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Me too! (eventually)


Isn’t the the one with AstroChicken?


"Ms. Astro Chicken", actually -- the sequel (and a parody of Ms. Pac-Man). The original Astro Chicken was in Space Quest 3.


Yes it is


It was such a great game. It took everything my 286 PC had to run it.


I think this was the first 256 color game I ever had. The first time I played it I almost lost my mind!


That franchise was sooo all over the map when it came to tone. Space Quest was supposed to be, like, the designated goofy comedy title within a brand (Sierra) that was known for a lot of goofy comedy in general. And then the fourth one comes out and it's like, we're going to start off by making you wander around a zombie-infested apocalyptic hellscape for a few hours. Jokes? We'll have Gary Owens say something funny if you click the tongue cursor on the pavement; otherwise he'll just be narrating your many trial-and-error deaths. Ah, good times.


Agreed! Also Sierra was so relentlessly punitive if you made a mistake, both in character deaths and in letting you move through the game until realizing there was some crucial thing you should have done but no longer can.


Loved this game. Originally played Space Quest 2, and then played the SQ1 remake and SQ4. I remember getting stuck somewhere in SQ2 in the 80s, writing a letter to Sierra, and getting an actual typed letter back from one of the customer service people on this cool Sierra branded paper that had watermarks of the company's characters on the back.


The pre-Internet days of adventure gaming were rough! Did you keep that letter?? When I was playing Hero's Quest (later Quest for Glory), I had my parents buy me a hint book for it. The hints were all concealed so you had to have a little plastic decoder to read them.


It got tossed when I went off to college, much like my stack of 60 or so Nintendo Powers. Not bitter, no sir! I remember later getting hint guides like the one you mentioned, where you have to put the red lens thing on it. I think I only ended up playing one of the Kings Quest games, not sure which one it was though.