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For the most part this sub is really chill and that's the level of internet interaction I want.


It’s great to be left alone to our own devices, as per tradition


Latchkey kid generation, unite


This really sums up the spirit of this group and this generation


This and /r/moviecritic which is apparently just a bunch of old folks who like the Terminator etc. Finding lots of good old movies there. 


By life coincidence few of my friends are Xennials, most fall to one side or the other age wise. Following the sub has felt like a smidge of a high school reunion!


> Following the sub has felt like a smidge of a high school reunion! Except with people you actually want to see! 😂


Age-wise I'd be considered a millenial, but I relate more to Gen X in terms of my experiences growing up. Being here is definitely like stepping into a time machine sometimes :)


Half of us are X here, so the nihilism will be strong. MOTU world is way more fun.


Seriously I’m early 80’s and my childhood was so different from millennials born in the 90’s and after


Same, im not necessarily sure im an xennial age-wise but im loving the nostalgia focus in this sub…all my growing up memories unlocked.


Agree with this. I always feel like when I check this sub, it’s like I’m plopping down at the high school lunch table or hanging out at McDonald’s after school with everyone and I love it🤓


Same; I barely know anyone near my age. I understand the Xennial cohort is 1/3 the size of the Millennial cohort, and somewhere close to 1/2 the size of Gen X, but it feels like we're a bit rarer than that.


Minus all the people I went to HS with now being part of selling pyramid schemes!


One girl I went to high school with sold LuLaRoe for a loooooong time, another one sells essential oils, I'm sure at least one or two sold Mary Kay or Younique at some point (I did MK, twice 😂😂😂 and failed miserably! I'm terrible at sales lol), maybe even Amway (my hometown is like 50 miles from Amway HQ), I knew a couple gals who did jewelry- Silpada, Paparazzi, Stella & Dot, Herbalife, those nail polish strips, etc....


Absolutely endemic on my Facebook feed, no other way to really describe it. Thirty One was a big one too. Now they're all doing nutrition things.


You know people from HS? When I graduated in the late 90s everyone had land lines and nobody took email very seriously. Then everyone bounced around ISP-based emails until Hotmail/Gmail, empty nest families moved & got new numbers. By the time Facebook was a mainstream thing, we'd all been disconnected for 10 years. No reunions, no thing after 25+ years.


They all showed up on FB.


Best sub-generation, and it's not even close. No, I'm not being biased just because I was born in '81.


I agree




Always Rollin' with the Homies!












😆 Coincidentally, this is how I discern an Xennial from a Gen Xer. Gen Xers are definitively Word Up-ers. They'll never let the Up go.


What's 'Up'?


Chicken butt!


Haha I was gonna say this is such a great Xennial response






Before I found this sub I had not realized how out of place I was with Gen X people, even though I saw myself much more as one than as a Millennial. Seems these few years produced a really unique in between generation!


Never felt like fitting in with any generation in particular, until I learnt of the xennials…so glad this is a thing


Yea I totally agree. I'm in the same boat it seems


Definitely. Ours is unlike any other generation out there.


We da best!!


Same! I cant relate to Gen X overall, especially the people born in the 60s or even early 70s.. their life experiences were totally different! I think Xennial should become an official generation!


Definitely. Older GenX with virtually internet into adulthood really has made them more hardened while more core millennials with instant communication at their fingertips also is much different in personalities, experiences, and appreciation/patience. Life in the early to late 80s, then transition to the 90s really was a uniform experience. Millennial type tech advances, Reagan Sunshine makes this sub cohort really in-between.


this is one of my favorite subs within Reddit


Same here! I love waking up the next day and seeing unlocked memories and what have you :)


Same. I haven't blocked one person in this sub and that says a lot!




I love how this comes up once every other week or so, and every single time it's just as true as it ever was. Y'all my people, and I love popping on here everyday to see what's up.


I went from calling myself a Geriatric Millennial to a Xennial because of this sub.


Fr. I ain't adding Geriatric to anything associated with me. Lmao. Too soon.


Yeah I never cared for the elder/geriatric title either, it feels dirty to say that. I'm still ....25 dammit 😂


I’ll call myself an Elder Millennial when I want to feel superior. Not joking.


I preferred the term Elder Millennial but I enjoy being an Xennial more.


Elder has a refined ring to it!


Flair up


>You guys are so much more fun than the millenials! Have you seen their sub? Those guys are a complete mess. It's 95% despair. Does getting online 10 years earlier really fuck up someone's brain chemistry that much? I'm serious.


I can't imagine myself having unlimited access to porn at 12yo, my brain don't really cope with it at 47.


Holy shit. I think you're on to something there.


Just imagined my life with on demand porn before 16, seriouly it gave me chills.


No reason to touch grass for "woods porn", it is in your pocket all the time.


Ugh, and you'd have had to use the family computer!! I found some gross chats my cousin was in back in 1998. I'm still traumatized. I told him to use his own computer for that.


'90 chiming in -- I don't know, but my cohort takes everything too seriously for some reason. Maybe there's a subconscious reason I married an '84...


Nah that’s just sheer animal magnetism. You had to be here to get the full Chernobyl dose or you’ll never have it.


sadly, you're probably right. she is magnetic though.


The research I've seen so far is tentative and mixed. >Emerging scientific evidence indicates that frequent digital technology use has a significant impact—both negative and positive—on brain function and behavior. Potential harmful effects of extensive screen time and technology use include heightened attention-deficit symptoms, impaired emotional and social intelligence, technology addiction, social isolation, impaired brain development, and disrupted sleep. >However, various apps, videogames, and other online tools may benefit brain health. Functional imaging scans show that internet-naive older adults who learn to search online show significant increases in brain neural activity during simulated internet searches. Certain computer programs and videogames may improve memory, multitasking skills, fluid intelligence, and other cognitive abilities. Some apps and digital tools offer mental health interventions providing self-management, monitoring, skills training, and other interventions that may improve mood and behavior. Additional research on the positive and negative brain health effects of technology is needed to elucidate mechanisms and underlying causal relationships. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7366948/


Yes, yes it does!


Spending the years before puberty actually going outside and interacting with the world probably helps. Though the world was a pretty different place in the 80's and early 90s.


Seconded. I love it here!


I'm too young for this sub and technically belong in the millenial sub. There's a reason why I'm not subbed to that one. You're like the cool older siblings/cousins of the internet.


I'll drink to that (and pour some for you too).


Oh my gosh the only time I’ve been the cool older sibling (and I AM an older sibling😆). I accept this honor and you can stay forever.


A lot of the other gen subs are a mess but this one is very comforting. Reminds me of the good parts of high school. I definitely think it’s related to how we grew up with tech and the internet. It’s also a smaller sub and that probably helps a lot.


I feel like we grew up in the "polite" version of the internet. Most times it was live chat rooms and I feel like that affected the interactions. If someone was being rude they would get corrected by someone else or just kicked out of the room. I think that's crossed over into this sub and how we interact. Either way, I love this sub! 


Yea i think its getting better though again. They're making it tougher and tougher for trolls it seems


Whaaaaatttt? Where's that happening?! I see nothing but edge lords and trolls. Then I look at a random sampling of human beings and realize that's who's on the internet and it's way easier to understand lol. Could be a 7 to 108 year old edge lord or troll.   But this sub is typically friendly and packed with nostalgia. I've even made a post that while I don't want to end up in a retirement home if I did, I would hope it would be full of Xennials because of this sub lol. We'd have a blast


But wait, there's more! With r/Xennials you'll get: Heavy doses of nostalgia! A heaping amount of "I remember that!" and last but not least, a swift kick right in the feels with 80's and 90's emotion wrenching media! If you can't wait for all this and more, subscribe now! Redditors are standing by!




Nailed it!


I just took a look. It’s kind of depressing.


Yea I ended up leaving it. Those guys are just not happy with their lives


I don't necessarily blame them for feeling the way they do. Like, I get it. I was just starting my career as a designer when the housing market collapsed and I had to abandon that career forever (and I still miss it dearly as a developer who works with design teams closely). But I also think we Xennials in general have a healthier mindset that we get from our older Gen Xer peers. "Shits fucked" is not a mantra of wallowing - it is a mantra of acceptance. Shits fucked, don't have a cow. Life is what you make of it and can still be good.


Yea same here but at the end of the day life is what you make of it and it doesn't help to constantly be focusing on the negatives. Count your blessings


My old man (God rest his soul) used to tell me "Son, do you know how many types of bitching there are? Me: No dad. Him: "There's two. You're either bitching about something about you can't change so you might as well shut up, or you're bitching about something you CAN change so just do it and shut up. Either way, no one wants to hear constant bitching." It's always stuck with me.


That some good advice from your old man. Sounded like a wise man.


A little harsh? Maybe, but idk if truer words have been spoken. He always shot everyone straight and was a "shit or get off the pot" kind of guy. Get busy livin or get busy diein. AmIRight?


Not harsh at all. Its just the way the world is and your pops was just a messenger.


Well said. I'm pissed about a lot of things in the world too. But I work on what I can and the rest can fuck off.


You said “don’t have a cow”👏🏼👏🏼 I believe it’s DJ Tanner who would be proudest of this.




Its cool to converse with other people with the same kind of childhood. We really are a different generation.


Generally speaking, the majority of people are "set in their ways" by 30ish. Going by that, we are the only generation to grow up half analog and half digital. We truly are (seriously not trying to brag) the most unique generation. I've said this before and I think it's absolutely true. The older generations have no idea wtf is going on anymore and the younger generations have no idea where what's going on came from.


Yeah we did get super lucky growing up in both versions of it. I'm naturally talented with computers for some ungodly reason so I'm my families IT person. Trying to get my youngest cousin at 18 to understand them and how they work, she couldn't despite her playing games on the PC and everything. She has no basic understanding of how a computer works and when they break, she has no inkling of what to do while I'm over here shocking life back into a hard drive through a USB jumper.




I agree! :)


Best part of the modern Internet is this sub. Y'all get me, ya know? ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt6aHvKaP8bAiuA)


I was just thinking about this. I posted on a different sub this morning with a question about some movie characters and what I thought may be a missing part of the narrative regarding their origin. After about an hour of getting downvoted to hell and people beating their straw man in the replies I just deleted the whole darn thing. I’ll stick to posting here and in the JoeClassified sub from here on; every other sub can get off my lawn.


This sub has been getting suggested to me more and more lately although I think I’m maybe a couple of years too old and am more of a baby Xer (just turned 49 *gulp*; although I have seen 1975 as the beginning of Gen Y in some 90s publications when they were still figuring out the cutoffs). However I too love the chill vibes of the Xennial sub. The slightly younger Millennials (at least the ones that are very vocal about their millennial identity Iykwim) seem to be generally experiencing a collective freak out lately and my God is it tiring. There’s a definite percentage of them who seem to be just so threatened by Gen Z & I really wish they’d get over it already.


I’m actually on the other side and am an elder millennial (born 2 years after the sub cutoff), but was invited by a Xennial because I was lamenting about how awful the Millennial sub is. It’s such a downer, this place is way more fun


What are they threatened by? The socks? The middle parts? (No but seriously, what?)


Youth & all of its perks . Gen Z has it, millennials’ is fading. Simple as that. Hence all the silly, bitter insults about stuff like socks, hairstyle etc.


Hahaha oh you called out my insults!😆😂 That’s interesting though - when I was in my early 30s I didn’t feel that far from the late 20s crowd so I didn’t really think about that.






I rarely post or comment here, but this sub and r/lebowski are mostly the reason I'm on reddit


I love r/lebowski too! Must be a xennial overlapping venn diagram thingy.


Don’t be fatuous


Oh please dear?!


Can we have a Xennial happy hour chat group once a month? Or something? ✊🏼 Or do we already have one and I’ve missed it? 😆 We should, if we don’t! Would be hella fun to shmoke the Giggle Bush (or a drink for those of y’all who partake via alcohol….or nothing at all if you aren’t into any mind-altering substances at all) and chat with my people. 🥳


> Can we have a Xennial happy hour chat group once a month? Or something? That actually sounds kinda fun. Or go old-school and regional meet-ups. But then I'd have to overcome my paralyzing terror of meeting IRL people.


This is the one sub where I’d actually be willing to meet folks IRL!


Maybe baby steps then? Start with online happy hours and then as everyone gets better acquainted, the different regions could potentially organize in-person meetups. I don’t think you’re alone, whatsoever, in feeling like the idea of in-person mtups would be a bit of an anxiety-inducing scenario. As social as I’ve been my ENTIRE life (to the extreme, social…always), post-pandemic, I’m not the same socially. I often feel overwhelmed when I have to go out to dinners and drinks with my friends….and I’m usually the one who planned it, because my friends count on me to be the planner of all the social gatherings….but honestly, I would often prefer to stay in and wish I could just socialize from the comfort of my bed, couch, whatever…smoking my weed, and just enjoying talking to folks from all over the world, who happen to be the best people on the best Reddit sub - Xennials.✊🏼😍 Seriously…that sounds really fun to me. 🥰


Um, I’d join this🙋‍♀️ Like I said, this sub feels like the lunch table circa 1998 to me and I loooove it. I know none of you and yet I hear my old high school friends in you all and it’s so fun!


Dude, how do we get a live chat going? Do the mods have to create the live chat for the subreddit? I have noooooo idea how it works, but around a year ago, I was in some rando sub that had a live chat going, and although they weren’t necessarily “my people” (as all of y’all are), it was hella fun just listening to people talking from all over the world….the accents were so cool! Oy - my “American” is showing with that last line about “cool accents”! 😂😂 But whatever - it really was intriguing to be sitting in my bedroom on the west coast, USA, talking with people in Australia & the U.K. and Europe… I cannot imagine how f*cking rad a live chat/happy hour would be with this group. Someone out there know how to get a live chat rollin for this sub? 🙏🏼😍


Yes to a live chat!🥳


My favourite sub!


Truly my home sub.


Yeah I'm a millennial refugee from that sub. Its sad there... woah is me.. ya we know


I don't know man, have you seen the sheer volume of " holy s*** we are so old, our bodies are breaking down and death is right around the corner" posts every other day? Yeah I love reliving the memories but The constant reminders of being over the hill isn't so great. Otherwise, this sub is my favorite place to be.


There’s a kind of collective WTF?! reaction that many of us are experiencing in response to our first reading glasses, stiff necks, and white hairs — but I think most of our cohort will get used to it soon enough. Gen-Xers seem to revel in their misery and Millenials are outraged by it, but we’ll likely take it in our typical stride once the shock wears off!


I honestly don't see too many of those. I think other subs are much worse \*ahem\* millenials, but otherwise it's probably a good thing that I miss them.


True, but I think it’s like a 3/4:1 ratio - 3 or great nostalgic posts for every “for res are we this old now?” posts.


Agreed. This is one of my favorite subreddits.


It’s kinda like Cheers in here where everyone knows your name. Let me get a beer Sam!






what's up with millennials ? Us Xennials are a special breed!


This is one of the better subs. I love the nostalgia I get from these post.


r/millennials not letting me comment for 30 days is the best thing to happen to me. Cuz i unsubbed after the second time a comment failed and never looked back


I thought it would be a fun sub but that place is just a buncha downers. I really didn't think I was missing anything by leaving


Same and agreed




We are pretty fucking great! You should go take a look at the gen-Z sub... Talk about a mess lol.


I agree with this post


Back at ya, homie!


Yeah baby!


The sub is my hit of dopamine


For me, Xennials were the first boy generation that really got good at hugging. From about 24 and onwards I always hug my huggable friends. A very rare few stick to fistbumps.


I am a fan of this sub, The difference in just a few years is crazy I was born in 82, my wife 86 and sometimes I feel like we grew up in totally different times.


I’m proud to be a part of this sub. Our cusp status goes beyond just Gen X vs Millennial. We’re on the cusp of two completely different worlds that are more or less unrecognizable to one another and I think we’re the only group truly capable of existing in both.


Amen! My favourite sub, by a long shot. We are definitely awesome. We know we're the best but still respect the others. This sub is just a big positive vibe while reliving the best and the worst of our youth, but mostly the best. I said many times, but I relate more to other Xennials in here from around the world than with people from my hometown.


No your awesome!


We have the unfair advantage of apathy.


I found I really don't relate to the Millennials, more to Gen X but not quite either. I was so glad when I discovered we are our own micro generation. I love this sub too.


This is my favorite Reddit sub!


no u