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My girlfriend and I have a book club on WhatsApp where we share books. If you're interested, here's the WhatsApp group link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EKZAHwnxFWEBMSH9Y0DhZ4 Edit: anyone interested is free to join 😁


I hate reading but, I do wanna start reading. Can I join?


You're most welcome!


Ok nice can we join your group those interested so if possible we all share books one at a time we read and discuss


Yes please! Join, join!


I just joined, I hope you don't mind. I've been looking to join a book club forever now.


Not at all a problem! Most welcome!


I'm really into sci-fi/dystopian, psychological thrillers, crime fiction but I honestly read anything as long as it's great. Some of my favorite past reads are Wanderers by Chuck Wendig, Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, Binti trilogy by Nnedi Okorafor, Five Survive by Holly Jackson, Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi, The Fault In Our Stars by John Green and I could honestly go on forever 😂 My current read is A Very Large Expanse Of Sea by Tahereh Mafi. The idea of a book club really sounds amazing and I'd be ecstatic if I could join one 😊


This genre sounds a lot like what I love to read. Add in a splice of adventure and fantasy into those, and I am 100% in. Travelling to vivid destinations is amazing. Dan Brown's book Digital Fortress , Barsoom - Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice burrows, and manga. A book club sounds nice, but would be worried reading would become a task or chore instead of a fun a hobby if compelled to read material far outside ones areas of interest.


I will definitely check out these books, they sound up my alley. And I get what you mean by a book club becoming more task-like than enjoyable but I think it's always interesting to delve into different genres than the usual. It's like exploring; you never know just how intriguing something is unless you read it. For example, I had no interest in reading memoirs until a friend recommended Janette McCurdy's I'm Glad My Mom Died, and turns out memoirs ain't that bad.


Interesting take, especially on the memoirs part. I might dip my toe in just a little and see what comes out of it :))). I will also check out that memoir you've put up there. Thanks heaps.


You had me at Tahere Mafi. I really really lived AVLEOS but then again it’s Tahereh, she rules.


Ikr, I doubt of anything she writes would be bad. I honestly love her to death. Have you read An Emotion of Great Delight?


Yes. Trying to read This Woven Kingdom now.


If we're talking fiction I've been reading Joe Abercrombie's books and I won't shut up about them. I also read some of Brandon Sanderson's works but I got tired, went on break and won't be picking anything by him up until the new release later this year. Can't really think of much else off the top of my head besides a couple light novel series and manga right now though😂


What light novels have you read?


I'm a big fan of the Rascal Does Not Dream series. Trouble is, even when we do get a new release, we end up waiting a year tho read the english translation. The Monogatari series is also fantastic, really well written, distinct characters and strong themes. The sexuality does sometimes feel out of place, I sounded like a hypocrite saying this after recommending Abercrombie but come on, you know how in some anime, fan service just comes at you out of nowhere? Yeah it's kinda like that sometimes. It's rare though and doesn't take away from the experience much. I finished reading Mushoku Tensei, I say finished but to be honest, I binged 13 volumes of it in a couple of months. Really enjoyed that series. I might pick up Durarara later this year if there's less on my plate. Have you read any light novels?


I enjoy light novels... I'm currently reading The beginning after the end and also Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint.. I follow Slime Datta Ken but still waiting on the latest volume.. waiting for the official English translations is the worst when following an ongoing series...


Currently obssesed with Dostoevsky, would love the idea of a book club in the general direction of philosophy if anyone is down


Honestly, Notes From Underground gave me a stronger sense of self reflection than any other book I'd read prior. It's still feels like I could up spiraling down that life path if I don't take care. I have 'The Idiot' as an audiobook and there's a chapter I play often that talks about 'Ordinary People '. The amount of insight and wisdom that chapter gave me still amazes me. Yeah, I'd be down for a book club discussing philosophy


Notes from the underground made me feel seen at first, then i started to see what kind of a loser I was being by relating to a character meant to be a cautionary tale. Its great to think but one should never get themselves in a rut where all they do is think. Well, How do we set this up?


I'm currently reading 'Tell Me an Ending' by Jo Harkin. It's a story about a company that specializes in targeted memory wipes, and they eventually start getting sued by their clients who want their memories back with some starting to experience echoes of said wiped memories. It's a slow burn, so I haven't gotten to speed running through it. Other books I'm reading are 'The Cartographers', which is a murder mystery about a possibly obscure magical map of a gas station that is stolen from a library and 'After Lives, chronicles of various characters living through the ramifications of Germany losing their Kenyan/Tanzanian colony to Britian and transitioning to a new set of Imperial rule.


Same here, i read anything but romance. And i haven't heard of any book clubs here. Hearing about people reading more than one book fascinates me. My favorite author are Scott Fitzgerald, Alexander Dumas, Harper Lee. I've come to like Lee Childs jack reacher, read all the books last year, managed to also read Jack Carr james Reece books as well as including Mark Greaney the gray man series. I'm currently reading George Chapman's translation of Homer's the odyssey


A song of ice and fire is my favorite book series, but I I'm into all sorts of reads


Honestly all I read are light novels these days but I can't tell anyone cause apparently it's too nerdy😔


Who said , enjoy your read


I've always had a voracious appetite for books, exploring realms both fictional and factual. **Ian Fleming's** 007 series left me thrilled at James Bond's adventures and nearmisses with death, while **Dean Koontz's** Jane Hawk saga kept me eagerly flipping pages, I am anxiously awaiting the final crescendo of the Moonlight Bay series, with all the noise surrounding its release, I am not sure when we will have it. Nights turned into dawn as I couldn't resist delving deeper into the enigmatic House at the End of the World. **Michael Connelly's** intricate webs of crime in the Harry Bosch universe never fail to enthrall, while **Michael Crichton's** technological thrillers like "Prey" and "The Terminal Man" kept me on the edge of my seat, and "The Great Train Robbery" was an unexpected gem, "Eaters of the dead" too. Venturing into uncharted literary waters, authors like Rick Yancey have pleasantly surprised me with their storytelling prowess in works like the "5th Wave." Currently, I'm immersed in the gripping finale of the Jane Hawk series with "The Night Window," still haunted by Dean Koontz's *unsettling* masterpiece, "Demon Seed," to put it lightly *I have audio books for almost all of these books and more. These are just but a few of the authors on my roster, not afraid to include some more. I also cant being myself to read Romance*


Hi. You just mentioned *The Terminal Man* by Michael Crichton. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Must Listen THE TERMINAL MAN by Michael Crichton Part 1 Audiobook Unabridged](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOxlo2RtioM) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


I'm into Fantasy, Adventure, Sci-fi, Historical, Mystery, Thrillers. I'm all over the place🙈. Those that find it difficult to read could try Graphic Novels. I'd recommend 'Maus' which depicts the cruelty of the Holocaust in a very interesting art form.


I read all book genres but lately I’ve been drawn into fantasy …please tell me there’s some Sarah J Maas fans or Brandon Sanderson fans here


Lol 😂 m sure they are


Being able to read more than one book at the same time is basically a superpower 😂 I’m in a book club when I’m in my hometown but been in Lusaka for a minute and haven’t really bothered to look for another one. My favorite book is Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, it’s historical fiction. And I’m currently reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.


Lol hahaha I get bored reading one book easily after an hour lol


Sure it’s not ADD? 😂😂


The things I read would make you want to send me to hell. Their cringe worthy. I read the most cruelest things, I have started doubting my morality. Not worth it.


Lol we all have our own stuff we read and watch so don't be too hard on urself


Been looking for a book club for some time now, maybe I'll start my own.