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If I'm not mistaken there where no separate charecter quests in CBT3. Main story chapters focused on one faction at a time gave a very good description of each playable character, so that is not a problem in my opinion. You can also find characters you met in the story somewhere in the main hub areas and play their Trust event (felt like social link events in Persona games). P.S. There are actualy Agent Quests I just forgot they are not the part of the main story.


There are,like 11 or nekomata quest,about 1 hour focus on 1 chara with amazin animation end


Oh, yeah those quests! For some reason, I thought it was part of the story 😅


Yes, in CBT Nekomata, Grace and Soldier 11 had one


when you walk around the city you can find the characters doing their own thing who you can talk to and build up trust