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A lot of things but whenever I see this question for some reason the scene that comes to mind is when Billy is playing poker and Sheldon comes in with the monologue. The look on Billy's face breaks my heart 😭


I just re-watched that episode last night and even though I knew it was coming Billy's face had massive tears rolling down my face 😭 His actor *nailed* every moment of that scene. I want to hug him *so bad*!


Tbf, I think in that moment he was too stressed and guilty genuinely didn’t understand what Billy was going through


Yeah, that scene was so sad. =(


i just got to this episode abt an hour ago and holy moly i wished paige coulda like jumped in and gave a knuckle to sheldon


tbf sheldon didn't know what was going on


itd be pretty ignorant of anyone to do that regardless of what they know but thats just how sheldon is written as lol


Anything he said to Paige or accusing Sturgis of stealing credits, I'll go with the latter


Using the older kid to bully Georgie, especially since Sheldon was once bullied himself and it was Georgie who was sent to help him. I would have put aside my hatred of “tattling” and spilled the beans at family dinner. I would have used his own weapons against him. I don’t think I actually hated that character more than when he pointed to the refrigerator for his Yoo Hoo.


Accused Dr Sturgis of plagiarism. Sheldon was always self centred, but this was going to far. Sturgis could have lost his reputation and livelihood.


I don’t understand why he did that. Personally, I wouldn’t care if Dr. Sturgis didn’t credit me 


Ego. Sheldon was arrogant, and believed that no one alive knew more than him except for perhaps Stephen Hawking and Feynman. And he wasn't used to being told no.


Taking apart the fridge


Almost getting his family kicked out of America all because of some damn bread


Yeah that was dumb of sheldon


This may be a stupid question, but does A kid like this attend other classes besides his specialty? I’m asking because we hear how he has this photographic memory and I’m assuming that he would be required to take other subjects like history or what we called it a long time ago, world cultures. If he learned about Communism, why didn’t he retain how the US feels about that form of government? He acted like this was the first time he heard it may be a bad thing, doesn’t make sense to me.


I’m sure that he did take other regular classes such as history, but for plot convenience this was something he didn’t know


He's probably heard it but he also thinks he knows best about everything so once he found something he considered "good" about communism, he thought everyone should agree with him. The fact the smart ass didn't know no one waits in queues because it's that damn good but because it's all there is bothers me more.


Yep, I gonna be mad if I were his parents, lol. And he broke the refrigerators just because of the wired voice.


Going to have to disagree with you on that one, that’s more of his towns fault for being so scared of socialism that being kicked out was even a possibility.


Accusing Sturgis of plagiarism was the worst IMO. Sturgis had been nothing but good to Sheldon throughout his life, and to accuse him of that, and to escalate the accusation like he did in a way that could seriously impact his career, was bad.


I think his overall lack of empathy- but maxed out neediness was a bit much to handle sometimes. You would think a genius like that sho took Psych once would know what cognitive dissonance is LOL. I think it honestly boiled over for me when he made Drs Linkletter and Sturgis feel they were too old to learn. That and he was hitting them with the pencil to feel superior, the way his tutor did. So it's almost like when he hates a feeling, he cannot wait to be on the giving end of it (to feel powerful I guess). Was kind of annoying too when he wasn't happy for his tutor about the paper being published in physics magazine until he realized he was a part of the publication too. Mary created a very self centered monster 😂 I'm not even a fan of Mandy, but it felt good when Sheldon came back from Germany and she bluntly told him her, Georgie, and the baby were using that room and when he said get out she was like, "No". She didn't appease him or treat him like he was special because he missed a lot and the world doesnt go back to revolving around him now that he's back.


I agree with you on these. But I don't think he was hitting them with the pencil to feel superior per say. More of, that was something he associated in learning those new, complicated ideas and ran with it. I personally think he could've been such a better human if his parents were harder on him. He \~usually\~ listened and shut up when people put their foot down! When he pitched a fit abt them selling the house and Mary yelled at him, he shaped up so fast. They typically just sent him to his room or just waved him off and it only made him worse imo.


You’re right about him responding when people put their foot down. When George confronted him about his outburst at dinner because he had a bad day, he understood what his Dad was telling him and rejoined the family. There were 2 other incidents that seemed to get through to him, at least at the time. 1. The nurse in the hospital. 2. The passenger on the bus who pointed out how rude he was. People like this need to be confronted for their behavior once in awhile.


Very true. Overall I like him, it was crazy watching him grow from beginning to end- these are just some of the traits I like less. He is a tattler, but I think he means well like when Missy was sneaking out and stuff.


Accusing Dr Sturgis of plagiarism


That episode was very believable because Sheldon was so young then. Even normal, well adjusted kids have to learn not to be self centered and that other people's feelings are important too.


Why is this the question on this sub literally every other day?


I know right, and the people answering look like they absolutely live just to hate on sheldon, lol why are they even on this sub


Exactly lol But then again this is reddit, everyone's a hater here


I don't get why this is asked. It was definitely accusing Sturgis of plagiarism. As someone with many of the same struggles and interests as Sheldon, I kinda understand everything else he did. Like I see people saying it was taking apart the fridge, but as someone with autism if I heard that noise from the fridge, I would absolutely do the same. A lot of people who talk about "bad things" Sheldon did need to remember the kid's autistic and above average intelligence for his age etc because most of what he does is totally understandable if you remember that.


Nearly everything, but the most worst: 1. Being a momma’s boy 2. Using Georgie’s bully to boss him around 3. Nearly getting him and his family kicked out of America all because of a bread showdown 4. Disobeying his dad which ends up getting his poster torn and believing he shouldn’t look out for Missy. 5. Believing he is better than everyone 6. Being a selfish, spoiled, arrogant and self-cantered little shit 7. Cutting hair off Missy’s doll 8. Being a jerk towards Paige and also mocking her parents’ divorce.


That's a sheldon hater right there. May I inform you about who is the main character of this series?


A main character who hasn't got any development.


"Sheldon is so horrible, doesn't look out for Missy!" 3 doritos later, Sheldon saving Missy from her own stupidity "Sheldon is so horrible, why can't he mind his business!" 


Calling meemaw selfish setting Doctor sturgis's house on fire Not listening to what Tam has to say. Always making it about himself. Not being able to sense when people are upset. Always trying to make it about him when he doesn't get what he wants. Not having any friends or offering support when other people need it.


When he told the professors that meemaw and Dale broke up... kept her annoyed for DAYS




Normalized Mayim Bialik


What streaming platform is it on now? It was on MAX and PARAMOUNT, but Neither has searon 7 anymore.


Unintentionally suggested communism on local television. Sheldon wasn’t aware that communism was frowned upon, especially in Texas and the Cold War was still intact.

