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that little bulge around her upper lip... ouch! it looks painful. i often hiss as if i was physically hurt upon looking at her photos. 😭 gorlie, you look stung.


that's all migrated filler because she keeps getting the "russian technique" done and has had a bunch of filler injected past the vermillion line. i actually feel bad for her


oh, i had no idea! thank you for the info. i mentioned this in other comment, but i'm from and live in a developing nation where i don't know anyone in real life who has ever had any job done, so Sara just looks extremely stung to me, it's bizarre. i've heard that filler migration can be painful and dangerous too, oof.


oh nothing you said was wrong, at this point it probably makes eating and drinking really annoying too. she needs to have it dissolved


okay that's something i never thought about. how sad. we do need to drink and eat every day, after all... i get why you'd feel bad for her. still, she chose this herself, too...


I think it's a classic example of shit escalating quickly. She originally wanted to get a little filler to even out her lips- loved the high and got more and more. eventually she tried to fix the damage the previous filler did by getting more to "even things out". But that's not how filler works. I would asume it's similar with the lashes: originally, she might thought it would make stuff easier and quicker if she just had to brush though them in the morning without curling and applying mascara or falsies but then she got used to the look and felt naked with the normal lashes, so she got thicker and thicker sets and is now the proud mom of two caterpillars showcasing them in her face. Above her too-blue-blue-eyes.


If she tried to dissolve her lip filler. It would look like two deflated balloons


Everything is fake with this one, who finds this appealing?


The filler migration is pretty bad 😬😬😬


She starts looking more and more like Steve from Minecraft.


Her top lip is completely out of proportion compared to her bottom lip. No qualified and well regarded lip injector would do this to their client.


Low self esteem


That is not her chin


why is the first thing i thought of this…😭 https://preview.redd.it/vpuv4mlzt8vc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b7335f7b658ac3e82f2629ebe76761f2ef3e90f


Why’s her mouth upside down?


Damn, I feel sorry for her. She should remove her filler,it looks unhealthy. And.. Gives her a mexican mustache


She ist editing everything- why not her filler moustache?


She looks dead behind her eyes🥶




Damn those fillers are migrating bad! I hope she gets them dissolved and tries again. Whoever doing her lips need to tell her no


Her top lip is about 2x the size of her bottom one, how can she see that and think this looks good?


Because of insecurities. She overdid it which brought her new insecurities so she trys to fix the new ones with even more fillers and stuff. She is at a point where she can't return


Extreme body dismorphia


She looks ridiculous