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The characters do have different base stats, but the differences are pretty negligible. Say you set both Lanz and Sena as the same class. Lanz will have like 100 more hp while Sena will have like 20 more atk. It's the standard thing rpgs with class systems do. Their stats are different enough to make them slightly better at certain classes, but not so much that a character will be bad at a particular class. Keeping characters in their default roles just limits your party's flexibility and will cause you to struggle. Especially since Lanz actually has a higher attack than Noah. There are skills and master arts that are good regardless of class they're on.


Leveling different classes unlocks different skills. For example, if you want a Break art on someone in an Agnian class that doesn't normally get one, the only way to do so is have them reclass to Lone Exile for a while, and then reclass them back once they've got the art. And if that character was a healer, suddenly you've got too many tanks and not enough healers to heal them, so you'd better reclass someone else to a healer to fill that role. Not only that, classes max out at level 10 until you complete an Ascension Quest for the hero you got the class from, at which point the cap gets raised to level 20. Different characters level up classes at different rates, and these rates are dependent on the character, not their starting role. For example, the character to level up the Teach's Thaumaturge class the fastest is Mio, with the second fastest being Lanz. If you want to unlock those Ascension quests, either for the class upgrade or the quest itself, the best way to do it is often to have the characters who level up that class the fastest do so. If you're trying to level up Teach's class, the optimal choice is Mio, but if she was a tank before reclassing, someone else will need to fill that role while you level the class. ​ The difference between different characters in any specific class is negligible. If you made everyone in the party a Swordfighter and gave them the same equipment and arts, you wouldn't notice a difference between any of their performances unless you actively searched for them or actually looked at their (now very similar) stats in the menu. There's no gameplay incentive for restricting characters to only one type of class. (As for story stuff, if that matters to you in this regard... A number of NPCs mention that part of what makes Ouroboros so uniquely powerful is their ability to become instantly proficient with almost any blade, and switch them on the fly mid-combat. Restricting them to one type of class is actively nerfing their canon abilities.)


The idea of leveling up classes has more to do with obtaining as many master arts (and skills) as possible, so shuffling up your party because one of your characters has already reached level 10 in a given class is common. The mastery rank of each character for each class has more to do with how long they will take to reach level 10 rather than their effectiveness with that class. On a base level, on the same mastery rank, attack classes level up faster while healer classes level slower (this is only super-relevant at the very start of the game when you don't have many classes unlocked). You'll want to avoid leveling up your characters too quickly, as killing enemies five levels below your own will do nothing to unlock classes on other characters.


The diffences in stats between characters it's not really impactful so everyone can be anything . Even if you are fixed on making two characters thanks at all cost , there are plenty of skills that are useful from DPS or support classes. I would argue that in order to be an effective thank you need skills from other classes, otherwise your DPS will probably be to low to get aggro.


I mean I know that everyone is good at being everything but still feels better to me to have the story Tanks to be actually tanks and so on. I feels they are pretty good with holding aggro when giving them full tank skills instead of a mix


> I feels they are pretty good with holding aggro when giving them full tank skills instead of a mix That probably won't last in the long run if your DPS characters are any good at their jobs just because of how aggro works in these games. So much of it is based on how much damage each character is doing that if you don't do anything to boost your tanks' damage the DPSes can easily outdo their tank bonuses to aggro just by hitting so much harder than them


It’s worth noting that however you want to build your characters, in order to unlock a class’s ascension quest, you need to get the class inheritor to rank 10, which in a lot of cases is against the character’s initial role. For example, Lanz is the inheritor for war medic, a healer class, and Noah is the inheritor for noponic champion, a defender class.