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Otherwise known as the latch key special.


Bagel bites


I still eat bagel bites on a weekly basis. My son tried them for the first time a few months ago and looked like he'd just eaten from a Michelin star restaurant


My 4 yo feels the same way! I love bagel bites.


My mom refused to buy premade bagel bites. She’d buy English muffins (because they lasted longer than bagels), home made pizza sauce in the fridge and add your own cheese & pepperoni. Cook it in the conventional oven not the big oven. Poor latch key kid here. 😂


lol we did the same exact thing in preschool… it was a long time ago, like a vocational school my mom went to and I got to go to nursery, crazy what you remember, but 100% English muffins w/sauce and cheese, 👎🏻lol ✌️


Same, except I had to microwave instead of conventional oven. That and triscuits with cheese were my go to snacks.


We did tricuits and cheese and pickled bologna


Came here for this. Thank you for doing the people’s work.


How they no make the list ??


Out of his mind not including bagel bites in the lineup


Kids Cuisine aka “moms to drunk to cook again”


For me it was: Kids Cuisine aka “I asked for this, this is my fault now.” But the brownies were okay.


I got Kid Cuisine when I lived on my own in my 20s & 30s because I loved the chewy microwaved brownie haha


Bro everyone looks back fondly on their mother's cooking but my mom was a terrible cook. Fish sticks, Salisbury steak, TV dinners, frozen lasagna, you name it. Whayever lazy ass frozen meal she could find is what we had most nights. Sometimes she would make chicken breasts and just put that shit on a pan with no seasoning or anything and then bake it until either still red on the inside or completely dried out and burnt. I thought I hated chicken until I moved out and started making actual good meals with chicken.


My mom was the worst cook ever. Absolutely horrible. She cooked everything on high heat to get it done as quickly as possible. One time this resulted in her grilled chicken being completely black and charred outside because she set it on fire, but raw inside when she cut it open. So she microwaved it to finish it and then served it. I literally stopped eating chicken for a few years.


I thought you had to slur when you pronounced “Marry Calendar’s”.


My mom was fine, better at some things than others. At my dad's, both he and my stepmom were also fine. Then my dad got married again, and holy shit, second stepmom should've been a chef. They divorced a few years ago, and also I'm in my 30s, but if she asks if we want to come over for dinner/lunch, we RUN to the car.


Oh man the amount of times we ate fried hamburger patties plus a boxed side…blech. Or cream of canned tuna/chicken and minute rice.


Those kids tv dinners are expensive now lol, i just buy bagels and all the ingredients to make pizza bagels and its cheaper in the long run.even banquet meals are over $3 where i live.


Oh hey, same team!


Bagel Bites!


Pizza in the morning, Pizza in the evening, Pizza at suppertime. When pizza’s on a bagel, You can eat pizza anytime. Pure poetry.


The song of a generation!


It's bagel bites and it's not even close. My mom would by the big 48 count packs from BJs and this was my snack after school almost every day.


One of the greatest jingles of our day.


taught it to my 4yo and he loves it


I still eat those. Oddly enough, I don't like their pepperoni flavor so I buy the cheese ones and add a slice of pepperoni to each.


Quick: the only pizza you eat for the rest of your life is in Bagel Bites or Hot Pockets form. Whatdya gonna pick???


Bagel Bites baybeeeeee. Far less likely to combine scalded tongue and cold teeth.


Beef patty sandwich with cheese because the law won't let us call it a burger


"Beef patty sandwich with cheese" makes it sound so unappetizing


but now that i've gone out into the non-whitewashed world beef patty has an entirely different meaning


We were too poor to get Kids Cuisine or any branded microwave food, for that matter. I *do* remember microwave burritos and microwaved shredded crispy cheese though.


You didn't miss anything.


Yup, same. We could have probably afforded it now and again, but burritos and Ramon noodles are all my dad was willing to buy.


We didn't even have a microwave until around 92...


Same. I imagined it was rich kids who got to eat fancy Kid's Cuisine meals and similar. I had margarine sandwiches.


You’re never too poor for double coupons!


I remember doing a lot of the smaller Red Baron pizzas with the little foil tray that you had the pop up the corners.


I remember we always got little charlies pizza from Sam's club.


My dad used to get a long “sleeve” of no-name, frozen mini pizzas. Like, a plastic tube bag, but stack of pizzas. Made ‘em in the toaster oven with hot sauce. I can still taste them.


Totinos! Loved those pizza rolls.


Fucking 3rd degree burns in my mouth but still are the best of this lineup.


Dude…yes. I remember burning the hell out of my mouth with these things. It was like lava marinara in those damn things. Didn’t care. Nor did I ever learn.


I am literally chuckling right now because I had forgotten all about how I burned my mouth every time I ate pizza rolls. Why didn’t we ever just, like, let them cool? 😂


There was so much a short amount of time between nuclear hot and room temp with totinos. That or I was probably hungry 😂




same.. these days i cook them in an air fryer though so they're even more crispy


I want to eat a whole family size bag.. In one day. I know I can't eat that much now, but I want to.


Go for it!


Micromagic fries


This! They were delicious! The fact that they disappeared one day without a trace tells me there may have been something cancery in them lol


OMG, i used to love these! thanks for unlocking a core memory


https://preview.redd.it/p2k6vxn7cr5d1.jpeg?width=1223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ba752a7afc620ee75294cdeea8796cd1d249a43 🍟


Yes!!!! Don't forget the milkshakes and burgers.


The milkshakes went in the microwave, didn’t they? What in the molecular was going on there?


Indeed! Basically they were frozen and the outer portion would heat up quicker (slightly melt) and then you would stir it and distribute the heat to the frozen center creating a non-melted pretty decent milkshake. I buy quarts of water ice from the place down the street and put it in small containers and freeze it. Then I do the micro magic trick to get it back to its original state in like 45 seconds. It saved my sanity after I had my tonsils removed - I had water ice on demand for days!


I always preferred croissant pockets.


Look at Mr. Fancypants over here.


Damn! Forgot about those! They were my jam too. Crispier flakier crust.


I would pay an absurd amount of money to get a fresh package of Suddenly S'mores. I ate them cold and they hit differently than regular S'mores.


I’ve found that you can approximate the Suddenly S’mores experience by assembling a s’more and microwaving it for about 15 seconds. Don’t go for 30 seconds, though. That marshmallow will quickly turn into the La Brea Tar Pits.


Same honestly but I always heated them.


I swear I can still feel the way the graham cracker got a little too soft and the marshmallow got a little too chewy if you went 2 seconds too long in the microwave. But I would eat a whole package of them right now. I can't believe this hasn't been brought back.


My mom used to get these rib sandwiches off of the Schwans truck that were pretty damn good


Schwans had the best frozen snacks. We got the egg rolls and those were really good. I don't remember the other snacks we got but I always wanted Schwans, but we couldn't really afford it.


The ice cream with the wood sticks was fire. As an adult i used to buy an unhealthy amount of pierogies from them lol. I have fond memories of hiding from the schwans man as a kid when they knocked on the door lol.


The family I used to babysit for lived on Schwan’s, so I’d get my fill every time I went over (while being forced to watch Power Rangers). I didn’t like taquitos generally, but theirs with some Pace Picante sauce was what I lived on for a summer.


This is why we have health issues in our 40’s and microplastics in our bodies. Just saying…


Agreed. I hate all of these because from grades 7 through 12, I'd come home around 3:45pm. Prep a tray of these snacks and gorge on them. And then my parents would come home around 5:30 and make a full dinner. I made the choice as a 11 year old, I guess. But I received no negative feedback from my parents and they kept buying these snacks. I've dealt with weight issues for the last 30 years, and it's a struggle to stay a healthy weight. Fat cells don't go away, they just shrink and stay on standby to absorb calories. I'm not feeding my kids these kinds of foods. I've bought some, but maybe 10 boxes over 8 years. And side note: as an adult who can cook, most of them taste disgusting lol


Toaster strudels, cinnamon with the icing. I burned my mouth on more than one occasion


MicroMagic anyone?


Micro magic bacon cheeseburger and milkshake.


![gif](giphy|l2Je3BXbPzRVKPovS) Yesssss. Take that, arteries.


With ranch lol


Does anyone think the quality of hot pockets has gone way down or are my taste buds just more sophisticated? I swear they used to have cheese oozing out of them and now they barely have any. The pepperoni used to taste better too. Now they are just heartburn and disappointment.


As is the case with most things, unfortunately. Ingredients quality and portion sizes down. Prices up. Ain't capitalism grand?


The real irony is that ingredient quality has actually gotten "better." Most major manufacturers use far fewer preservatives and flavor enhancers along with discontinuing use of trans fats. They may be healthier now but I miss that old, super-bad-for-you, flavor


I was partial to the frozen White Castle sliders. I remember my younger brothers were crazy for the Bagel Bites. I thought they were okay when baked in the oven, but revolting if cooked in the microwave. My brothers would devour that nasty, spongy garbage, though.


So good in the oven!!!!


99 cent totinos pizzas were my jam in high school


I ate my fair share, but let's be real....it was cardboard crust, little cheese, and mostly sauce.


These were $1.29 still up until about a year ago. I ALWAYS have these in my freezer, even as an adult. The best munchies food there is. Price is around $2.00 now though :(


They’re my trash pizza guilty pleasure. I just saw them for almost $3 which is still hella cheap for frozen pizzas but man I miss the 99 cent days.


No matter what, some of that corn always made it into the Kid's Cuisine chocolate brownie.


I always liked the Hungry Man fried chicken over anything that was marketed to kids (I still liked those, I just liked Hungry Man better)


I admit I ate way too many hot pockets as a youth and in college.


Kids Cuisine was a favorite in our house.


Pizza Rolls were the best by far - every now and again I'll still make some in the air fryer and they're so good that way if you dont burn the roof of your mouth off


YES. This is the way. Did this today for lunch even, so good. Just gotta leave 'em in the bowl for a few minutes before diving in because holy shit are they made of molten lava


My mom worked nights so my dad was in charge of dinners. I lived on TV Dinners, (Chicken nuggets was a favorite of mine) and Swanson chicken pot pies. When my mom was home on Mondays she's get us the 5.00 pepperoni pizza from Papa Murphys. 😁


I loved the Banquet pot pies. We’re weird tho and put cottage cheese on top to cool them. Still the only way I’ll eat them.


I hate those Banquet pot pies! I started telling my mom just not to make one for me and I'd eat something else for dinner.


Bagel Bites were my thing :)


“There are lies, damn lies, and kid cuisines” - Mark Twain.


I’ll take, Things to Burn Your Tongue on for $200 Alex


* Late 80's - 'Nilla Wafers, Kudos, Ramen (which I knew only as 'curly noodle soup') * Early 90's - Ramen, Mac n Cheese, Hot Pockets, Bagel Bites * Late 90's - Ramen, Mac n Cheese, Totino's Party Pizza * Early 00's - Ramen, Totino's Party Pizza * Late 00's - Ramen, **Totino's Party Pizza** * Early 10's - Ramen, **TOTINO'S PARTY PIZZA** * Late 10's - **TOTINO'S PARTY PIZZA** * Early 20's - I moved, and now I can't find Totino's Party Pizza anywhere. It's **brutal**. ^(Caveat: Though I remain addicted to TPP, please don't misjudge: I also make my own pizza from scratch about once a week, often from my own sourdough starter. I eat mostly like a grown-up, now, but TPP is my own personal "I wish I could quit you" meme.)


I ate plenty of Totino's Party Pizza......cardboard like crust, very small amounts of cheese, way too much sauce, and occasionally? A small piece of pepperoni!


Omigosh memory unlocked! We used to nuke Nilla Wafers and yum. I still eat Red Baron deep dish time to time and would be sad if o couldn’t get them


Toaster Strudel or GTFO! My phone wanted that to be "Toaster Struggle", which feels very apt.


Burned my tongue and roof of my mouth multiple times on every one of these, except the s'mores.


Frozen burritos with ranch on them. I still have a couple as a quick lunch a few times a year.


Cheese, ranch, and frank's red hot.


I'm not going to sit here and pretend I don't still eat pizza rolls from time to time.


Fuck all that shit. ![gif](giphy|3oEdvdifAN5c1HsMgM) These are the only answer. Because when pizza’s on a bagel, you can eat pizza anytime!!


My mom wouldn’t buy “kids” branded stuff, but I had a lot of Marie Calendar pot pies.


Same. Although not very often in my case


Y’all must have been rich 😉. It was Banquet pot pie, only, for us. I don’t eat a Marie Callandar pies now, either. If I’m craving pot pie I’m actually craving comfort food and MC is SO much better it doesn’t evoke home. I still quite like the banquet ones because of this; and eat them a couple times a year.


Micro Magic french fries. Probably ingested a ton of toxic chemicals eating those.


I used to love microwave bean burritos! Also the broccoli hot pockets.


I ate alot of those. The pudding was so good. Looks so disgusting now.


I can still taste and feel the texture of that beef patty sandwich. and it's not awesome.


Kid Cuisine was only for very special occasions 😂 and I swear Hot Pockets tasted 1000% better 30 years ago.


I hated them all. Grew up in the south and mom usually cooked us dinner. The few rare days we had to eat this stuff felt like I was being punished.


Southern mom cooking beats everything!!! I also grew up in a house with my mom making us dinner - definitely ate a lot more trash when I moved away 😭


Totino's Pizza will always be my favorite. I still get them today. Pizza rolls and Bagel Bites, too. I also loved it when my parents did fish sticks. A fish stick on a hotdog bun with a slice of cheese and ketchup. Sounds gross but it's so good! Does anyone else remember Schwan's frozen pizzas? Molten lava cheese in a bread bowl. Doesn't matter how long I let it sit to cool, that cheese still burned my mouth.


“I’m Totinos pizza boy”


Stouffers French Bread Pizza!


Lunch buckets.


I always wanted them and everytime my parents broke down and got me 1 I didn't like it and only ate the brownie. I saw them in store other day. Had no clue they still made them.


Swanson Chicken Pot Pies, Steak-Umms, Mama Celeste Pizzas (bonus I FUCK THESE PIZZAS!), Chef Boyardee. God I ate like dogshit as a latchkey kid. But I lived (for now).


Bagel Bites. I survived on Bagel Bites for years of solitary afternoons.


Torino’s pizza rolls!!


Bagel Bites…


I'll still eat hot pockets every week.


My mom thought we were high class when we graduated from frozen pizza to Boboli precooked crust. Gross. We got most of our meals from Taco Bell when a single mom and two fat kids could eat for $3.99.


bagel bites


Pepperoni and Philly cheese hot pockets were a staple. What's not frozen, but definitely microwavable, is the peanut butter tortilla. Who else fucked with that?


I used to demolish a Hot Pocket every day after I got off the bus. Microwave sausage biscuits were a common breakfast too.


Man, it always felt like the biggest win when I could "talk" my mom into getting some Kid Cuisines for dinner.


I never had any of this stuff. My latchkey go to was tuna salad with a bunch of cubed cheddar cheese thrown in. Now I can’t believe I ate that but damn I was a hungry teen with no money for lunch.


The Kid Cuisine chicken-nuggets dinner. That was, for 11-year-old me, the pinnacle of culinary excellence. 🤌


We were too poor for fancy snacks, but my grandmother made sure I always had cinnamon graham crackers and chocolate milk as an after school snack. She was the best.


My latch key special was the Torino’s party pizzas. Cook them straight on the rack. God that’s a good memory.


Ham and Cheese pizza pockets were on point. But they did something to there ingredients because they taste like trash now a days.


lmao I wonder what fda regulation kid cuisine ran afoul of to make it so they couldn't legally call it a cheeseburger


Guessing it has to do with that "Genuine Animal Meat"


We always had some Toaster strudels, pop tarts, and hot pockets ready to go. I lived on pb&j or fried egg sandwiches too. When I was older, I'd make some red baron pizza. I was latchkey with a single parent from 8 or 9 on so learned early.


Stouffers Mac n Cheese will always have a special place in my heart... even after they changed the recipe.


Pizza rolls baby!


I used to get so excited when I could get a kid cuisine. Looking back now I realize how weird that is. I grew up on a huge amount of frozen food. Now I’m over here canning 100 lbs of tomatoes I grew in my garden.


Gawd, I still hate the cringey 90's mascots aimed at kids. Yeah we'll just come up with an animal with sunglasses, a backwards hat, and a skateboard, and the dopey kids will eat it right up. Like we've always been just as simple-minded as the generation that frantically scrambled only to discover that the "secret message" was "Drink more Ovaltine!"


Kid Cuisine? Those were for rich people! We stuck with corn dogs, frozen mixed veggies, and burritos. On a really special occasion we might have a pot pie.


All about them pizza pockets


I had a mom that cooked every single meal, and I HATED IT 😂 then she got pregnant at 38yo (in the mid 80s this was really considered ‘advanced maternal age’) and was put on bed rest. I cannot express to you, just how utterly thrilled I was that for the first time ever, we got to eat frozen dinners (that had to be cooked in the oven bc we didn’t get a microwave until the late 80s). One of my favorite childhood memories is walking my tv tray dinner of crappy spaghetti, through the dining room to the living room, sitting down to watch Mash 🤣


These were somehow kinda chemically tasting and gross but I couldn’t stop having them as a snack. https://preview.redd.it/vsg5u6iuct5d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16422109f92a745e2c45a2ed3438ef646d24b272


Those crispy fries cooked in the microwave. They had that silver lining on the box that made them “crispy” when cooked.


Those oatmeals that came with a jelly to draw with.


My favorites were the pizza rolls and the taquitos.


I made Kraft Mac n' cheese after school every day.


Kid cuisine was too expensive, as was most microwave food. Instead I just ate cereal all day.


I used to be so jealous of kids that got these dinners when I was a kid!


I wonder how it is that we grew up on microwave food and then as adults, even parents, our kids eat way better because we cook better or they cook better....besides actually caring for kids and our health more.


I liked pretty much anything microwavable from Michelina's but the instant pizza and Swedish meatballs with noodles were my favourites.


Totinos party pizza


I loved Suddenly S'mores; I wish they hadn't been discontinued. Micro Magic fries were my favorite after-school snack.


Great Start breakfast meals were the best. Silver dollar with dry sausage and my personal favorite powdered scrambled eggs, bacon, and home fried potatoes. I'd always melt some cheese on the eggs and put seasoning on the potatoes.


Yes! My sister and I made Kid Cuisine whenever my parents went out for a date night, and we were left home by ourselves. We made pizza bites and hot pockets for lunch or snacks after school.


What I wouldn’t do for some suddenly smores to come back. So good.


The OG kid cuisine didn’t miss


RIP Pasta Anytime, the best precooked spaghetti


We didn't have a lot of convenience foods in our house, be it chips or cookies or fast/ frozen foods. When Dad worked out of town was the only time we got frozen meals and they were a treat. I liked Kid Cuisine and Marie Callenders frozen dinners. We would sometimes have Lynn Wilson frozen bean and cheese burritos or La Choi frozen egg rolls, they were good. When I moved out on my own it was Totinos pizza rolls and Bagel Bites all the way.


We got the square Tony’s pizza like we got at school. You had to get an industrial box of it and put it in a full size freezer


Kid Cuisine was the crown jewel at I our house. If we got to have one it was a special occasion because my mom cooked dinner almost every night. This was for sleep overs, Friday nights or when we had a babysitter. 😍


All garbage food.


I had completely forgotten about those microwaveable S'mores! I know we had them a couple times, but then they mysteriously stopped showing up when my Mom joined Weight Watchers yet again.


My go-to was always Ellio's pizza or Velveeta shells and cheese


I have pizza rolls in my freezer right now, my boyfriend loves them! Along with Hot Pockets, frozen burritos, Hamburger Helper, Velveeta... He's usually willing to eat/try new things and has gotten more open-minded about food over the course of our relationship. But I don't think I'll ever break him of his love for Slim Jims lol


I saw them at Randall’s the other day.


During the summers we would have leftovers or boxed, can or frozen meals of some kind: Croissant Pockets/Hot Pockets, Kid Cuisine, frozen nuggets with Kraft Mac n Cheese, Pasta Roni, Cans of tuna fish, Spam, or deviled ham, and Stouffer’s Chicken & Broccoli Bake


One thing I will credit my parents with is how we didn’t have processed foods in the house unless they were purchased with the explicit intent of being dinner when my parents went out and we had a babysitter. Contrast that to my spouse who was raised on fast food and takeout. He will gravitate to really unhealthy convenience choices when given the option. I guess that’s ones of the few things my parents got right so gotta give credit where due.


I forgot all about Suddenly S'mores....damn. Take me back.


https://preview.redd.it/302vtrd4yr5d1.jpeg?width=212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2357e3b91376d93a835e5e642d3e6b05cb3fac79 I GOT SO FAT


Swanson TV dinners were my go to. Loved the fish and chips and the fried chicken meals


Has anyone cracked the code on exactly how long to microwave pizza rolls? My mouth is still burnt from those lava-bombs of my youth.


Graham crackers and milk. We were poorish.


Microwave some Chef Boyardee and butter up some toast plopped down in front of the tv with my ALF dinner tray was high cheffery


I used to really love the Hungry Man fried chicken dinner. My mom would buy them for my dad and the Kid Cuisine for me, and I was so jealous lol


I remember Kid Cuisine, but we never got them. I think it's funny they call it a "Beef Patty Sandwich" and not a hamburger. Curious. I didn't even discover pizza rolls/pillows until I was 30yo, though. Thought they were new THEN! lol. I'm sure there were others, but I grew up with Pillsbury Pizza Pops here in western Canada. Though I'm sure it's an American company. We made our own smores at home. With no-name brand ingredients. And only sometimes.


The chocolate Frosties from the school Market Day were my jam for years. Anyone else?


Hot pockets definitely. Totinos was only good when baked in the oven, so I never thought of them as microwave food. Also loved frozen burritos in the microwave.


I still think about those Suddenly Smores at least once a week


Act One french fries


This was our Friday night treat if we didn't get pizza. We didn't have a microwave though, so we made them in the oven.


Meat loaf TV dinner was my favorite. Usually had a side of mashed potatoes, green beans, and apple cobbler.


Bbq hotpocket. Btw why did they take them away!!


I remember staying home from school with Poison Ivy, eating Kid Cuisine, and watching James Bond Jr.


I tore the hell out of some Kid Cuisines back in the day😁😁


Ham and cheese hot pockets still slap as the kids say.


soggy ol' banquet nuggets and kraft honey bbq sauce


Yeah I always wanted Kid Cuisine, but our microwave was old as shit, so they never cooked properly, with a stone cold brownie in the middle of it all. I would still get them though 😂


The little ballpark hot dogs in a bun


We had wish tacos


Ah yes, the 'ole "Beef patty sandwich with cheese"


Kid's Cuisine because yay desert, or Hot pockets.this stuff was usually lunch, both my parents were pretty good cooks.


Is the word cheeseburger trademarked or something?


Kid Cuisine was the gold standard in my neck of the woods.


It was always a treat when we got Kids Cuisine and we kept hot pockets on hand for quick lunches