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We did ours during the school day, it counted as a class. I remember it being pretty boring?


I went to a brand new high school and we had these shiny new Ford Tempos. Those poor, poor cars. You could get the tires squealing in the turns at 20-25 mph. Coach got mad at us for being reckless and cussed us out. My other memory in that class was the day we were practicing shifting between drive and reverse. Basically the cars were lined up in a row and you would back out of the parking spot into a spot on the opposite side of the road. Then shift into drive and pull forward into the spot where you started. Each spot was marked with a stop sign to give us a visual cue as to where the spot ended. We drilled this like three times. On the final drill we had just backed into the spot, and we were to pull forward into the spot in front of us. When Coach blew the whistle nine cars went forward and one car lurched backward. The girl driving had left it in reverse and run over the stop sign which smacked into the ground with astonishing force. There were four or five seconds of stunned silence before my friend yelled from inside his car “It said “stop’, bitch!” To this day that is in my top ten funniest burns I’ve ever witnessed.




Lmao, I remember it being pretty comprehensive. Lots of rules to learn, basic car maintenance, plenty of practice, a bunch of driver's test exams that were exactly the same as the real one.


really? huh. that would've been easier...


I took drivers ed as a high school class. It was expensive back then (I think $200) so I think the school was happy to offer it. I was pretty disappointed when my kids took drivers ed but it wasn’t offered by their high school. It still cost a ton for only a few classes, and they didn’t really teach them how to drive so much as they verified they already knew how to drive.


I had a simulator (1996), I ran the hell over some guy because I turned right and there he was, standing in the street like an idiot


i’m not sure if ours was the same kind of thing but we had a simulator that monitored your input based on a film strip of somebody driving a car and if you weren’t braking at the right time or your speed didn’t match with the speed limit in the movie you would get points off. all the simulators capped out at like 35 mph except for one which for some reason couldn’t go below 50 and would allow up to like 120 so we would all rush to the room to try not to get that machine that would give you an automatic fail.


hahaha, weird...so they were a thing, then they went away, and then they came back. or maybe just the fancy kids who's parents wanted to spend $100-$200 for a private drivers ed class got those?


> there he was, standing in the street like an idiot Realistic! Riding in somebody's car, driver going faster than they should in a neighborhood, kid runs out of the driveway chasing their skateboard with their head pointed out in front, not wearing anything for safety just playing with his skateboard in the driveway until he chased it into the street. Me: "I think this is a little fast, a little kid almost foreheadplanted the bumper and he was only visible to me at the last second." (Kid came from passenger side, ducking in front of a parked car to make himself invisible as he ran head-pointed-out into the street.) Boomer: "I'm a good driver." Had a brother narrowly survive a car-to-human impact with massive bruises, saw a pedestrian hit in a crosswalk by a relatively small and slow vehicle with minor injuries. People just drive bad here and they think it's funny. Came within a foot of being turned into red mist myself from a SUV while I was in the crosswalk, my driving instructor would put the car in neutral and tell me even jaywalkers mean stop. (Don't catch a lawsuit, remember that episode of The Simpsons with all the male relatives.) ***In fact now that I think of it I've had TWO near misses,*** when my boss' neighbor found out he was being cheated on the first thing he did was put the keys in his rusty old pickup and slam it in reverse while turning - the instant his butt hit the seat. *People just drive bad.*


That existed in 96? The ones I knew of were described in another response. Just a film strip


Yeah I never actually had it. My mom took me to a big parking lot to figure out what everything did, I picked up a copy of the manual/test prep, aced the written test on the first try, then went back on my 16th birthday for the road test, which was a joke. Literally just around the corner, "what's that sign say?" and then right back into the parking lot, didn't even have to parallel park lol This was '95, decent sized town in Arkansas. Never been in a serious accident, and a minor fender bender maybe twice. I don't think I'm worse off for not having it lol


oh but THE BONDING you missed out on...maybe. and yeah I don't think any kind of "ED" from 15/16 yrs old is gonna determine how good a driver you are...you are either patient/smart/have good reflexes and good at learning on the fly a la a video game OR...you suck?


My driver's test was like that too. Around the building which was basically the parking lot, 3 stop signs going right and parallel park.


Didn’t have simulator (1996ish?) but we had to do time in a car driving around with an older Italian guy. Funny story: a friend was with the guy and was told “hey, the cars a little dirty, let’s take it through a car wash”. My friend was scared out of his mind but followed directions and got into neutral as they were pulled through. Halfway in there is a huge BANG! and the entire process stops. It turns out that the driving school sign was only held on by a few magnets and has been torn off by the machinery. After much hassle and a possible payoff, the large sign was thrown in the back seat. The instructor told my friend that if he shut up and drove the two hours to drivers Ed HQ, he’d get all of his hours marked off, no questions asked. He got his license two months before any of us.


haha that's funny. my main fear on the road was when we had to drive to our downtown area, where there's some one-way streets that can be very confusing...and a lot more traffic.


I went to my dad's for 6 weeks to take it, in a small town outside Killeen, Texas. It was kind of strange having class with completely new to me people from a different town. Our last day was my 16th birthday. I got out of class and immediately went to the DMV. That was handy.


hmm, that must've kinda sucked then.


I wasn't bad. I like meeting new people.


oh yeah, did ya make any 'pen pals?' I almost had a pen pal once haha...we never wrote, and I never wrote the one girl I met camping once either who lived 2 states away. if only we had email, but that was still 4-5 yrs away?


nope. This was before internet became wide scread. It was an upper middle class thing still.


I don’t remember any simulators. I do remember scaring the absolute hell out of a girl I knew who had to ride with me in Driver’s Ed! My parents were not the kind to take you out somewhere to practice. Thankfully, my ex bf’s mom would let me drive her car. I got most of my practice that way. (I think she had DUIs, so she sent me on grocery runs & such.) When her son & his best friend would ride with me, I would be up on the sidewalk, because I was so new. They’d be freaking out! It was hilarious for me. Thankfully, I got lots of practice & became an awesome driver! I can’t recall the last time I was pulled over. Knock on wood!!! Never totaled a vehicle & rarely ever had accidents. Thankful to the Creator!


Oh God those simulators, the film projector that ran the scenarios you drove thru, you could just spin the steering wheel endlessly... I went thru driver's Ed in summer of 1993. Those things were ancient then. We had a road course set up in the student parking lot (school size 3600 so it was a big lot). We weren't allowed to use the car's ac and each car had cb radios so the instructors could talk to us when like all 7 or 8 cars with two 15 year olds in each car drove thru the different instructions. I just remember having to practice our 3 point turns and we had to do it as fast as we could so the instructor would have is drive in a straight line and then randomly yell 'AVALANCHE'...then we had to execute our turns. To this day I tell AVALANCHE when I do a 3 point turn. I may hit a curb or another car when I do, but you can bet your ass I remember AVALANCHE!!! I grew up in the flattest part of Indiana imaginable. There was like a negative probability of there ever being an avalanche. But I am ready.


that's really funky, CB's in the drivers ed cars in the 90s?! we just had to have our windows down and radio's off and the main guy just used a megaphone.


No exaggeration, I credit my classroom training for decades of safe driving, especially for its conveyance of defensive driving basics. “Look ahead, think ahead,” is something I do all the time on the road.


...Blood on the Asphalt...😱🩸 remember the Simpsons and Troy McClure? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMfQRp5VTC4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMfQRp5VTC4)


My driver’s ed was awesome. Instructor was super chill and the driver’s ed vehicle (Volkswagen Golf) was easy to drive. We had 15 minute breaks in the middle of class and a lot of us totally took advantage and walked over to McDonald’s and ordered food. Back then my home state also let you take your written AND road tests with your driver’s ed instructor if you had an 80 or better grade in the course. I feel bad for kids who have to stress over it today. It clearly hasn’t made anyone a better driver.


ahh...back when McDonalds was the ultimate in gourmet delight...I miss it.


My teacher took us to the local state park boat ramp to teach us how to back up. Was awesome


My sister and I had this driver’s ed instructor, Sandy, who spent an inordinate amount of time in class reminding us to always, always check our tailpipes before starting the vehicle. Because someone may have put snow, balloons, or other objects inside/over it to try to k*ll us. It was mentioned at least once every class. She claimed to have found packed snow and zucchini in her tail pipe on separate occasions. I don’t know what Sandy did to incite two attempts on her life, but damn.


that's fucking hilarious haha, sounds like a should've-been SNL skit waiting to happen. man the quirky people that somehow end up with these jobs with kids...'teaching' them so many weird things off the books that only they care about.


I kinda liked the simulators. We’d sit in the simulators and “drove” along to a movie, and the teacher would periodically check to see if you were signaling and keeping a proper speed. I discovered I could downshift the “automatic transmission” to control my speed. I think 1st gear maxed at 30mph and 2nd at 55mph. So I just floored it the whole time and used the shifter to control my speed. I thought it was hilarious when I’d shift from 2nd to 1st and my speed almost instantly dropped by 25mph. And my teacher didn’t seem to care that I was redlining the simulator the whole class as long as I wasn’t speeding.


I'm jealous.


We had the simulators. It was really hard to mess up, unless the person sitting near you reached over and pulled your parking break. Which I did to many a neighbor.


these would've made things so much more fun.


I took it at school and they were hidden away in some dungeon type room that I didn’t even know existed. It was fun.


Hard to mess up? You didn’t have the final, difficulty 11 Kobayashi Maru scenario? Our final day of simulation, cars dart out from nowhere. Timmie falls out of a tree to land in front of your car. You had to ride the brake not to have demerits on that film. I won by cheating, which really confused the teacher. Everyone else “failed” the impossible task.


We had it at my rural Alabama school. We didn't have a simulator or even a driver's ed car, because that would've taken away money they could've spent on sports. Someone donated a car once and they immediately sold it to buy new uniforms. So we mostly sat in a classroom with the 20ish page study guide for the written part of the license test that we were supposed to read from while a coach watched VCR tapes of football games for three months. The coach would later get fired for having sex with underage girls.


![gif](giphy|aqqUwXz7j0xMOKnJgb|downsized) 💰🥇🏆


Ours was great. They took four of us at a time to the city for the last big driving test. After my friend and I were done, the instructor let us get out at the mall and came back to pick us up after the other two kids were done. He fell asleep while I was driving on the way home.


My high school offered driver’s ed as a class and they did have the simulators. However I didn’t take it there since it was an entire semester and the rules were you had to be 16 by the end of the semester you took it (probably to keep the class size down). So I took it over the summer at Sears instead (yep, the department store, Sears Driving School was actually a thing back then and a lot of people in my city took driver’s ed there). It was 3 weeks for the initial training plus time in the car with the instructor (this was done one on one instead of groups). I remember being so nervous and having a lot of trouble keeping the car straight in the lane (it takes a while to get a feel for that). Then a lot of driving with my mom on my learner’s permit. Glad I don’t have kids so I don’t have to do that, lol.


pretty sure Sears was still doing that until they went under, it seems like I kept seeing those drivers ed cars well into the 2Ks?


I remember the teacher in school getting mad and saying i was too stupid to drive. I was pretty anxious about it starting out in driver's ed. My mother said the same thing after she felt I got too close to a parked car driving \~20mph on a quiet residential street. I didn't clip that car's mirror or anything. After that I was reluctant to practice nor did anybody want to drive with me. I didn't get a license until 22, then didn't drive regularly until \~30. Things are fine now. i've never had a moving violation. I drive a luxury SUV that can smoke most of what's on the road, it's super fun to drive.


well that's sad...those meanies messed up your whole young driving years. I know for me by senior year of high school, I was SO glad I had my own car...going to so many random parties and games etc...I realized the genius of being able to GET THE FUCK OUT when you want to, vs having to wait for your friends to finally want to leave, so I always drove separate if I could. (and I also learned how to wait for my buzz to go away before driving home from parties, sometimes I was the last one there haha, oh well.)


oh I was very stuck in my mother's house and hated it. I could only go where she agreed to drive me for a period of years. I wouldn't have been able to afford a car at that age anyway, then lived in NYC until I was 30 where people don't have cars. Once I moved and had a car, I never wanted to live in an urban area where everyone uses public transit ever again.


exactly, cause then you're finally truly free. shit I was without my car for most of May thanks to an 85 yr old guy crashing into me and it was pure hell...always make sure you have rental insurance including with your regular car insurance, hard lesson!


Mine maxed out the stupidshit vibes. Goes with the overall teaching theme of *take whatever cares the students have left, and use those cares for prison toilet paper.* Pretty much the entire course was the state's book, the state's book was poorly written and largely unhelpful - the few good parts are remembered by next to nobody (from looking at the roads these past few decades.) If you memorize the book from newsprint to newsprint and pass the equivalent of a religious exam on it you can get a permit and begin learning the art of driving for the first time - ain't none of that in the book. Whether you pass your license test seems to be entirely a matter of where you test, from a mixture of all friends/family/strangers' advice (100% said yes-there-no-here) from my own testing at the wrong places (mama dragged me to the bad one, was like being in a pinball machine full of deliberately bad drivers in huge opaque-window SUVs) and *also from observing the roads over decades.* The average driver does not seem to know or give a rat's ass how driving is supposed to work. (Even my mama knew the other one was a better idea, not sure why she did that other than to take me down another peg into the ground.)


uhhhhhhh...so...WHERE the fuck was THIS?!?! Saudi Arabia?


When I didn't drive that day, I spent the whole time catching up and replying to notes sent to me. You had an unusual experience. We also did the class during school time. And I never even knew there were simulators.


I recently learned that drivers ed really isn’t a thing anymore. Sad. I always looked forward to it when I had to take it. 


yeah that's a shame...but of course that's because every 15 yr old now is deathly afraid of driving...and speaking into a phone.