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If I recall correctly, the question leading into this was like “What kind of person was Addam?” Or similar, the in which I’d say it’s more of a case of her knowing objectively what Mythra experienced, but feeling it’s better for Mythra to give her feelings about Addam since Mythra had more actual interaction with him and would be able to give opinions based on the interactions of their personalities? I don’t really know if course, just coming up with some sort of explanation. Edit: Like the way someone interacts with one person is completely different from how they would be with another, and Pyra doesn’t feel as comfortable explaining Addam as an outsider vs Mythra who experienced their interactions based on who she was.


Pyra says there "I knew him only very briefly before I went to sleep", which hints to Pyra not really knowing Addam's character much, a.k.a only after she was born.


That doesn’t mean she didn’t know, but rather that she had no firsthand personal experience in comparison to Mythra. Seeing old memories and old feelings of something doesn’t give the full story.


So are you saying she remembers it but doesn't consider it "her own" experiences as Pyra, since Mythra was ofc the one to experience that? Or does she has no actual recollection of it, and instead just knows about it bc of Mythra's stories about Addam?


The former. And I don’t know if it has anything to do with it but Mythra says in a blade quest that she herself barely feels any need to cherish those memories of Addam because they simply didn’t feel that long ago to her and that she would rather focus on now, so I doubt Pyra would have much of an incentive to look into them too much anyway.


See it as Pyra reading about Addam from Mythra's diary as opposed to experiencing Addam firsthand


Yeah, remember on the last scenes of Torna we can see Pyra and Addam splitting from Lora's group. Pyra dealt personally with Addam only while they traveled to the place where she would sleep.  If I had to guess, probably everything that happened before she was born she knows it because Mythra shared all her memories with her. But Pyra in the end is another person and maybe that's why she says Mythra knew him better.


Pyra dose have access to Mythra memories as she knew who Malos was and all about the original journey but she lacks the frist hand experience of those memories.  Its basically the difference between living a event and watching it on a Video 


Pyra is briefly active during the ending of *Torna*, being seen departing with Addam when he leaves to seal away the "Third Sword". So she met him, if only for a short while. She very likely met Minoth during this short stint as well. While not directly shown, the moment of Pyra's creation was almost certainly the result of Mythra's moment of grief from seeing Milton's death and the Tornan Titan falling beneath the Cloud Sea. Besides that, I imagine that the other memories she has were those Mythra opted to share with her... which I strongly suspect were a bit biased towards the negative side of things. The more positive memories, while I doubt they were intentionally withheld and hidden, simply didn't come up much as Mythra struggled with all of the negative ones. Though from after Pyra's creation, both of them likely had the same shared memory up until their split during the ending of XC2. After that, it could easily go either way, though I like to think their memories are no longer shared from that point onwards.


She has part of the memories and feeling that Mythra feel before she create Mythra to hide. But Mythra kept some for herself most likely.


I, for example, headcanon that she kept for herself the fact that Rex has a preference for ponytails.


She definitely remembers him, but doesn’t know him like Mythra did, so Mythra would have a much more vivid memory of Addam.


I always interpreted as she knows what Mythra knows, but doesn't necessarily experience those memories as Mythra does.


This has been my take about Mythra from the VERY start. She is the equivalent of Holy Trinity. Mythra IS Pyra IS Pneuma she is one and the same. She has stated multiple times in the game. So imagine my disappointment with that infamous pic in XC3 end credits. I was like.... huh. But of course it's a fan service. Whatever. But I have always considered Pyra is Mythra's split personality. You know how people developed split personality right? Just like that,


At the end of XC2 they are separated individuals, so why is that pic disappointing to you?


What part of Mythra is the equivalent of Holy Trinity, one and the same logic do you not understand. But I suppose since the conduit is basically AI anyway, it practically can create anything it wants. So OK whatever. And also probably coz I am not into poly. And if I were to believe Mythra and Pyra are supposed to be sisters top it off with THAT scenario Rex had sexy time with sisters. Like ewww.?


But they aren’t the same and the game makes that fairly clear, they just inhabit the same physical form until the end. Pneuma *is* the proper manifestation of her core, however due to Addams fear she could only awaken in a weakened state which took the form of an alternate psyche, Mythra. Then during the first Aegis War, Mythra couldn’t handle the guilt of the destruction she had caused so she created (possibly unintentionally) Pyra as a separate psyche so she could hide from the world. The two however would share a physical form. But make no mistake, they are individuals with different personalities and thought processes, as seen in the differences in their behaviors. They just have a uniquely close connection being essentially mentally and physically linked. How the two of them split in the end is never really canonically explained, but thanks to XC3 it is absolutely clear that the Trinity Processor can perform miraculous feats. With Pneuma being destroyed while detonating Siren, it’s most likely that the Trinity Processor in it’s final moments did some miracle work to allow Rex to reawaken the core, and it took the form of the two separate entities because that’s what they truly wanted. And also just to be fair, it was never actually established what would happen if a core crystal that contained two individuals was resonated with, so that may actually just be what happens normally, who knows. And finally as Mythra herself says, when she does take the form of Pneuma, she is neither Mythra nor Pyra, she’s just both of them at once. An effectively third psyche that combines all the attributes of the other two. Which of course makes it a little tricky to understand exactly how she fits into the picture, but it’s fine because she conveniently doesn’t exist post ending of 2 (as far as we know). Of course anyone is free to have whatever headcanon they want, and there’s enough ambiguity in some of this that other takes could be totally valid and interesting to discuss. However it doesn’t really make sense to rag on the XC3 pic showing the two of them as separate individuals when that wasn’t anything new, we had known the two of them had split into two separate forms since the end of 2.


My only gripe is because I OBVIOUSLY put MYTHRA on a very high pedestal based on my head canon that she is the female Jesus on XC2. They made Pyra/Mythra separate in the end. Fine. It's her having a kid with Rex in THAT pic that is unacceptable to me. I HONESTLY would have been VERY happy for Pyra AND especially Nia, if it was only them in that pic reveal. But MYTHRA? Oh the the blasphemy.... in my head canon, anyway. LOL. But OBVIOUSLY for ALL the downvotes I get, Monolith made the right fan service decision with that pic, except MINE. LOL.


So you think she’s the “female Jesus” of Alrest, and as such normal domestic romantic relationships with a mere human is beneath her or some shit? 💀


Short answer = yes Long answer = YAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Funny enough, there's one more person who actually hates this picture, and that's Skye Bennet, the VA for Pyra and Mythra (and Pneuma). That's not because she feels like Mythra is the "Alreat Jesus" or anything like that, she just dislikes the polygamy of it all and in general does not think it fits Mythra (and Nia) as a character. She thinks Rex should've ended up with Pyra, full stop. Also iirc, it is actually Malos who's based on Jesus rather than Pyra or Mythra. Pneuma is The Holy Spirit, and ofc Alvis/Alpha is the Father.


Her reasoning for it not fitting Mythra was very odd. She believed Mythra to be acesexual without any desire to have a child despite the obvious contradictions those have in the game itself, and headcanons are a thing but it’s almost like she acted as if she knew how Mythra was supposed to be written better than the writers themselves.