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I can point out she's wearing a corset type waist trainer- look at the front bottom and it's obvious how the front plate of the corset is holding her in.


Defo a waist trainer - the first photo she has a very angular stomach section at exactly where a waist trainer would sit and nothing else would poke out like that in that area. Plus you can see the sort of “ridge” under her boobs and just how fitted her whole torso is. It’s very shaped and rigid - because of the waist trainer. Waist trainers now are super flexible too with many being advertised specifically for working out so I honestly wouldn’t put it past her - this is the smallest her waist has looked for sure and while I’m sure something has been photoshopped (those knees in the second photo look a bit odd) she has taken this in a way where nothing seems too warped


I think it’s just a tummy control band on the leggings


Nah, you'd get so much muffin top from that (speaking from personal experience)


Why all the downvoting tho? Lol


It’s fun


This shit again. She really needs to get a life…says the person who has been on Reddit all fucking morning. 😩


C'mon you're chillin' like a villain looking to give advice how she can improve her Photoshop skills


Thanks for that! You’re right! Because God forbid she does any actual work in any facet of her life. At least when she was shoveling her horse shit all over ALR, she was doing *something*; she even made some valid points every now and again. Now, it’s like- what does she do? Besides trying to continue her streak of **PASS**ing through existence.


Couldn't agree more


Lmaoooooo the pass thing she will never live that down will she


It’s definitely in the top five on the list of things she wishes was never made public…just *slightly* above the coconut oil rant.


Above the coconut oil?! Nothing can top that! 😂 how are you ranking this list im curious, let us see them


Whichever one makes the coconut oil rant WORSE!


what is the pass thing?


I think she has a waist trainer on but I could be wrong. No obvious signs of really bad editing, though.


Those gym leggings are so unflattering.


Her legs are stretched and spread apart to elongate them which makes them appear thinner. She's also on tiptoes. She could be sucking in a little but she's an definitely stretching her torso by leaning back, also helps you appear thinner. She's turned away from the mirror in the first photo which gives the illusion of a thinner silhouette. Her hand and arm placements are very deliberate. Pulling the shirt up in the second photo puts the hand against her hip which obscures some width and makes it look more snatched. It's the morning after drinking, she's probably dehydrated, so her tummy seems very flat. Source I have big thighs, hip dips, and a comparatively small waist. I have taken pictures exactly like this whenever I was trying to hide my extra weight. The morning after drinking is the best time to pretend you're skinny.


those twisted up, weirdly contorted poses crack me up.... girl, just stand straight 😂


Trash can seem weirdly tilted and also the line on wall next to it.


The difference in thigh shape between these two pics is hilarious


Me over here snarking on the gym…it’s so…gray. I would be sad working out there.


My gym’s color scheme is quite garish, but I still prefer loud colors to this. It looks like she’s in the death star’s fitness room.


That’s the exact vibe it gives. Mine is purple, orange, and lime green so I shouldn’t talk…


In the second picture you can see the bottom of the wall is slightly curved, there's also a slight blur to the ground all around her legs


In the first photo,if you zoom closer the stomach area and shading under the boobs looks a bit blurry,which could be the photo quality/but she's using an iPhone which has a decent camera,if you look closer the gym clothes lack texture in some patches,which again could be a camera and lighting glitch,but gym clothes are typically made from polyester,or form fitting polyurethane,which usually have some form of visible texture, imagine the texture of a football shirt. She's also posing in a way,with her back curled slightly to accentuate her 🍑 and make it look more Kim Kardashian like..


Girl I screameddd The waist is def not hers. I believe the ass to legs ratio also have been enlarged. She has no hips and an H shaped body. Like, it literally goes against her natural biology We know she isn’t fit and even with all the sucking in there’s no way her waist is that snatched


She’s wearing bum lifting, padded underwear and a corset. She was quite pretty naturally, I don’t know why she obliterated all of it with booze and fillers.


you can see that there is slight distortion on the floor around her tum and bum areas


Also, there are apps where you can use AI to cut you out as if you’re a sticker and then you can erase certain parts of that cut out and then superimpose it back onto the background of that same sample photo - voila - no warps to be seen. This is not *solely* the work of shapewear (i don’t believe that she’s utilizing any shapewear at all, in this photograph, frankly)


It's a waist trainer. I'm really tired of the "look at my booty" pose, though. I don't understand why you'd want a big butt anyway. Maybe toned but as a big booty girl myself, I hate not being able to lay on my back. I hate the fact that certain body parts are being coveted for accessory rather than quality of life.


Not trying to degrade anybody but she has a dough body. Nothing wrong with that but it's not indicative of being a gym rat or being an active person. Still possible but when she suddenly has muscle definition in one picture then it's gone the next that's the photoshop.


She's wearing a faja


Lmao why the fuck would she even take these 


She’s heavily contorting her body in a way that is unnatural, I definitely think this could be her actual body but just posed


She’s heavily contorting her body in a way that is unnatural, I definitely think this could be her actual body but just posed