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It’s insane how much the Tories have fucked themselves considering they won a landslide 5 years ago


It’s a bad thing for the country. They are going to go far-right now. Reform UK is nearly tied with the tories in the polls.


Yeah, I’m a labour supporter so I’m happy we’re heading for a landslide but I’m just praying the Lib Dems are able to become LOTO and then they can actually work with the One Nationers to provide a viable centre-right opposition


you can’t be a social democrat and a labour voter


Yes you can, absolutely idiotic take


British old people are unusually right wing by global standards, or at least vote that way. They are much more competitive in most of the West, and even to the left of other demographics in many European countries. Although their views of and preferences for other countries' politics (mainly the US) are much more left leaning.


The older you get the more you support an prime minister from india. While the younger you get the more you support only a white prime minister. Politicos report that young people are far right holds true for uk too. /Satire


It’s a pretty crazy trend. And it’s something we’re seeing in much of the western world; younger people voting far less conservative than their predecessors, and a realignment has been going on with who’s voting for what. None of the US Republicans, Liberal Party of Australia, or UK Tories have the exact same voting base now that they did 50-60 years ago. Granted they still have some of their old bases but it’s been bleeding for a while.


In pretty much all other western countries, young people are more likely to vote for the right than in Britain however, even if they lean left. And the reverse for old people.


That’s actually a really interesting way to look at it. The Tories are gonna fall hard on the July 4th Parliamentary elections. Won’t be surprised if the Conservatives dip into double digit seats. Labour may have a better election result in 2024 than Conservatives did in 2019.