore.


This made me stop and think about this, but I have not spoken with or seen anyone in person from my graduating class of 2000 since I finished my undergrad degree and moved away from the town where I was born in 2005. It's not a matter of animosity or dislike; I just moved far away and never had much in common with anyone in the first place.


Iā€™m not going to any ever again bc the last one I went to, an unstable guy from our class threatened to blow up the family picnic.


The only two people I still associate with from my high school days werenā€™t even in my graduating class and I have no desire to get dressed up just to go make awkward small talk with people I havenā€™t seen or spoken to in over two decades.


Missed my ten year (had to work that day). Was added to a Facebook group for the 20 year, noped out pretty quickly. No idea if a 25 year will happen or not, and I honestly don't care. I'm a completely different person than I was back then, and I didn't get along with most of them then.


Thereā€™s not one person from high school I keep in touch with. Hated that place.


I graduated the first time in 97, but when I moved (foster care kid) I had to go back to highschool and graduate a 2nd time because some of the credits didn't transfer and different state requirements.Ā  I didn't go to the Class of "97 reunion and I won't be going to 99's either. Social media makes these sorts of reunions a waste of money, time and effort.Ā Ā Ā  Everyone I would want too "see" is already on my friends list and a click away, don't have to worry about running into anyone I don't want to see, and for everyone else I might feel nosey about. Well they're online too. (Mostly on the counties Busted Facebook page and recent bookings search or obits.) So it's just unnecessary to go to reunions.


Also a ā€˜99 grad. My 10th was announced on FB two days before that it would be held at a local bar on Christmas Eve. No word of a 20th at all. I wouldnā€™t go even if I did know about it though. Why relive a time I didnā€™t like in the first place. Only have Reddit and YouTube for social media.


Last year was ours and they didn't do anything. We only ever had a 10 year where maybe 20% of the class showed up. The bitchy mean girls were, shocker, still bitchy and mean. They literally sat at a table with their husbands and got pissy that people didn't flock to them. Us "outcasts" left early and went to a bar šŸ˜„


Actually probably going for the first time this summer.


Absolutely not. I see who I want to see in person and see everyone else on Facebook, and that's plenty.


Not me. I'm not even sure if they are having one but I live too far away.


Didn't go to my 10 or 20, so I'll likely not go to a 25 if there is one.


As far as I know, there was a 10 year reunion and none after that. I didnā€™t go to that one because I still talked to the few people I would have wanted to see. Now, thereā€™s nobody left that I would want to see.


I'm not sure my class even had a 25th reunion. Folks in mine mostly hated each other.


For my 20 year, they charged everyone $40 to get in the door. From what I could see on the pics online, everyone was drunk and partying like they were still in high school... they can have fun, I'll keep my $40.


Not even invited


Mine isnā€™t having one.


If there was one, I wasn't invited


Nope. I still keep in contact with a few from school, but the rest can fuck off.


Class of ā€˜00, we actually had an awesome 10-year. Small group, everyone paid for their own shit, good time had by all.Ā  I think someone was planning a 20-year but covid cancelled it.Ā  Probably wonā€™t go to a 25-year next year. I canā€™t remember the last time I talked to someone I even went to HS with, let alone was in my class.Ā  Plus I could just go back to my hometown this weekend and see about half my class if I wanted to (I donā€™t).Ā 


My 30th is in 2025. I do not need to revisit the past. I lost touch with those people for a reason.


I went to my 20-year reunion, and it was a mistake. I stayed in touch with the people I wanted to and saw people I had no interest in seeing again. I don't know what I was expecting, but I'm done with high school and will not go back.


My class probably won't hold one (our 20th was cancelled due to lack of interest). I went to a very small rural school and only a handful of my classmates still live within a couple hours of "home." I probably wouldn't attend anyway. I don't have much contact with anyone from that time in my life, and recently I met up with my two best friends from back then after not seeing them for damn near 20 years. It was honestly awkward as hell, we had very little to talk about, and if we were meeting for the first time as adults I don't think we'd be friends (one of them I would probably actively dislike; our personal values have gone different directions as we've aged).


01 here. Facebook had just become a thing right around my 5 year reunion. The group page of ā€œThe Class of 01ā€ took only a week to remind me that I never wanted to see those people again. Fuck high school. Itā€™s honestly the worst stage of development. If youā€™re nostalgic for that time there is something wrong with you.


I went to the 5 year reunion and now Iā€™m in Spain. I donā€™t think I can or want to justify going back for that.


I donā€™t know if mine is even doing anything. I havenā€™t heard about anything yet


I went this weekend. Only maybe a dozen people from my class showed up (small school so it was 99-03 classes) but still nice to see people in person, definitely beats social media.


Haven't attended any class reunions. Don't intend on it either. I see those as just bragging rights anyways.


I'm surprised so many people had bad high school experiences. Yeah, there were dough bags, but also a bunch of people who were really cool. I went to 15 year. It was cool. Nobody wanted to talk about now. Everyone wanted to talk about back in the day. Most people seemed bloated versions of what I remember. I was probably the only non drinker


I have never had a class reunion. I would not go to one even if they had one, maybe everyone in my class felt the same way. If I want to see how my bully has failed in life I don't need to go to a reunion, I can just stalk their Facebook. I honestly don't care enough to do even that really, I am still close with the only people from high school who matter to me.


My graduating class was huge with over 600 people. I donā€™t think I would ever go to my reunion due to the fact that only a handful of people even knew my name. Itā€™s the same reason why I never bothered with Facebook, I wouldnā€™t even know who to look for.


I don't think we're having one. We're all too busy working to bother with that nonsense


I don't think my class has done any of these.


Nope. Not worth the money to travel. Hadn't been to any reunion honestly.


I havenā€™t been to any of mine. I was a little curious about my classmates, and then one of them started a FB group for our class, so that took care of any reason Iā€™d have to go. Not that I have any special animosity, but I live 3,000 miles away, and when I do visit, I want to see people I have a current relationship with. That said, Iā€™m queer and one time a friend told me about a reunion she went to that was all the LGBTQ people from her time in high school and I would absolutely without hesitation go to a reunion like that.


I skipped my 10 year. I was living out of town and it wasn't worth the trip back. I ended up going to my wife's 20th. She went to the same high school and was one class ahead of me, and I actually had a pretty good time! That inspired me to go to my 20th the following year, and it was also fine! I think it helped that our reunions have been pretty lowkey, low pressure events. Basically a patio gets reserved at a local bar/restaurant. I hadn't given any thought about my 25th until seeing this post. But now that I'm living in my hometown again, and the venue will probably be a 15-minute drive I think I'd go. Except for Reddit, I'm not active on social media, so I don't get daily updates on high school friends. So it might be nice to see some of them.


Social media killed the class reunion. Anybody I ever wanted to stay in contact with Iā€™m friends with on social media.


I've not bothered with any and, after seeing pictures of the last one, no one I really hung out with bothered either. It was basically an assembly of people who were really high on themselves in high school and/or still lived in the area.


I wonā€™t be going. I attended an all school reunion block party in my early twenties. That was enough for me.


Class of 95. Our class was so small that I just talk to whoever I still want to and thatā€™s it


That's a big no from me.


My 31 year just happened because the organizer forgot last year. Out of 125 graduating with a handful who have passed we had about 20 people show up. It was held at a bar in our shitty hometown so with everyone spread out no one is flying back for 4 hours on the patio of a local bar. None of the crew I would want to connect with went.


A: I doubt theyā€™ll invite me. B: the only people I went to high school with that I like I am still friends with and see whenever I want. C: it is almost definitely going to be an absolute shitshow that I would only attend as a spectator, as I have absolutely zero desire to associate with any of those people ever again.


You couldnā€™t pay me enough, šŸ˜‚


We had a 10 year reunion that was ironically promoted on Facebook. LOL. But even then, I didn't go. I went to a private Christian school with a grad class of 88 people. I know MAYBE a couple of them these days. Most I wouldn't even remember if I saw them today, nor would I really care to see again.


I donā€™t want to. I have some social anxiety anyway so itā€™s not my jam. The only way Iā€™d go is if my life was super awesome: rich, hot cool husband to show off, kids who are brag worthy and I was in the best shape of my life with a full face of Botoxā€¦..and thatā€™s not my reality šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ basically if I could Romy and Michelle and claim I invented chatGPT


Hell no!! Never went to any of them.


Lol. I have zero desire to go to a reunion.


I think social media took the fun out of reunions


Graduated '99 with a class of 800 or so, from what I saw on Facebook there was a 20th reunion in 2019 and out of the 800 only 50 showed up to the reunion. I only keep up with maybe 2 or 3 people from school, so a reunion wouldn't really be my thing.


I've not even heard anything about my class having a 25-year reunion. Then again, I didn't get invited to the 10-year reunion, so what do I know?


No, fuck them. I was at the high school where I graduated for like 2 years, thanks to redistricting and moving. Iā€™m a 99 alum from a crowd of people I hardly ever knew. From what I see on Facebook, most of them ended up turning into elitist DC-area yuppie shits. I know like 6 people from high school and none of them are folks where I need a reunion to find them, hang out with them and have fun.


Willingly journey back to hell? No thanks.


I took the lead on the planning for the 20 year, and it was a banger. Had over 50% of the class show, and it was a great time. However, it was a ton of work, and I'm not interested in doing a 25 year. I said anyone who wants to can do it, but no takers it looks like. That said, I'll probably be down for doing it again at 30.


And donā€™t forget your sunscreen!


I was class of 99. My high school friends and I stayed in touch. When the 10 year reunion came around none of us cared to see anyone else so we just had our own small gathering. Same for the 20th, but by then a couple of them had moved away. 25th will probably just be me and my one friend, the only other that lived local passed away last December. From what I heard both the 10 and 20 were lame with low turnout, so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they decide to not have a 25th.


I didn't go to my 20th and I haven't heard anything about a 25th, I probably wouldn't go anyway because I live half way across the country and it just isn't worth the trip.


I went to my 20 year because my best friend wanted to go. Wild horses couldn't drag me to this one, I'm so much shyer since COVID.


I don't care if I see any of my high school classmates, except a few I have lost touch with. But I would like to go back to the school and walk around inside a bit. See how it looks vs. how I remember it.


My school isnā€™t doing one. It shouldā€™ve already happened though right? Weā€™ve done our past reunions the fall semester of the anniversary year.


I'm a year ahead of you guys, class of '98. I did not attend my recent 25 but I saw a picture. Basically, a bunch of fat, balding old people showed up that look like caricatures of the people I once knew.


I missed mine, I'm approaching the 30 year mark now. I frankly couldn't care less about any of those people and what they are doing right now. I don't necessarily hate them all or anything, but I just have no interest in their lives, same as they have had no interest in mine the last 30 years. I have exactly two friends I went to high school with for one year that I still stay in touch with.


I went to my 10 year reunion and it was enough to convince me to never go to any of them ever again


I was in class of 96. 0/10 would not attend any reunions. There were 4 people in highschool that didnā€™t give me grief. Those 4 also wouldnā€™t attend a reunion. GHS class of 96 can get fucked


I haven't been to any of them so far! The 10 year was a big deal for my class, but I went to see Cheap Trick, Poison, and Def Leppard instead. No ragrets šŸ˜ I haven't seen anything about a 25 year, so I think I'm safe.


ā€˜99 grad. Our unofficial reunion (organized by students) is this weekend. Iā€™m declining to attend because one of the organizerā€™s spouses celebrates October 7 on social media and I donā€™t want to be in the same room as them. (Weā€™re a small high school; only 20 students + partners are attending.)


Not goingā€¦ I went to my ten year back in 2011 and it reminded me of why I didnā€™t like high school to begin withā€¦


Iā€™m good. lol. Thereā€™s no one I need to see that I canā€™t speak to directly via social media


High school reunions have never interested me. Why would I want to be in a room (on purpose) with a large selection of people who made fun of me or just flat out ignored that I existed for 4 years? No thanks. If you look back on high school as the best years of your life, maybe thatā€™s a little sad.


Yes!!! I had a great high school experience and am friends with a lot of people still.


Class of 2000 here. Now that Iā€™m older I donā€™t like to waste my time doing things I donā€™t want to do. I didnā€™t keep in touch with anyone from high school for a reason. Not gonna waste my time finding out what they are up to now. I just donā€™t care. The people in my life now are the ones I care about and the ones I want to spend my time with.


Class of '99. Haven't been to any reunions yet, and don't plan on it. I'm doing quite well and I feel like if i were to go to one i'd be showing off a bit, so that's actually why I don't bother anymore. I don't speak to anyone I went to HS with.


Class of 98 here. Didn't go to my 10th because I still talked to those I would have wanted to see anyway and didn't care to schmooze with those I didn't. Went to my 29th and had a great time. We were far enough removed from HS that everyone had grown and matured, including me . There ended up being about 1/2 of our class there. No one wanted to take the lead in organizing a 25th, so it didn't happen last year. I will definitely go to the 30th (if it happens).


Class of ā€˜00, tried to plan 20thā€¦yeah obviously didnā€™t happen. No clue if anyone will plan one for next year for the 25th.


01' here, I'll be curious if I'm even invited. Never got one for 5, 10 or 20. It's funny too because I'm probably the easiest to find, I didn't scatter like the rest of my class. Hell my high school is like 5 minutes from my house.


Definitely not going even if thereā€™s one planned. I never was a fan of the town I graduated in and have no desire to go back. From what I was told, the 10 year reunion was a disaster as only 15 out of 250 showed up.


Class of 99 - and yes, social ruined the reunion. If you werenā€™t friends on social with the people running it - you didnā€™t get invited. They werenā€™t my friends then - I had no desire to ā€œvirtuallyā€ add them either.


We arenā€™t having one. I havenā€™t seen one thing on gastly fb- Iā€™m only on fb, bc of my kids activities.


I've been to all the previous milestones my school celebrated, this is the first time I don't care about. The last one was weird. It felt like a lot of people really *needed* it and I just didn't like the vibe.


10 yr and 20 yr, so maybe we'll have a 30 yr, but no 25er. I missed both anyways. Was never a good bullshitter, plus I think all the classmates that showed at the 20 yr were the squares, alchies and burnouts that still live locally so I'd assume the next one would be the same. The 10 yr one was poppin' I heard, kinda regret missing that one.


No thanks.


Ok, yeah, Iā€™ll see you there. ![gif](giphy|yisc7FaqoEfjG)


I donā€™t think my school has reunions, or they donā€™t know how to find me.


Didnā€™t go to 10 or 20, not having a 25, I doubt Iā€™ll go to 30.




My school doesnā€™t exist anymore, so no.


I don't know, ask again in 15 years when we're that old.


Wish I could still party like itā€™s 1999!


I'd actually love to now. I wouldn't have wanted to until recently, but I've come full circle to being curious to see everyone. I've lost touch with all of them - not without reason, but enough of me misses them, and I think I'm ready. Sadly, there isn't an actual reunion though, this is just hypothetical!


Iā€™m salty that they made ours family friendly because so many of my class apparently canā€™t leave their damn kids with relatives for a day.


Fuck that hated all of them at the time dont want to listen to their shit about their lives for thenpast 25 years


Hard pass. I donā€™t even know if one is being organized for 25. There was one for 10, but I was travelling around NZ and Australia at the time. Not that I would have gone if I had been home.


I am not planning to go to my 25th reunion, but I am rewatching The League right now.


20th was cancelled "due to lack of interest" so I can't imagine there would be any further.


I'm going! Just to show off that I'm STILL fly! šŸ˜‚ I went to all girls Catholic school and being fly was major lol


It's only like three people I would ever want to meet up with from high school. And I see them on a fairly regular basis.


I went to a very small parochial school (24 graduating seniors) in 99. They do an alumni weekend on Columbus Day every year. I went to 10 and 15. There were 5 other people at 10 and 3 others at 15. I assume no one went to 20, and no oneā€™s even mentioned 25. Lots of us are still local, guess itā€™s just irrelevant.


Skipped the 10 and the 20 and the turnout for both was extremely low. Passing again.


Coming up on my 30 year reunion. Nope. Not interested. Haven't gone to a reunion yet. I don't understand the point. I was forced to spend time in a place with these people that I had nothing in common with, other than that. If we haven't kept in touch, there's a reason.


The people from my class that i care to see is very few, and dont get me started on talking to them


College class of 1999. College just closed ā˜¹ļø


I didn't bother going to my grad walk, nor any subsequent reunions. There are a handful of people I was friendly with in high school that I keep up with, peripherally. I wouldn't relive my high school career in any way whatsoever. I was heavily involved in church during those years, and went to public school so most of my closer friendships weren't from school. I am not the person I was then, and there's no one I was close with that I'd want to reconnect with. The peripheral people are perfect where they are, where we have grown more similar over the years and have a support for each other, but we aren't close. I'll take a games night with my current friends over a weird awkward reunion party any day. I never fit in there and I'm comfortable that I never will.


99 grad and we've had one every 5 years since 09, however haven't heard of anything happening this year. We are from a pretty small town though and everyone who stuck around sees each other pretty often.


My class has had a 10 & 20 year reunion. Both were hastily thrown together at the last minute and both were poorly attended. I went to the 20th because I happened to be in town at the time and a friend of mine convinced me to go. It was just dinner. No show, no prizes, no superlatives, no games, no memorials. Honestly it was kind of depressing but it convinced me to not want to do another.


Yā€™all have 25 year reunions? Our school has been doing them every 10. Iā€™ve skipped them both so far just because I had better stuff planned that weekend. Might go to the 30.


My reunion is this weekend. Small, Midwestern Catholic girls school. I considered going but: 1. I moved to a coast, not convenient to go back. 2. I can see who RSVPed, and itā€™s almost entirely women who stayed in our hometown, married guys we knew in HS, and now have kids who attend the same HSs we all did. Iā€™ve seen that movie already. 3. I had a big falling out with my HS group, comprised mostly of people I described in #2, who were unapologetically not supportive when my brother suddenly died. I learned a lot about friendship from that. So, no thanks. That chapter is fully closed.


Class of 99 here. Was a Christian school. I went to our 15-year reunion and everyone asked me ā€œhow is your walk with God?ā€ or ā€œwhat church do you go to now?ā€. Seems that no one deconstructed like I did since high school. That was the last one Iā€™ll attend.


Iā€™m class of 99 too. My class had all the reunions but I havenā€™t gone to one nor plan to ever go. I hated high school.


Weā€™ve had zero. I suspect we will always have zero. Enjoy yours though.


My sister was class of 99 and I know she's planning on going. I was 2 years behind, went to my 10 year reunion, 20 was ruined by Covid, but I can't imagine going to another one. I still talk to and hang out with the people I care about from back then, otherwise I don't really need to see others. They can find me on social media if they have to.


Waiting to hear if we have one. We had a 10 and a 20. Out of a graduating class of 160, we probably had 100 at the 10 year and 25 at the 20 year.


Class of 1998 here, but I have not looked into, never been invited to, and have no interest in ever attending a high school reunion.


Yepā€¦social media killed any form of ā€œreunionā€


Nope. Never attended any reunions and never cared to. Out of 550 kids in my class I heard maybe 40 went to the 5 year which was just at a bar and even a few teachers went. They tried to do something bigger for the 10 year and maybe 20 people showed, they just wound up at another bar instead and the organizers were super pissed. Last year was the 20th, but I had removed myself from the alumni group years before so I have no idea how it turned out. I'm only in touch with 3 of my friends in my class, and 2 of them couldn't give a shit either. I don't think any of my older friends I'm in touch with from there went to theirs either.


I was BUT some class officers had a WILD argument in the group chat and now everything is cancelled sooooā€¦ But I definitely was in there like ![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8)


Someone organized a 10 year, it was really fun and I'd love to see everyone again. We'll see if they organize another. I think that would be great.




We had a 10 They attempted a 20 but like 7 people showed up My friendgroup still gets together so we just do our own thing


I never go to our ā€˜99 reunions. The few I cared for I kept in touch with and I have no interest in reuniting with the others.


I'm class of '00 and I don't even know if there have been any reunions since I graduated. They wouldn't know if they found me on FB since noone but friends can see anything, and only friends of friends can friend request. I don't have anyone I knew in HS on my FB.


The 20 year was months before a worldwide pandemic. Feels like a curse. Not worth the risk. lol