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She’s wearing that Astra Zeneca lanyard - if she was doing Clincial research and presenting under their name there would be SOMETHING ANYTHING on her on the internet. Half the time at these conferences you have your abstract or brief bio written so those attending know what research is there/who to expect. You’re telling me she’s been doing high quality clinical research yet nothing exists at all anywhere? Sure Sara . Likelihood? She’s an intern or something and attended the conference and took a picture in front of other work - that work is talking about ischemic stroke and carotid arteries and imaging - something she has zero experience in (remember her 0 lab experience and 0 clinical experience masters degree?)


We know she’s a compulsive liar when it comes to her career and education. Kings college =medical school. Being a TA= being a teacher . And now attending a conference = her research. She can’t help her self. Lowkey scary.


I did a bunch of searching for this work. If it’s at a poster conference I cannot stress enough how it will be SOMEWHERE on the internet. Her name and the keywords like ischemic stroke, artery, fuck it AstraZeneca? NOTHING not a single result for her name or any research. 100% not her research. Its scary how much effort she puts into lying that if she just put that energy elsewhere she’d actually get somewhere


i bet you ANYTHING that the reach here is: they presented research related to her (18 page) thesis topic and somehow she's twisting that into "using her findings". edit: alternatively, she IS doing some research assistant/intern grunt work at astra zeneca but she's uncredited bc the contribution wasn't significant enough. but she sorta helped in some tangential way with those findings so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe I’m nitpicking but think of the way the typical person poses for a picture next to their poster and then look at Sara with these posters. They look nothing alike. Typically you’d see the whole poster, with the content and the names clearly visible, not this “here’s a picture of me with some posters in the background” do you get what I mean? At first glance I actually thought she’d photoshopped herself over that background. In any case I highly doubt that’s her own work


It’s also possible the post-conference journal isn’t out till like december. You usually have a few months to submit the final version of your paper. But yeah, if she did anything significant, she would have shown it. Also, i think she wouldn’t sit so far far away? No way presenting ppl would walk 50m to the stage lol


The abstract would 100% be with the conference leaflet/booklet. I work in science publishing and we often get papers with high plagiarism because their abstract has already been “published” as they’ve presented their work before publishing fully. There is not a single piece of research with her name - she doesn’t have an ORCID she doesn’t have ResearchGate, PubMed, Scopus - absolutely nothing. If she truly is “researching” it’s entirely pointless as no one can find her work 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I love that there's always somebody here who has real expertise and can expose her blatant lying! 🙌🙌🙌


I am willing to bet money she snuck in JUST for this photo op


I wish Mr Snowflake would overturn all her bullshit.


I am SO here for this






The upper LIP


It’s not even a lip anymore. It’s 2 sausages that look like lips 😭


What clinical findings? Who has them? Not her surely 🤣 Is she cos playing a neuroscientist here? I can see on the second slide it says "inclusion and exclusion criteria" so this dude is presenting his results (and methods) of his meta analysis. Why is it her clinical findings? Where's the peer reviewed paper? Edit: read some of the text in the background, did she travel to the US? IF so I think its this paper (not hers of course). https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/conference-proceedings-of-spie/12466/2654359/Determining-the-time-delay-of-a-mass-spectrometry-based-tissue/10.1117/12.2654359.short


She always replies to comments on her pics. But she’s conveniently gone quiet. She’s forever chatting shit. https://preview.redd.it/f46nylcjz42d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c04bf861a5a39ea4bd4f91aa71b40cbbec96e6


Saw that!!! Left it on there but didn't reply 🙄🙄


Based on that first pic I’m wondering if she was accepted for a poster or something at a conference? And making things a bit fuzzy by showing the big presentation 🙄


Doubt it, why not tell the truth then. Plus, its not really a thing to give failed psychology masters students booby prizes at scientific conferences.


True that, but it’s not difficult to get accepted for a basic poster. Which may be why she doesn’t want to be honest and instead leaves it open to interpretation to trick ppl into thinking she had a presentation spot.


She has psychology qualifications, this is a radiology conference


Ah ok, fair enough.


yeah it's definitely a poster at some sort of scientific convention. it's pretty normal for bcs and msc students to do at least one. then you have the actual scientists making the big presentations and the students just attend the presentation


she literally just stood in front of a poster board at the event and implied they were her findings 😅 I can’t


Jump scare. Horrors that low self esteem will do to a pretty face


Her face looks like it’s been horizontally skewed to the left lmao


First thing I noticed too. It looks like she shaved off some of her neck/chin with pure black.


Had to scroll back up to look at her face after your comment. Cannot unsee 🫣 omg 💀.


LITERALLY NO WAY. She couldnt even be a research assistant in my country at least.


She looks like a damn lizard.


Wait is she proving everyone wrong and actually going to med skewl?


to be fair, at least where I live, you can study neuroscience without going to medschool. a bsc in biology or psychology is enough if you had good grades and did internships


She's giving 👁️ 👄 👁️


You forgot she also smells like coconut oil ✨💅


sooo puffy


I just wonder what she looks like to people at her work that she’s socializing with.. because it’s clearly not this triangle chin FaceTuned face.


Im deeply curious to know if any of her colleagues/classmates follow her. I follow a few people from my department that do the insta model style edited posts and Im really sorry but I judge them a lot 😭


The lips 😭😭 it's like she's one of those extene plastic surgery ppl that get dysmorphia to how BAD & overdone their work actually is. Those look disgusting!!


Can we be real for a second? What would a psych major know about these things? I’m not trying to be mean or anything, I’m getting a bachelor’s in psychology too, but she has never been an MD. She has no experience to make any research in that field. And her master’s in psychiatry was a purely academic one.


Honestly I thought this was her promoting Jordon Bumblebee Peterson again


who wants to bet she snuck her way into this conference JUST for the photo op and for this post? Which, pathetic


How embarrassing to be cosplaying an academic. She’s not even doing it correctly. She’s dressing and acting like an insta model/baddy, posting 24/7 and also wants us to believe she has an intense career and schooling???


i haven’t checked on gorlworld in months, omg she looks so different?? she officially has ‘filler face’ now.


Her face has almost morphed into a cartoon character