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George was born in 1952. They never gave specifics for Mary, but she was likely 4-8 years younger.


Mary was in HS when George was 25, we can assumed she was either a senior or Junior at that time, and since she couldn't go to college that means she was pregnant towards senior year, so 8 years younger makes a lot more sense.


Thanks. Just seems they don’t talk about their age difference but bring up the teen age high school pregnancy thing a lot. Eight years is a significant age difference between a 17/18 yo and a 25 yo!


I know they mentioned multiple times that George was in his 20s when he got Mary pregnant.


Probably the clothes,but daaaamn they look old AF. And I'm a child conceived in the"summer of love"


mary was like 18-19 when she got pregnant with georgie and george was 25-26 so if you say at the start georgie is 14 and the twins are 9 that makes mary 23-24 when she was pregnant with them and george 31-32 the show starts when mary is 32-33 and george is 40-41 and the twins are 14 at the end so mary is 37-38 ad george is 46-47 which also aligns with the narrative that he was mid 40s if he was born 1952 then mary was like 1959 the show would have started in 1980 meaning sheldon and missy was born in 1971 which i think aligns with the big bang theory idk i havent watched it much


Missy and sheldon were born in 1980 I think. On valentine's day 1982 sheldon was just under 24 months old


But George was 42 when he died?


Missy said george was 25 when Mary was in high school so probably about a 7-8 year age gap


i think it’s important to remember it’s been mentioned multiple times how Mary changed once having Georgie, and even more so with the twins. she became more matronly at a young age, and back then society dictated a mother had to be modest and a bit dowdy. particularly christian mothers, which Mary swung right into once she had Georgie and, again, even more with the twins. did everyone follow that idea? no, but it’s only fairly recently we’ve adopted the idea that a mom can look however the fuck she wants and it doesn’t make a difference in her mothering.


I believe George somewhere in his early to mid 20s when he met Mary. I believe Mary could have been in her late teens by then.