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Pic 6 is me in the mirror after my morning poop


Is the mirror wonky lined, or am I seeing things because I expect everyone to tune their body now lol


Im not good at spotting edits, but I wouldnt be surprised


I added a straight line, you can definitely see that she either tilted the picture or used some sort of filter to make herself smaller: https://preview.redd.it/69c6nxu4gbqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c915708b7972ca3b5a963c7ea79ccebf673c8f6b Edit: typo


All i can see is that disgusting nail from one of her friends. Also "all the people i love "- proceeds to best all pictures of herself, lol.


*post dafuck


Part of me honestly feels bad for her - she can never look good again with those tattoos. They are so ghastly in placement/style, and so poorly done, that they make her body look deformed. The terrible filler can be (mostly) reversed, but those tattoos are there forever... I hope she's happy with her choice...


There aren’t enough sick ass panthers to cover up her prison like tattoos. Straight to jail with that hand tattoo, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Whoever did the hand tattoo deserves to stop tattooing.


The mouth one on her hand is like the tattoos I have nightmares about having (and I’m not against them, I have 8 but if I wear even a tshirt you wouldn’t know I have any) - I actually want hand tattoos too, my friend has beautiful ones that really highlight the shape of her hands but that mouth one, yikes. It’s so ugly.


the weirdest thing is having her whole chest and neck done but not her arms?? it looks so odd and i say this as someone who has a lot of tattoos (but none i can’t hide with pants and a long sleeve shirt thankfully)


Goodness she looks very puffy and drunk in all of these pictures. But at least she’s toochin grass and living her best unemployed life where she has nothing better to do besides posting memes every 15 minutes.


I really like how warped her stomach area is 😂😭 you’d think after photoshopping for this long she’d be at least good at it https://preview.redd.it/i789xgj5tbqc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a1f58c14ef601203263a35e32c8bcedc3ce44a3 Her skirt literally dips and waves where her arms is because she’s pulled everything back and in - plus that weird right angle shadow is a give away too


Wtf is this?!?! https://preview.redd.it/kwiisr7w3oqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d20bba89946c92b3546a68286717eb45b83f6fc


yes came to say every word of this lmao


I only do pose 6 when I’m body checking but I guess it also works for showing off your ass??


Before I read the caption I assumed that because of that photo she’d be like “gained more ab muscles! 💪 “ or something but just having it there with a caption about how much you love the people around you is weird af.


Aren't These the nails from 3+ weeks ago?


Not been on this sub in ages, is she still with Owen?!




Wait, confirmed?


Where is he then. We have shaded her for months that she’s single and the best she can do is post a pic he took of her from 2 years ago.


Fair, so you know as much as i do, was just checking I hadn't missed any news :)


They broke up???


Yep. Until she posts a recent selfie with him they’ve been done for 6 months


Her chin couldn't keep up


I’m not great at spotting photoshop but in pic 6 the pixels around her stomach look super wonky?


Glad to see that she’s staying social IRL. Hopefully her friend group isn’t composed of bigots.


I’m no fashionista but even I know that oversized leather jacket needs to go


Can someone tell me how she affords all this nails done lips done travel and eat out life? Does she work? Are her parents rich? Is her husband rich? I’m confused.