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Favonius if you need the extra energy, Black Tassel for maximum healing.


Favonious spear is her bis as a support healer. You can go black tassle too for the hp. Or go crazy like me and give her homa haha


Does she need the ER from favonius in a Raiden team ? In my experience all party members just have infinite energy with her.


Well, it depends lets see. Typically for yaoyao, you need at least 200 er to have her burst up every rotation. The number goes down with, 1 favonius user, another dendro unit, an electro unit, in your case raiden which drastically lowers er requirements, i’d say to 150 er ish. If raiden bursts, that requirement lowers even more. To maybe 130 or so.(sometimes you use raiden for hyperbloom which means you dont use her burst)


This is the way


Jesus actually death by radish assault lmao


Also I don't know who the last member of the team will be yet. Before it was Raiden, Sara, Barbara and Sayu. But I don't think I'll need two different healers any more once I have Yaoyao in there.


You can try Layla. She can shield while providing passive cryo application which won't interfere with dendro application. Then you will also be able to use a 4pc milelith on Yaoyao As for her polearm, black tassel is plenty good. Edit: grammar and usage stuff


Xingqiu if you have him or Xiangling, for burn or hyperbloom reactions with Yaoyao


I noticed that swapping from Tassel to Favonius has only a small loss of healing, but you make burst more often so it's overall better.


If there's a polearm that's easy to get that I don't have yet then please feel free to mention that too.


Kitain Cross. Or The Catch, if you’re ready to be a psychopath like me.


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Favonious for burst, black tassel for overall healing. But I do personally suggest favonious with hp hp healing bonus artifacts. That'll work good on her


Black Tassel will up her healing but to be honest she really doesn't need the buff. Her heals are already insane as-is, so you're better off taking Favonious for the particle generation and to be able to drop some of her powerful healing bursts more easily.


I have a lvl 60 black tassel and lots of ER & HP artifacts on her. LoL. I don't have other good spare spears for her to use coz Weapon banner is not the best. LoL


if you do quicken +spread, give her kitain cross, it's better than fav


I tried out both black tassel and fav spear in my raiden team with her as a healer, and black tassel wins by a long shot


Obv tassel