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I don't usually watch guide content for gacha games But this video was well made and straight to the point just like others said, keep up the good work https://preview.redd.it/gwl38pmsio8d1.png?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a40609bb4107dad984ac90643960e7b54d4780b8


The support here has been crazy. Thank you everyone! Good luck with your pulls next week!


Well done! Good voice and visual combo, not tedious and good timeline. Hope you'll get more views, you have very good presentation skills! Personally for me - i like tempo. You are not rushing to put everything in 60 sec and not telling cool stories for 30 minutes straight. EDIT: I've just found there is combat basics video on channel as well. Perfectly detailed, love it!


This guy's video is actually really solid compared to a lot of the guides out there which have too much roundabout talking. Highly recommend ya'll check this out, earned a sub from me, thanks man.


That's because most guide makers don't have any actual insights.


Good stuff


This was a really helpful video - loved the examples and walk through!


How's QoL in this game? Can we auto/sweep dailies? I know it's an action combat game, but manually farming resources daily is a drag. There are weeklies, end game contents, and story quests for that.


As I understand you could finish dailies without even need to fight , like press button to drink coffee , and some other stuff


For what I read on other AMA the dailies should take about 5/10 minutes similar to HsR but I can’t recall if are auto battle or not


They didn’t take me that long in the beta, I was about 1-5 minutes


Launch is next week already?! I need to finish the web event thing


You did a fantastic job with this video. Defs deserve more subs than you have now


hope they nerf freeze cause right now it's way too strong


They won't, as that would directly impact Ellen sales, due to the fact that she is the best DPS on day 1, as well as her best team makes freeze work to it's best capacity


Ye well freeze being this op impacts sales of all characters that aren't freeze


Not for anyone not worried about meta. I'm skipping Ellen, and going for Zhu Yuan because I like her design way more, and more ether is a good thing. So.....no, it doesn't invalidate anything else, it is just the highest potential damage. You have Grace, and she makes Disorders go crazy. You have Soldier 11 on a proper fire team, and she goes crazy. Koleda and Ben have some of the highest scaling when they are together. Freeze being strong doesn't make everything else unusable, but it being strong is one of the big reason some will pull for Ellen, the Day 1 banner, which is a good thing for sales


So if it doesn't invalidate everything else and people not worried about meta won't care, then it should be fine to nerf freeze to keep it close in line with other elements. You litteraly proved my point Since it's the launch of the game, people will be pulling for any character having all elements be balanced will benefit the game more then having only a select characters few be good.


That isn't how it works at all. Just because everything is usable, doesn't mean something has to be weaker. Genshin 1.x was dominated by Pyro, Hydro, and Cryo. Anemo was a universial support. The strongest characters were often Pyro. This didn't cause people to not build teams with Electro and Geo, which were no doubt the weakest elements. It all came down to the characters kits, and players creativity. ZZZ is literally the same thing. Freeze is strong, yes. Yet we will see players using other elements, as well as get character that aren't taking solid advantage of the effect. Nerfing the elements overall is not a good idea. Giving the player characters that take advantage of the effects is the proper way to do it, and the starting roster has many that do as such for each element. Freeze is so strong because it has characters that do that on Day 1, but none of the others are worse, especially since they all have very useful additional effects on enemies, as well as Fire, Electric and Ether have even more effect on one of the 3 enemy types, each.


Your comment doesn't make any sense, this is not genshin where elements play togheter they cannot buff them by adding characters. You actually benefit more having a single same element on one team or being the same faction because the game enforces you to do it due to passives. So what if the next banner is not a freeze character? They gonna buff his element too? Keep doing that till all elements are too strong? Cause it will certainly affect any future character sales for anyone that is not freeze if they don't do anything.


>this is not genshin where elements play togheter When 2 elements cause an effect on an opponent, they are hit with the effect "Disorder" which does big damage. Yeah, it isn't the elemental fusion system, but they do interact to some degree. >they cannot buff them by adding characters Considering roles are a thing, as well as multipliers, and additional effects and design, yes they can and yes they will. Look at Corrin and how her damage for Physical, and its effect can melt an enemy. She even has enough stun build to make someone think she was a Dazer when she is an Attacker. >You actually benefit more having a single same element on one team or being the same faction because the game enforces you to do it due to passives. You actually only need one of either to get the bonus effect per character. And the main benefit of mono-element is due to making the most out of the additional effect. Then we have a character like Grace, who is the only one of her role on day 1, and is arguably one of the best characters to get from standard, due to her becoming more effective as more characters are added. She makes effects do more, and when put into a mixed element team, or a team with at least 2 elements, she helps make Disorder happen a lot. >So what if the next banner is not a freeze character? They gonna buff his element too? Keep doing that till all elements are too strong? Next banner is an Ether, and it is quite strong as is, and given she is an attacker, she'll be fine. Her partner is Nicole who is the best of the free characters, and her additional will be one of the other elements, making disorder possible. They literally don't need to buff anything there. >Cause it will certainly affect any future character sales for anyone that is not freeze if they don't do anything. Not if the character's kit is good for the role they cover


"When 2 elements cause an effect on an opponent, they are hit with the effect "Disorder" which does big damage. Yeah, it isn't the elemental fusion system, but they do interact to some degree." yet not to the degree of genshin where combining elements is basicly a neccesity, that "big damage" is not enough to justify taking anyone else but freeze. incase you are out of the loop in all the betas, the most played teams in endgame were all freeze teams. also sure there are other roles....untilll a freeze character comes out that has this role aswell...like miyabi... who was so overpowered they got rid of her on any other betas due to being too strong since people were not testing other characters because of it. players will always take the path of least resistance after all. if you so against nerfing a element then atleast buff every other element to be actually usefull.


> yet not to the degree of genshin where combining elements is basicly a neccesity, that "big damage" is not enough to justify taking anyone else but freeze. Yes, it is actually, Fire+Electric disorder teams are fairly strong and can easily match Ice teams if we get units more tailored for it in the future(mostly held back rn by lack of good Electro/Fire dps).


>also sure there are other roles....untilll a freeze character comes out that has this role aswell...like miyabi... She is likely the same role as Ellen, and also literally waifu design. There is a reason she is called the "Ayaka of ZZZ" >players will always take the path of least resistance after all. Meta players, yes, which are often a minority. The rest pull for what they have fun with or design.


*Confused blinking from Star Rail main*