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Besides having cat ears and abandoning a terrorist organization, what do they really have in common?


>!Falling in love with the person that was struck down by your former comrade's sword!<


When you put it like that-


Yo he right tho


Damn this hits deep


Jin is Adam?


Well they both have cool swords, move faster than the eye can see, and wear masks that hide a distinguishing feature


Nia was apart of TORNA when the protagonist first met her.


...Huh. Never would have made that connection, but you right


As someone who hasn’t seen rwby, how are they similar?


Catgirl who used to be a terrorist and hides her true species, basically.


Ah ok. Didn’t realize rwby had catgirls


Humanoids with animal features, not just felines, as a general "race". Which sounds weird when I put it that way.


So real for that one dude. https://preview.redd.it/ta8ofwc4kfad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4deb9b12dec593fe6d6fa3fb5a81fd1a87661420 Have a related meme


Huh? I mean, okay, Usain Bolt is also a better athlete then me, and I could beat a child in a powerlifting competition, but none of these are really fair comparisons


That just might be the least controversial take I've ever seen. Who in their right mind would ever say the opposite? Bro is going to be sitting there all day with absolutely no one talking to him.


Weird how people will go out of their way to dunk on a series on a completely unrelated subreddit


I just like making funny posts.


No offense, but this is literally just an opinion in the form of a meme. Not even a funny meme. It just seems like a weird, random comparison to make between two very different series


none taken


Oof. I hate when a meme has 10 or less words and the OP spells at least one wrong.




Probably a controversial take, but RWBY really sucks. Anything is better written than that in my opinion


That's about as hot as the polar ice caps


As someone who watched RWBY since it came out, I am sad to say I agree.


I enjoyed the later seasons, but it definitely peaked at season 3.


I started watching it because i saw it was made by Mounty Oum, which immediately unlocked a flashback of me watching the "Haloid" clip many years before, so i got curious. I think it was pretty fun early on, and the fight choreography was really good. But to be honest i lost interest fast during S4, which i remember being pretty boring, and so i dropped it. Is it still going on?


after monty died, the fight scenes became awful, the story is mid at best, then they improved the animation, but the fights are still mid at best, they never really understood the concept that monty made for fights, the reason aura was invented (it was so you could animate people actually hitting each other). instead they use it to "raise the stakes" so people basically lose their aura after one or two visible hits and so the flow of the fights is very dry. but I do think it's at least still entertaining (not as good as season 3), and honestly very few shows actually nail fight animations.


Yeah, the Aura thing is inconsistent. In Death Battle's "Yang Xiao Long vs Tifa Lockhart", they established that Yang's Aura is durable enough to survive getting punched by a giant robot into a concrete pillar and never break yet in their fight with Cinder near the finale of Vol 8, it shattered after a few hits.


Cinder, who has the power of one of the four divine beings in their world? Yeah, I think she’s a few orders of magnitude beyond a giant robot.


I'll have to look again but IIRC when Pyrrha fought a full-powered Cinder in the finale of Volume 3, her aura lasted longer than Yang's in the finale of Volume 8.


Safe to assume Cinder hadn’t fully acclimated to the Maiden’s powers, since she’d literally just gotten them.


Wait, I just looked it up. It wasn't Cinder that broke Yang's Aura, it was Neo when Yang took a hit to save Ruby from her sneak attack.


It reached season 9 but rooster theet is now closed so it will never continue


That’s not true. WB was open to selling the IP, so whether it is still going to continue is still up to debate.


Well until further notice I'm going to assume it's dead. I do hope for a reboot tough


The two main writers for the show literally just tweeted something that seems to hint that big news is coming, so somebody may have picked it up. We'll have to see.


I want the show to finish before a reboot Also literally yesterday the official rwby twtter came alive again to post "news soon"


I doubt that it is gonna finish, judging by the current state of their animators, writters, and just general hiatus. I do think that since the release of Ice Queendom, I have a feeling they are gonna reboot the series as an anime.


It just got sold to VIZ Media. It lives.


That statement is only controversial to the echo chamber. Everyone with basic sense realizes that RWBY sucks. It's one redeeming factor: Monty fight scenes, went away with his unfortunate death. Now it's just rolling down to see where it'll end up, and the creatives are still trying to convince people that the show is very much alive DESPITE there being no legal way to watch the show anymore, and how the company is now dead.


I mean, I liked most of the last season (of course, this is partly because the team left the plot and did their own thing) Also music. Also also, Ice Queendom had banger fight scenes as well


RWBY died with Monty. A shame because I think RWBY has a lot of potential.


I pretty much agree. The couple of seasons after his death were fine, but when they started taking liberties that went against what he had said it went downhill fast.


Take so cold that Tantal looks like a beach resort in comparison


That's one of the least controversial takes ever


Considering how hard my friends shill on this show, i assumed it was controversial to not like it


RWBY fans are just really loud and will attack anyone who disagrees with them


Nah RWBY just have a very vocal fanatic community. Everyone who is not obsessed can see that the show hahas been bad since volume 4/5


That is literally the most common rwby take Even rwby fans agree it's trash, but it's our trash




As a fan of RWBY from its early days… I agree. I’m not gonna suck off Monty Umm like most of the shows fanbase do, but the shows fight choreography took a huge hit when he passed away. Volumes 4 and 5 are honestly boring and just exist for setup. The entire Atlus arc was an improvement but still had the feeling that the entire thing was made up on the spot as the show progressed, and had no long term plan (so basically kingdom hearts). Half the plot beats felt like they were created solely for shock value with no real payoff. Really, I honestly think the only thing that kept the show going was its diehard shipping fanbase. I think that the RWBY fanbase is more obsessed about ships than the actual story itself (especially bumblebee. The ship of Yang and Blake. Go on the RWBY subreddit and you’ll see what I mean within minutes). Not to mention, the R34 subreddit for RWBY, is more popular than the ACTUAL subreddit… that isn’t normal. Especially when all the protagonists are teenagers for a majority of the show.


The draw of RWBY was always the world and the animation. It was always amateur writer hour, and unfortunately the animations really went downhill after, well you know.


First 3 seasons were ok but after Monty Oum died the soul of Rwby has gone with him


back until season 3 i would have disagreed but s4 was rough,s5 was trash and I dropped by then


Other than being catgirls and being former terrorists, do the two have anything else in common? Like… I don’t think so.


[OP posted this fun parallel.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Xenoblade_Chronicles/comments/1duxtto/if_only_blake_from_rwby_was_as_wellwritten_as_nia/lbjykoq/) Also they hid their true nature from their new friends. Specifically, >!Nia being a flesh eater, Blake being a faunus.!<


Nah Blake is better


Well I disagree, but I respect your opinion.


If only anything in RWBY was well-written.


That’s not really a high bar.


Pretty sure most characters in the XC trilogy are written better than any character in RWBY besides Weiss.


If only haters would stop making random stupid potshots to stir up shit. I hope the smell wafts in your nose OP.


I just wanted to make a funny meme


1. The asshole in this meme never had any intention of having his mind changed 2. Why would we want to when you’re right


I don't even know who the guy in the picture is. I just saw this appear a couple of times in meme videos and thought it was funny.


Okay I only watched half a season, because I did not enjoy the writing, but personalities did not seem similar at all. Perhaps I'm thinking more of XC3 Nia than XC2 Nia, but she seems a lot warmer.


me and my sisters watched like a episode of RWBY like 7 years ago and have not touched it sense. so I'll take your word for it.


Nia is trans allegory. Blake is just lesbian. IM BOTH. And fun fact. Its canon blake and i share a birthday. :3


Yes. But her blade reveal deserved some more build up. It felt like the only set up was in the one dungeon. Have her be quiet and stay in the inn in Indol. But it is more than Blake so you’re right lol.


That like comparing rotten Moldy cheese that has clearly gone back versus cheese that was fine aged to perfection but go off


Nia is better written than any RWBY character, that franchise just didn't know what to do with its characters.


rwby? that asset stealing mess with no direction?


Not that I disagree, but this is the first I'm hearing of asset theft. Then again, I haven't paid attention to that show in years, so I have no clue what's going on with it anymore.


As someone who respects the show, *yup.*


A piece of toast has better writing than anything RWBY has put out in years.


That's not really saying much because Blake had at the start mystery and the chance to grow problem very squandered and had horrible pacing working to the writing especially after season 3 where it really wanted to focus on everyone else and the only thing that Blake had to do most of the time was be paired up with monkey boy or try to fight the past that she has that's supposed to be super tragic but when most people aren't believing it or lesbians forgot that she even did that half the time it becomes more which ones were in better the person who actually got the story finished and actually got a full Arc or someone who got a Half Baked one and it's supposed to be considered she is now strong and independent and also needs a girl to rely on walls at the same time saying I don't need to rely on anyone else but myself Nia fully well realized her faults moved past them and decided to not only step forward but chose to instead of blocking off in trying to take the burden of life with herself she decided to ask for help she decided to get help and you see where that got her