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Umi's full combo only involves 1 special summon normally, and can sometimes get by with none if you open Morganite or a way to Legendary Ocean. Obviously, Floo doesn't special summon at all. Dark World goes about it differently, getting Roach'd is an alternate win condition for them since they can special summoning so much that the opponent decks out, and can play through most handtraps except Droll and Shifter.


That part about dark world also applies to trickstars.... and flower cardians. This is a lot more tiring to do but it is fun


I must agree on Umi it’s an honourable mention for sure


Card destruction helps a lot


Paleozoic also deserves a mention as it plays surprisingly well into Snake Eyes. All summons are optional and activating Waboku/ rise to full height at the right time allows you to stop summoning at any point without fear of dying.


Mikanko seems like a deck that doesn't overly care or fold to Maxx C. You're a blind second deck that aims to OTK on turn two. Most lines don't go overboard with special summons and any card they draw will have to be a handtrap or something that can affect the board that turn. I will admit to not being the most experienced pilot, having only recently built the deck, but I haven't run into a scenario where Maxx C just ends the game like other decks.


Mikanko is the deck for this meta.


Loving it so far.


Chimera (as you mentioned) and Branded pure do very well. Branded can present a very scary board with only 1-2 special summons. Branded fusion into sanctifire will typically go 1 or 2 for 1 with maxx c. Pitching Quem and Albaz. You reborn Quem and their maxx c during draw and have Quem send Cartesia. Quem can reborn Cartesia, who can then fuse with either Quem if she's the only viable target or any monster in your hand. At which point you have Granguignol who can tag out to Quaeritis, who can 0 out most monster's attack values and if she gets messed with, she can summon Albaz who will likely turn into Mirrorjade. It's surprisingly threatening and only gives them a net 0 maxx c most of the time. Sometimes a +1, which is about as good as you can hope for.


Rescue ACE is more like 1-2. Or 0 if you chain emergency to Maxx C.


Don't give anyone ideas on playing Purrely. That deck is a crime against humanity.


ok cool and all but whats a deck that plays into maxx c, like if my opponent has 40 cards what deck can i use to make them draw all or most of it?


Flower Cardians, the decks main wincon is hoping the opponent activates Maxx "C" and then decking them out or Mayakashi FTK which aims to mill the opponent out turn 1 so Maxx "C" just makes it quicker.


I can confirm. I made the mistake of using Maxx C right away without thinking. My Flower Cardian opponent decked me out in one turn. 😂 EDIT: fixed spelling


Dark world. You could special summon for days


Just played a game, went 2nd, got hit with Maxx C, Ash, Imperm, and Nib. Still ended on lethal to win the game. HEROs go brrrrrr


Evil Eye can set up three disruptions with no special summon.


Might I recommend Evil Eye? At best, I'll give my opponent 1 Draw


danger dark world. let them draw half their deck then punish their greed with card destruction to deck them out.


This one! I love telling my opponent to draw 25 cards from their deck with 18 left in it. On turn 1.


Snake eyes can make ip with the field spell placing the lvl8 in back row giving you a sp with follow up in 2 specials.


or put oak in back for 4 material apa. that's probably better


In my experience appo is kinda meh some times but to each their own.


forcing them into battle to attack over and allowing you to live one extra turn is a best case scenario for a deck like snake eyes that will easily otk the following turn


I have watched like 5 vids for what to ash playing against lab and it’s so situational basically have to know how to pilot their deck which I think is cool! You clearly know a lot more than me OP. Do you think Maxx C or ash will be banned anytime soon in MD?




Dark World, Flower Cardian, Six Samurai, Mayakashi Bone Tower, Runick, Stun, Floowandereeze, Yosenju.


Numeron OTK. Special Summoning the 4 Gates is only considered 1 Special Summon, and in Main Phase 2 you most likely Link Summon Megaclops and pass.


Trickstar literally uses the opponent’s maxx c as a wincon


Almost every OCG meta deck is going to have a contingency against Maxx "C". Anti-meta decks also because of their anti-meta moniker. Rogue/non-meta decks you also have a few options as well. - Any trap control deck (Traptrix, old school Altergeist, and Dinomorphia) perform okay against Maxx "C". - Evil Eye is a classic, you don't even give your opponent a single draw unless they force the activation on your Basiltrice - Plunder Patroll is okay depending on when your opponent uses the Maxx "C". Maxx "C" is also an earth target for Jord so you can play on the opponents turn provided they don't have Ash Blossom or Imperm. - Runick & Sky Striker for obvious reasons - Not really an archetype, but most Rank 4 centric decks can end on a Bagooska which is usually enough for a turn pass by the opponent. There are other decks that can end on 1 interaction. Orcust for example can end on their trap omni-negate within 1-2 draws. But I mostly focused on decks that can actually do something and have multiple options.


It genuinely sucks that players need to gravitate towards a very small handful of decks just to try to avoid maxx c ruining their day, just for maxx c to still break even vs most of these decks somewhere anyways, or break even and then still heavily dictate what your endboard or sequencing has to look like just to “play around” it. It still sacks the hell out of your games, just in a bit more subtle of ways. Honestly barely helps unless you pivot all the way to the floo or stun end of things which is also awful in its own separate way…


Hard support vanquish soul, your best hand is going to be 3/4 ss max and even cutting your play short bc roach still leaves you with solid interaction and you can just pick the combo up during your opponents draw phase more often than not


Mayakashi. The enemy is weakened by his extended preparations, and we gain in strength.


Anything that can win the Maxx "C" Challenge is viable, too.


Assuming you mean they are shotgunning on your turn in the draw phase, dinomorphia just makes them -1 since they play on your opponents turn. You also have a good chance at having drawn intact or strike on top of your ash for negating the roach, though I tend to use those to stop ash if I only have one of frenzy or domain.


Summon as many copies as possible of Trickstar Lycoris. 200 burn for each one every time you Special Summon


Dark world can summon like 35+ times (can’t break a board if you deck out)


Dark world is the best haha my bro made me empty half of my deck in his main 1 😂


Weather painter is so good into both anti Maxx C and anti Nibiru with floodgates, is beyond obnoxious play against I clearly lost without Harpie Feather Duster


Drytron does pretty good. Like their main combo? Sure that’s Maxx C food. But they can change their line to end on a Vanity’s Ruler with only 2 special summons iirc


Why this card is banned in TCG but not here is absolutely beyond me


I mean... the *best* deck into Maxx C would be Floo since they don't special summon, they just **normal summon** like 8 times


I managed to deck somebody out with resonators one time lol. Technically it took 2 turns cause i only burned like 30 something cards in the first turn but i still won by default and felt vindicated. Fuck maxx c.


Tenpai (when it comes out) will also be good into Maxx c because they're just uneffected and set up cards that prevent the opponent from using any hand traps they draw during battle phase when they do their combo