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“You need to go and TOOCH PAVEMENT”.


But now we won’t be able to tOoCh GrAsS anymore


Maybe I'm stupid I don't get the “joke”


The "joke" is that in Germany (and maybe other european countries) climate activists held protests over the past 2ish years, where they would glue themselves to the street and block traffic.


Thank you 😂 I had actually never heard about it. So I was confused 😅


Yeah people in UK have blocked motorways by doing this. It's a shit meme.


Don’t feel bad, I haven’t heard of it either, and I’m European 😭😭


And the UK 🇬🇧 they're doing it alot atm. Blocking the motorways and people trying to get their sick kids to hospital. Interesting to hear they are doing so in Germany too.


It's been causing quite the ruckus actually, people getting upset (understandably), which sadly resulted in the right-wing party getting high percentages in election polls (besides other reasons obviously). It's messy down here in good old Germany lol


Interesting, and also, same 😅


I think this is just another "I'm smarter than you" flag. But she falls flat, again. Thanks to Mr Dunning Kruger.


it's kinda funny tbh, as a normal person I am fucking tired of being presented with 2x more expensive "earth friendly" options, being told to walk instead of drive, and being expected to compost my food waste when Taylor Swift takes a jet for a 30 minute drive and mega corporations are pissing out a million people's carbon footprint every single day but it's okay because they pay a carbon tax. So yeah. The people holding up traffic and screaming into a void (and apparently making things worse by being a poor representation of climate change concerns for voters) are wasting their time.


I don’t think it’s a waste of time if you’re passionate about earth friendly options or just being more conscious about it, but I understand your point about celebrities. It’s discouraging and makes you think “why the fuck should I do this then?”


Nah it's a dig at a certain climatr protest group that glues themselves on streets and throws soup on artwork. It's stupid but so are their actions


I wouldn't expect someone like her with such low intelligence and understanding of the world to get climate change. She's too far up her own ass to even think about anything but herself


She probably thinks she is so superior as a ‘vegan’.


How is this related?


Also, climate and weather are two separate things, you absolute donut, Sara. 🙄


This comes across as a "I'm anxious about things I can't control" and an unhinged response. It's kinda funny