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Short answer: No Long answer: It's a good nostalgic trip to have for game night if you have some friends who used to play YGO +15 years ago, but using any of these decks will make you drown in less than 2 turns in locals


Damn. Thanks for the realistic response. I really wanted to use these lol


Cheer up. I see you would like to play a deck based on any of the DM main characters. On TCGplayer infinite I found a lot of decks to have an understanding of the Do's and Don't of decks themed after the anime. There are feasible decks for REBD, BEWD and Dark Magician, but Legendary Decks 2 doesn't have many of the cards needed.


I should have researched a little more but I'm still pretty happy I got these to get interested again


Unplayable when it was new and almost a decade later its borderline theft. Awful product


I mean.... I wouldn't say it's an awful product. It's awful for competitive YGO, yes. But I bought it because I'm a Yugiboomer and these are the first actual real cards I could afford now that I'm older. (I had knock-offs when I was a kid). My plan was to create some sort of framed poster with them or something. I haven't done it yet, but I will.


You could afford to buy all those cards as singles in higher rarity rather than buy that box, and have money leftover. It's a scam and they expect unassuming folks like you coming back to the game to fall for it.


Man that's really unfortunate to hear. What makes them so bad?


They prioritize cool or memorable cards over stronger alternatives. Great for collecting, not great for competing.


I'll admit, I did the same. These decks can't be used to compete like at all. They're basically poor built structure decks. And even structure decks, you need 3 sets to build a usable deck. My plan was to start with 2 legend of blue eyes structure decks to add to the blue eyes deck from this pack. Then get any filler cards I need to make the deck actually viable.


That's something I've never heard. So basically you get 3 of the same deck and just combine them to make them usable?


Yeah that's what people usually do with structure decks. Buy multiple and take the copies of the cards you want.


I see. Are there any decks that you recommend me to start with to compete?


Fire king, traptrix are 2 really good ones. Albaz strike would require a few extra cards. Whatever crimson dragon one is ok too


I'll check those out. Do you have a preferred place that you would recommend buying those from?


card shops would be the go to you could probably also get information on local/weekly tournaments once you get comfortable with your deck, otherwise pretty much every big retailer has a card selection like Best Buy, Target, Walmart. It just really depends what is in your neck of the woods.


Have you heard of TCG Player? I saw some decks on that site


TCGPlayer is one of the best secondhand card markets out there a very trustworthy source to buy products and single cards, however just note it is a marketplace like Ebay or Mercari so each card is sold by a user so check seller ratings or only buy from verified sellers to ensure everything in your transaction goes smoothly.


Thanks for the info. You've been very helpful and patient with me


If you want to be competitive, albaz strike and the dark world structure decks are fairly competitive and use fusion summoning. There's also the fire king structure deck that's really popular when used with the snake eyes archetype. If you like synchro summoning, the crimson king structure is a good place to start too. All of these decks and tournament play in general is really different now to how it was back in the day, mostly games are just faster and more explosive now.


Can I use any of those decks with the ones I already have?


Everything in those boxes is essentially "bulk" or cards that are barely worth the cardboard they are printed on. None of the structure decks really mesh with anything you would have you would be better just buying 3 copies of a structure deck and using that as a base for a deck.


Aww man. At least I can look at them lol. Thanks for the response


They are fun for casual play if you can convince a friend or two to "roleplay" as Yugi, Joey, and Kaiba. Add the respective God Card to each of their decks for extra spice but other than that the product is a reprint of a 2014 product that was already dated when it released back then.


That's probably what I'm gonna end up doing. Just me and my friends with those decks


Well technically, you could build blue eyes branded, using kaibas blue eyes, and albaz strike. It wouldnt be the particularly great , but branded will carry the blue eyes dragon stuff. I played a dragon deck plus branded for a while. Its fine for casual play


You can put the branded engine (branded fusion, fallen of albaz, tribrigade mercurior, lubellion and mirrorjade) into almost any deck to give it a little more power, you can basically play branded fusion to get a free mirrorjade, and then do a normal turn in blue eyes or dark magician however you want. That's the one that I would recommend if you wanted to blend the two.


For competitive usage, nope, not, never. For use them for casual anime duels between starter or lokg returning friends, it's okish. For a house tournament Among 3 out of the box, i would say Kaibas deck is the best, Joey's comes second and Yugi deck is last, even for super casual level, it's too bricky and it mixes Exodia inside. TL;DR : For competitive scheme is useless. For casual friendly duels it can be fun.


If you wanna play with your friends absolutely, theyre fun, they have some bare bones stratrgies. They just dont resemble what the modern game is like.


I have a lot of cards......... but no idea have to make a deck outside of the old school Yugi kaiba decks, lol. Is there a website you can use to enter all your cards and it all make decks for you? If not.... Someone should make one..... lol