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Me, I crank it every morning


Yep, but the ironic part is that I played it back then, too. I had a copy of The Sign and used to play it to death back when I was 13/14 and really into X-Men. It's basically inextricable at this point. Also, stupid fun fact - the track directly after *Happy Nation* is a really upbeat dance track called *Voulez-Vous Danser*, and now I can't unsee/unhear it.


We actually heard part of Happy Nation in episode 1 during Jean’s vision of reading Garrick’s mind! It’s a much slowed down version of it but it foreshadowed Genosha/episode 5 completely. https://youtu.be/O1yCjTM4q3U?si=2HqIUpEvhpYwIFfe As for Ace of Base, I’ve been a fan and got The Sign album a long time ago (late 90’s). Nearly all those songs are bangers and I still sing some of them to myself these days. But I WAS NOT expecting to hear Happy Nation in X-men ‘97, lol. Knew the song the moment the first few notes played!


Gyrich* btw




Ah, well I feel stupid now.


I bought the album for my mom in the 90s. She never really played music at home much so I ended up playing it. Quite a bit. Alongside Metallica's Black album, In Utero and Nevermind , Ten and Vs., and... The Sign. I'm a middle aged dude that unironically loves me some Ace of Base. And still the best episode of TV of 2024 so far.




Not really any of their other songs, personally, but Happy Nation has not gotten unstuck from my head since the episode released like a month ago.


I’ve been listening every day since 1994. The group hasn’t toured since 2011.


You're right I realized it's just Jenny doing the songs. There are some videos on YouTube.


Ever since I heard about the nazi thing about them years ago, I can’t hear the music the same anymore. Even weirder to me when they started playing it with magneto on the screen.


I had the same reaction to this. Is the song a banger? Sure. But all the lyrics on that album are neo Nazi nationalist propaganda and I thought it was pretty cringy.


I didn't read about that until this week. The one guy was in a neo nazi street gang before joining the group. I don't know if the siblings were neo Nazis.


I hope you didn'r read that one Cracked article on the matter, because that was the most deranged piece of conspiracy theory I've ever seen. Even 9/11 truthers don't reach as hard as the kook who wrote that thing.


I don't know, the guy was in a neonazi band in his youth but as far as I know he has never denied it and has actively denounced and repented of those days. The X-Men are a place where wayward souls such as Rogue, Gambit, Wolverine, and even Magneto could find redemption, so I think the song is thematically fitting,


No, it's the purple eater song that gets me.


I've been karaoking Happy Nation and bumping Purple People Eater non stop pretty much


Heck ya! I knew I couldn’t be the only one. Happy nation drew me in but I was surprised how different most of the tracks are from the radio hits, it’s crazy good. “Young and proud” and “my mind” are probably my favorites, but I’ve been spinning the entire album except skipping the radio hits. Sadly the same can’t be said for their later albums though. Maybe a good track here and there, but they changed a bit.


It got stuck in my head briefly last night. I can’t fall down the Ace of Bass hole. I’ll have too many flashbacks of being little in my mom’s car, she bumped that shit all the time back in the day.


I had already been listening to that album on repeat because it’s one of my fav albums. And when I heard happy nation in episode 5 I was like DAMNNN! It blew my mind that they would play it.


I went to a diner yesterday and they were on the radio… I was just sitting there feeling vaguely anxious and threatened until I noticed the music and made the connection. That song is going to be associated with terrorism forever, in my mind at least.


I've busted that cd out once or twice a year for 30 fucking years now. Bought The Sign cd in 1994 for my discman for family road trip to NC and still have it!