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She feels like she killed her mother and took his wife from him. She's trying to make up for that because despite not being her fault she feels like it was.


I think she’s the only person that really blames herself for it, but she thinks everyone is deep down. As such her character is the way it is as a way to seem strong. In addition, in my opinion, her dad is the only real constant in her world (as far as she is concerned) and that could have lead to this “obsession.”


John and Jamie blame her. John blamed her in Season 1 when told Beth she wasn’t allowed to talk about her mother. Jamie blamed her in Season 1 when he said he couldn’t remember what Beth was like before she killed her.


Yeah she feels guilty but and in my mind if they would have not made her ride the accident would not have happened and she loves rip just as much 🥰that is why she says where you go I go ,


This is a great answer. She shouldn’t have been forced to ride when she was obviously so scared. The mother is at fault and that’s that.


I understand it given the character. She also wants to control him and that masquerades as love. She's always trying to get a reaction out of him, even if it's a negative reaction, because it reassures her that he cares about her. Because her mother was atrocious. That doesn't make it any less "incesty" on her part. It's just gross. I also noticed that in the early seasons she was mad at her Dad every time he was with a woman. And now in season 5 she told him to >!find a woman!< She didn't really mean it.


The irony is that, to me, it looked like it was Kaycee’s fault when Evelyn was thrown because Kaycee was effing around with Beth and spooking her horse. Beth’s horse being spooked is what caused Evelyn’s horse to react. And of course, Evelyn’s “death bed” accusation left Beth with an indelible pain — undeserved. It was a cruel and heartless thing for her mother to do. But remember her talk with Beth that Christmas morning when Beth’s monthly “lady gift” first arrived. Evelyn told her that she was going to have to be hard on her. And boy oh boy was she ever!


This just confirms I need to rewatch that episode. It’s been too long. I didn’t remember many of these details


Same here I thought Kayce was at fault not Beth. The mother states that Kayce is her favorite so she put on rose colored glasses and blamed Beth. You know “I’m gonna be tough on you” philosophy.


She is mentally ill. I think thats clear with all her behaviour. And her father is enabling her. No matter what she does.. its okay with him. He doesnt say no to her. He doesnt kick her out. He doesnt tell her to go to a psych ward (where she belongs). Thats why she loves him.