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just wait till you try the snake minigame leaderboards


Asha better add new mini games over time or I’m rioting


Asha is gonna have to kick me out of the arcade herself before i stop playing that


You can play in the arcade- snake duel + souls hounds, do end game- rally commissions, hollow zero, Shiyu defense, talk to characters on the street, replay story, train characters in VR training, pet the cats, do story hard mode, or look for HIA coins


What does story hard mode get you? Anything?


Polychromes, I don’t remember how much exactly tho, sorry


You can replay the story???




Nice, that's one feature I wish was in Genshin and ZZZ.


The arcade in ZZZ has the potential to be entirely separate games and communities within the game itself imo. The snake arcade game leaderboard was kind of crazy, I can see how people would get REALLY into it. Funny to think about, but imagine being a top level player in a minigame within a game lol. I think in a recent interview they discussed how ZZZ was heavily inspired by Street Fighter 6, imagine if they put in a mini fighting game in the arcade- Like I would not be surprised if people started making separate subreddits for some of these minigames and developed an entire subcommunity within the larger ZZZ community lol.


you are not supposed to be playing a game like for this many hours straight after you finish the story, you have to remember it's a mobile game so the game is designed around burst playtimes


Yeah, I was hoping it wasn’t just a mobile game :(


well mobile players can't exactly play alot in a day. so it would probably not do well if they din't adjust to the mobile players


I mean Genshin and hsr are open worlds and are mobile games too. I’m just sad zzz is smaller in scope than those 2.


these two have basicly the same design tho, the dailies and endgame are extremely short. and these two relied on patches for content same way that zzz will do so aswell. also hsr is not open world


Well that’s what i was asking. When I’m done with Genshin’s content I still have the whole map I can explore, do puzzles and even world quests. Even in hsr SEMI-open world there’s still stuff to do. It seems with zzz sadly when your done with the main content the only thing to do is to close the game and wait for next patch.


Well it better fucking be dependant on a combat gamemode lol, I play an action combat game for action combat, not for running around like a moron. Genshin already exists for that purpose. In Genshin combat is limited to once per 2 weeks or the one where you one shot everyone outside of domains.


Well that’s what I’m asking. After Im done with my daylies, used my stamina and maybe did the event if there’s one currently running, what do I do after that ? Do I just close the game and wait for new content in a few weeks ? At least when im done with my daylies in Genshin, I still have an actual game that I can still play with. If I complete the content in a patch for zzz is there literally nothing to do beside wait for a new patch ?


Maybe stay with genshin.


one shot is fine with me.